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Exercise Thread ~ April 26 - May 2


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Ashtanga Primary Series- 50 min

Mutu- 10 min


500 chatarangas, made it through the first rounds with the 5 rounds each of Sun Salutation A &B but then we started seated poses with the jump through and pick up each time, um no. Can't do the pick up and the jump through, I just started doing the jump through, I don't have the strength to do multiple ones, so I stopped those after hurting my pinky toe, best not to push it and break my toe.


Walk planned later :)

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gonna do a long set of stretches in a bit to prepare for the race this afternoon.  cant believe the weather..possible light snow showers, cloudy all day, high in the high 40s.  i know it could be much worse but i didnt want to contemplate layers.....winds are 5 to 10 so im not quite  sure what ill need by 2 pm.  hmmmm....

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Today I completed my first race!  Three miles, meeting all of my goals:  finish without walking or breaks, and have fun! But, I couldn't believe that I beat my 'treadmill time' by TWO MINUTES!  yeah!  



My 12 yr old son, Zak, and I trained together, and ran..not so together lol... but doing this with him made it so special.  


I dunno what happened to him, because at home he was running 3 miles at around 35 minutes and on race day, he finished at 25.3 minutes.   :huh:  :hurray:   My 2 very best friends (DH and another friend) and my dd14 were at the finish line cheering like crazy.  I wont lie, I cried a little at the end.  :lol:   Then DH took me to my fav microbrewery for a tiny celebration.  DS12 got homemade rootbeer and we played board games.  Today was a phenomenal day!!


Here I'm pointing to my Wonder Woman socks because.......well......that's what I am. ha!




Oh and I need to mention it was 37 degrees and occasional snow flurries for this race AND I had a completely full bladder thanks to the ONE porta potty with 25 people waiting at the starting line.  Mind over matter, baby!

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:party: Congratulations!!!!!! :party:


Today I helped dh for a bit with the garden screen walls. I walked to the grocery store about 2 miles away, then walked home carrying two bags of groceries. I still didn't walk as many steps as Laura---just 12805 right before bedtime.


552 active minutes this past week :eek:

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500 chatarangas, 

Um, wait. 500 of those suckers in one day? That a lot of freaking tricep work. In one workout?! I'm trying to imagine that. 



Yesterday was an exercise in smiling while biting my tongue and playing nice nice at my in-laws. Like when my mil said, "Oh, you look like you've put on some weight. You're fatter." Um, thanks? Yes, I have gained 5 lbs in the past year and thanks for noticing. It's all MUSCLE, baby! ;)



Today I started a 2 week FB schedule for busy people. I bought it for my dh and decided to do it too. Day 1 butt/thighs and "bonus"

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Soror--Jump through!   Wow, I want to eventually be able to do that too.  I don't know if I could suffer 500 chatarangas.  Did you do with extra push up too?   Bleh!

C&M-  Way to go!   Congratulations!   Love the socks.

MomNinja---laughing at the MIL.    If she only knew about your beat downs.



Today WO (arm modifications) stretch roll.

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candmforever- KUDOS! You rock girl!!!!!


mom-ninja- you should have told her to kiss your nice firm behind :)


luckymama- Huzzah for all those active minutes!


Lower body booty bliss or something like that yoga- legs burning- 30 min- skipped chatarangas :) and mutu finished

Walk planned, maybe kb swings if I don't feel it in my shoulders, splits and headstand practice still to do.

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Congrats on the race!!!!!




OK, I have great news! I've had a hard time working out for 3 years because my husband gets up so early for work but his schedule is changing in a month. I'm so exited. He's getting up an hour later. I can do C25K (as long as I'm home by 5:45AM), I can do P90X and be done before the kids get up. I'm so exited. I don't know what I'm going to do!


I've been waiting for this for 2 years.

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Congrats on the race!!!!!




OK, I have great news! I've had a hard time working out for 3 years because my husband gets up so early for work but his schedule is changing in a month. I'm so exited. He's getting up an hour later. I can do C25K (as long as I'm home by 5:45AM), I can do P90X and be done before the kids get up. I'm so exited. I don't know what I'm going to do!


I've been waiting for this for 2 years.


Congrats on this working out!  I know what this schedule issue is like, for sure.  Glad also you can get it all done before the kids get up.  That would be HUGE here.



Thanks to everyone who commented on my race.  I"m still so excited I did it.  :)

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OK, I have great news! I've had a hard time working out for 3 years because my husband gets up so early for work but his schedule is changing in a month. I'm so exited. He's getting up an hour later. I can do C25K (as long as I'm home by 5:45AM), I can do P90X and be done before the kids get up. I'm so exited. I don't know what I'm going to do!


I've been waiting for this for 2 years.


I'm excited for you that you'll get to work-out! Hopefully you are a morning person. I'm sure that I could never be excited to get up at 5:45am to exercise (or anything, really). :cursing:  Luckily my dh watched the dc so I could train in the evenings when our guys were younger. It worked out well, as that's when TKD classes were offered. I'm more of a night owl (or sleepless owl back in the days of babies and toddlers), so evening exercise is fine for me.

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I'm excited for you that you'll get to work-out! Hopefully you are a morning person. I'm sure that I could never be excited to get up at 5:45am to exercise (or anything, really). :cursing:  Luckily my dh watched the dc so I could train in the evenings when our guys were younger. It worked out well, as that's when TKD classes were offered. I'm more of a night owl (or sleepless owl back in the days of babies and toddlers), so evening exercise is fine for me.


I *have* been working out for 4-5 years, but not as consistently as I would have liked. My husband accidentally wakes me up at 3:30 much of the time and I'm too tired to work out, but can't fall back asleep so later I'm too tired to work out. It's annoying. He's going to start waking up at 4:30 and I can do that. If I have enough sleep I'm a total morning person. I can read my Bible, a chapter of a book, do 2 loads of laundry, prepare breakfast lunch and dinner, work out and shower before 8 as long as I'm well rested. And that's without coffee.

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Slache-Ya, for the schedule working out (<---pun), I know how much that can help.


walk this afternoon, even ran a bit, just because I wanted

30 min of Yoga class- the teacher started late and then I had to leave early but I was glad to get some time in

worked on the splits some more, hoping to conquer the front splits in a month, we'll see :)


Tried kb's but wasn't feeling it, I'll try it again tomorrow. Still have headstand practice on my list not sure if I'll hit it today.

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Candm- congrats on the race

Slache - I've been there so congrats on better waking times and de cluttering.

Soror- so glad it wasn't 500. Was feeling woefully inadequate


Sunday and Monday were just yoga. We finally (literally after 20 years) boughten a bed frame and new mattress. That meant major bedroom cleaning, de cluttering etc. which did my allergies no favors. Today elliptical and tonight is weights and yoga class.

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Soror- so glad it wasn't 500. Was feeling woefully inadequate


Sunday and Monday were just yoga. We finally (literally after 20 years) boughten a bed frame and new mattress. That meant major bedroom cleaning, de cluttering etc. which did my allergies no favors. Today elliptical and tonight is weights and yoga class.

I'll have to work on my sarcasm more, obviously I wasn't clear-


Congrats on the new bed, I bet you'll be sleeping better :)



So far today:


Practiced TGU with the shoe to get down my form, I can do this well with the shoe, didn't drop it once :) I could feel it in my body without even using weight, want to clean up my form more so will practice with shoe again before adding weight


Worked on headstand with blocks- I wish I could post the exact video, you can use the method to keep your head off the floor but I did it with my head on the floor- similar to this:


Then I practiced against the wall with no blocks, it is interesting because the blocks help with my neck alignment and make sure I'm set up right. I'll have to use this for headstand practice.


Walk planned today. Also, probably a bit of playground time, might do monkey bars, depending on how my shoulders feel. Will try kb swings today again, aiming for 100.

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Dh and I played singles tennis this afternoon. It was a great match, and he was supposed to let me win as it's my birthday. I just kept hitting crazy-bad balls, though, and ended up losing in a tie-breaker. What a weirdo I am! ;)


Happy Birthday, Wintermom!

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I went to the gym and did the second workout of C25k week 5. Then I ran into a friend and talked with her as we walked on the treadmill for an hour. Then my oldest DS came home from school and wanted to go to the gym. He had two major hip reconstruction surgeries in the last year, so I want to encourage him to continue working toward complete recovery, so I went with him and walked for another 30 minutes while he tried running for the first time - success (yay!).


It's not even 4 pm where I live and I'm almost at 18,000 steps for today.

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candmforever-Are you going to do train for a 10K now?




That's a really good question. :lol:   I am almost completely overwhelmed by the thought, but I am opened to it.  I had already downloaded the app. lol  But I do have hip issues that I am resting after this race, and I think I am solving some of them.  If I don't feel like they will flare too badly or I completely get a handle on them, then yes, that is something I want to do.   We are moving across the country mid-summer so it may not be possible till fall for me.


My brother runs those Spartan race...things... and says when we move closer to him this summer, I will be training with him for the next one.  He's crazy.  I'll be his camera woman but that's about it.  I've seen his videos of those things and I'm not interested in outright torture. LOL

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Did 3 sets of walk/run yesterday- 30 minutes total, honestly forgot about kb swings. Tonight is yoga class not sure about today might just do a walk and my swings.

Dh and I played singles tennis this afternoon. It was a great match, and he was supposed to let me win as it's my birthday. 


Happy Birthday to you!

My brother runs those Spartan race...things... and says when we move closer to him this summer, I will be training with him for the next one.  He's crazy.  I'll be his camera woman but that's about it.  I've seen his videos of those things and I'm not interested in outright torture. LOL

They have one around here and I thought it sounded really cool, that is until I saw the part about getting electrocuted, no thanks on that one.

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My little one slept in my room so I couldn't get up at my normal time. I had also promised to play a game with him as soon as he woke up. That meant I couldn't work up before he got up and I had to play when he got up and I had to workout as well. Solution to preventing little boy meltdown from mommy not keeping her promise? Did my workout while playing Battleship. Just meant a few longer breaks for me in between HIIT sessions. 


Day 3

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OK, I have great news! I've had a hard time working out for 3 years because my husband gets up so early for work but his schedule is changing in a month. I'm so exited. He's getting up an hour later. I can do C25K (as long as I'm home by 5:45AM), I can do P90X and be done before the kids get up. I'm so exited. I don't know what I'm going to do!


Oh dear.  Running at that freakish hour? 



Dh and I played singles tennis this afternoon. It was a great match, and he was supposed to let me win as it's my birthday. I just kept hitting crazy-bad balls, though, and ended up losing in a tie-breaker. What a weirdo I am! ;)


Happy Birthday!


My brother runs those Spartan race...things... and says when we move closer to him this summer, I will be training with him for the next one.  He's crazy.  I'll be his camera woman but that's about it.  I've seen his videos of those things and I'm not interested in outright torture. LOL


LOL  yeah, electrocution and the ice dunk thingy....no thanks.




Today WO stretch roll.

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Ashtanga Primary Series- 50 min

Mutu- 10 min


500 chatarangas, made it through the first rounds with the 5 rounds each of Sun Salutation A &B but then we started seated poses with the jump through and pick up each time, um no. Can't do the pick up and the jump through, I just started doing the jump through, I don't have the strength to do multiple ones, so I stopped those after hurting my pinky toe, best not to push it and break my toe.


Walk planned later :)



I know that you're not supposed to, but I use blocks.  It helps a lot.  You can also to a "3 part" jump through.  There was a tutorial on YogaGlo, and the last part really work your abs.  


It is a lot of chatarangas.  I start losing form.  I need to be good and drop to my knees when that happens, because you can injure your shoulders. 

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It's been another crazy week.  It has to ease up, right??


Sunday --went to church then came home and slept for 2.5 hrs.  I had wanted to do yoga, but I was too wiped out.


Monday-couldn't get out of bed to run. Did manage to back into someone's parked car after dropping my kids off at violin.  Bad day.  


Tuesday- 4m run.  The weather was so nice.  


Wednesday--I'm planning on a 4m run after I drop my son off for baseball.  I spent the morning getting my gallbladder tested.  This test took 90.  I had to lay there for 60 minutes, then drink something that was not pleasant and lay for another 30 minutes.  Fun times.


Tomorrow will be 90 minutes of hot yoga.  I am really looking forward to this. 

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