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Finishing Spelling through Morphographs--what next?

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My 6th grader will finish StM this year. Although it has helped his spelling *immensely,* he is not a student who can stop spelling instruction, IMO.


First, let me explain that Spelling through Morphographs has 140 lessons, and is similar to Apples &Pears in that it is for older, remedial spellers. It focuses on teaching to spell by analyzing morphemes and with simple rules which are easy to remember and can be applied to tons of words. It is not a weekly spelling list. Prior, my son did not know rules at all (was in ps). I did not want an OG spelling approach (still don't ).


With that said, although he *can* spell words such as

----promotion, completely, resumed, puzzling, detection, invention, wolves, etc.,


He still has trouble with words such as

------ together (togather), body (bodey), sugar (sugur), alcohol (achahol), earlier (errlier), obviously (oviosly), meant (ment)


I don't know what for purchase for next year. I would like something that only deals with what he doesn't know how to spell rather than a wb "weekly list" approach where he knows half of them already.


StM was teacher dependent, but not intensive because it was open and go. For next year I'd like more independence for ds, but that isn't an absolute necessity. Maybe I should go with making lists of words he spells wrong and have him practice those.


Any suggestions would be helpful.

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I really do not know the best answer to your question.  Choosing spelling curriculum has become my nemesis.  How to Teach Spelling is something you might look at.  CBD sells it.  You can do it with the text alone, or you can use a workbook.  CBD sells both.


You can also search on the board here.  8 Fill the Heart has commented on it, and her posts are very informative.





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There is no diagnosis, but I have suspected mild dyslexia since he was 4. I taught him to read myself ahead of school because I knew he wouldn't get the right approach. All my others were natural good spellers, but this one has struggled somewhat. But, when he hadn't been taught at school using any comprehensive spelling program (and any spelling ended in third grade) how can I really pin it on a problem with my son? Wrong spelling was not frowned upon, so long as they got their thoughts out on paper. For my son, that was a license to not care....that appealed to him! So, I don't know if he is dyslexic, a poor speller, not taught doe so long, OR if his problem is rushing through things (personality) is at root.


I did look at Megawords and *really* liked what I saw, but I would have no clue which book to get. You have to buy a placement booklet for $30ish dollars, and I'm not wanting to do that.


Sweet Home Alabama,

I will look into How to Teach Spelling...thanks for the suggestion!

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I would suggest Spelling Plus. It's based on the 1000 core words used in 90% of the English language. You could tailor make his spelling list from the main list. The best part of the program is the dictation sentences that are built around these core words to ensure that the words are being put into long term memory.

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