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I am starting to think someone came in our house and stole something


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My younger son's, ds2, ipod is missing. It was out of power on Saturday morning and rather than take it into his room to charge it, he left it on the living room table, planning to plug it in later. Not a big deal. He would not have used it again until bedtime for music while he went to sleep.


On that Saturday I was out of the house for about 2 hours. I walked and didn't take the car.  DS1 was in the house all day doing all his weekend homework b/c Sunday was 100% dedicated to rehearsal.  At around 1pm dh took ds2 a couple blocks away to ride his bike around a little park. DH didn't know if I had my keys so the house was unlocked. The car was in the driveway and DS1 was home doing homework in his room with his headphones on.


At 2pm DH was home with ds2 and then both boys went to the ballet school (on our street) to ballet rehearsal. I came home at 2:30.  So, there was about a one hour time when three out of four of us were not home, the house was unlocked and ds1 was upstairs for part of that time. The front door was closed but not locked.


At bedtime on Saturday ds2 starts looking for his ipod. We cannot find it. He rarely takes it out of the house, and anyway, it wasn't charged so why would he? He could have taken it bike riding or brought it to the ballet school but to what end? It wasn't charged and that would be very, very unusual for him. 


We have looked everywhere. We have pulled apart the couch, weeded through the costume boxes (shudder), stripped beds, checked pockets of coats and jackets, searched the recycling, shone flashlights behind bookshelves and under the piano. It is in a neon green protective case to make it easy to spot, lol. It is really nowhere to be found.


We don't live in the best neighborhood. I have personally caught an old guy rifling through my car at 2am. Several times dh has left the car unlocked and we have lost two GPS thingies.  Several times a year I will get someone knocking in my door for what is obviously a bogus reason and I am pretty certain they are determining who is home during the day. We have the occasional robbery in these parts. If you leave a bike unlocked for even 5 mins in front of your house it will prob be gone. Our neighbor had her bike on the back porch and someone came and grabbed it while she came home to make a sandwich. OTOH, when we first moved here, dh had his bike on the back porch unlocked for years and no one took it. I finally had to insist he stop tempting fate and lock the damn thing up because it was giving me endless anxiety. And I didn't want to deal with not having to say "I told you so" when it finally was stolen. (Yes, my DH is a bit of an airhead when it comes to these things, so now I don't keep anything of mine in the car. If he wants to lose his own stuff he is welcome to it. At some point he will lose his drums and he knows it will be his own bloody fault, but I am not his mother.)


I am starting to think the ipod was stolen off the table. It wouldn't be visible from the street, but someone could have opened the door and turned the corner and found it and walked out. DS1 would be none the wiser. Of course my laptop was sitting on the floor in the dining room, but easy to overlook if you were in a hurry.  It was among some books etc.


It was out of power so 'find my ipod' won't work. It is also passcode protected.  My guess is that if it was taken, it was ditched quickly. They prob thought it was an iphone, not an ipod, and the passcode and no power etc makes it not so handy. And ipod doesn't have a SIM card, so nothing to change out. So someone was prob disappointed with what they got. I doubt an ipod brings much money and thieves around here are looking for stuff they can sell quickly. They mostly look for game systems, games and expensive sneakers that can be sold quickly for drug money. And, obviously prescription pain killers and any weapons are like hitting the jackpot.


Against it being taken: it has not shown up as connecting to the internet. We have it in lost mode and if anyone tries to charge it where there is wireless, even for a moment, dh's and my phones would get alerted. I am keeping my 'find my iphone' app open and check it all the time. I can tell when ds1 changes classes at high school because his little phone icon moves around, lol. I am also not convinced that someone would walk into the house, using the front door, in the middle of the day, especially with the car in the driveway. That seems like a bigger risk than what is typical for around here. Usually it is the forgotten unlocked back door when the people are gone for a long weekend type stuff. There has been the occasional 'kick the door in' type break in, but that was always between people who knew each other and were settling a grudge.



I am just so sad for my little guy. The ipod is really his only special thing. He has always been so responsible with it. He uses it for so many things, all his music and audio books for one. He makes movies and texts with his grandma with it.


We haven't given up quite yet. There are a very few more places to look, but they are all longshots. We've never had anything get so well lost if that is what has happened.


Anyone have a suggestion about how to find an out of power ipod? I think we are out of luck.


I am also now regretting that we cannot get a dog. Our adopted cat has dog phobia and was surrendered to the SPCA due to her dog fear. I had to sign an agreement that I would not get a dog if I adopted this cat. I've never wanted a dog, but today I am wishing I had one, lol.  Of course, dh would have taken said dog to the park so I don't know how it would have helped.



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I'm so sorry that (might have) happened! Your poor boy, I imagine he's upset. :(


We used to live in an inner city neighborhood and I once walked into the living room to find a man WALKING INTO my house. DS was just a baby, napping upstairs, and of course that was my first irrational new-mama thought--this stranger is coming in to steal my baby! But of course he was beelining to my camera that was sitting next to the door. I've rarely been so unnerved.


In that vein I'm glad for you that no one was home if someone did come in, but ugh! It's scary and icky either way. We had our cars broken into a couple times there too, and each time I felt so violated.


I really hope it's found, somehow, in your house.

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It was a one hour window, ds was in the house, nothing else was taken or messed up, and the thief closed the door when leaving. It sounds really unlikely to me.


Although he remembers putting it on the table, perhaps he picked it up later and doesn't remember that part. Maybe it is in his room. Desk drawer? Backpack? Laundry hamper?

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It was a one hour window, ds was in the house, nothing else was taken or messed up, and the thief closed the door when leaving. It sounds really unlikely to me.


Although he remembers putting it on the table, perhaps he picked it up later and doesn't remember that part. Maybe it is in his room. Desk drawer? Backpack? Laundry hamper?


I would think this, too.  My kids have lost things and just SWORN up and down, left and right that they left it in such and such a place only to find later that they actually took said item back upstairs to their room or down in the basement or left it in the car, etc.  Someone walking in to a (seemingly) empty house and taking just that one thing seems unlikely.

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Wow, bummer. Our iPod was stolen out of our car parked in our driveway, doors unlocked. We went through the same thing - searching everywhere, retracing our steps - and finally realized that is what must have happened. People don't come into our yard/in the doors, because we have a large dog, but the driveway is apparently fair game.  Bummer, I'm sorry for your son. I know how he feels!

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It was a one hour window, ds was in the house, nothing else was taken or messed up, and the thief closed the door when leaving. It sounds really unlikely to me.


Although he remembers putting it on the table, perhaps he picked it up later and doesn't remember that part. Maybe it is in his room. Desk drawer? Backpack? Laundry hamper?


Unfortunately it doesn't sound beyond the pale to me. I have, over the years, heard from other people who have been robbed in town and it doesn't stand out. It has been a small, portable valuable thing and other valuable things were passed over. One woman had her son's game station stolen and the guy didn't take a large amount of cash (500$!) sitting on the kitchen counter.  They come in and they leave quickly. She walked into the house when he was there, didn't see him hiding in a closet while she went upstairs to change clothes. She didn't know he was there until he ran out, making noise. I can imagine someone knocking, no one answers so they try the door, walking in, grabbing what there is to grab and walking out.


This is the sort of neighborhood where you have to close and lock your downstairs windows on a summer night, because someone would eventually slide or cut a screen open and rob the downstairs while you slept upstairs.


OTOH, you do make a good point in favour of it being in the house.


But we have checked all those sort of places you have mentioned. Even felt around inside the washing machine and the drier. It was not charged so it didn't work. he had no reason to take it anywhere or do anything with it.  And, I really think I saw it there in the morning before I left. When he asked me if I had seen it, I told him it was on the table.

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Sorry that the IPod came up missing. But, do they get stolen anymore? If it was an IPhone or Ipad, I think it would be likely. But, a thief just taking an IPod? That seems like a big risk for a black market worthless item.


I totally agree. But it was in a case, and easy to mistake for an Iphone 6.  It is the newest generation ipod. His last one lasted 5 years so we got him a new one thinking it would also last at least 5 years. 


That is why I am assuming it got tossed. The thief would take it away and then get it out of its case and see what it really was and then toss it in the trash or one of the rivers around here. People are always finding their bikes and stuff near/in the rivers. Or on a front lawn in my neighborhood. Just last week our next door neighbor had an 'abandoned' bike in his front yard. He left it and it was gone three hours later. Either the person who owned it claimed it or someone else took it.

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I think it's far more likely that it ended up kicked under a piece of furniture than that someone just happened to break in when no one was home and stole that, and only that. ;) I've had library books that I swore were returned, only to find them in some bizarre place a month later.

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Sorry about it being missing.  


I have had things taken out of cars and  a neighbor had her purse taken off the entryway table in broad daylight while she was home taking a shower (video surveillance of the front porch shows the guy came up, knocked on the door, looked through the window then walked in, then you see him running away with the purse).  There was also a fellow church member who was working at his desk at home, looked up and found a total stranger staring at him quite startled.  Guy came in to rob the place (came in through an unlocked window) but my friend is hard of hearing so he didn't hear anyone knocking or ringing the bell first.  He got a punch to the face then the guy took off.  Scary.


That being said, I agree with others, there is less likelihood that someone walked inside your home, around a corner and picked up the device during that one hour window with a car parked out front, did not disturb anything else in the house, and walked away again. than that it is just lost, IMHO.  I'm glad you aren't giving up hope.  Maybe it just fell into something or behind something. BTDT.  I hope that is what happened and it turns up very, very soon.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I think it's far more likely that it ended up kicked under a piece of furniture than that someone just happened to break in when no one was home and stole that, and only that. ;) I've had library books that I swore were returned, only to find them in some bizarre place a month later.


I agree. That is why we have moved all the furniture. Not lifted it up and peeked, but physically picked it up and moved it out of it's place to see what is underneath.


My house is getting very clean.  :lol:


But, maybe I should do it again, just to double check. DH did some of it himself and I didn't see what he did.


But we actually don't have much furniture in this house, so it's easy to check. I will do that tonight.


I am appreciating all these suggestions and more logical explanations, lol. It took a lot of looking for me to get to this point, to even entertain the idea of theft. So I like your ideas much better!

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I think you should search everywhere that your ds and dh searched.  Are you the "finder" of the house?  I am at our house.  My dd and dh can swear they couldn't find something, only to have me walk in and instantly find the thing, by lifting something up or looking behind something. 


Once YOU have completed re-searching everywhere, then I might agree that it got stolen.  But first use your mom-finder ability.  It's remarkable.

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I'm also in the "search through everything to find the extremely important item dc lost" mode today.  I'm not happy about it.  FWIW, though, I've learned that my dc's memories of where they put things are not always accurate.  Lots of times something was put in a "safe place" and promptly forgotten, with the memory of where it should have been taking hold instead.  I just ask a lot of questions about where they went, and I usually find the missing item right away.  Today has been a conundrum for me.  Three long searches, but only one item found.  May you have better success in your search!

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It is unlikely that someone stole it but we have had those sorts of thefts in our neighborhood.  It is a "nice" middle class suburban area with little to no crime, but every now and then there is a rash of thefts.  A lot of people around here leave their doors unlocked, often with just the screen or storm door shut (but not locked) so people can see right in.  I've heard of laptops, phones, cameras and cash taken this way.  In many cases people were home but not in hearing of the front door - in the shower, or with headphone on, etc.


Sorry to be a bummer here but it is possible, in my experience.


I hope that is not the case here!  Hope you find it!

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I think you should search everywhere that your ds and dh searched.  Are you the "finder" of the house?  I am at our house.  My dd and dh can swear they couldn't find something, only to have me walk in and instantly find the thing, by lifting something up or looking behind something. 


Once YOU have completed re-searching everywhere, then I might agree that it got stolen.  But first use your mom-finder ability.  It's remarkable.


Yep. My money is on someone in the family having moved it and just forgotten. My DS once insisted that he had left a toy on the sofa and that someone had to have taken it. We searched everywhere. I found it a few hours later in the bathroom linen closet. He'd taken it into the bathroom with him and left it there. Unfortunately, this happens VERY frequently here.


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I'd offer my dd.  She can find anything for $2. :)


I love the library book stories!  I once swore I had returned a library book but even I couldn't find it at the library.  My librarian was so great, she just keep renewing it then one day I went to get the file for our income taxes.  Yeap, I had filled book in our filing cabinet with our income tax papers.  I felt so stupid!

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I think you should search everywhere that your ds and dh searched.  Are you the "finder" of the house?  I am at our house.  My dd and dh can swear they couldn't find something, only to have me walk in and instantly find the thing, by lifting something up or looking behind something. 


Once YOU have completed re-searching everywhere, then I might agree that it got stolen.  But first use your mom-finder ability.  It's remarkable.


DH is the finder in the house. He was suspicious of theft much sooner than I was. My mom-spidey sense is full of dread that it is not in the house any longer. But we are still looking. I moved the living room furniture and the only thing I discovered is that dh did NOT sweep underneath when he did the same thing. And we have our first spring ants. The snow isn't even fully melted and we have ants.




"Did you Man Look for it?"


That's when the looker stands in the center of the room and turns in a circle.



Hey, what's wrong with that? That is usually the first thing I do...and then I ask dh to find it, lol




Check in between and under the cushions of the couch.

That was the very first place we looked. The poor couch has been disassembled and reassembled no fewer than 8 times in the past three days. All four people in the family have taken it apart and looked under the springs etc at least twice. There is no slip cover or any pockets etc for it to get caught inside. Tonight I am going to vacuum in all the crevices because of the ants. But it will be another chance to take it apart.


I once swore up and down I had returned a library book, and when I moved we moved the whole house (manufactured home) and it was under the back stairs. 

Now that is impressive!


Wow. That's REALLY looking. :lol:


I've found books tucked inside other books before.

DH is a librarian and he is finder of all lost books. That is his main place he finds lost books. He takes out books and shakes them and usually he finds the lost ones.


It is unlikely that someone stole it but we have had those sorts of thefts in our neighborhood.  It is a "nice" middle class suburban area with little to no crime, but every now and then there is a rash of thefts.  A lot of people around here leave their doors unlocked, often with just the screen or storm door shut (but not locked) so people can see right in.  I've heard of laptops, phones, cameras and cash taken this way.  In many cases people were home but not in hearing of the front door - in the shower, or with headphone on, etc.


Sorry to be a bummer here but it is possible, in my experience.


I hope that is not the case here!  Hope you find it!


This isn't a 'nice suburban neighborhood'.  This is a city neighborhood. My exact block is considered "transitional'. It's a teensy city, but I am considered to live on the 'tough' side of town. Last year I had a knife fight in front of my house and we have woken up to our gutters being scoped by the police. When drug dealers run from police they throw their drugs and sometimes it ends up on the roofs.  But, that doesn't happen very often, and our neighborhood is actually pretty peaceful. But, it was stupid of dh not to lock the doors. I know my neighbor who has lived here much longer than I have doesn't leave her house unlocked for any amount of time.



Yep. My money is on someone in the family having moved it and just forgotten. My DS once insisted that he had left a toy on the sofa and that someone had to have taken it. We searched everywhere. I found it a few hours later in the bathroom linen closet. He'd taken it into the bathroom with him and left it there. Unfortunately, this happens VERY frequently here.


Well, we have been turning the house upside down since Saturday night. We are running out of places to look. This isn't a very big house. The thing is that I know I saw it on the table that morning. So, he isn't wrong about where it was. And since it was out of charge he had no reason to use it. So, that leaves me, dh or his brother. None of us touched it. It's not like dh or I did anything useful like clean off the table, lol.


We have one more big search tonight. We can go through the pile of winter coats and jackets near the front door. DS1 already looked inside all the boots and shoes, but no one wants to go through The Pile of Doom. But dh and I will do it this evening. It will give me an excuse to pack away the multiple winter coats and mittens etc.

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My 9yodd thought she had lost her iPod.  Actually, she had absentmindedly set it on the 4ft bookcase in the hallway outside her bedroom door.  She then proceeded to walk right by it many times a day for four days before she finally saw it.  (I know because I discovered it there the first day, but I didn't say anything because she had been spending way too much time connected to that thing.  I thought she could use a break.  Mean mom, I know).  


Those things have a way of hiding in plain sight.  I hope your little guy finds his soon.

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I lost an iPod once. I thought someone nicked at the park we visited that day. It ended up being in a rarely-used pocket in the jacket I was wearing that day. I checked the side pockets, but not the upper one. I found it three weeks later when I wore the jacket again. I hope you find it and that it is not stolen, but from the description of your neighborhood, that sounds likely.

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I understand ipod-love. Mine provides a lot of different types of entertainment for me. When I can't find mine I have to really mellow and stay calm.


Long ago, I was convinced someone had come into the house and left an odd head scarf wrap like item (a do-rag) in our foyer. Plus my diamond ring -- that I never wear b/c it scratched my kids -- disappeared. So I figured someone accidentally dropped their head piece when they grabbed my ring.


I think a lot of thiefs just grab one or two items vs. the whole house so they don't attract attention.


But, hey, the ring turned up. My kids' friends swore that the do-rag thing wasn't theirs but I think it was part of a pirate outfit at one point. :lol:


Good luck -- I like that you looked in the couch. Also look under couches and in the dog's crate. Definitely pockets and behind dressers etc.



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I hope it is just missplaced, but my police officer husband says this type of theft is common in some places. People will check for an unlocked door and look inside quickly to see if anything valuable is within reach. It is common for people to leave purses or wallets on a table near the front door. He has done many reports for purses stolen out of a house when the person was home.

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I hope it is just missplaced, but my police officer husband says this type of theft is common in some places. People will check for an unlocked door and look inside quickly to see if anything valuable is within reach. It is common for people to leave purses or wallets on a table near the front door. He has done many reports for purses stolen out of a house when the person was home.


A good friend who lives a few block away told me about five years ago that her elderly neighbor's purse was stolen. She was a nervous type and used to sleep with her purse on her night stand because she was worried it would get stolen in then night. So, someone came into her house, came into her room and stole her purse :ohmy:


And yeah, that kind of quick grab is the sort of thing I would expect around here. It's the right time of year as well.  After the long cold winter the criminals are back out in force.  Last summer was really bad. It was 100% focused on businesses, not homes, but we had an actual crime ring.


I'm still looking, but dh thinks it is pointless.

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I agree. That is why we have moved all the furniture. Not lifted it up and peeked, but physically picked it up and moved it out of it's place to see what is underneath.


My house is getting very clean.  :lol:


But, maybe I should do it again, just to double check. DH did some of it himself and I didn't see what he did.


But we actually don't have much furniture in this house, so it's easy to check. I will do that tonight.


I am appreciating all these suggestions and more logical explanations, lol. It took a lot of looking for me to get to this point, to even entertain the idea of theft. So I like your ideas much better!

Well, fwiw we lost a Kindle Fire for months, we had all checked the house, furniture, car etc pulled out every cushion and my house is not that cluttered. I just found it accidentally this weekend in the little couch, the same one we all already checked. Not sure how that is possible.

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I understand ipod-love. Mine provides a lot of different types of entertainment for me. When I can't find mine I have to really mellow and stay calm.


Long ago, I was convinced someone had come into the house and left an odd head scarf wrap like item (a do-rag) in our foyer. Plus my diamond ring -- that I never wear b/c it scratched my kids -- disappeared. So I figured someone accidentally dropped their head piece when they grabbed my ring.


I think a lot of thiefs just grab one or two items vs. the whole house so they don't attract attention.


But, hey, the ring turned up. My kids' friends swore that the do-rag thing wasn't theirs but I think it was part of a pirate outfit at one point. :lol:


Good luck -- I like that you looked in the couch. Also look under couches and in the dog's crate. Definitely pockets and behind dressers etc.





Once a friend's toddler stashed her wedding rings inside a shoebox in the bottom of her closet.  :ohmy:


Eventually he led her to them, but she was sweating it for awhile. 

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Have you done laundry since it's gone missing?


We lost the remote to our TV for over a year. After tearing the house apart, we gave up and bought a universal. We finally found it a year later in the back of the toddler's tricycle...with a lot of water. :glare: Amazingly it still worked!


We still use the universal, though, because we bought an awesome one. Lol

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Thank you.  We cleaned out the Pile Of Doom and it wasn't there. But all winter coats are now cleaned and put away, a record for me, lol.


I didn't spend the evening tearing the house apart tonight. I don't know quite what to do about it at this point.


Lesson to be learned: do NOT let your iphone/kindle/ipod etc totally drain it's battery. If the darn thing had some charge I could find it.

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I hope it turns up.


When I was in college, some other girls drove over to meet at our duplex before we all went out to dinner. It was early evening and still light out. In the few minutes they were inside chatting before we all left, someone snatched two purses and took off before anyone noticed, leaving the car door standing open. The car was parked in the driveway near the house, so they hadn't bothered to lock it, unfortunately, and someone must have been nearby and taken advantage of the situation without hesitation. It was scary that someone would do that in broad daylight on a relatively busy street. The police did find the purses in a dumpster nearby. At least the person took the cash but left the IDs.


Going into someone's home to snatch something while there is someone at home is so audacious. I'd like to believe it isn't common but it is possible that's what happened.

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Ugh. I also live in a city neighborhood and I have to agree with you that it's totally possible that someone did that. We have three times in the last few years had what I think of as "just trying" people. They open the back door and slowly come in. Then when they see or hear us they run off or pretend they have the "wrong house." I'm pretty sure it happened at least one or two other times as well. Most recently it was when the kids were basically alone in the house while I was at yoga (dh, who works nights, was asleep upstairs). Ds caught the guy. He mumbled and quickly left. I've been way more vigilant about leaving the doors locked when we're home since that one (I was always vigilant when we were out, obviously). I really think the only reason we haven't lost anything to these guys is that what with dh's schedule and working from home and us homeschooling the house is occupied at such erratic hours and so often.


I hope you find it though. And that you're wrong. The someone was in my house feeling is so creepy and violated feeling.

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I once lost my keys. The kids and I checked everywhere and I was convinced the boy child had accidentally left it in the trunk of the car. Even had the police come out and open the car. Keys were not in the trunk. We looked for three days, stuck at home. We found them on the top of a low lying bookshelf, in plain sight. The large, neon keychain that was on it had fallen off and because we all were focusing on the neon, we repeatedly overlooked the plain ole keys. Either that, or the mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. Quite embarrassing.


Good luck. I hope you find it and it is not stolen. Did you check the linen closet and the kitchen towels? Perhaps a cereal box? Kitchen cabinets?

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It's so weird how things disappear. I have these lovely, painted wine glasses from Pier one that remind me of my grandmother. I used to have eight. So slowly, they disappeared one by one until I only had one. So when they went on sale, I bought seven more. I'm now down to three. I only remember breaking three out of the 16 original glasses. I have NO idea where the others have disappeared to.


My daughter was texting her sister on her iPod touch as she was falling asleep. It was charging. The next day it had vanished off the charger. We found it three days later out in the yard under a chair. The youngest swears she didn't do it and I have no reason not to believe her. Dd has no recollection of removing the iPod from the charger and in fact went to the charger to grab it and only at that point noticed it was missing.


Sometimes I wonder if quantum mechanics is somehow involved

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Sorry that the IPod came up missing. But, do they get stolen anymore? If it was an IPhone or Ipad, I think it would be likely. But, a thief just taking an IPod? That seems like a big risk for a black market worthless item.


I'm not sure if you're thinking of the kind of iPod people have nowadays. It's like a phone but without a plan. It's very expensive. Like a small iPad.

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We had an iPod touch go missing in our house for a year and a half...we found it behind the books on one of our homeschool bookshelves. I'd have sworn someone stole it. I wouldn't be so quick to think someone came into your house and only took the iPod.

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I'm not sure if you're thinking of the kind of iPod people have nowadays. It's like a phone but without a plan. It's very expensive. Like a small iPad.


There really isn't a whole lot of demand outside the preteen age group. Older than that generally have an iPhone or an iPad mini...

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I vote for missing not stolen. We had an iPod go missing. I was sure it was left on a counter. We spent days looking for it all over the house. We figured it got knocked into the recycling bin or it was stolen by a workman. A year and a half later I was looking for something in the garage and opened a box. Inside was one of my 4 year old son's little backpack that I hadn't seen in a long time. I looked inside and remembered it was where I kept a change of clothes, an extra diaper, and wipes for the car from when he was 2. Then I saw something bright orange. It was the iPod! I must have taken out the backpack when I cleaned my car before going to the car wash or hauling something. Either DH, the kids, or I must have tossed the iPod in the backpack and left the backpack in the garage.

A similar thing just happened with my son's little league baseball cap. We looked all over the house for it. I took off every sofa cushion, stripped the beds in case it got caught up in the sheets, looked in every drawer, etc. I even took my son back to a college baseball stadium and had him look under the bleachers because we had gone to a game there the week before. My husband went on Sunday afternoon to hit some golf balls and noticed the black baseball hat was slung over one of the clubs on his golf clubs that had a black cover so it blended in.

Keep looking!

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While it is entirely possible someone came in and took it, it is as likely that someone moved it and forgot.  I live in a very desirable part of town and we often get people going door-to-door pretending to sell something and they'll try the door, sometimes without even ringing or knocking. If that happened, I can easily see someone open the door and stick their head in, spot "any old electronic", step in, pick it up, and leave again.


That said, however, have you checked your pantry, cupboards and the fridge? We found a missing iPod in the pantry one time.

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