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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I so don't want to go to the gym this morning with Dh. It's raining. I'm sore from yesterday's training (so many push-ups and planks!) and tired from all the soil shoveling. But I really don't have a good excuse, so off I will go!



--gym, bah

--school w dd: math, chem, APHG practice test

--daily things

--Friday-specific tasks

--paperwork I didn't do yesterday

--haircut :)

--volunteer for plant sale in 2 weeks?

--dd ballet 6:30

--finish book :D

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Good Morning...



  • stay focused on my weight loss goals
  • laundry
  • clean house quickly --aka quick clean
  • go buy some plants and fix our screen in porch --go to home depot
  • put together furniture and place that arrives today
  • cook something yummy for dinner

Have a great day everyone!


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Both kids are home from school today.  I slept in until about 9am too.  I think the house is going to be a disaster by the end of today, so I should probably hide upstairs and focus on work, work, work.  :P


I did perform an important motherly duty today.  I caught a centipede and banished it to the outside.  Can't tell you what this has done to my confidence level as a mom.  ;)


Today's list:

  • Call the kids in sick.  [better late than never]
  • Give the kids their list of work.  [done]
  • Work until ?? - depend on how the kids feel in the afternoon.
  • Work breaks for:
    • a little exercise
    • a little reading
    • a little housework
    • checking in with the kids
    • whatever else I can squeeze in
  • Kids say they want to go to gymnastics or swim.  We'll see how everyone feels.  Otherwise I'll keep working until dinner.
  • Dinner out.
  • Watch Kung Fu with the girls.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work until midnight.
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Hi all. I slept in (heavenly) and woke up realizing that I had to drive ds3 to a birthday party. 40 minutes there and back over lunch, so yup, the day is shot.


I have done nothing except watch the live stream of the meet in AZ. Dd1 is doing well, placing higher than expected. 


Now, I have a couple hours until I leave with ds2 for aikido.


Pretty sure, I will get nothing done. Maybe, eat some lunch....


Have a great day!

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I'm glad someone ( or everyone) is having day like mine! Makes me feels less slothful. :)


I got up - check


Kiddos tired from a late night and didn't sleep in. So there's General unhappiness here.


I did actually make a cake for a bereaved family in our church. I didn't actually deliver it though. I took it to my grandmother and she delivered for me along with her food.


Fed my kids. Just once so far. They did eat veggies for lunch. I just didn't have to do anything to facilitate that.


Some school did happen. Reading and math. That the most important right?


I have to do some work related things tonight. But I'll wait until DH is home to help.


I think I'll go clean the kitchen. My list is pitiful today.

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