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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I finished sorting (tossing, keeping, and filling a box to give away) the plastics.

Will be doing the pile of towels and sheets next.

Working on some lesson plans for 2015-2016.


Laundry -- Whites & Towels (wash/hang); Darks (touch up in dryer & fold).


Boys' Room -- There goes my evening.

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Good Morning....


I have Sophia Grace today and this morning we have been playing with my button collection.   :D


Today was weigh in day...this week I've lost 6.8 lbs and I'm very happy with my results.  Only 18 pounds to go by summer. :party:


  1. quick tidy of the house
  2. take ds to DMV for learners permit
  3. shopping for food
  4. shopping with Sophia for some new clothes
  5. figure out something easy for dinner

Have a great day everyone! 


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Busy day of shoveling ahead! I'm getting a load of topsoil-mushroom soil mix (the compost that mushrooms are grown on---we live near the mushroom capital of the US :lol: ) delivered in a few hours.


--school w dd: chem, math, history, APHG

--daily things

--Wednesday-specific tasks

--some paperwork

--RSVP for a bday party

--dd ballet 6-8

--stretch shoulder and bicep 3x


--fill planters on the deck w soil mix

--plant baby herbs and pansies in the planters


--fill as many raised beds (the ones dh built last fall) as possible


Have a great day :party:

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My youngest (Miss Pukey) is home today.  She wants to sit in my room while I work, but I am not letting her.  Mean mom!


The list:

  • Get kids up & ready for the day.  [done]
  • Get one kid out to school.  [done]
  • Take out the garbage.  [done]
  • Give the sick kid her list of work for today.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work until 4:45.
  • Take work breaks for:
    • a little exercise
    • a little reading
    • a little housework
    • sign up for the kids camps that have April sign-ups
    • see who will do the kids' Flat Stanleys
    • keeping Miss Pukey comfy
    • check in with other kid re homework
  • Kids' swim team.  I hope Miss Pukey is ok by then, otherwise I have to decide what to do with her.  I hope to be able to walk, but may only be able to work....
  • Dinner.
  • Read-aloud.
  • Finish kids' work.
  • Prepare kids' clothes and bags for Thursday.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work until midnight.
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Good morning all!

Congrats on finishing the taxes, Jean!

SKL, it is not mean to keep a sick kid out of your room! Very sensible.


Fourth day in a row of April showers here. Cloudy and rainy all day. I hope it helps my garden off to a good start!


Schoolwork here is down the core. Math, writing and Latin. A little history or science around the edges when we have time.

The end is in sight!


Wednesday is our short day.


Houshold chores, mostly done.


Go pick up fresh milk.

Finish up schoolwork.

Walk the dog.

Lunch and RA


Leave for dance. Think of something for Ds to do during dance.

Review my lesson for church tonight.

Help Ds clean up his room, at least make a start.


Evening at church. Choir, dinner, class.

Review tomorrrow's schoolwork.

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Good morning!Tammy, Way To Go!!! Jean, I sure hope dh is finished with taxes.....glad you got everything worked out! Because dd1 is gone, I had to get up so so early to take dd2 to practice. So now I am back and ready for a nap. But, the day is really just beginning.


To do:

school for all



chores for all

grocery list

make some quiche (re-heat when we get home late tonight)

school administration stuff 


PM practice/aikido

grocery store during practice


Have a great day, everyone!


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Good morning! I remembered to get dh to sign the state taxes, so I'll be mailing those off today, too. 





fed cats

dh took care of himself this morning

graded some schoolwork from yesterday

made a portrait appt (getting pictures of dd with the senior drape)


To Do:



more laundry




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Good morning

- check bank- done

- pay bills- all online ones done

- tidy house- round 1 done and vacuumed

- laundry- in dryer

- put away folded laundry and mate socks

- dishes- done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- deliver GS candy orders, get $, pay a bill, library, a few things from $ store- done

- transfer $- done

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- practice dd1's spelling words- done

- bedtime routine- done

- call my mom re candy order and make sure she can watch dd2 for me tomorrow- done

- call college daycare- done though did find out they are closing in two weeks so I will need to find something else when I start on campus classes

- prepare for orientation and Compass test tomorrow- got the TI 84 calculator from my youngest brother today so now I get to figure out how to use it :/

- read

- anything else I manage to get done- scrubbed toilet, made budget for up coming months (assuming our refund is still delayed)

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doing school now.  And laundry.  


I need to finish gathering camping gear for the AHG camping trip this weekend.  

Need to get to the grocery store for food and household supplies tonight or tomorrow.  

Need to go grocery shopping for our part of the food...might push this off until Fri morning


DS has tooth extraction tomorrow...so I need to figure out food for him??


honestly, I have a lot to do but don't have a great list going yet. 

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I assigned dd an assignment that I thought would keep her busy all morning while I figured out the tax snafu.  She needed me to walk her through it every step of the way.   :banghead:


Now I've done my part on the taxes (ie. all the work)  but dh is dragging his feet because he wants to do other stuff before checking it out and signing.  I'm trying not to be massively irritated because I just want all of this done.  


I did get the kitchen mostly clean.

and I folded one load of laundry.  

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Didn't get enough work done today, but got some done.  Miss Pukey was being Miss Chatty whenever she got a chance.


Now Miss Pukey (who did not puke today) says she does not think she can go swimming.  She suggests she should do her make-up work at a table at the rec center.  I could probably still do my walking, although I might feel a little mean doing it under the circumstances.

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Ds is done with the dentist.

I've scheduled my stress echocardiogram.

I've sent off the taxes.  The post office was a ZOO!

We went to the grocery store and got stuff for ds' favorite carne asada.  He has that marinating.  I'm mostly done cleaning the grill.


I need to get dh to give me my shots.  I really don't want to but oh well.  

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The newest work email frustration:  now suddenly I am getting hundreds and hundreds of junk mails in my inbox.  Seriously.  Where did this come from?  A week ago the spam filter was eating most of my client emails, and now this.


As for Miss Pukey, she was almost fine a few hours ago.  Now she is looking sicker than ever.  Ugh.  I gave her some Advil so she could sleep comfortably.  I hope she is OK tomorrow.  We have piano and scouts in the afternoon, and we missed the last meeting (3 weeks ago) thanks to my work deadline insanity.  I hate to miss again, and yet I hate to expose all those kids to a bug....

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