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If you used Foerster's for Algebra, what did you use for pre-algebra?

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My daughter used Galore Park book 2&3. We also did some Keys to Algebra and Zaccarro and other pre-algebra type supplements. The first 4 chapters were complete review, the rest was a good challenge. She's on the last chapter now and has only occasionally struggled, so I think she was very well prepared.

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Before Foerster Algebra I, DS did all of the old Math Mammoth 6A and parts of Math Mammoth 6B (Math Mammoth has since been revised to include a new "pre-algebra" level 7, which contains topics that used to be in level 6), and then he used parts of Derek Owens pre-algebra to reinforce/review and gain practice working with a video lecture/notetaking format. I wasn't in a hurry for him to start Foerster Alg I (because I don't want to get to geometry before 9th grade), so we took plenty of time to do a review of middle school math through word problems and then pre-algebra. Like a PP, the first 4 chapters of Foerster Alg I were also pre-algebra review, with extra application through some really good word problems. It's worked out well so far and I'm glad we took the path that we did.

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Did you do MUS pre-algebra or just go directly to the algebra? Thank you!


No. They have all gone from Horizons 6 to MUS alg and geo (I own the old combo books and they go through both books on one yr. Later the alg and geo from student text and student workbook were separated out and combined into just alg and just geo.). I use that alg and geo as pre-alg and pre- geo. They go from that to Foersters. A lot before chpt 6 is review, but we go through it all again anyway. Alg is the foundation for all upper level math and science, so the review doesn't bother me.

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