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Just when you think it's all figured out

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Since this is clearly NOT a case of "senioritis", but a legitimate illness, I would think the counselor could send a letter explaining the change in transcript.  We had a similar issue with our current college freshman ...  During their senior year, we were dealing with a serious depressive episode, emergency room visit, intensive outpatient program, and ongoing therapy.  This kid got majorly behind in AP Latin so we ended up dropping that class.  Our literature small co-op disbanded unexpectedly partially due to a misunderstanding about why my kid could not make it to several meetings.  We were left scrambling to make up an English credit knowing that this kid needed outside accountability due to the mental health issues - so we had to do a lit class at our local LAC instead.  Anyway, when I sent in the mid-year report, which reflected the change in planned coursework, I explained that a major health issue necessitated these changes.  Not one college rescinded their acceptance.  Most sent supportive notes. 


ETA:  not one made any reductions in scholarships either. 

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Chiming in late here as we just finished watching middle son dance - and had to get here first - but I wanted to add  :grouphug:  AND the experience that whenever this has happened to kids at school - legitimate illnesses - I've yet to see it be a problem with a college.  I'm really hoping your guy continues the trend.  More  :grouphug:  just for having to deal with it though.  I hope he's doing ok.

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Agreeing with the poster that mentioned a letter from the school counselor/teacher saying it was his/her idea and why. 


I'd even suggest a letter from the doctor/bill from the hospital, but that would probably be too much. 


While I feel confident that it will work out, I'm sorry there is added stress to an already stressful situation. I also hope the doctors figured out the illness and that your son is feeling much better soon.

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How did the competition go?


I hope you hear from the university Monday since that information is critical to making a decision.


He didn't place.  No one was disappointed, though, since he has been out of commission for a while.  Only one student from DS's school placed.  It is very difficult for our small, rural school to compete with the larger Chicago-land schools.  Our kids are simply excited to go be a part of the competition.


I think we heard from the university.  I'm not sure though.  I know that sounds odd but DS checked his email this morning and he had received a second acceptance dated this week.  It's the same exact letter as before but with a different date.  I assume that means everything is okay.  I think we'll still make a call to verify on Monday.

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The school is now requiring documentation from a physician for every absence.  I knew that was coming. He's missed so much in such a short period of time. 



Sorry to read the update since this post, but I wanted to add not to think too badly of the school for this.  It's something that needs to be done because too many parents use "sick" as a convenient excuse for pretty much anything.  "Spring fever" isn't awful if it's just for a day or two, but when parents do it too many times, it definitely causes issues.  When a youngster is truly sick, it's a formality and one that has to be done just because we can't treat kids differently even if we know situations are different.


Our school has kids with medical issues of all sorts and the admin is quite understanding.  We've done fundraisers for many too if their families needed it.  I hope your school helps you feel they're on your team rather than the opposition.   :grouphug:

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Sorry to read the update since this post, but I wanted to add not to think too badly of the school for this.  It's something that needs to be done because too many parents use "sick" as a convenient excuse for pretty much anything.  "Spring fever" isn't awful if it's just for a day or two, but when parents do it too many times, it definitely causes issues.  When a youngster is truly sick, it's a formality and one that has to be done just because we can't treat kids differently even if we know situations are different.


Our school has kids with medical issues of all sorts and the admin is quite understanding.  We've done fundraisers for many too if their families needed it.  I hope your school helps you feel they're on your team rather than the opposition.   :grouphug:

And not only that, but it works in your favor because state laws generally require that the school MUST work with your student, and if this continues, that would include home bound teacher that comes to your house to tutor him and help him get caught up all of which would not be available based on your word alone. Do not be afraid to ask for a home bound teacher. Your taxes have paid for this service.


:grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug: Hoping and praying he improves dramatically very, very soon. 

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I'm so sorry this has been such a hard time for all of you. Channeling lots of healing vibes and sending them your way hoping he beats this thing and feels better soon and that life falls back into routine again. :grouphug:

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I'm sorry y'all are having such a rough time. It sounds awful. 


Forgive me if I've missed this - have they done blood work? If they haven't, I would insist on it, preferably with an anca panel included. If they have, and it's been a few months, I'd want it repeated. 


Way too many doctors are happy to "treat 'em and street 'em" without looking for a true underlying cause. It's somewhat understandable, because patients may be going to different doctors and coming in for different reasons. Even with the paperwork in their hand, they see so many people that, even with good intentions, they miss things - like maybe we really need to be looking a lot deeper for root causes here, and not assuming again and again that it's an ordinary, recurring sinus infection that is also causing all the other problems. 


You really do have to get loud and insistent sometimes. 


I hope they figure it out quickly, for good this time. 

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Back home.  He's sleeping.  The toddler is sleeping.  I am just plain tuckered out.


I am making an easy dinner and then plan on grading papers and getting the rest of the semester planned out.


I would rather go crawl in bed with my son and just hold him for a while.  :crying:  Like I did when he was little.


Sorry you all are struggling so. 


Re the bolded

"I'll love you forever.

I'll like you for always.

As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be." 



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