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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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The board seems to go down every night just when I'm going to post the next day's tackle thread.  It's a conspiracy!


clean kitchen

laundry laundry laundry laundry laundry laundry laundry laundry laundry laundry laundry laundry

take ds to work


stay on meal plan

get things together for dd's testing

work some more on the dreaded taxes

plan tomorrow's food choices with ds and make sure we have the ingredients.


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get up early and milk cow.


 gave twins breakfast on the verandah ( a special treat, at least they thought so) while I did all the rest of the family's chores that are within eyesight of the verandah


try to fix washing machine -  find that a screwdriver doesn't fit. ring ds21 for instructions on what tool to look for in the shed. Find out ds21 has a bad cold and cannot speak on the phone. Ring ds19 and he gives me detailed description "it is the tool that has a long blue handle and lots of little bits of metal that attach to the end" :confused1: . I could not find anything by that description at all and give up .


spend lots of time working with twins.


tidy up the whole Verandah and sweep outside of house getting rid of lots of cobwebs.


cook corned beef for tea


 ds 17 knew exactly the tool needed and fixed the washing machine when he came home from work  :hurray:


now mentally preparing myself for the 3 hour drive in each direction to take twin 2 to a developmental optometrist tomorrow. Have I ever mentioned that I hate driving? and I usually don't drive more than an hour cause I find it so tiring? and tomorrow is the end of a 4 day public holiday smack bang in the school holidays with lots  of traffic. :auto:



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:seeya: Good Morning....hope you all had a wonderful Easter!


To accomplish:

  • give the house a quick vacuum and tidy 
  • mop the main hardwood floors
  • wash towels and replace
  • cook cornbread to go with pinto beans and ham 
  • make sure my little art room is ready for dd to do her newborn photo shoot 
  • go for a walk with Ella Bella and Sophia Grace 
  • read and get to bed early 

Hope everyone has a great day! 

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It's going to be gorgeous today :)



--exercise: walk to/from gym session w trainer

--school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG

--daily things

--Monday-specific tasks

--plan meals for week

--order ds's cap and gown for graduation :eek:

--register dd for June SAT subject test

--check seed selection at local garden supply store

--order seeds as needed

--finish library book :D

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Morning all! I think i Have a candy related hang over!


- funeral service for my unborn nephew

- reception at parent's house for a bit

- hang out with good friend this afternoon while kids play with her kids

- grocery store trip real quick to pick upsome chickens that are at rock bottom price

- continue cleaning downstairs

- help kids pack for Alabama trip!

- laundry washed, folded, away!

- clean out van

- rearrange car seats for trip

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Good morning- dd1 is on spring break this week

- dishes

- tidy house- done

- put away folded clothes- done

- library (Pioneer Girl came in :D)- will do tomorrow

- read

- dinner

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I manage to get done- took a much needed nap with dd2

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Good Morning!

I don't want to go back to school! I don't, I don't I don't!


But, since I have to.....

** school

** laundry

** dd piano lessons

** allergy shots

** therapist (we would appreciate prayers, from those who pray, for this, we are starting counseling with DS for a multitude of issues, some serious)

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Good morning everyone!

It's raw and chilly with rain coming in here, so I got the wood stove going.

all morning chores are done

already ran laundry, just need to put it away


school with youngest then off to Job Lot for supplies to start some seedlings

empty dishwasher

Oldest had a rough night so I am going to let her sleep an extra hour before getting her up for todays iv meds.

no clue what to do about dinner, maybe a ham and potato casserole?


KrissiK, hope all goes well and you get the help you need.

hjffkj, :grouphug: :grouphug:


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Kris I and hjffkj, many prayers for you today.

We have a regular day. It is beautiful out, so some school will be done outside!


To do:

Clean bathrooms



School for all

Extra stuff with teens

School administration

Get things ready for ds2's trip this weekend

Recruiting stuff

Sports administration

PM practice

Grocery store/bank when kids are at practice


Have a great day!

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Happy Monday!  The kids are off school this week, but I signed them up for theater camp from 9am to 3pm.  But I'm supposed to be there at 2:30pm each day to watch whatever play they have worked on.  That makes for a short work day.


I took most of the weekend off from "work" work.  Now I think I am motivated to get back to it with a bang ....


Today's list:

  • Forms etc. for theater camp.  [done]
  • Get the kids up & ready for theater camp, including breakfast & lunches.   [done]
  • Drop kids off at camp.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Scrub stove - cooked on goop around burners.  [done for now]
  • Get caught up on emails.  [done]
  • Work until 4.45pm.  [done]
  • Take work breaks for:
    • laundry (all)  [done]
    • a little reading  [done]
    • a little exercise  [done]
    • a little housework  [done]
    • pick kids up from camp  [done]
    • give kids some school work to do  [done]
  • Kids to swim team.  [done]
  • Kids to soccer practice.  [done]
  • Dinner, read-aloud.  [went to Panera, therefore no read-aloud, though the kids did read some poetry aloud.]
  • Kids practice piano.  [done]
  • Put together kids' bookcase?  [nope]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work until midnight.
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Human care done

Pet care done 

kitchen is all sparkly clean

dd has done vocab

talked to IL's assisted living facility

talked to my mom

got things together for the library

took ds to work - he made his own way back

ds and I had our food plan breakfast


Next:  lunch/dinner on the food plan.  Dinner needs to be prepped now so that dh can eat it before work.  

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We started packing for the trip but aren't done. I'm beat so I'm heading to bed. My wonderful dh is going to be doing the laundry while he plays videogames tonight so I can go to bed without feeling like I'm piling more onto my already busy schedule tomorrow. So I'll fold and put them away in the morning

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Both kids had fun at theater camp, so that was a win.  :)  You never know with Miss E because she gets stage fright.


I did some walking while the kids were at the rec center, so that was nice.  Usually I feel guilted into trying to work while they are there, and I can't really concentrate much anyway unless I have a work emergency.  I hope to change that going forward.  I felt almost proud of myself for doing something healthy for a change.


Now to get some work accomplished to balance it out.

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Did some laundry but not enough.

Did all meals.  

Not positive on all the meals for tomorrow.  But I know what we're having for breakfast and have an idea of what we're having for lunch.

Just realized that dd is testing tomorrow.  Ack!

Have gone through all  the mail and sorted the bills.


Now I need to pay the bills, which has it's own stress.   - PAID

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