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I think the point for some is they have concerns but the person they're suppposed to talk to is the stake president and he really can't do anything to change some things and there's no one else we're supposed to talk to.


I'm definitely a member in good standing but as my family has lived in many different places around the world, we've run into unique challenges and concerns that our stake presidents have been unable to deal with, or we've had no local leaders at all. I sustain our leaders, but the rule about always going to your stake president doesn't work for everyone.


Elder Cook is often one of my favorites and today is no exception.

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My youngest son turned 12 last week, so my four boys are going to priesthood tonight with DH and his dad. I'm trying to figure out what LDS moms of boys do when they are all old enough to go!

Have a ladies night! Or take a bath and read a book! Or watch a chick flick! (Can you tell I don't get a lot of time to myself? Mine are still little. :))

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I only saw the morning session. Love love loved Elder Eyring's talk. It provided some clarity on something I've been pondering on for a while. Also Elder Oaks talk, and especially the part about the idea that prosperity is linked to righteousness is false doctrine. It needed to be said.

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President Eyring's talk was my favorite of the day.  (Also liked Elder Anderson's.)  President Eyring's talk at the Women's session last week was great, too, and go well together.


Sent my oldest child and only son off to Priesthood session this evening.  His first, as he missed last October by just a few weeks.  I'm grateful he wanted to go, and grateful for the good man from our ward who volunteered to take him at the last minute.


President Monson is speaking at the Priesthood session right now.


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My youngest son turned 12 last week, so my four boys are going to priesthood tonight with DH and his dad. I'm trying to figure out what LDS moms of boys do when they are all old enough to go!


My mom would always take us girls to get ice cream.  I've continued that with my kids.  I have a daughter, but by the time my youngest is 12, she'll be 20 so then it'll just be me at home.  I may keep right on going out for ice cream!


Tonight, though, my husband skipped going to the PH session to take me out to dinner for my birthday.  I was so proud of my 13 year old, though.  He put on his suit and walked on over to church to have dinner with the other brethren and stayed to watch the session.  He's such a good boy.

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I'm looking forward to hearing the talks at some point when my children are asleep and I can listen without the kids' noise and their constant distractions. I would like them to be in the room... but let's be honest, even when they are doing their little packets, they still aren't that quiet.

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During the morning session, my little 6 year old, who never stops moving and you are never sure if he is paying a bit of attention to anything, sat very still just staring at the TV for quite some time.  Then he looked over at me and said, "I think I know those nice men.  I think they are Jesus's disciples."  I told him they sure are.  He smiled really big and said, "Am I right?"  I said, "Yes, you are totally right."  Then he went over to his big sister and cuddled up to her and she asked him how he knew that and he replied, "They have spiritual light.  I think Jesus gave it to them."


I'm still just amazed at him saying all that.  He really does listen more than we think he does.  And he really felt the spirit today and it whispered to him just who those general authorities are.  Very deep thoughts from a 6 year old little boy.

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We have a houseful of boys this week, but a lot of those boys don't speak Spanish so they stayed home and we all watched online. We often couldn't watch it before they started putting it online so I'm glad they do now. It was very pleasant to all watch together.


I grew up with sisters so Prieshhood session night wasn't a big deal for us. My dad just went to another meeting. I wonder if he ever felt lonely.

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I had priesthood session on while I was cleaning up after dinner, I am so glad I heard President Uchtdorf's talk. It was just what I needed to hear today. I'm glad they're broadcasting priesthood session now, I never did get around to reading or listening to the talks after conference when they weren't broadcast. DH still likes to go to the Stake Center to watch, but now we can at least talk about it together when he gets home. :)

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Elder Cook is often one of my favorites and today is no exception.


he made a comment (his talk was great) - that sounded almost in passing really resonated with me - and something that has bugged me because of my background experiences.


I can't remember the whole quote accurately, and the audio isn't up yet - as I said, it was an "in passing" quote.


  . . .importance that your chidlren feel loved and safe in their own home.


(I'm a convert) because I didn't feel loved, or safe in my home growing up - that really was the most important thing to me as my children were growing up. above all - I wanted my kids to feel loved and important for who they were and they never had to compete with a sibling for my love.  as the mother of adult kids, I have reflected back on what I see were my mistakes, and wondered if I short-changed my kids by having that as my primary focus. (oh - I could have done __ and that would have been better.)

his words were very reassuring.

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My youngest son turned 12 last week, so my four boys are going to priesthood tonight with DH and his dad. I'm trying to figure out what LDS moms of boys do when they are all old enough to go!


I started over . . . . .


I have 12 1/2 years between 2ds and 3ds.  (and no one inbetween.)

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I liked where Elder Cook was talking about unity in wards and the importance of people using and hearing their native language. I wish it were possible to not have language-designated wards, but it's so isolating to not be able to communicate with people. And lots of members still have to use a second language at church which works, but still isn't the same.

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I liked where Elder Cook was talking about unity in wards and the importance of people using and hearing their native language. I wish it were possible to not have language-designated wards, but it's so isolating to not be able to communicate with people. And lots of members still have to use a second language at church which works, but still isn't the same.


we had an elderly chinese man in our ward. (we had been different wards/same building.  boundaries changed and we were same ward.)  I passed him often when we were in different wards, and there was always this dignity about him.  his english was very limited, but he was always at church - in a regular ward, every single week.  after we were in the same ward, I learned more about him.  I'm sorry there was a language barrier, and that I didn't get to know him better (we were in different wards).  that dignity I saw was truly a reflection of who he was - the magnificent light within him shined through the language barrier.

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We have a Spanish ward in our stake, but they really only want people to go there if they really don't know English.  We have some native Spanish-speakers in our ward who struggle a bit with English (but their kids prefer English to Spanish).

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We've been surprised at how reluctant the church is to create English wards in Latin America. Except for Mexico City, there are none even though there are some wards with more English speakers than Spanish or Portuguese speakers in some places. I know language wards can create a lot of tricky situations but still. So I was glad Elder Cook spoke so positively about languages.


I'd definitely go to the ward where my children are most comfortable. I'd give anything right now for my children to understand what's going on at church.

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We've been surprised at how reluctant the church is to create English wards in Latin America. Except for Mexico City, there are none even though there are some wards with more English speakers than Spanish or Portuguese speakers in some places. I know language wards can create a lot of tricky situations but still. So I was glad Elder Cook spoke so positively about languages.


I'd definitely go to the ward where my children are most comfortable. I'd give anything right now for my children to understand what's going on at church.


That must be so hard! I'm sorry that they don't have an English speaking ward for you...


Our stake has a Spanish speaking ward and a Samoan ward. In the last year, we've had 3 families move into our ward from the Spanish ward because their kids don't know Spanish, or not very well. It is hard for the parents, but they have enough English to get along. The Samoan ward meets in the same building as ours, and it seems more cultural than language, if that makes sense. They do their sacrament meeting in Samoan, and they sing in RS in Samoan, but all other lessons are in English, and most times during sacrament the youth are just hanging out in the foyer because they don't speak Samoan. But it's a big ward and has very active members.

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President Monson looks old and maybe tired, but his voice is still the same and strong :)


I have a friend who lived in Thailand for many years (they are American - they were there for her husband's work).  She posted on FB that she was crying happy tears over the announcement of a new temple in Bangkok.

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During the morning session, my little 6 year old, who never stops moving and you are never sure if he is paying a bit of attention to anything, sat very still just staring at the TV for quite some time. Then he looked over at me and said, "I think I know those nice men. I think they are Jesus's disciples." I told him they sure are. He smiled really big and said, "Am I right?" I said, "Yes, you are totally right." Then he went over to his big sister and cuddled up to her and she asked him how he knew that and he replied, "They have spiritual light. I think Jesus gave it to them."


I'm still just amazed at him saying all that. He really does listen more than we think he does. And he really felt the spirit today and it whispered to him just who those general authorities are. Very deep thoughts from a 6 year old little boy.

That is so sweet! I love seeing how our children feel the Spirit at an early age. It reminds me of the time that I was tucking my, then 5 year old, DS into bed after having the missionaries over for dinner. He looked at me and said, "Mom, doesn't it just make you feel good when the missionaries are here?" Brought tears to my eyes and reconfirmed my goal to have the missionaries over at least once per month!
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Elder Uchtdorf...best explanation of grace and obedience I have ever heard.


And if I look half as good as he does at 75, I will be happy dancing all over the place. :D

It really was a great talk. I wish my (evangelical) parents could have heard it. They think we believe that we are saved by works.

DH and I just looked up Elder Uchtdorf's age and like you couldn't believe he is 75!!

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Do you'all remember the olden days, when members used to put "visit all the temples" on their bucket lists!  :laugh:


Yes - that was on my bucket list - and I thought I'd done great - I think I had 15 completed.   I'm not even sure now that I'll be able to go to all the ones that existed when I first went to the temple... (maybe all that existed when I was born?)  NO WAY I could ever have a hope of doing all now... 


Edited to Add - there would have been 44 in existence when I made the goal....  


Let's see - 13 when I was born....  I think I've been to 8 of those?

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Yes - that was on my bucket list - and I thought I'd done great - I think I had 15 completed. I'm not even sure now that I'll be able to go to all the ones that existed when I first went to the temple... (maybe all that existed when I was born?) NO WAY I could ever have a hope of doing all now...

There are now 17 in Utah alone. You could probably beat your previous record in a day of driving now. 😊

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Do you'all remember the olden days, when members used to put "visit all the temples" on their bucket lists!  :laugh:


That was my brother's goal at one point... not anymore!  It's so awesome they are literally dotting the earth!

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Elder Holland...wow!  Such a powerful talk on Christ and redemption.


Elder Holland retains his title of Most Awesome General Conference Speaker.  That was the most amazing talk.  And President Uchtdorf's followed so perfectly, too.

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Do you'all remember the olden days, when members used to put "visit all the temples" on their bucket lists!  :laugh:


dh remembers when any temple announcement was a big enormous deal. 


he remembers when Oakland (#13) was built  and it was closer for his parents to go there vs SL.  from washington state.  when my kids were growing up - we did a number of open houses for vacation destinations.


I did genealogy when temple codes were only two letters.  I joined the church right before Seattle (#19) was dedicated.  and there were less than 4M members.

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http://www.ldschurchtemples.com/chronological/ i thought this was an interesting graphic. 


look at who dedicated the temples .. . .Gordon B. Hinckley - I didn't count them all.


That's incredible.  Before moving to San Antonio I lived in the DC area.  The DC Temple was #16 and dedicated in 1974, almost a century following the first currently operating temple.  San Antonio was dedicated in 2005 and was number 120.  104 temples added in less than 30 years.  And 24 more have been added since San Antonio.  Simply amazing.


About 6 or 8 years before San Antonio was built, the members were told if they made a concentrated effort to attend the Dallas temple (and then Houston after it opened in 2000 - it was announced at that point), it would not be long before San Antonio had it's own temple.  Dallas is a bit over 4 hours away and Houston is slightly closer.  But the members took up the challenge and it wasn't long before SA's temple was announced.  The temple is actually within my ward boundaries.  This story gets talked about a lot since many of the members were here at the time.  It's amazing having that temple up the hill, visible from many members' houses.  The blessings of having a temple so close just can't be counted.  I am so happy for all these members who will soon have those blessings, too!

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It's okay!  I understood him!  I love President Uchtdorf!

I would totally do the same thing after sitting there listening to a third language.  It would reset my "which language I am supposed to be speaking?" switch.

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I'm so envious of all of you and your families watching today. My dh left the church about 11 years ago. For the first few he "tolerated" conference but has changed his mind and makes it almost impossible to watch with any Spirit. So I will watch it in the coming days while he's not home. (This makes him sound awful which he is not, sometimes I just get sad.)


On the other hand I know what I have to look forward to and am excited to watch and listen.

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