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If you don't mind a question from an interested non-Mormon :), I was wondering why the conference is being held on Easter? Google tells me that the conference is Easter-themed, but as an outsider it just seems a bit odd to have something like this on a major religious holiday - unless Easter is not so major for LDS? Or having two important religious events at the same time is seen as a plus - extra special awesomeness instead of taking focus away from each other? Or something else?

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I am!  My kids are listening diligently in the hopes of hearing the words happy or happiness (our words this session to get General Conference Candy).


forty-two, it's extra special when Conference happens to fall on Easter.  General Conference is always held the first weekend of April and the first weekend of October.  Sometimes Easter is also on the first weekend of April.  Easter is major for us since, after all, Jesus's resurrection is pretty central to our doctrine.  I think, actually, having Conference on Easter actually makes both more meaningful.  We focus on religious worship for 4 hours every Sunday of Conference so it kind of makes the whole day super religious worship focused when it's Easter, too.  When my oldest son and I have birthdays on the weekend it is always Conference (my birthday is in April and his is in October).  I hated that as a kid, but I love it now.  This year is super extra special since my birthday is tomorrow (first time in my life it has fallen on Easter).

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If you don't mind a question from an interested non-Mormon :), I was wondering why the conference is being held on Easter? Google tells me that the conference is Easter-themed, but as an outsider it just seems a bit odd to have something like this on a major religious holiday - unless Easter is not so major for LDS? Or having two important religious events at the same time is seen as a plus - extra special awesomeness instead of taking focus away from each other? Or something else?

Conference is always the first weekend of April and the first weekend of October.  


Having Easter on Conference IS seen as extra awesomeness, because Conference is always so Christ-centered.


We also had Easter themed lessons at church last week.

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General Conference talks are Christ-centered, so for me, it makes Easter extra special.


I totally weeped through this first talk...fasting and giving our money to the poor/needy and that act as directly as if aiding the Savior really hit my heart this morning. The Sierra Leone story...ugh...waterworks!


That one made me cry too. Good crying, heart is tender crying :)

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President Packer is getting harder to understand. Does anyone know how old he is now? I have loved listening to him for so many years, it is a little hard to see him age.

I'm watching on my laptop straight from LDS.org and don't have close captioning.  Without it, I'm missing whole sentences when he stumbles on his words.


It is really sad to see him so feeble.

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President Packer is getting harder to understand. Does anyone know how old he is now? I have loved listening to him for so many years, it is a little hard to see him age.


He is 90.  We had to struggle to understand him.  He said happy and happiness a lot so he's my kids' favorite speaker so far.  I'm not 100% sure what his talk was on, but what I could understand I loved.  I commented in the middle of it we needed closed captions (we're watching on the Mormon Channel app on the Roku).  I am looking forward to reading his talk to get all of it.

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I am!  My kids are listening diligently in the hopes of hearing the words happy or happiness (our words this session to get General Conference Candy).


forty-two, it's extra special when Conference happens to fall on Easter.  General Conference is always held the first weekend of April and the first weekend of October.  Sometimes Easter is also on the first weekend of April.  Easter is major for us since, after all, Jesus's resurrection is pretty central to our doctrine.  I think, actually, having Conference on Easter actually makes both more meaningful.  We focus on religious worship for 4 hours every Sunday of Conference so it kind of makes the whole day super religious worship focused when it's Easter, too.  When my oldest son and I have birthdays on the weekend it is always Conference (my birthday is in April and his is in October).  I hated that as a kid, but I love it now.  This year is super extra special since my birthday is tomorrow (first time in my life it has fallen on Easter).



I wondered if you could give your thoughts on something. I once went to a Mormon service on Easter, but there was nothing special about the day. I don't think anyone really mentioned Easter. I don't know if this was because I wasn't in the US or exactly what.


Do Mormon churches do anything special at all at Easter?  Not, change rituals or anything, but in the other churches I've visited (and certainly the ones I've been involved in) Easter usually had special songs or a traditions, decorations (flowers, usually) or a Happy Easter message, or people liked to wear new clothes or wear an Easter hat. Just something special for the day. 


I remarked on this, but my friend told me they didn't really do anything special for the day. Again, maybe it was where I was at, but I've always been curious. I'm pretty well-informed about LDS doctrine, but smaller cultural things I'm not so up on. :)

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We had a hard time understanding President Packer too. And President Monson didn't speak at the beginning like he usually does.

I think that if Mormons were more traditional Christians with more traditional Easter observances it would be really weird to have General Conference on the same day as Easter. But our Easter celebration really isn't much different than a nomal Sunday (we sing Easter hymns and hopefully hear sermons about Easter as long as the bishop kept track of the date- we don't have a set liturgy and local leaders choose the topic each week that members are asked to speak about) and we don't do anything for Holy Week at all, so listening to people talk online about Easter isn't odd to us. Well, to most of us.

ETA that I didn't see Ipsey's question before posting this, but maybe it answers that question a little. Personally, I have to go to other churches' Holy Week observances for Easter to work for me. Mexico has been wonderful for that.

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We had a hard time understanding President Packer too. And President Monson didn't speak at the beginning like he usually does.


I think that if Mormons were more traditional Christians with more traditional Easter observances it would be really weird to have General Conference on the same day as Easter. But our Easter celebration really isn't much different than a nomal Sunday (we sing Easter hymns and hopefully hear sermons about Easter as long as the bishop kept track of the date- we don't have a set liturgy and local leaders choose the topic each week that members are asked to speak about) and we don't do anything for Holy Week at all, so listening to people talk online about Easter isn't odd to us. Well, to most of us.


ETA that is didn't see Ipsey's question before posting this, but maybe it answers that question a little. Personally, I have to go to other churches' Holy Week observances for Easter to work for me. Mexico has been wonderful for that.



Aahh! Ok!  


That does make things clearer.


Though I, myself, was once Christian (of the Evangelical bent), and I loved our Easter worship traditions, I totally "get" liking the Lent/Holy Week remembrances and wishing we had more of them.  Setting several days aside as special and significant was something that really sang to me. 

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I wondered if you could give your thoughts on something. I once went to a Mormon service on Easter, but there was nothing special about the day. I don't think anyone really mentioned Easter. I don't know if this was because I wasn't in the US or exactly what.


Do Mormon churches do anything special at all at Easter? Not, change rituals or anything, but in the other churches I've visited (and certainly the ones I've been involved in) Easter usually had special songs or a traditions, decorations (flowers, usually) or a Happy Easter message, or people liked to wear new clothes or wear an Easter hat. Just something special for the day.


I remarked on this, but my friend told me they didn't really do anything special for the day. Again, maybe it was where I was at, but I've always been curious. I'm pretty well-informed about LDS doctrine, but smaller cultural things I'm not so up on. :)

This really depends on the local congregation. Without either a set liturgical tradition or a professional clergy, what happens on Easter depends on the vision and organization of the local volunteer leadership.


My favorite LDS Easter services are those that include a lot of music.

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I had the tv on about 30 minutes before GC started- all 3 of my kids came in to watch without even being asked! It's usually a struggle for them- one even "paused" a talk while she ran to the restroom! I missed hearing from Pres. Monson ths morning. We are having the missionaries over for the afternoon session, so that will be fun!

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I've lived in three states (2 East Coast, and now Texas) and Easter has always been special at church.  The talks have always been about the Savior's resurrection specifically and some places there has been sunrise services.   Many people, particularly little girls, wear new special dresses on Easter.  We were sick last Sunday, but there was a Palm Sunday/Easter fireside held in the evening.  I will say that more has been done surrounding Easter here in San Antonio than on the East Coast.  It could be the Hispanic influence or it could be that Texans really like to celebrate things.  A lot really depends on the local leaders at the time.

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My friend who lives in UT said that rumor has it that President Monson has been ill.  He didn't meet with President Obama when the other leaders did this week and some said it was because he was saving his strength for Conference or was just too sick to go to the meeting.

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We had an Easter themed Sacrament meeting last Sunday, featuring the ward choir, and one song by the children. That's pretty typical of most wards I've been in.


Little girls often have a new Easter dress, or all the women and girls in the family if Mom sews.  

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My kids were motivated to watch this time because the Primary handed out a packet to complete that can be turned in for a prize next week. DD was disappointed that Pres. Monson didn't speak this morning. I hope he's well. And Pres. Packer. :(

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President Packer is getting harder to understand. Does anyone know how old he is now? I have loved listening to him for so many years, it is a little hard to see him age.


90.  he had polio when he was much younger, and the effects of it are catching up to him.

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General Conference talks are Christ-centered, so for me, it makes Easter extra special.


I totally weeped through this first talk...fasting and giving our money to the poor/needy and that act as directly as if aiding the Savior really hit my heart this morning. The Sierra Leone story...ugh...waterworks!


I love Pres Eyring.  and also the efficaciousness of prayers for others in the story of his grandson (?) fasting for his friend.

I've had people fast for me during a difficult time - I *FELT* their prayers and strength.

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We have been watching here.  I loved Pres. Packard's talk.  I'm so sorry that he is ill.  He was hard to understand, but his sweet message was an answer to a small prayer and question that I woke up thinking about. 


Happy Easter and Happy Conference!! 


wendy (no longer in HI)

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I wondered if you could give your thoughts on something. I once went to a Mormon service on Easter, but there was nothing special about the day. I don't think anyone really mentioned Easter. I don't know if this was because I wasn't in the US or exactly what.


Do Mormon churches do anything special at all at Easter?  Not, change rituals or anything, but in the other churches I've visited (and certainly the ones I've been involved in) Easter usually had special songs or a traditions, decorations (flowers, usually) or a Happy Easter message, or people liked to wear new clothes or wear an Easter hat. Just something special for the day. 


I remarked on this, but my friend told me they didn't really do anything special for the day. Again, maybe it was where I was at, but I've always been curious. I'm pretty well-informed about LDS doctrine, but smaller cultural things I'm not so up on. :)


no paid/professionally trained clergy (who serve for a period of time before they are replaced.) and members of the congregation often take turns speaking on an assigned subject.  There are special musical numbers, firesides devoted to Easter (extra meetings) and such. 


Especially at Easter, the subjects for sacrament meeting (main meeting) talks and music are supposed to be focused on the Atonement and Resurrection of the Savior.  the Lessons in the auxilliary organizations (sunday school, and our women's, men's, teen's, children's) are supposed to be focused upon the same.  the children's org. (Primary) will usually also have a themed activity.


because  it's usually just an average congregation member speaking, sometimes the speaker deviates. (some - are so insightful, their talks were worth what went before.)  one Easter, the Bishop at the time was so upset by just how much the speaker deviated he assinged a speaker for the next Easter a year in advance.

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We have been watching here.  I loved Pres. Packard's talk.  I'm so sorry that he is ill.  He was hard to understand, but his sweet message was an answer to a small prayer and question that I woke up thinking about. 


Happy Easter and Happy Conference!! 


wendy (no longer in HI)


I love Packer.

you should look up some of his older talks.

he has given some fabulous talks on the Savior over the years.

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I love Packer.

you should look up some of his older talks.

he has given some fabulous talks on the Savior over the years.

His talk on the Savior as our mediator, extending mercy while satisfying justice, was part of my Sunday school lesson a couple of weeks ago. The youth loved it.

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Every time it happens, it's people yelling no.  People don't usually object.  I know it happened once in the 80s and also the October conference before I was born (so 1977).


First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve, and I think one other group (the third one), but I can't think of who that group was.  No's were called three times.

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Well, those "no" votes were certainly interesting.  Not too often that happens.

No, not too often!  I'm old enough, barely, to remember when Sonia Johnson did that.


Wonder what's up?  One would have to have some kind of public agenda to go to all the trouble of getting tickets and attending, just to do that.

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There are people who are opposed to the GA's because women don't hold the Priesthood and also because of issues surrounding gays (some who are opposed to us not marrying and embracing gays and some who think we are too friendly to gays) and then there are people who are protesting Kate Kelly's ex-communication (which of course goes along with women holding the PH) but I would think that objection would have been lodged in October.  I'd guess it's most likely one of those issues.  The interesting thing is President Uchtdorf said to contact your Stake President if you voted no.  The two times I already knew about they said to meet with a GA immediately following conference (or rather in the April '78 Conference they clarified that that was what was done in October '77 - I read that one because I was curious and looked up what happened in Conference the month I was born).  I think both times the GA was then-Elder Hinckley.

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The response seems quite appropriate, noting the votes and inviting those who expressed them to meet with their state president.


Although, that is exactly the behavior that those casting the opposing votes are protesting. You can read more at www.anyopposed.org. (I'm not affiliated with them in any way. I chose to leave rather than protest.)

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Their website didn't really explain what they were opposed to, just that they want people to vote opposed.  I'm confused as to how someone can be "a member in good standing" and be opposed to the first presidency and quorum of the twelve.  Sustaining them is a pretty big deal IMO.  I'm also confused as to what "behavior" telling them to meet with their stake president they are opposing.  What do they want?  To be brought up to the stand in the middle of General Conference to explain what they are opposed to?

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We're watching here! I love Conference weekend. It's especially great this time, as my sister flew in from Texas with her daughters so I get to see her, too. Yay!

That sounds lovely! I always miss our family especially at conference time. Looking forward to moving to the same city as DH's sister later this month, so we can share holidays and conference weekends more frequently! Enjoy your time with your sister and nieces!

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