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Would You Worry? Friend MIA


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I'm in California so the east cost people are going to have to suffer.  Class ends at 6, but I have no idea when I'll get back online (sorry).


DD wrote her friend another text last night (basically a "hi what's up?" kind of thing).  No response.   Yesterday afternoon I asked her if she wanted to meet up with Friend at the park or something and she said she didn't want to talk about it.  She's a tenderhearted girl and this has really hurt her.  She's fine as long as she doesn't think about it.  I really, really hope Friend has an apology and reasonable explanation ready for her.


As much fun as I've had with this thread, my heart hurts for your dd.  :grouphug: I'm sorry she's experiencing this. 

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If it was my acquaintance/daughter's friend, I think them not showing up tonight would prompt a trip to their house or a police welfare check call.  Because then I would go from from worried to terrified.


I hope they are there.


If I don't see her tomorrow (eta; Ugh, I mean *today*)  I'm going to talk to someone who I'm pretty sure is a mutual friend and knows mom a little better than I do.  Their kids go to school together.  I might also talk to the teacher of the class DD and Friend are in to see if she's heard anything.

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Have you tried calling her again in the last day or so?

ME, TOO!  Still no word.  


Realistic scenarios:


1.  They never got the texts OR tried to text me but it didn't get through.


2.  There was a change of plans and they felt too embarrassed or guilty to just admit it and apologize.


3.  They FORGOT and felt too embarrassed or guilty to apologize.


4.  She emailed me to cancel, it landed in my spam folder for some reason and was deleted without me ever seeing it.  (I never even glance at spam, just "delete all spam" and call it good.)  But, then again, when I didn't reply why didn't she call or text me?


5.  She lost her phone (oh, I so empathize with this one!) and thus didn't receive the texts.  Of course, this doesn't explain the daughter not replying to her texts, either.


Just in case it's any of the above I need to figure out a way to communicate that mistakes happen (including poor judgment and short-sighted or even selfish decisions, if any of those apply) and we still want them to be a part of our lives.  I forgive Mom for bailing on the sleepover plans, but *she just needs to talk to us.*   


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Is there any chance that mom's phone died completely and, in the meantime, her DD got grounded/phone taken away so she isn't returning the texts AND that mom is a flake and forgot OR that she thought it was this Friday not this past one? Like a whole series of problems kind of a deal.  Maybe they also couldn't pay/didn't pay their phone bill so they got shut off for awhile?  Just a thought.  I'm dying to know what's going on as well!

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So I've known two people now who've been on the receiving end of the following situation:


Nice people. Parents are friends, kids are friends. In both scenarios the parents were closer than you're describing your own relationship to the mom in question. In the first case they even spent thanksgivings together and were across the street neighbors. In the second example they traveled out of state together.


In both of these cases, the other family began to snub my (1.) good friend and (2.) aunt and cousin. No return calls, sudden excuses as to why they couldn't get together. No friendly waves in the neighborhood, no sleepovers, birthday party invites, lunches or coffees out...nothing. In my aunts case, she was in the middle of planning the friend's wedding. Totally bizarre. The funny thing is, I only know about the second scenario because I was describing the first one to my aunt. I thought the behavior was sufficiently bizarre as to be unique, but apparently not. My aunt and my other friend are warm, lovely people. I'm sure the perpetrators of the odd behavior feel justified for some strange reason or another but in both cases they caused immense hurt because they had absolutely no inkling as to why the other families suddenly withdrew.


Maybe something like this is happening?

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If she is going to make a habit of misplacing her friends, she is going to have to move to the east coast so we won't have to wait so long for updates.


It's only fair.



I'll try to keep that in mind next time!


OK, I'm getting ready to go pick up my kiddo.  Here's MY prediction:


Friend's Mom lost the phone charger, which left both her and her daughter unreachable.  Our phone number was saved on their phones but the phones' batteries were dead so no luck :(  There was a last minute change of plans but she had no way to contact us.


This begs the question of why they didn't just drive to Walmart and get a new charger.... and who only has ONE charger, anyway??? ..... 


Anyway, I'll let you know what happens.  Hopefully right at this moment my DD and Friend are sitting next to each other and all is well with them.  I hope!!!!

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While we're all sitting around waiting I'll tell a little story to pass the time. It is a true story that I have been thinking about since the thread started. I don't think this is the explanation for the OP's friend's no-show, but her situation has reminded me of my past and a need for some closure. I hope the OP gets some answers tonight and that a series of misunderstandings or minor events can explain missing their event and not communicating. (sorry in advance for the brief thread detour below)


When I was in high school I had a best friend in my grade. We did everything together and were very close. After we had been close friends for several months she told me her deepest secret and told me not to tell. She and her mother were in hiding from her father. She said that one day he would find them again, just like last time, and they would suddenly have to pack up and leave. She didn't want to leave but knew it was inevitable. As a fairly sheltered teenager I didn't really know how to process this. Deep down I don't think I really believed her, although I would have never let her know that.


One day she didn't show up at school. I couldn't reach her on the weekend. She didn't come to school the next week. And then I realized she meant it. I was also the only one who had any idea of what had happened. I never let on, and after a while classmates stopped mentioning her. (I have no idea what the school knew. They wouldn't discuss it.)


About three months later I received a brief letter from my friend. He found them, they got out in time, and they were now safe. Despite the distance and the fact that we could probably never communicate again, we would remain best friends. The letter was mailed from a country on the other side of the world.


I was clearing some boxes out of storage a month or two ago and came across the letter. I hadn't thought of her in years. I told my dh the story and as much as I could remember about her. I now wonder what happened in her life, if her dad ever located them, if her mother maybe got arrested for kidnapping her. If she became close friends with someone again only to have to leave without saying goodbye. I'll never know. Instead, I can picture what I would like to have happened. I hope she has had a happy life, has become the author she aspired to be, and is safe.

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I have an anecdote too, though much less interesting than the above.  At 14 I had a friend whom I spent a lot of time with.  She was a troubled teen and often in trouble with her mom.  One day she ran away.  I had no idea she was planning to run away.  Everyone believed I was covering for her, since I was her "best friend."  I never did find out for sure where she ended up, but it was thought she'd try to get to her father in a faraway state.

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Interesting story, Eagle. And I have to admit, that situation is immediately the one I envisioned for the OP dd's friend and mom.


It was the first thing I thought of too, and I really hope it's not the case :(


Eagle, wow, that's so sad. I hope that you're right and that she went on to have a happy and safe life.

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What? No live feed?


Exactly. We should have chipped in for a GoPro.


I also have two stories of people leaving suddenly.


One friend I had in jr. high told me her father was an international businessman and was always traveling. She lived with her mother. One day their family up and left. Later, I found out he had fled the country because of some IRS scam and they followed him. Oddly enough, I ran into her in a line at a mall in an unrelated city 25 years later but it was a public place and it was awkward so I didn't ask her about it.


I also had another friend disappear in high school. Her father was a detective who had been undercover and had been responsible for some stuff involving Crips and Bloods. The figured out he was a double agent and the entire family moved to a far away area. It wasn't as easy for civilians to find people in the 80s. I looked her up and know where she lives now but her mom and dad are impossible for me to find so maybe they changed their names.

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Eagle, that must have been hard. Have you ever tried to find her as an adult?

I actually had assumed it would be impossible, but maybe nowadays with the internet it wouldn't be. The letter did not have a return address, just a postmark.

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OK, here's the update:


I am sad to report that Friend and Mom weren't abducted by aliens or in witness protection.


I didn't talk to Mom today.  However, DD did see Friend.  Friend says that they had to cancel and lost their phone charger.  


Snarky me wonders if they lost their internet, too (Mom has my email address).  But, anyway... that's the VERY anti-climatic end to a morbidly entertaining thread. :)  I have learned that, although Friend is a great kid, this family is not reliable so ALL "definite" plans should be taken with a large grain of salt.  


My gut tells me there's more to the story but I'm just going to chill on this whole issue.  I'm annoyed (did the Mom even THINK what it would feel like for my DD to be stood up by a friend??).  My DH and I were left to pick up the pieces of the mess she (Mom) made and so, yeah, I'm very annoyed.  I'll get over it, but until then I'm glad I don't see Mom very much.

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Maybe they 'lost' it, as in it was disconnected for non-payment??  Not something she'd admit to her kid?  


I don't know - any excuse right now seems lame....since they're still on the planet.  


Thank you for entertaining us!  Sorry that there is no resolution for you & your dd.  

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I would be angry too. I probably would have said something about the email address. "Oh, do you need my email address again?" <pointed look>


I could deal with flakiness more easily if it only affected my own time, but I would probably say something if my kid had been upset.

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