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SOTW Vol. 2 Chapt 21 -- Question


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Today we listened to Chapter 21 while following along in our book & now I've got a few questions..



1. I have never heard Genghis Khan said with a /j/ before, so it was quite interesting to hear Jim Weiss read it that way. How do YOU say the name with a /g/ or a /j/ sound?!


2. The chapter spoke of Genghis Khan breaking through the Great Wall of China & taking the city of Bejing while John was signing the Magna Carta. In the test booklet the question {#3} asks: Genghis Khan wanted to conquer the rich Chinese City of________________.


My child confidently said Bejing, yet the answer key says Peking. There is no reference in our paperback or our audio to Peking in this lesson. We've reread it a few times over because I was beginning to think we missed something. Even now as I type this I'm wondering.. did we miss something or is there a typo in the lesson or test?





ETA: It's clearly a typo in the answer key because on page 194 of the test it states: "Just on the other side of the Great Wall lay the rich Chinese city of Beijing, where people lived in warm houses, heated by fires, with soft beds, plenty of food, and bags of gold. Genghis Khan wanted to conquer this rich city."


Phew, I don't feel so much like we flaked out during our lesson. :lol: So solve the puzzle.. how do YOU say Genghis?!

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I remember puzzling a bit about that question, but also thought - hey, aren't they the same city?  They are.  


Peking was the pre revolution name for beijing . I use a g in genghis khan but I am in NZ.


Yes, but the book didn't explain that to the children so it was a bit of a, "WHAT?!" type answer there. ;)

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Are you using the updated SOTW book with the older other materials? I believe SWB changed which name she used for the Chinese city in the updated version, so they don't match now.


I purchased the audio mp3 downloads from PHP during the big sale they had in 2014. I purchased the Test & Activity PDFs late last year. We also have a paperback version which I'd have to peek inside of for the publication date, but I don't believe it's the newest. I also have a PDF of the book {obtained before I was given the paperback copy} from 2013. I think we have a few too many copies of SOTW. :lol:

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I have always heard and used hard g's in Genghis. G is not alway soft before e or i in English (even the AAS rule says sometimes) and Genghis is not an English word. I have no idea what is correct.


The activity book mentioned Peking in one of the question, too, but otherwise used Beijing and our copy of SOTW says Beijing.

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Yes, but the book didn't explain that to the children so it was a bit of a, "WHAT?!" type answer there. ;)

This caused so much frustration for my daughter. We were both confused. I was annoyed that the book never mentioned it but the question did. We turned to Google for help.

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I knew Peking/Beijing were the same, so I just marked over the answer that was printed in our answer key. 


I pronounce Genghis Khan like the second row, first microphone version (both hard 'g') at this site. I watched a Youtube video with a bunch of different pronunciations. I think there are several allowable ways to say it. 

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Yes, that would be confusing for anyone that didn't know they were the same city.


Given that it's year two, are you using the revised edition of all the materials or are some of them the original edition? All of the revised edition materials should say that on the cover (at least all my copies do, and we have everything except the separate student pages). The test booklet will show images of the other materials that say "revised edition" on the back cover rather than having it printed on the front cover like everything else.


I checked the answers in my test booklet (published in 2006) and it says "Beijing" for that question.

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