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Tex, tell your DD that there is no telling what possesses a cat to eat weirdness. It is a mystery. Why any cat would think it a good idea to chew off and then swallow a plastic lizard head is beyond me. (And very good that she is cleaning up her room, because cats do crazy things!)

A very pregnant cat took a bite at me today because she had finished all the water in her bowl and I did not realize this. I should have sensed it telepathically, because cat. So she let me give her fresh water, and order a larger bowl for her large self, and she bit me anyway. :lol:

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"Be wary of studies that link mental ill health with creativity or high IQ" http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/aug/21/mental-ill-health-creativity-high-iq-genius


While there are plenty of very high iq people who also have schizophrenia or bipolar disease, there are plenty of mentally ill people with low iq, and there are plenty of high iq people with no mental disease.  




As with everything, there is a range.  Mental illness is by no means limited to the right end of the bell curve of intelligence.  Although it does tend to -interestingly, like left-handedness - cluster at either end.

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If my cats start to bite or scratch, I point a warning finger and say "be nice" very firmly and they stop and lick the person, as if that was what they were going to do all along.  I have had two different pet cats do this. Neither cat knew the other cat.   (It's not like I actually did anything to train them to do it - they just did.  Maybe it's my no nonsense tone and the steel glint in my eye.) 

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As with everything, there is a range.  Mental illness is by no means limited to the right end of the bell curve of intelligence.  Although it does tend to -interestingly, like left-handedness - cluster at either end.


It probably affects how people score. If your attention is concentrated in extreme bursts or if you are single-minded, you can achieve what people with the same general intelligence cannot. It just highlights how complex intelligence really is.


I test much higher when I'm on caffeine, nicotine and one serving of alcohol. Cutting out the nicotine knocks points off. (We used to do IQ puzzles when I was overseas.)


Le sigh.

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We have a cat that's part dog.  All of our cats are outside cats, as they were all feral at one point or another.  But this guy is allowed to come in.  He'll jump onto the couch, throw himself onto his back and stare at me.  If I don't respond, he'll shimmy closer and closer.  If I still neglect to respond, he'll get up, nudge my hand and then throw himself on his back again.  


He'll do this until I vigorously scrub his belly for him.  He LOVES having his belly rubbed.  I've never known a cat to actually enjoy it.  Tolerate it, yes...but enjoy it?  Seek it?  Heck no.  He has a black patch of fur on his belly so we'll always joke about how "Rocket wants his spot rubbed."  

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I don't have a tablet. And I don't have a Samsung anything. I could answer with gibberish but I don't think that would help you.

Do you have a smart phone? I would love to not, but as long as I

must I like Samsung. It's not one of the fancy ones from the commercials, but I think it's a quality product.

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I think I'd better go to bed before I get too spooked to go to sleep.


When I was a kid, I used to think that I heard a lady wearing high heels walking across the basement floor.  It scared me.  And then she would walk faster.  And faster.  It took me a really long time to realize that the sound was really my heart beat.  And the more scared I got, the more my heart rate would increase.   :svengo:

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Good Morning! It is Saturday.


There are more problems with my mom. A lady from the local restaurant in town that my mom frequents called me last night, and said mom was very unusual. I had called up there to see if she (mom) was there, and she (waitress) told me some things. Then she called me back and told me more. It is not good. I was beginning to wonder about my mom at the beginning of the month then she pulled it together when I took her for her check up on the 7th, and now she is worse again. But I am familiar with how deceptive she can be. Oh, she is very sly. Is that a symptom of the disease? Or just her nature? Probably both.


Critter, I don't know if your anniversary is today or when, but HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!! :party: :party:


Tex, I hope you are resting and relaxing and all the good things. :D


I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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It is our anniversary too! On the 16th, it will be 23 years. Oh my! Wow where has the time gone!?!



I tink I'b gedding a cod.

Headache this morning has given way to runny eyes, runny nose and paroxysmal sneezes. I hope to blame all the pepper I just put on these cube steaks, but I'm not so sure.

It's my 16th wedding anniversary this weekend. I have no clue what I'm going to be doing. Probably sneezing.


Yes, I found it!  Happy Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Openhearted and to Mr. and Mrs. Critterfixer! 



(Critter, hope you are feeling better!)

Edited by Another Lynn
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I slept well last night. 


This morning I did a couple of things differently.  I emptied and filled the dishwasher and have it running bright and early because after I had cooked, dd had baked and ds had cooked and now it looks like a bomb had gone off.  I was in too much pain last night to do it then. 


The other thing is that the muscles I thought were causing my really bad pain right now, probably aren't.  So I'm stretching some other muscles in addition to my usual physical therapy stuff in hopes that this will help.  I'm feeling a bit discouraged on that front. 

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Lynn, please get better soon! Our houses all just fall apart when Mom is sick!


Congratulations on the clean kitchen, Jean! Mine still looks like a bomb from yesterdays Walmart trip stragglers plus dishes that haven't been taken care of. And now I'm leaving for a few hours, so who knows what it will look like later on!

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((Dawn)) In my experience, slyness is part of the disease. But as you say, people's personalities can play into it as well.


Jean, I hope you fell better today and are resting well. It is reassuring to hear from someone that has experience with bipolar disorder. Sometimes I feel so alone in dealing with this. Thank you.

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Good Morning!


(((Dawn))) I'm so sorry.


I slept on the couch with my water for when I coughed. I slept pretty well after I finally got to sleep. I'm hoping the two youngest are fever free today. And that the two who have been well don't come down with it.

I'm hoping you and the family are feeling better. :grouphug:

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Good Morning! I just love Saturdays when I can wake up when I want and then just lay in bed and think thoughts until I'm done thinking them!


Dawn and Critter, Happy Anniversary!


Lynn, hope the cough goes away!


Slashie, that does not sound like a good dream.


I've been having bizarre dreams. Nothing bad, but just dreams that make no sense at all and have no coherent story line.

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BTW, could someone pass me the brain bleach?  I ventured into the Other World and read a thread on teen-aged boys and smart phones.  Have I mentioned my former life as a prosecutor?  And the years that I spent prosecuting juvenile s*x crimes?  And how the most common feature linking the minors I prosecuted was being the victim of prior abuse, but the second most common was pornography?


I am feeling sick right now.


Yup.  Some things you carry with you.  ((JJM))

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Bright and sunny and I will go for long walk with dogs before going to Zumba.


Happy anniversary to Critter and Dawn!

Lynn, kick that cough to the curb.

Jean, hope you get a rest and relief from pain.



Have any of you tried directed dreaming?



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Another IQ question. What does a low IQ test tell you? Wouldn't testing for specific things be more beneficial? I imagine many, many people have "low IQs" because they simply don't test well. I remember reading at one point that nearly 10% of people test poorly which tells me the results are totally skewed.

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Another IQ question. What does a low IQ test tell you? Wouldn't testing for specific things be more beneficial? I imagine many, many people have "low IQs" because they simply don't test well. I remember reading at one point that nearly 10% of people test poorly which tells me the results are totally skewed.

Cognitive testing produces an aggregate score of many sub scores. So essentially it is testing specific things. If a person performs poorly in an area, more specialized testing can be done. Learning disabilities are a difference between cognitive and academic testing results that is past a threshold. These tests are all normed on the general population so are valid. Some are broad brush. IQTests are not really IQ tests. They are measures of cognitive ability. Testers are trained to evaluate if a person has attended fully to the test and given an accurate result. Testing has some flaws but is much more nuanced than most people realize. Edited by texasmama
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Cognitive testing produces an aggregate score of many sub scores. So essentially it is testing specific things. If a person performs poorly in an area, more specialized testing can be done. Learning disabilities are a difference between cognitive and academic testing results that is past a threshold. These tests are all normed on the general population so are valid. Some are broad brush. IQTests are not really IQ tests. They are measures of cognitive ability. Testers are trained to evaluate if a person has attended fully to the test and given an accurate result. Testing has some flaws but is much more nuanced than most people realize.

That makes perfect sense. Thanks! Now go make with the smoochies.


It's a sexy Texy smoochie Booya!

Edited by Slache
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Someone gave us some sweet, gluten free beer. What do I do with it? I was considering marinating a steak in it. Matt will drink it, I'd just like to do something fun. Have you ever had beer cake? It's good, but I don't need to eat more bread right now.

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