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Can I put on my venty hat for a moment?  :rant:


I have a friend who is in to natural living including alternative medicine and healthy eating. I have no problem with that.  I have my own little medicinal herb stash going on here, and I've had some good results from some of that.  She just posted yet another link on Facebook and tagged me about how cancer can be cured if one eats a healthy diet.  Obviously, as a woman whose child died of cancer, this is a hot button for me.  I met plenty of friends in the ped-onc unit who had been eating organic diets prior to diagnosis, had continued to do so, and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to controversial natural treatment centers with no good outcomes coming from them.  I totally get that people like to deal with their own fears and anxieties about sickness and death by telling themselves that if I only do x,y, and z, then no harm will ever come to me and mine.


I'm ready to unfriend her over this.  It feels like yet another jab of "if only I ate perfectly and exercised for two hours every day I would not have the health problems I have" . I've since moved away, so I no longer have to interact with her 3x a week during church activities and our daughters have moved on from their BFF status.


Either talk me off the ledge or give me some ammo to blow up that bridge. :ph34r:


Her conduct is beyond unacceptable.  I would likely respond in a very pointed way.  "Unfriending" or "blocking" is more than justified.  As would be having Elephant Ninjas stomp some sense into her.

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We like the OLSAT here.


My friend is tone deaf. I think she has some anxiety, and this is her poor coping mechanism.  She has a lot of interest in natural healing, but hasn't ever digged deeper into how it actually work (you know--chemicals within plants!) and is still stuck in that natural = good; artificial = bad mindset. I posted a short reply on Facebook, but I know her well enough to know that she won't apologize and won't come to a place of better understanding. I love her enough to accept that about her, but I love me enough to protect myself from stupid people. I just got hit with that bit of straw today that pushed me over the edge.


I also blocked my friend who posts incessantly about 21 day fix and exercising.  I suspect she might be using eating restrictions to deal with her mental health issues. In any event, I don't need to read about her every workout and look at photos of every one of her meals. Shakeology for breakfast and steamed kale with half a hardboiled egg for lunch. Yum.  :confused1:


Today is a day for just blocking a lot of crap from entering my life and causing me unpleasant feelings. I have enough on my plate, yo. 


And now, I shall end my ranting and press forward with faith that while I may be fat and love me some diet pepsi, I am enough and I accept my imperfect body.

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We like the OLSAT here.


My friend is tone deaf. I think she has some anxiety, and this is her poor coping mechanism.  She has a lot of interest in natural healing, but hasn't ever digged deeper into how it actually work (you know--chemicals within plants!) and is still stuck in that natural = good; artificial = bad mindset. I posted a short reply on Facebook, but I know her well enough to know that she won't apologize and won't come to a place of better understanding. I love her enough to accept that about her, but I love me enough to protect myself from stupid people. I just got hit with that bit of straw today that pushed me over the edge.


I also blocked my friend who posts incessantly about 21 day fix and exercising.  I suspect she might be using eating restrictions to deal with her mental health issues. In any event, I don't need to read about her every workout and look at photos of every one of her meals. Shakeology for breakfast and steamed kale with half a hardboiled egg for lunch. Yum.  :confused1:


Today is a day for just blocking a lot of crap from entering my life and causing me unpleasant feelings. I have enough on my plate, yo. 


And now, I shall end my ranting and press forward with faith that while I may be fat and love me some diet pepsi, I am enough and I accept my imperfect body.





(We love the OLSAT, too.  When we did the SAT, I scheduled the OLSAT on the last day as a reward.  My kid thinks it's fun.)

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Either talk me off the ledge or give me some ammo to blow up that bridge. :ph34r:

I'm sorry, Prairie! I was just cringing when I read your story! People can get very excited and convinced about their lifestyle and whatever it is they are in to is the "right way to live" and can't figure out why the rest of the world doesn't do it their way. I've met people like this and while I don't believe their intent is to hurt or judge, they generally are not very sensitive.
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Can I put on my venty hat for a moment? :rant:


I have a friend who is in to natural living including alternative medicine and healthy eating. I have no problem with that. I have my own little medicinal herb stash going on here, and I've had some good results from some of that. She just posted yet another link on Facebook and tagged me about how cancer can be cured if one eats a healthy diet. Obviously, as a woman whose child died of cancer, this is a hot button for me. I met plenty of friends in the ped-onc unit who had been eating organic diets prior to diagnosis, had continued to do so, and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to controversial natural treatment centers with no good outcomes coming from them. I totally get that people like to deal with their own fears and anxieties about sickness and death by telling themselves that if I only do x,y, and z, then no harm will ever come to me and mine.


I'm ready to unfriend her over this. It feels like yet another jab of "if only I ate perfectly and exercised for two hours every day I would not have the health problems I have" . I've since moved away, so I no longer have to interact with her 3x a week during church activities and our daughters have moved on from their BFF status.


Either talk me off the ledge or give me some ammo to blow up that bridge. :ph34r:

I have the ammo:-)


This is one of the great annoyances of our time. Because doctors do not yet know everything, every person who is not a doctor thinks they do know everything. Because, ya know, I read it on the Internet. Of course, eating really well is important. It gives the body a good foundation. But even the best foundation sometimes gets hits with a bomb. And its raw materials don't stand much of a chance against an incendiary device. Just sayin.


I have less patience for this than I used to. Especially when it's a situation like yours. As far as I am concerned, you should never have to experience another measure of pain in your life, ever again.


If it was a worthy friendship, I might say something directly. But, it sounds like you have appreciated some distance. And Mr. 6-times the Charm Resume gives me the impression that these folks may have some boundary issues?


I have been waiting all morning for this...


As a member of the Elephant Ninja Bazooka Brigade, I got your back :D

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I had a very rough night last night. So this morning I woke up just long enough to make dh's sandwich and his breakfast eggs and I went back to bed. Usually I stay up a bit to ketchup here and to talk to him. Anyway. . . I fell back asleep and had dreams of driving 90 miles an hour and getting pulled over for speeding but then crying so that I only got a warning. I woke up ashamed at how manipulative I was. . .

I am truly shocked and disappointed...


I would have shown some leg :D

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Brewer testing service offers an online administration with nearly instantaneous results. In case you are an impatient person. Which I am not; posting for a friend.

I did not know this!


Ug. I went through BJU just because that is what we did last time.


Now I have to wait needlessly :willy_nilly:

Edited by Professormom
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We like the OLSAT here.


My friend is tone deaf. I think she has some anxiety, and this is her poor coping mechanism. She has a lot of interest in natural healing, but hasn't ever digged deeper into how it actually work (you know--chemicals within plants!) and is still stuck in that natural = good; artificial = bad mindset. I posted a short reply on Facebook, but I know her well enough to know that she won't apologize and won't come to a place of better understanding. I love her enough to accept that about her, but I love me enough to protect myself from stupid people. I just got hit with that bit of straw today that pushed me over the edge.


I also blocked my friend who posts incessantly about 21 day fix and exercising. I suspect she might be using eating restrictions to deal with her mental health issues. In any event, I don't need to read about her every workout and look at photos of every one of her meals. Shakeology for breakfast and steamed kale with half a hardboiled egg for lunch. Yum. :confused1:


Today is a day for just blocking a lot of crap from entering my life and causing me unpleasant feelings. I have enough on my plate, yo.


And now, I shall end my ranting and press forward with faith that while I may be fat and love me some diet pepsi, I am enough and I accept my imperfect body.

I can go one better. You are a radiant, lovely specimen of a woman whose huge heart and great brain are truly God's gift to your family and, in fact, to all of society.


If that doesn't work, I will just bring a bottle of wine:-)

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Our power went out for no reason so we can't leave on our trip. The kids asked why and I said,"because Satan hates us


Zero days since last inappropriate incident. .

Oh.my.word. You poor thing. Shazam! There. I tried my magic powers and your power should be back on.


Wanna borrow our generator? :lol:

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At work, but checking in to see how the internet patient is doing.

Tex, kittehs have very strong intestinal storage spaces (peritoneums). Guts usually heal like gangbusters, especially if the patient gets to eating right away. It is a scary time, but most of the time things go well. 

Can't stop by long, but hope things are going just fine for Marley.

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Our power went out for no reason so we can't leave on our trip. The kids asked why and I said,"because Satan hates us


Zero days since last inappropriate incident. .


Satan leaves me alone since I am a heathen and all. 



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I am now ketched up. Whew.


However, I ran out of likes (horror of horrors) back around page 909. :crying:


Quote of the day is by Susan: "Glitter is the venereal disease of the craft world." I will never, ever look at glitter in the same way again:-)


Poetry and the Prof do not get along. I agree with Lynn... Just say it, for Pete's sake. And if it doesn't have some rhyming in it, I am just done. The rhyming calms me lol. I love beautiful language and symbolism. I just find that mode of self-expression more frustrating than satisfying. Don't know why.


As far as the eyelid pinching incident. I have told my guys that if they hurt a girl, be ready to get nailed in the nuts. That is what I would teach my girls to do as well. I took self-defense in high school and college. I think they have some value, but only if the instructor makes it clear not to get a big head. Unless you practice often, most of what you learn in a few classes will not instantly come to mind. You need muscle memory for that. This is why martial arts folks practice incessantly. It has to become automatic to work in a fight/high pressure situation. Kind of like math facts, lol.


Still valuable, as long as young lady taking it doesn't feel like she can now take a guy who has 50-100 pounds on her. That is just not realistic. Kudos on the nut crunch advice. :D



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At work, but checking in to see how the internet patient is doing.

Tex, kittehs have very strong intestinal storage spaces (peritoneums). Guts usually heal like gangbusters, especially if the patient gets to eating right away. It is a scary time, but most of the time things go well.

Can't stop by long, but hope things are going just fine for Marley.

See, I knew you could diagnose pets over the Internet.


Vet is busy, but I called and the tech said she is doing well and had eaten a little and peed in the litter box. She is still on IV. They had to give her an appetite stimulant.


Thank you. I feel better now. :)

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Our power went out for no reason so we can't leave on our trip. The kids asked why and I said,"because Satan hates us


Zero days since last inappropriate incident. .


I'm going to put that up on our kitchen chalkboard.




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We still have no power. The power company truck came and went. I'm cold.


I was going to link a cool song called "Jesus rides the subway" for all my heathen and non heathen friends. Our pastor sings it as part of the Easter concert because he is inappropriate, too, which is why I can go to this church. It's full of weirdos who are inappropriate.

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I taught on Hamlet to my English students. I also acted out and explained the poem Ozymandias. I read Richard Cory. If you are not moved by Richard Cory, your heart is black and cold.


I'll wait here while you all read it.


Yes, ma'am. I have read it, ma'am.  It is moving, ma'am. 


I feel the same way about Shane Koyczan's slam To This Day that I linked pages back & yet, nobody commented on it  :crying: 

Perhaps I should have specified this was not an optional assignment and there would be a test and that I'd wait here until you watched....  :laugh: 




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What's the point of IQ testing? What do you learn?


I was given the Stanford University IQ test in 8th grade by the recommendation of my 6th grade math teacher and I scored incredibly high. This was a program they were trying out and we didn't pay for the test. I've known others that didn't score nearly as well as I did, but are significantly smarter than I am. I'm not short changing myself, I'm smart, but I'm not anything special. What was I supposed to take away from that test? All I think of it now is that IQ tests don't tell you anything about someone's actual intelligence. Everyone here seems hell bent on having their kids tested. I also thought that IQ tests in children weren't trustworthy. Is that incorrect?

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What's the point of IQ testing? What do you learn?


I was given the Stanford University IQ test in 8th grade by the recommendation of my 6th grade math teacher and I scored incredibly high. This was a program they were trying out and we didn't pay for the test. I've known others that didn't score nearly as well as I did, but are significantly smarter than I am. I'm not short changing myself, I'm smart, but I'm not anything special. What was I supposed to take away from that test? All I think of it now is that IQ tests don't tell you anything about someone's actual intelligence. Everyone here seems hell bent on having their kids tested. I also thought that IQ tests in children weren't trustworthy. Is that incorrect?


The Stanford tests being talked about here are the yearly achievement tests that are required in some states, I do believe.


In PA we have to test in 3rd, 5th, and 8th.  I would prefer not to have to test. 

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The Stanford tests being talked about here are the yearly achievement tests that are required in some states, I do believe.


In PA we have to test in 3rd, 5th, and 8th.  I would prefer not to have to test. 

I had a different one. I believe it was intended for adults. I really wasn't given much information about it at the time. Now I can't find anything on it.

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Yes, ma'am. I have read it, ma'am.  It is moving, ma'am. 


I feel the same way about Shane Koyczan's slam To This Day that I linked pages back & yet, nobody commented on it  :crying: 

Perhaps I should have specified this was not an optional assignment and there would be a test and that I'd wait here until you watched....  :laugh: 




I was interested in your slam poetry, and I started to look at it but it was too long and my life fell apart and my kitteh was sick and I lost my mind and my power and my religion and any sense of appropriateness.  But I want to see it soon.  Right now I have to change pants and pack and go away because we have power.   :D

Edited by texasmama
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Most people do not do IQ testing.  Ds did have IQ testing as part of his neuro-psych eval.  Let me just say that a high IQ does not have any correlation to common sense. . . .  

Was that an insult? :laugh: (kidding)


I know not everyone here does, but I see threads about it all the time and was wondering why people were interested. What do they hope to gain?

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It was a bit of a pointed barb at my son who tells me the temperature in Kelvin and not in Fahrenheit. 


I know. I was being silly. Genius runs in my family, the kind you don't want your kid to have, and those people have absolutely no common sense whatsoever. It makes their lives so much harder.

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I was interested in your slam poetry, and I started to look at it but it was too long and my life fell apart and my kitteh was sick and I lost my mind and my power and my religion and any sense of appropriateness.  But I want to see it soon.  Right now I have to change pants and pack and go away because we have power.   :D


you're exempt because sick kitteh 


also, you already like poetry 


also I'm not kidding that it makes me cry & I think it would make most people emotional & you're also exempt because you're already emotional 




p.s. do you have special pants for power outages? 

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Was that an insult? :laugh: (kidding)


I know not everyone here does, but I see threads about it all the time and was wondering why people were interested. What do they hope to gain?


My daughter could be accelerated at school. The acceleration is aimed at children with a 140 IQ. You have to have a 145IQ in at least one area to get in though. The gen ed curriculum is for people with about a 110 IQ.


She would benefit from the free services--a lot, IMO.


But she does not qualify, just barely. I am going to have her re-tested. But that's why. My qualifier who blows it out of the water is in immersion school because they have leveled learning groups in the class to ensure they don't leave immersion.

Edited by Tsuga
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