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I don't understand the large size of some of this glassware?  The large blue is almost 3/4 of a L! I can't drink that much of anything. 


The reviews for the blue say thin & breaky. The Corelle are pretty but I'd worry they're tall and tippy ...

The 14 oz. Corelle are short and fat. I can drink that much smoothie, but they go in cups with lids.

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Sort of off topic (lol), but I was skimming the positively good reads book list and noticed Life of Pi.  I did not read it or see the movie, nor do I want to from the things I heard about it.  But I was thinking it was supposed to be disturbing?  Maybe I'm wrong. 


I remember starting to read it through my library ebook thingy. I don't remember very well, but i think it bored me enough that I stopped reading it within the first 10 pages. It takes a huge bore to make me stop reading a book, and that was one of the rare moments.

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I'm making supper: roasted chicken breast, boiled baby red potatoes smothered in butter, cooked cabbage with ham, and Kraft macaroni and cheese.


This is quite an accomplishment since yesterday and the day before was tuna salad and ham and turkey sandwiches with potato chips for the vegetable. :D

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I'm making supper: roasted chicken breast, boiled baby red potatoes smothered in butter, cooked cabbage with ham, and Kraft macaroni and cheese.


This is quite an accomplishment since yesterday and the day before was tuna salad and ham and turkey sandwiches with potato chips for the vegetable. :D


What time would you like for me to come?  :hat:


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Don't leave!  We're here for you!  Your inappropriateness needs an audience, lol. 


I was listening to Hamlet while reading along (the entire third act), force feeding the kitten, putting away cookies that had been on the ottoman since last night, doing dishes, and reading aloud I, Juan de Pareja to little dd.


Don't be jelly.


Lest you think we are rich, 5 nights in the Caribbean are going for $299 right now.  I could swing a cabin for two for our big anniversary. :)

And here I thought you were rich.

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I'm making supper: roasted chicken breast, boiled baby red potatoes smothered in butter, cooked cabbage with ham, and Kraft macaroni and cheese.


This is quite an accomplishment since yesterday and the day before was tuna salad and ham and turkey sandwiches with potato chips for the vegetable. :D

Sounds tasty!  Potatoes are a vegetable.

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By the way, I don't know how long I take to research or decide about anyone's courses or curricula (in the plural, if you were wondering, lol).  Weekly planning takes a few minutes as I just copy, paste, and edit in excel to make weekly assignment sheets.  But I think we already talked about weekly planning once - a couple hundred pages ago. 

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I was listening to Hamlet while reading along (the entire third act), force feeding the kitten, putting away cookies that had been on the ottoman since last night, doing dishes, and reading aloud I, Juan de Pareja to little dd.


Don't be jelly.


And here I thought you were rich.


I would have put away those cookies....into my belly.

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I tink I'b gedding a cod.

Headache this morning has given way to runny eyes, runny nose and paroxysmal sneezes. I hope to blame all the pepper I just put on these cube steaks, but I'm not so sure.

It's my 16th wedding anniversary this weekend. I have no clue what I'm going to be doing. Probably sneezing.

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I tink I'b gedding a cod.

Headache this morning has given way to runny eyes, runny nose and paroxysmal sneezes. I hope to blame all the pepper I just put on these cube steaks, but I'm not so sure.

It's my 16th wedding anniversary this weekend. I have no clue what I'm going to be doing. Probably sneezing.

It is our anniversary too! On the 16th, it will be 23 years. Oh my! Wow where has the time gone!?!

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Trying to ketchup.


Slache, why are you getting new dishes?  For a long time, my kids used the free plastic cups that you get at restaurants like Olive Garden.  We don't take the kids to "sit-down" restaurants often  -- maybe once a year?, so they like to keep their drink cups.


Just last year we got the IKEA cups -- we were in the store and they're fairly inexpensive.  I liked them because they had six colors and we have six kids.

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I tink I'b gedding a cod.

Headache this morning has given way to runny eyes, runny nose and paroxysmal sneezes. I hope to blame all the pepper I just put on these cube steaks, but I'm not so sure.

It's my 16th wedding anniversary this weekend. I have no clue what I'm going to be doing. Probably sneezing.

  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

(But stay away from me.  You all are contagious.)

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I remember starting to read it through my library ebook thingy. I don't remember very well, but i think it bored me enough that I stopped reading it within the first 10 pages. It takes a huge bore to make me stop reading a book, and that was one of the rare moments.

Renai! Hey, Girl!



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Trying to ketchup.


Slache, why are you getting new dishes?  For a long time, my kids used the free plastic cups that you get at restaurants like Olive Garden.  We don't take the kids to "sit-down" restaurants often  -- maybe once a year?, so they like to keep their drink cups.


Just last year we got the IKEA cups -- we were in the store and they're fairly inexpensive.  I liked them because they had six colors and we have six kids.

We have kids dishes and cups that are all mishapen and peeling from the dishwasher and a set of dishes and glasses that are dwindling because Matt breaks everything. I want to buy one set of unbreakable dishes and one set of unbreakable glasses to replace it all. I don't like a bunch of miscellaneous cups because of my vision problem. I don't mind multiple colors but I want them all the same shape. Besides, we've been to exactly one sit down restaurant since John was born. Red Lobster for my birthday. My dad takes us for sushi when he's in town, but they don't give cups out.

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We have kids dishes and cups that are all mishapen and peeling from the dishwasher and a set of dishes and glasses that are dwindling because Matt breaks everything. I want to buy one set of unbreakable dishes and one set of unbreakable glasses to replace it all. I don't like a bunch of miscellaneous cups because of my vision problem. I don't mind multiple colors but I want them all the same shape. Besides, we've been to exactly one sit down restaurant since John was born. Red Lobster for my birthday. My dad takes us for sushi when he's in town, but they don't give cups out.


Oooooh.  Peeling dishes.  BTDT.


I think that you won't want anything that is too tall.  My littles do OK with tall cups if they are standing, but if they are sitting at a table they need something short or they won't be able to tip it far enough to drink out of without hitting the edge of the table.


Matching is nice because they stack better.

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Slache -- I have a nosy question.  (Don't answer if you don't want to.)  What are your vision problems?  Two of my girls have rather poor vision, so I'm curious.

I call it a vision problem but it's more of a mental problem or disability. Tex thinks I'm autistic and Quackers thinks I have Sensory Processing Disorder. I cannot comprehend messes. I can't drive because I don't understand where the cars are and I can't find thing in messy closets. If I look for something for more than 5 minutes I give up and ask Matt or John to find it because it could take me hours. Matt tends to set things on the wrong shelf in the closet and despite the fact that it's right in front I can't tell that it's there. My closets and shelves are extremely well organized and things are labeled so Matt always puts them back in the same place. My books are organized by color because I would never find them otherwise. People complement my bookshelves all the time. :laugh:

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I call it a vision problem but it's more of a mental problem or disability. Tex thinks I'm autistic and Quackers thinks I have Sensory Processing Disorder. I cannot comprehend messes. I can't drive because I don't understand where the cars are and I can't find thing in messy closets. If I look for something for more than 5 minutes I give up and ask Matt or John to find it because it could take me hours. Matt tends to set things on the wrong shelf in the closet and despite the fact that it's right in front I can't tell that it's there. My closets and shelves are extremely well organized and things are labeled so Matt always puts them back in the same place. My books are organized by color because I would never find them otherwise. People complement my bookshelves all the time. :laugh:


Ok.  So it's that you have trouble seeing things in context, not that your eyes don't work.  :(


I'll leave it to the ITT doctors to diagnose.  I have no idea.

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One of my kids has some of the same issues.  Visual figure ground is the root problem when you can't locate or identify things in a busy background. Visual discrimination, visual scanning, and visual processing are all part of that.


You might find this helpful, Slache, as they describe the differences between the skills:



This is one of the (many) reasons my kid is in such intensive OT. 

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Junie hooked you up but I have read it aloud to all of the kids. It's a good read aloud.


I think that it would be a good read-aloud, too.  Except read-alouds don't really work like that at our house.  I do read-alouds at lunch.  I just started last year (Thanks, Forum!), and lunchtime was the easiest time to add it in.


Dd5 is a chatterbox who wouldn't understand the story, and dd13 is an eye-roller who doesn't like listening to anything.  (She is totally not an auditory learner.)

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One of my kids has some of the same issues.  Visual figure ground is the root problem when you can't locate or identify things in a busy background. Visual discrimination, visual scanning, and visual processing are all part of that.


You might find this helpful, Slache, as they describe the differences between the skills:



This is one of the (many) reasons my kid is in such intensive OT. 

It's more than my vision.


Vision-Vision discrimination (I guess), Visual Figure Ground. That's me to a T., dyslexia. I cannot read human expression and therefore never learned how to not be annoying. I also never knew when a boy liked me in school, even when everyone else did.

Touch-I can't properly measure heat and will actually injure myself by touching something too hot without realizing it.

Scent-I don't know what's wrong here but I love the smell of burning flesh, rotting flesh and stinky feet but some meats and plants make me extremely ill.

Taste-Seems okay?

Hearing-I'm tone deaf and can't tell where sounds are coming from. If there are two people talking I cannot comprehend either. I'm quite boring at parties.


It all got significantly worse when I hit puberty. I'm sure there's more, that's just off the top of my head.


DS told me he wants me to pick a new profile pic.  What do you all think it should be?  How do you all see me?  :w00t:

Honestly? As the person in the drawing. I know it's not you, but in my mind that's what you look like.


P.S. I never actually said Slache is autistic cuz I can't diagnose that over the Internet.

Sorry. Tex thinks autism is a possibility. I've been diagnosed with it before.

Edited by Slache
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