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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


It was once dentists. They changed a lot of the way they do things, and changed their profession for the better. I'm hoping that we can see the same happen in veterinary medicine. I've done my own bout with clinical depression, and it has been heartening to me to see more and more veterinarians speaking out on the issue of depression. 

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Imma pinch that boy's eyelids!

Well, dh went to talk to the boys and told them if he ever hears of them laying a hand on any of his girls, he will go have a conversation with their dad. This is probably the best threat that could have been made to influence them, because we are pretty sure they are learning this behavior from him and are probably terrified of him. And dh says I am not allowed to throat punch even mean children.

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By the second stanza I was thinking this would probably be an okay short story. By the forth stanza I was thinking the author should get to the point. By the fifth stanza all of the rhyming and (word for number of syllables) made me lose track of the story. So I gave up. I have no desire to decipher meaning. And ladies, if a carpenter heard a walrus speak, I think they would be having a vastly different conversation. And the carpenter would have his cell phone out. ;) Edited by ikslo
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Well, dh went to talk to the boys and told them if he ever hears of them laying a hand on any of his girls, he will go have a conversation with their dad. This is probably the best threat that could have been made to influence them, because we are pretty sure they are learning this behavior from him and are probably terrified of him. And dh says I am not allowed to throat punch even mean children.


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By the second stanza I was thinking this would probably be an okay short story. By the forth stanza I was thinking the author should get to the point. By the fifth stanza all of the rhyming and (word for number of syllables) made me lose track of the story. So I gave up. I have no desire to decipher meaning. And ladies, if a carpenter heard an walrus speak, I think they would be having a vastly different conversation. And the carpenter would have his cell phone out. ;)

You hurt my heart!


This is my favorite part, which is oft-quoted by me with protests from the peanut gallery.


"The time has come," the Walrus said,

"To talk of many things:

Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--

Of cabbages--and kings--

And why the sea is boiling hot--

And whether pigs have wings."


"But wait a bit," the Oysters cried,

"Before we have our chat;

For some of us are out of breath,

And all of us are fat!"

"No hurry!" said the Carpenter.

They thanked him much for that.

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Perhaps it is my strong fight--or-flight instinct, but I would not stand still if someone's hand was coming toward my eyelid.


True story - a male friend thought that it would be fun to jump out of the bushes to scare me when I was in college. I laid him flat. Then I looked to see who it was.

Go Jean!


Yeah - I can't figure out how that happened either.


We have come to a bit of a compromise. I explained to dh that I want my girls to feel perfectly comfortable in fighting a boy who is hurting them. So we are going to tell them that groin kicking is a proper and appropriate response to the boys if/when they hit/pinch/slap. I may sneak in some instruction on throat punching as well.

Edited by Susan in TN
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My fellow ITTers! We are home!!!!!!! Two very wiggly, happy pups were at the door to greet us. Three aloof cats sauntered over as though they never missed us. A broody hen and her three chicks freaked the heck out when I attempted to pick them up. HOME!!! We had a great time. I have 400+ pages of ITTing to catch up on. Plus unpacking and Mt. Laundromore. And the house is disgusting.


I will ketchup just as soon as I can!


Also....MagiQuest is the most evil game ever invented. Pretty sure I walked several miles yesterday.


Be back later!

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By the second stanza I was thinking this would probably be an okay short story. By the forth stanza I was thinking the author should get to the point. By the fifth stanza all of the rhyming and (word for number of syllables) made me lose track of the story. So I gave up. I have no desire to decipher meaning. And ladies, if a carpenter heard an walrus speak, I think they would be having a vastly different conversation. And the carpenter would have his cell phone out. ;)


Like!  (What a time to run out!)


A friend of mine used that poem for "dramatic interpretation" when we were on speech team in jr. high (back when it was still called that instead of middle school!).  I remember her practicing her facial expressions, etc.  So, when I had young kids and wanted to read them poetry I thought, oh yeah, I remember that poem.  Except, I guess I didn't really know the poem that well.  Because I read it and said "huh?" 

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Perhaps it is my strong fight--or-flight instinct, but I would not stand still if someone's hand was coming toward my eyelid. 


True story - a male friend thought that it would be fun to jump out of the bushes to scare me when I was in college.  I laid him flat.  Then I looked to see who it was. 



Go Jean!


Yeah - I can't figure out how that happened either.


We have come to a bit of a compromise. I explained to dh that I want my girls to feel perfectly comfortable in fighting a boy who is hurting them. So we are going to tell them that groin kicking is a proper and appropriate response to the boys if/when they hit/pinch/slap. I may sneak in some instruction on throat punching as well.


Double Like!

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Like!  (What a time to run out!)


A friend of mine used that poem for "dramatic interpretation" when we were on speech team in jr. high (back when it was still called that instead of middle school!).  I remember her practicing her facial expressions, etc.  So, when I had young kids and wanted to read them poetry I thought, oh yeah, I remember that poem.  Except, I guess I didn't really know the poem that well.  Because I read it and said "huh?" 

It's ironic in a funny way.  Now you have to read it, too.  Again.  :D

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It was once dentists. They changed a lot of the way they do things, and changed their profession for the better. I'm hoping that we can see the same happen in veterinary medicine. I've done my own bout with clinical depression, and it has been heartening to me to see more and more veterinarians speaking out on the issue of depression. 

I'm ketchuping up late.


FWIW, there is always at least two hours every year in attorney CLEs on depression and substance abuse. They are still quoting that lawyers are #1 and dentists are #2.    I'm glad that dentistry has improved; it's sad that this is such a prevalent issue.

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We should...in the event of an eyelid pinching, does the fist respond, or does the knee come up?

Hmmm...for me it'd be the first.


True story, our freshman girls' P.E. class involved 9 weeks of daily self-defense classes.  Our female gym teacher wanted to make sure that we could safely roll from moving cars, seriously injure attackers, and otherwise protect ourselves from the drunk hillbilly p.o.s. male classmates of ours.  In retrospect, I think there was some back history to our gym teacher's class design, but it was one of the more valuable things I learned in public school. I plan on putting my girls through some practical self defense classes.

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I'm going to The Learning Palace (like a school supply/toy store) tomorrow for handwriting paper and more fridge letters. Do I need anything else?


Do you already have a hundred chart, cuisenaire rods, and a judy clock? 


Oh, and the ubiquitous glitter, glitter glue, and non-washable tempera paint that should dot the home of every homeschooler's nice pieces of furniture.

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Sick kitten ate treats.  She is also stalking the parrot again, which is one of her favorite activities that she had ceased during her time of gut problems.  I'm still having to force feed her.  (It is not as violent as it sounds.  I open her mouth and put a bit of canned food in the side so she swallows it. 

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If Critter hacks up a hairball, I will examine it.


Sick kitten sharpened her claws on the cardboard thingie that is her favorite.  Another evidence of feeling a bit better.  She has acted like a pot smoker all day, though, standing around aimlessly and staring off into space.  Lily sniffed her butt and then hissed.  (They took her temp so I'm sure Lily smelled the lube.)  Lily dislikes new smells from the vet on sick kitten.  Her belleh seems like it is full of gel from the US, as well.   The medical director's name appears on the US, which I was happy about because it meant she got the head set of eyes on her belleh.

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Here is a report of my own health:  


I do not itch any longer.  Whatever malady I had is gone.


My sprained ankle is still bruised and swollen, and it aches, but I walk normally and have resumed all normal activities.  Two weeks tomorrow since I sprained it.


The wrist I fell on when I sprained my ankle is still sore.  I will ask the chiropractor to examine it and cure it the next time I am there.


I know everyone has wondered about these things so wonder no longer.

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I loved when Paul got fixed. He tried to jump on his cat post from across the room and was bewildered when he landed on the floor. I don't think his back feet even left the floor. He also decided at one point to walk across the room, fell over and decided that was good.

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I loved when Paul got fixed. He tried to jump on his cat post from across the room and was bewildered when he landed on the floor. I don't think his back feet even left the floor. He also decided at one point to walk across the room, fell over and decided that was good.

Drunk kittehs are funny.


Marley is completely nonplussed by everything.  I want some of what she had.

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Yay for Sweetpea getting home.


Yay for Tex's kitteh!


Yay for Tex's itchies and ankle (TWO WEEKS???  Have I been in a time warp?)!


Two of my previously sick, but better kids, are now sick again..... 10yo ds who previously had low fever and congestion, now has 100 degree and throwing up.  7yo dd who previously threw up with 102 fever (but got better) now has low fever and runny nose.  I'm starting to see a pattern here.  There seems to be 2 or 3 days fever free before the other set of symptoms start.  (Wonder how many people we infected last night at awards ceremony? - Yikes!) 

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If I like someone's post and then don't like the next five posts and then like someone's post, it isn't because I'm dissing anyone.  It's because I lose likes, gain them and then lose them again.  And I don't want to stop the momentum of my ketchup in order to go back to like things.  So likety, like, like. 


I think this should be my new signature.  :D

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One kid wears holes in the toe of his left tennis shoe which go completely through until he is wearing holes in his socks.  This is because he stops on a dime on concrete when playing basketball.  I tried some stuff, and I swear to you, the only thing that worked was wrapping the darn thing in duct tape.  I have ordered him a cheap pair of tennis shoes he can tear up outside on the court, but until then, he is wearing duct taped shoes.


I rest my case.

Edited by texasmama
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Ds15 wears holes in the toe of his left tennis shoe which go completely through until he is wearing holes in his socks.  This is because he stops on a dime on concrete when playing basketball.  I tried some stuff, and I swear to you, the only thing that worked was wrapping the darn thing in duct tape.  I have ordered him a cheap pair of tennis shoes he can tear up outside on the court, but until then, he is wearing duct taped shoes.


I rest my case.


Does he get good traction with duct tape?  It could be the new thing. 



ETA:  It's a Duct Tape, Trend Setting BOOYAH!!!


Edited by Another Lynn
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Oh, Lyyyyyyynnnnnnn......


Duck is here, and is so hopelessly behind, she needs a briefing on the last two weeks!  (I will pay you in virtual chocolate)




As for me:

-I've painted two rooms

-and moved furniture so that the carpet could be installed professionally

-and installed carpet remnants in the boiler/laundry room myself

-so that I could finally do lotsalotsalotsalotsa much-needed laundry

-and I've moved furniture back into two rooms

-which included setting up my schoolroom again (YAY)

-and finding a spoon that has been missing for 4.4 years (also YAY)

-plus a box of Christmas ornaments that still need to be sorted and put away (BOO)

-plus I've partially cleaned up the yard for spring (in between April snowstorms)

-and I've almost finished taxes

-and I've overseen the construction of five dollhouses by first-graders up way past their bedtimes

-and I've staggered to the finish line of our first year in a CC community

-plus I've thrown birthdays here and there and tomorrow again too

-and I've finished our Hobbit read-aloud,


-and all the while....



-I've been missing ITT.   :crying:  








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Oh Duckling, I'm not sure I'm up for it!


Tex - had a rash, went on prednisone, nearly conquered the world, sprained her ankle, is going away with dh for first time in 14 years this weekend?


Jean - has had pain and not fun symptoms, thought about an experimental drug and decided against it.  Her ds finished history and only has lit. to go to graduate (I think I forgot to celebrate that earlier!!!)


Ellie - is on a trip to see the mouse of California.


Sweet pea - went to RI to visit family and is now home.


Prairie - has had illness at her house, but hopefully on the mend now.


Dawn - Marching Band practice has restarted for next year, and they are visiting churches.


Heather - has been scarce, but checks in occasionally


Renai - is keeping an ITT file of recipes and prayer/good thought requests.  She's knee deep in end of year portfolio stuff.  She's hoping there might be a part time position next year.  (I'm hoping for her too!)


Ikslo - Well, today she's tired of MCT's poetry program, lol.  Also, her dh has gotten a new job and starts in a couple weeks?


Mary - gave notice where she teaches that she won't be back next year and is applying for a couple administrative jobs and had a skills evaluation for one.


Critterfixer - her old cat had eye surgery (right?) and she's doing a Nanowrimo camp and half way to her goal of 50,000 words.  Amazing.


Susan - only has a couple brain dead Tuesdays left.  Her dh's co-worker left putting a lot more work on him, (which had already happened once before without relief, so a bit stressful.) 


Slache - the baby is moving so much and so big she thinks she's having twins.  Her mom quit a job, got a job and quit a job, but has someone to stay with for now. 


Junie - help, I can't remember, latest news....


Hornblower - dd is taking finals.  Dh picked study time to clean windows, lol.  (not exactly a quiet activity, lol.)


Tsuga - bought a house and moved in.


JoJosMom - Jo Jo is going to Washington DC for Math Counts!


Krissi - .....has beautiful flowers in her yard and I don't.


I feel like I'm forgetting lots of important things!

Edited by Another Lynn
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Oh Duckling, I'm not sure I'm up for it!


Tex - had a rash, went on prednisone, nearly conquered the world, sprained her ankle, is going away with dh for first time in 14 years this weekend?


Jean - has had pain and not fun symptoms, thought about an experimental drug and decided against it.  Her ds finished history and only has lit. to go to graduate (I think I forgot to celebrate that earlier!!!)


Ellie - is on a trip to see the mouse of California.


Sweet pea - went to RI to visit family and is now home.


Prairie - has had illness at her house, but hopefully on the mend now.


Dawn - Marching Band practice has restarted for next year, and they are visiting churches.


Heather - has been scarce, but checks in occasionally


Renai - is keeping an ITT file of recipes and prayer/good thought requests.  She's knee deep in end of year portfolio stuff.  She's hoping there might be a part time position next year.  (I'm hoping for her too!)


Ikslo - Well, today she's tired of MCT's poetry program, lol.  Also, her dh has gotten a new job and starts in a couple weeks?


Mary - gave notice where she teaches that she won't be back next year and is applying for a couple administrative jobs and had a skills evaluation for one.


Critterfixer - her old cat had eye surgery (right?) and she's doing a Nanowrimo camp and half way to her goal of 50,000 words.  Amazing.


Susan - only has a couple brain dead Tuesdays left.  Her dh's co-worker left putting a lot more work on him, (which had already happened once before without relief, so a bit stressful.) 


Slache - the baby is moving so much and so big she thinks she's having twins.  Her mom quit a job, got a job and quit a job, but has someone to stay with for now. 


I feel like I'm forgetting lots of important things!


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