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I am taking ds18 out to his favorite Mexican restaurant tonight. Just the two of us. It was an incentive to get him to finish up history. Now I have to (gladly) pay up. ("Incentive" might be too strong a word - sometimes I think that he gets neglected because he isn't as loudly insistent as my other one and so it was nice to have something nice to do for him to mark his achievement). He just has the tail end of Literature to finish up and then I will graduate him from high school!

You're a good mom!
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It never ceases to amaze me that a little animal with such a fastidious diet (obligate carnivore) should eat things like strings, hair bands, rubber bands, etc. Dogs, I understand. They have a habit of gobbling whatever looks good at the time. But cats?!

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I always forget that curriculum is plural for curricula.  I always want to think of it like sheep -- the same singular or plural.


Neuter rule states that the nominative and object case of a neuter noun always ends in a.




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No obvious foreign body on x Ray, enlarged spleen, bunched intestine. Ultrasound is next. 


:grouphug: Sounds like it might be a string. Glad she has the option of ultrasound instead of a GI series. I like fast when it comes to diagnosis.

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Neuter rule states that the nominative and object case of a neuter noun always ends in a.





My sister took Latin in high school.  This is the sum total of all I learned from her:


Dumb Cornelia said it.


Minute Maid


It's a weirdo!

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DD can not keep down a sip of water, and it's been 18 hours of that, so I broke out the Zofran.  If I can't get her rehydrated, I'm going to have to take her in to get rehydrated.  Her eyes are still alert, but my mommy radar is starting to ring out alarms. 


Poor baby! :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Sounds like it might be a string. Glad she has the option of ultrasound instead of a GI series. I like fast when it comes to diagnosis.

I'm at the fancy vet. The next time they come in with pricing, I am going to need to remain seated. They have all the stuff here, though.

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I'm becoming more confused so I'm going to use to kill a man once used curriculum. Ha! That's a peach to text for ya! I'm becoming more confused about when to use curricula and when to use curriculum. Should I just leave this forum?


Linsey's coming over for our Galatians study.


Kids are breakfasting and listening to The Timeline Song. It's their thing.


Contractions are back, but weaker.


I'm tired.


Have a good day.


Tex, we have an amazing vet on a donation only basis. We found them when I called the local emergency vet about putting Paul (cat) down and they said it would be $200. He needed to be put down immediately and we did not have $200. The vet we took him to said pay later if you can, if not don't worry about it. The vet tech cried when they put him down. They are an amazing company. The first thing they did was put him in an oxygen chamber so that he would feel better while they did their examination. After they decided there was nothing they could do they gave him the medicine to put him to sleep before they actually put him down because sometimes the medication they used to put them down permanently has painful side effects. They offered to do a separate cremation so that we could keep the ashes and said we could pay later for that if we wanted. We didn't want his ashes but I was so grateful that they made him feel better. He was in so much pain and it was so unfair that we didn't have a way to make it stop.

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DD can not keep down a sip of water, and it's been 18 hours of that, so I broke out the Zofran.  If I can't get her rehydrated, I'm going to have to take her in to get rehydrated.  Her eyes are still alert, but my mommy radar is starting to ring out alarms. 

:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I'm becoming more confused so I'm going to use to kill a man once used curriculum. Ha! That's a peach to text for ya! I'm becoming more confused about when to use curricula and when to use curriculum. Should I just leave this forum?


One curriculum. Ex. I use CW Homer as my main curriculum for composition.

Two curricula Ex. I researched curricula before I settled on CW Homer as my main curriculum for composition.


However, Oxford Concise Dictionary does list curriculums as a valid plural. Second, of course, to curricula. So I don't think the dictionary police are going to come get you. There will be no need for violence. :laugh:

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I love to go a hunting

for my homeschool books

and as I go, I love to sing

and ignore the dirty looks.


Curriculum, Curricula



Curriculum Curricula

My happy homeschool books


(To be sung to the tune of The Happy Wanderer)

I will sing it to the tune of Billie Jean.
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My students do not get my humor/sarcasm sometimes. 

A little kid (guessing a preschool sibling here for a lunch visit) was just yelling "I want an apple" over and over and over. So, after the 7th time, I said sarcastically, "Hmmm. Sounds like the kid wants an orange." 
Totally blew their minds.
"Mrs. B, apples and oranges aren't the same thing!"
"Wait, Mrs. B, he said he wanted an apple, not an orange."

Then, my favorite - "You want an orange?" 

One girl laughed. She gets me most of the time. She's my pal. 

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PSA: don't go to the emergency vet with no breakfast because you will die of hunger and accept a Coke for yer poor son so he doesn't die, too.






Our fancy vet had a keurig that had pods for hot chocolate and hot apple cider as well as coffees.  They might have even had cookies. 


(Now I'm having flashbacks to taking Libby after she was hit by a car.  I had to open a Care Credit account to pay for it. And even then I took her home way earlier than they normally would suggest because I couldn't pay $200 a day.  So I slept next to her with an alarm clock and flipped her every three hours so that she wouldn't get bed sores.  And I had alarms for her tramadol and other meds.  And I did PT with her morning and afternoon.   And I was rushing to dd's room to comfort her whenever  she would have nightmares reliving the accident which happened right in front of her.  )

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DS was dancing around the living room the other night when DH put on 70s music.  He has all the moves down naturally, and was very entertaining.  I told him he is a really good dancer and we should get him dance lessons.  He replied, "No!  Boogying comes from the heart."


I don't know why I just remembered that.  Had to do with an orange.

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Lynn, what was the name of that beach house rental real estate place? I know you said the best time to go was August/September. Would anything be available or have I waited too long? Also if you don't mind me asking what is a typical (realistic) budget for a week?


I hope kitty is keeping her food down and the orthodontist went well. :)


ETA: it is another, another Lynn Booya(h) and beach-house-vacation-planning-if-I'm-not-too-late-booya(h)


We went through Margaret Rudd Realty.  The price will drop a little after mid August, and it's nice because there is no crowd!  But, you do run a risk of bad weather then.  I don't remember pricing. 


ETA:  Thanks!  Kitty ate her half-bowl of food this morning without further incident.  Whew!  and Orthodontist went well too.  (Although we were hot-footin' it in there 2 minutes late because ds misunderstood me when I woke him up.  Office was running a few minutes late too, so it was okay.)




Edited by Another Lynn
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DD can not keep down a sip of water, and it's been 18 hours of that, so I broke out the Zofran.  If I can't get her rehydrated, I'm going to have to take her in to get rehydrated.  Her eyes are still alert, but my mommy radar is starting to ring out alarms. 


Oh, no!  I hope it works.  :sad:

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Nothing on US. Anti nausea shots, antibiotics, bag of sub cut fluids, and I am taking her home and praying she gets better with this treatment and if she does have s foreign body that it passes.


(((Tex and kitty))) 


I betcha you're hungry enough to grab Taco Bell on the way home.  :leaving:


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Nothing on US. Anti nausea shots, antibiotics, bag of sub cut fluids, and I am taking her home and praying she gets better with this treatment and if she does have s foreign body that it passes.


:sad: Poor kitty.  Poor Tex.




ETA:   A sad sad-bug-smiley-emoticon.png sympathy hugs.gif booya.

Edited by JoJosMom
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I would have sworn on my favorite internal medicine text that my little kitteh had a foreign body. Even looked like it on a GI study. It wasn't-but boy was that intestine mad. However, fluids, antibiotics, antiemetics and pain management did resolve her problem in the end. That was quite the Thanksgiving week, though.

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