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This is why I will never see another breastfeeding consultant. I didn't drink enough milk or water, I ate the wrong things, I had a poor attitude, I wasn't trying hard enough, I didn't hold them enough. It was ALL my fault. I was a failure and my children were suffering and it was all my fault. It was horrible. My first time was my first time and me second time I had PPD and several breastfeeding consultants have made me cry. I'm never seeing one again.


You don't need to see another one. You have us. A mix of breastfeeders and not, who will both tell you that if it's not working to please get your child some formula so you can enjoy your children. Yes, we'll give advice to help the breastfeeding journey, but in the end you need to feed the kid. Without guilt either way.

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I nursed my first, exclusively for the first year.  I tried to put him on solids but he was extremely allergic to everything to the point that the allopathic pediatrician told me to stop all food other than breastmilk and to add some vitamins and iron to make up the difference.  At one, we slowly and carefully added in solids but he still wasn't able to eat some foods (all fruits, dairy etc. until he was much older).  He now has no food allergies but tons of environmental ones. 


I nursed my second, exclusively for the first 10 months.  Again - allergies to anything we tried.  But then one morning she woke up and wanted to be weaned.  Every single time I tried to offer the breast, she looked at me and bit down - hard.  I cried and cried.  Weaning cold turkey like that was really hard both physically and emotionally.  She has food allergies and minor environmental ones. 


I doubt that the above anecdotes really prove anything but I thought it was interesting.  It made those first couple of years challenging. 

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Well, you have all been busy in my absence, but I see that everyone has carried on in spite of not having me here to amuse you all. :lol:


I have had quite a day and now I cannot even with the dinner for the people.  I did have such a lovely visit with Dr. McDreamy Dentist, and I am only sad that I have no cause to see him for quite some time.  <sniff>  Seriously, he and I talked the whole time we were there, for like an hour.  Such a sweet man and super adorable.  (My dh knows about my dentist fixation.  He's used to my weirdness by now.)


Spoke with the odd father at length, took ds13 to get his cavity filled, had a cat birthday party, and helped* ds15 make a kite for his geometry project.


I am outing myself as a lactivist.  I never made anyone feel badly, but I have provided a lot of support and encouragement.  I was a LLL member, and I nursed a total of 8 years.  My last baby nursed until she was 3 years, 9 months.  If that does not qualify me as a nursing nut, nothing does.  I could not be prouder of the girls for doing their jobs well and efficiently, and I pumped and froze milk for my friend who was adopting a baby since I had plenty.  My only regrets are the babies I weaned before they turned two.  Nursing is the only thing I miss about the baby/toddler years.  I have a few photos of myself nursing my last toddler right before she weaned.  My dh gave up telling me to "wean the children already" after baby #3. :lol:  I did all of this with nothing but flak from dh's family (none of whom nursed and all of whom were extremely uncomfortable with me doing it - I'm talking women here, folks, not men.).  My family was lovely about it because they don't suck.




Although I am tired, it did not escape me that ikslo called me a fundie. :ohmy:   But I love her anyway, the heathen. :lol:


*This may be a euphemism for "did most of it myself because it was too painful to continue watching him try to do it alone and three trips to the store for supplies is all I want to make, so help me God". :leaving:  I had to do a lot of talking to my very black and white child, who threatened to out himself and me about this project.


Nursing Nazis - I'm the nursing nut who told a friend who tried everything but had baby continue to lose weight, to please give your baby formula. She did. She found some recipe and made it. It was her first child so she had the time. He thrived, and she enjoyed her child more. I had my own problems, and basically with Gymnast take it one day at a time - maybe we can nurse one more day, one more week, maybe a month. My girls were not efficient, and must be coaxed to do their job well. I had to pump during and after for 2-3 months to make sure there was enough demand for them to produce more milk for my almost 9#er newborn.  In the end it worked out. (Gymnast stopped completely this past December, and turned 5 in January. Part of the problem was dh who thinks the answer to every tot problem is put them on the boob. I wanted them back.  I asked him if he wasn't remotely jealous she sees them more than he does.  :lol:  :leaving: )


Family - I thought my mom was supportive, and found out she was - as long as she didn't see a woman nursing. Not even with a cover because she knows what's going on "under there." Like, that's what you really need to be thinking about, right? Another woman's boobs. Okay mom. Get over the fact that my highly allergic 18 month old is on very few solids, is almost exclusively nursed to keep up weight, and I'm staying with a sister and bil who are extremely supportive. My mil is the one who said I shouldn't go past 6 months because the milk turns into water. Must have been a Mexican old wives tale. I sent her a pic of my chubby 6 month old. She was shocked. I was satisfied with that reaction.


Weight - I think nursing caused me to lose too much weight too quickly with dd16. She absolutely refused to nurse at around 10 months, and I think it's because I had mostly dried up. After a week strike, she emptied what was accumulated there, and never went back. With Gymnast, I was a bit more informed, and realized that when I hit below a certain weight, my supply dipped. So, I was able to lose some weight, but not all while breastfeeding.


When I did the Daniel fast at the beginning of this year, I lost a lot of my stomach. That made me happy. I have it back now, which doesn't make me happy. I may have lost weight, but I don't remember. It was a very good, healthy diet with no meat, wheat, eggs, dairy or sugar. Drinking a lot of water, eating lots of vegetables and fruit (and corn tortilla chips and salsa for me). The only thing I really missed was cheese. I may do that again, treating it more like an elimination diet. I think wheat may cause me some gut inflammation which is why my stomach went down when I cut it out. But, who knows? I cut so much out at the same time... I do remember eating a dinner roll and bloating right up...

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I was an LLL Leader for years too but I retired. 


My professional breastfeeding consultant credentials are still valid. That's the one I have to decide whether to keep because my 15 year anniversary is up next year & I'd need to recertify with a bunch of continuing ed credits. 




I've considered doing this. But, I've heard that as a Sagittarius, I want to learn all the things anyway and like helping people with my vast amounts of knowledge :lol: . So is this consideration just a passing thing that has been on my mind for years, or just another Sag "I gotta know this because" thing? 

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At dinner tonight, dd9 announced that they are forming a band (dds9, 7, and 13) and will call themselves "Earth, Wind, and Fire."


Me: Uh, honey, that band already exists.


Dd9: WHAT?!?!? I worked SO HARD to think of that name! It's the greatest name EVER!


Me: I'm sorry - maybe you could call yourselves "Dirt, Breeze, and Spark."


She was not amused.


This had me crying. (of laughter)

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I'm excited about Jean losing weight. What have you all done to lose weight? This whole ice cream and sedentary thing isn't working for me. :blink:


In the past I've had luck with fitness and Whole30. NO OTHER DIET HAS MADE A DIFFERENCE! No low carb, no green tea, no pills. Nada. I did well on the grapefruit diet as a teen. I could try that again.


In the future I want to try that 12 hour fast thing and juicing. Don't scold me. I don't care.


Okay, share stories. I'm desperate.


Eta: I don't intend to lose weight pregnant. I've just been trying to get in shape for 5 1/2 years and I'm tired of it being so hard. I want some good ideas for a few months from now.


Oh, I answered this at the bottom of my response to Tex. (facepalm)

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Blissfulness is too, a word. 


I fell asleep in my car in the driveway.  Until the UPS driver came and woke me up.  :scared:


I have periodically napped in my car. So far, I haven't been woken by anyone except my kids or dh so far.

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Are Braxton Hicks and false contractions the same thing? I called them false contractions because my entire uterus becomes hard for a few seconds, but I don't believe anything is happening. I had false contractions with the first two for the last month.

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Are Braxton Hicks and false contractions the same thing? I called them false contractions because my entire uterus becomes hard for a few seconds, but I don't believe anything is happening. I had false contractions with the first two for the last month.

yes, same thing 


aka false labour

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Are Braxton Hicks and false contractions the same thing? I called them false contractions because my entire uterus becomes hard for a few seconds, but I don't believe anything is happening. I had false contractions with the first two for the last month.

Yes. They aren't false, though. They are practice. Your uterus doesn't know that you are having a planned c section.
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Lynn, are you and the family feeling better?


ETA: it's a feeling better BOOYA(h)!!!!!!


Dawn, thanks for checking on us.  We're mostly better.  The boys both have quite a cough going.  My stomach has felt yucky most of the day. 


And this evening the cat has thrown up three times - once on carpet, twice on tile.  It seems to be all cat food.  Poor thing.


Tomorrow we're making up orthodontist appts we canceled last week.


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I was just dancing a little too emphatically to Rascal Flatts and realized I was being watched by a guy in a pickup. I waved. He laughed. I'm slightly embarrassed.


I've done that, except the guy didn't just laugh but egged me on, lol! It must have been the same guy in a pickup.  :lol: I, being me, was not embarrassed. However dd16 was.

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Nursing Nazis - I'm the nursing nut who told a friend who tried everything but had baby continue to lose weight, to please give your baby formula. 


And just to clarify, I wasn't the one advising her to do a bunch of stuff that ultimately caused the baby to lose weight. I told her long before to supplement until it could be figured out.

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Why Insa Pot and not another brand?


My contractions stopped hours ago. They seem to only happen in the mornings which is odd because my real ones started in the evening both times.


I'm eating a chocolate cupcake and it's absolutely fabulous.

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The Hive said Instant Pot so I let the Hive decide.


We are all dehydrated in the mornings from going without drinking water all night. I had tons of B H early and often to the point that my doc was concerned during my first pg. They started about 20 weeks, and I had a lot more than the permitted number. Never had preterm labor. It's just how my body did pg. I got used to it.

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Older DD is still throwing up, and dh leaves for work in 3 hours. Youngest, in attempting to cope with all of the yelling, found the hidden jar of nutella in the pantry and hid in a closet and ate it all with a spoon. Older DD screams hysterically when she throws up, so no sleep is going on here, except for dh and youngest who fell asleep when her blood sugar crashed.  Younger son just wrote me a post-it telling me that I need to buy more nutella. He drew a picture of youngest walking around like a zombie with a spoon and a jar of nutella.  I'd post it here, but he included her name.  Also, in completely random other news, it's raining hard enough that I can hear water puddling outside.

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Good Wednesday morning....


I'm mentioning the orthodontist make up appts again because I'm scared I'll forget to go.  :leaving:


So, Tex, (or anyone), if my cat throws up again, should I take her to the vet?  I'm inexperienced in these decisions because growing up all cats were barn cats and only saw the vet when they got fixed.  I gave her food this morning, but only half a dish. 



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Puking cats ought to go see the vet. Young cats do have a tendency to eat anything (plants, strings, etc) and older cats sometimes have metabolic issues. I usually give cats a chance to get it out of their system and eat, but if they refuse food, or eat and can't hold it down; it's time for a trip to the vet.

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Good Morning!


I was awake half the night and then finally fell back asleep and ended up sleeping late. The kids are having cereal for breakfast.


We have a regular day of lessons, plus science this afternoon. We WILL do science today. Pinky promise.


(((Prairie))) & (((Lynn)))

Edited by Susan in TN
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Puking cats ought to go see the vet. Young cats do have a tendency to eat anything (plants, strings, etc) and older cats sometimes have metabolic issues. I usually give cats a chance to get it out of their system and eat, but if they refuse food, or eat and can't hold it down; it's time for a trip to the vet.


Okay, she seems more herself today, so hopefully it's over.  But if she continues I'll take her in. 


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I am taking ds18 out to his favorite Mexican restaurant tonight.  Just the two of us.  It was an incentive to get him to finish up history.  Now I have to (gladly) pay up.  ("Incentive" might be too strong a word - sometimes I think that he gets neglected because he isn't as loudly insistent as my other one and so it was nice to have something nice to do for him to mark his achievement).  He just has the tail end of Literature to finish up and then I will graduate him from high school! 

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Quick - someone get a compress for JJM's eyes! 




 I can't see! I can't see!

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Lynn, what was the name of that beach house rental real estate place? I know you said the best time to go was August/September. Would anything be available or have I waited too long? Also if you don't mind me asking what is a typical (realistic) budget for a week?


I hope kitty is keeping her food down and the orthodontist went well. :)


ETA: it is another, another Lynn Booya(h) and beach-house-vacation-planning-if-I'm-not-too-late-booya(h)

Edited by Openhearted
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Quick - someone get a compress for JJM's eyes! 



Your rite. Its spelt curriculum's 


sum peeple! 


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Puking cats ought to go see the vet. Young cats do have a tendency to eat anything (plants, strings, etc) and older cats sometimes have metabolic issues. I usually give cats a chance to get it out of their system and eat, but if they refuse food, or eat and can't hold it down; it's time for a trip to the vet.

This was our approach. She was not getting better. She is in for an x ray right now. My money is on swallowing a hair band or other non food items.
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