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This is why I will never see another breastfeeding consultant. I didn't drink enough milk or water, I ate the wrong things, I had a poor attitude, I wasn't trying hard enough, I didn't hold them enough. It was ALL my fault. I was a failure and my children were suffering and it was all my fault. It was horrible. My first time was my first time and me second time I had PPD and several breastfeeding consultants have made me cry. I'm never seeing one again.


My mom couldn't breastfeed me and had a similar experience and look how awesome I turned out. My sister was able to pump a bit... but always supplemented. People were so unhelpful. I won't blame you. I will advise that you do not feed your kids raw goat's milk mixed with raw honey as homemade formula, although it may have been more nutritious than the powdered chalk they were selling in the mid-70s...

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My mom couldn't breastfeed me and had a similar experience and look how awesome I turned out. My sister was able to pump a bit... but always supplemented. People were so unhelpful. I won't blame you. I will advise that you do not feed your kids raw goat's milk mixed with raw honey as homemade formula, although it may have been more nutritious than the powdered chalk they were selling in the mid-70s...

My insurance is supplying an electric breast pump. I don't like soy in my formulas so Kirkland (Costco brand) is my backup plan. I imagine I could make my own and it would be better, but I'm not going to do that. I'm just not a good enough mom for that. John was on all solids at 4 months anyway and I think physically I've got another John so I don't think it really matters.

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This is why I will never see another breastfeeding consultant. I didn't drink enough milk or water, I ate the wrong things, I had a poor attitude, I wasn't trying hard enough, I didn't hold them enough. It was ALL my fault. I was a failure and my children were suffering and it was all my fault. It was horrible. My first time was my first time and me second time I had PPD and several breastfeeding consultants have made me cry. I'm never seeing one again.


I hope my post about breastfeeding/weight loss didn't make you feel bad.  Truth be told, I lost TOO much weight, and was referred to a dietician.  There's another one where "never again" is appropriate.  But I digress.


I also had the breastfeeding consultant wake me up in the middle of the night in the hospital.  I looked at her, and said, "Waking a sleeping mom is not helpful for breastfeeding.  He's obviously nursing fine since he is sleeping and therefore not hungry.  I don't need your help."  She was offended.  And kid weighed more leaving the hospital than when he was born.  So there.

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Slache is like the booyah queen. Anyway.




 I imagine I could make my own and it would be better, but I'm not going to do that. I'm just not a good enough mom for that.


Oh yeah because raw milk and raw honey are such great options. Hah!

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I hope my post about breastfeeding/weight loss didn't make you feel bad.  Truth be told, I lost TOO much weight, and was referred to a dietician.  There's another one where "never again" is appropriate.  But I digress.

Oh, no not at all! I had even been thinking about that beforehand.



I also had the breastfeeding consultant wake me up in the middle of the night in the hospital.  I looked at her, and said, "Waking a sleeping mom is not helpful for breastfeeding.  He's obviously nursing fine since he is sleeping and therefore not hungry.  I don't need your help."  She was offended.  And kid weighed more leaving the hospital than when he was born.  So there.


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Oh and I went to La Leche League meetings and found them slightly helpful.



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I was an LLL Leader for years too but I retired. 


My professional breastfeeding consultant credentials are still valid. That's the one I have to decide whether to keep because my 15 year anniversary is up next year & I'd need to recertify with a bunch of continuing ed credits. 



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I just counted up the months.  I have spent 10 of the last 14 years nursing my 5 children. I was so happy to have weaned my last that I bought myself some nice bras from Soma to hoist the ladies up through their retirement years.  Only one of my kids had formula---and it was because she was preemie and needed Enfacare mixed with my milk in her ng tube and some booster bottles those first few months.  She got too tired nursing.  It was crazy expensive to bottle feed!


I hate the mommy wars about bottle or breast.  Just feed the babies!

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I just counted up the months. I have spent 10 of the last 14 years nursing my 5 children. I was so happy to have weaned my last that I bought myself some nice bras from Soma to hoist the ladies up through their retirement years. Only one of my kids had formula---and it was because she was preemie and needed Enfacare mixed with my milk in her ng tube and some booster bottles those first few months. She got too tired nursing. It was crazy expensive to bottle feed!


I hate the mommy wars about bottle or breast. Just feed the babies!

I was on WIC. I think it was $200/mo on average. I'm planning on pumping and hopefully getting the rest out of pocket.


I can understand the mommy wars. I think breastmilk is so much better than formula. People just don't know how to mind their own business and don't understand that an unstressed mother is the most important thing an infant needs.

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Well, you have all been busy in my absence, but I see that everyone has carried on in spite of not having me here to amuse you all. :lol:


I have had quite a day and now I cannot even with the dinner for the people.  I did have such a lovely visit with Dr. McDreamy Dentist, and I am only sad that I have no cause to see him for quite some time.  <sniff> 


I am outing myself as a lactivist.  I never made anyone feel badly, but I have provided a lot of support and encouragement.  I was a LLL member, and I nursed a total of 8 years.  My last baby nursed until she was almost four.  If that does not qualify me as a nursing nut, nothing does.  I could not be prouder of the girls for doing their jobs well and efficiently, and I pumped and froze milk for my friend who was adopting a baby since I had plenty.  My only regrets are the babies I weaned before they turned two.  Nursing is the only thing I miss about the baby/toddler years.  I have a few photos of myself nursing my last toddler right before she weaned.  I did all of this with nothing but flak from dh's family (none of whom nursed and all of whom were extremely uncomfortable with me doing it - I'm talking women here, folks, not men.).  My family was lovely about it because they don't suck.




Although I am tired, it did not escape me that ikslo called me a fundie. :ohmy:   But I love her anyway, the heathen. :lol:




Edited by texasmama
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Also, when I say that I try hard every day to be appropriate, I mean that I have to say silently to myself, "Don't say the F word around the church people" and "It's okay to flip off husband but don't accidentally flip off children."   I am at that level of basic with the inappropriateness.


I have never done either of the above things, but I rest my case that I fear doing them.


We are an inappropriate family.  We would not make the cover of a Christian family magazine. 



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Also, I never lost weight due to breastfeeding.  I was super hungry and gained weight because I am that kind of talented.  I lost weight on Weight Watchers, juice fasts (very short term), South Beach, calorie counting, anxiety issues, the divorce diet (took my appetite away),  and going hungry.

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The Jeeves novels of P.G. Wodehouse are my go-to books for light reading. I probably need to expand my range. Were the Flavia de Luce novels in there? I didn't see them, but really enjoyed the two that I've read. Also, the Spellman books by Lisa Lutz are so so funny with just a bit of edgy to them.

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Joining in on this.


Also, quoting because I had a thought. (They're fleeting and must be acted upon immediately.)


Perhaps we could as Renai to add a prayer list to our Google Drive?  (Which must be Capitalized because it is a Mystery.)



I did just now. Also, I will be deleting the link from the thread, so it's not so public. It should probably just be shared via pm from now on.

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Well I lost weight after pregnancy, but I don't recommend my method. Suffice to say that if one cannot eat after delivering babies due to having a nasogastric tube in because of serious GI stasis, one doesn't have anything to live on but one's own fat.


I got my 2,500 in today on my project, and found the halfway to 50,000 words today! And my stinky, no-talking, stick-in-the-mud cabin mates aren't going to congratulate me (the slackers!) so I've come over here for some pats on the back. :laugh:

I just love my main character. But he would never make it into the basement of heaven. No, the poor devil is so bad that he's stuck guarding the gates of the underworld from all the things worse than he is. Makes for a seriously angsty character. I'm glad he has a wicked sense of humor about the whole thing.

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Well I lost weight after pregnancy, but I don't recommend my method. Suffice to say that if one cannot eat after delivering babies due to having a nasogastric tube in because of serious GI stasis, one doesn't have anything to live on but one's own fat.


I got my 2,500 in today on my project, and found the halfway to 50,000 words today! And my stinky, no-talking, stick-in-the-mud cabin mates aren't going to congratulate me (the slackers!) so I've come over here for some pats on the back. :laugh:

I just love my main character. But he would never make it into the basement of heaven. No, the poor devil is so bad that he's stuck guarding the gates of the underworld from all the things worse than he is. Makes for a seriously angsty character. I'm glad he has a wicked sense of humor about the whole thing.


:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:


You sound like you know this character well.  Have you written about him before or is he new?

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You sound like you know this character well.  Have you written about him before or is he new?


He's been around for a year or so. Very talkative guy. Easy to get on with most of the time. He makes a good POV character because he's very observant. You can usually count on him not to miss a thing.

I typically spend about four to five legal pads of paper just getting to know a character--figuring out what his backstory is, how he's likely to interact with other characters and whether he can be counted on to be good at telling the story. This guy fit the part right away. 

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Backstory.  That's what my children's book character needs.  She's a pill; that's about all I know so far.


Book: The Plot Thickens-Noah Lukeman. The first two chapters of my copy are so well thumbed for characterization work that I have broken the spine.

And if you get interested in character archetypes, I recommend Jean Shinoda Bolen's books Goddesses in Everywoman and Gods in Everyman. Those are probably my top two go-to books for character work.

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As a matter of fact, I need to spend a little bit of time with another character tonight. I don't like her very much, she's rather quiet, more than a little arrogant and doesn't reveal herself well. And she has a bigger part in the upcoming chapters, so I need to work with her a little more. I might just have her go through tomorrow's scene from her point of view so that I can help the main character understand her just a little better. 

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If anyone needs a spare pair or three of glasses, zenni optical has a 20% off code. Vision2020


Just ordered three pairs, one for little dd and two for me. $80 shipped. And I have a high prescription. Been ordering from zenni for years and have been very pleased with the quality.

I love Zenni. Everyone in my family who wears glasses has them.

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I've been having false contractions all day. I'm tired from the contractions. I'm so sore and nauseated. It's too early for this. I still have 2 months. Is this normal? I keep wondering if he's coming early. I'm not worried about him, I know he'll be fine, but I'd rather he were bigger and healthier.

I'm late to the party but yes, drink a lot of water.  Some people have a lot of Braxton Hicks.  I was one of them.  He can't come two months early.  The ITT forbids it.

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