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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Yes. For the beloved heathens among us.








Well, I left the "Prayer" part in my title suggestion for all of you friendly fundies.




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Yes, he does. And he does saline rinses twice a day.

I don't know much about this, but wouldn't doing it so often clean out all the good stuff you actually want in your nose? I only do it when I'm sick and never looked that much into it. I just thought you wanted a natural balance in your sinuses.

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Ugh, Jean, I'm sorry.


This season has been horrible for pollen. I actually had to wash my car. And I am definitely a typical northwestern in that it doesn't need washing unless you can't roll down the window for moss in the door frame.

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so allergy peeps, a question:  

1. Someone told me that it helps to rotate your antihistamines. So perhaps one month of desloratadine and then a month of cetirizine What say you? 

2. do you find you have to take your antihistamine daily for best results or can you skip a day based on how you feel/pollen counts/weather? 

3. talk to me about safety of nasal rinsing. Is it ok to rinse with saline daily? not homemade, one of the prepared squirty bottles you buy (hydrasense brand) 

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We are library schooling.  I managed to snag the conference room.  I'm always excited when I can snag it.  Then dd told me that she prefers being out with all the screaming kids and cell phones and general commotion.  :svengo: I prefer being able to think.  (Which I'm totally doing right now - on the ITT thread. . . )


See? This is why I stalk hero worship you.  I spend so much time here because I am a deep thinker...

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so allergy peeps, a question:  


1. Someone told me that it helps to rotate your antihistamines. So perhaps one month of desloratadine and then a month of cetirizine What say you? 


2. do you find you have to take your antihistamine daily for best results or can you skip a day based on how you feel/pollen counts/weather? 


3. talk to me about safety of nasal rinsing. Is it ok to rinse with saline daily? not homemade, one of the prepared squirty bottles you buy (hydrasense brand) 


1.  We rotate when one stops working (after a year or so).


2.  You can skip.  At least we skip the winter when nothing much is going on.


3.  OK to rinse daily but there is a risk of irritation if you do it too much.  (If so, just back off )  And  you are supposed to change the squirty bottles every 3 months so that you won't get an infection from possible bacteria growing in the bottle. 

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"Snippy attitudes will be nipped in the bud.  With hedge clippers.  Oh and while I'm spreading joy, you can stop trying to do your schoolwork while listening to YouTube videos, young lady."


I need you to come to my house. With hedge clippers.

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so allergy peeps, a question:  


1. Someone told me that it helps to rotate your antihistamines. So perhaps one month of desloratadine and then a month of cetirizine What say you? 


2. do you find you have to take your antihistamine daily for best results or can you skip a day based on how you feel/pollen counts/weather? 


3. talk to me about safety of nasal rinsing. Is it ok to rinse with saline daily? not homemade, one of the prepared squirty bottles you buy (hydrasense brand) 

My ped allergist says....


1. Once every 12 months, I should part with my beloved cetirizine and take a 6-8 week break using something else.

2. I absolutely must take my antihistamine every freaking day. Otherwise, I get fluid in my ears, a massive sinus infection, and usually pneumonia. Oh, and I itch like crazy.  My kids only need it when temperatures are above freezing, given what they are allergic to.

3. A commercially prepared saline rinse is a great idea provided: 1. the salt concentration is not too high and 2. you are using disposable bottles so that you can control the risk of bacteria infection. I was cleared to rinse daily during peak allergy seasons.

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I've been having false contractions all day. I'm tired from the contractions. I'm so sore and nauseated. It's too early for this. I still have 2 months. Is this normal? I keep wondering if he's coming early. I'm not worried about him, I know he'll be fine, but I'd rather he were bigger and healthier.

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An American Life


by JJM


I fed the ponies. I shoveled the poop.


All alone. In the rain.




(This profundity shared in honor of Jean, and of her quest for deep but lite American literature.)

There may be a Pulizer in your future!

Edited by Susan in TN
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Slache, Make sure you're well hydrated.  I had a lot of early contractions because I was not good at this.



Slache, be sure you rest and are drinking enough. I was off my feet for most of the last three months of my pregnancy and I swear I drank a lake dry trying to stay well hydrated. I would start contracting if I didn't drink enough.


ITT Mind Meld!!

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funny how at a time when your bladder has almost zero capacity & serves as a trampoline for a fetal gymnast, it's the same time you must drink, drink, drink. Pretty much requires reclining on a potty for your third trimester. 

I spent a chunk of my pregnancies wondering "why can't we just lay eggs?"


And then we'd hire someone else to sit on them and there would be mummy wars about whether you should sit on your eggs or not....

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Oh god the mommy guilt of egg sitters... "Maybe you couldn't breastfeed because you didn't sit on them to stimulate the hormones" or some other chicken crap answer... ahhhhhhhhhh


This is why I will never see another breastfeeding consultant. I didn't drink enough milk or water, I ate the wrong things, I had a poor attitude, I wasn't trying hard enough, I didn't hold them enough. It was ALL my fault. I was a failure and my children were suffering and it was all my fault. It was horrible. My first time was my first time and me second time I had PPD and several breastfeeding consultants have made me cry. I'm never seeing one again.

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