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I'm baking potatoes and chopping the bit of brisket we kept and drowning it in bbq sauce to make bbq beef potatoes for the males in the fam tonight.  If I had my Instant Pot, I could just throw dirty potatoes into the pot and it would wash them and cut off the eyes, bake them, and them apply the bbq beef, all in 5 seconds.  I can't wait to get my Instant Pot.

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If y'all have any prayers or good thoughts you could send dh's way, they sure would be appreciated tonight. He just came home - waaaaaay early and said that "P" gave her two weeks notice today. Which means his entire department is down to just him and the other lady who has been mostly out sick for the past month. He is still trying to do the work of two full time people, plus everything the sick lady can't do, and in addition closing down a warehouse and making sure everything is transferred or disposed of properly.


He went out for a walk in some pretty crappy weather. :(

Edited by Susan in TN
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If y'all have any prayers or good thoughts you could send dh's way, they sure would be appreciated tonight. He just came home - waaaaaay early and said that "P" gave her two weeks notice today. Which means his entire department is down to just him and the other lady who has been mostly out sick for the past month. He is still trying to do the work of two full time people, plus everything the sick lady can't do, and in addition closing down a warehouse and making sure everything is transferred or disposed of properly.


He went out for a walk in some pretty crappy weather. :(


Ugh, I am so sorry.


He will be in my thoughts.

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Found out an American friend - well, more like a long time acquaintance/someone I've known for years now & whom I normally see once or twice a year but we keep in touch online etc & have some big things in common, but there are lots of things I don't know about her - is very ill. 

When I first met her she was very vibrant, taking at least one major trip a year & her trips were huge adventure type things, riding horses across a desert type thing. She worked in law enforcement.

I've been emailing her every couple months & each month it's been worse & worse news. She's been progressively worse the last couple years; a series of small things, some surgeries, consults with specialists out East, but it's been cascading & now she's been in & out of hospital for a year because she keeps getting sepsis. She gets sick, goes into ICU, they give her abx in IV, eventually she goes home, continues IV abx, recovers. A couple months later, wham, again. 

She's just under 40, I think. She's been told to get her affairs in order & make plans for all her animals because it's possible the next bout will be fatal. Too  much consecutive damage and she's getting weaker and they can't figure out how to make the infections stop. 

Kind of hard to know how to respond to an email like that. :(


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At dinner tonight, dd9 announced that they are forming a band (dds9, 7, and 13) and will call themselves "Earth, Wind, and Fire."


Me: Uh, honey, that band already exists.


Dd9: WHAT?!?!? I worked SO HARD to think of that name! It's the greatest name EVER!


Me: I'm sorry - maybe you could call yourselves "Dirt, Breeze, and Spark."


She was not amused.

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If y'all have any prayers or good thoughts you could send dh's way, they sure would be appreciated tonight. He just came home - waaaaaay early and said that "P" gave her two weeks notice today. Which means his entire department is down to just him and the other lady who has been mostly out sick for the past month. He is still trying to do the work of two full time people, plus everything the sick lady can't do, and in addition closing down a warehouse and making sure everything is transferred or disposed of properly.


He went out for a walk in some pretty crappy weather. :(

Oh, man! :grouphug: Edited by ikslo
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Found out an American friend - well, more like a long time acquaintance/someone I've known for years now & whom I normally see once or twice a year but we keep in touch online etc & have some big things in common, but there are lots of things I don't know about her - is very ill.


When I first met her she was very vibrant, taking at least one major trip a year & her trips were huge adventure type things, riding horses across a desert type thing. She worked in law enforcement.


I've been emailing her every couple months & each month it's been worse & worse news. She's been progressively worse the last couple years; a series of small things, some surgeries, consults with specialists out East, but it's been cascading & now she's been in & out of hospital for a year because she keeps getting sepsis. She gets sick, goes into ICU, they give her abx in IV, eventually she goes home, continues IV abx, recovers. A couple months later, wham, again.


She's just under 40, I think. She's been told to get her affairs in order & make plans for all her animals because it's possible the next bout will be fatal. Too much consecutive damage and she's getting weaker and they can't figure out how to make the infections stop.


Kind of hard to know how to respond to an email like that. :(






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Oh & I HATE cooking. The only reason I would even think of the instant pot is if it really really made my life super duper easy. 


I don't know if there are vegan instant pot recipes that don't require chopping and slicing and crushing and dicing and mincing? Chili I guess? But I keep thinking I could make that in a Le Creuset in the oven (it has a slow cook function) but I never have. I can't remember the last time we've had chili because I'm so lazy. Someone posted a recipe recently in the chat section which was just dumping a couple cans of beans & some other stuff in a pot & that sounded doable....


Realistically I have to consider that I'm really not likely to use it. 


I need a cook. Dd bakes. Nobody here really likes to cook. I keep encouraging ds to become something useful like a vegan chef or a registered massage therapist. (useful to ME, you see...) but so far, he's not biting. 

Yay!  My "I hate cooking" sister!  Cheers!  :cheers2:


How are you feeling, Lynn?

Thanks!  Still scratchy throat, headache, hanging in there. 


BTW, I got a pm from someone with a zero post count asking about my son's puberty.  Ummm, no.  Reported it as child s#x perp spam, and the person was deleted.

:ack2: :blink: :eek:


If y'all have any prayers or good thoughts you could send dh's way, they sure would be appreciated tonight. He just came home - waaaaaay early and said that "P" gave her two weeks notice today. Which means his entire department is down to just him and the other lady who has been mostly out sick for the past month. He is still trying to do the work of two full time people, plus everything the sick lady can't do, and in addition closing down a warehouse and making sure everything is transferred or disposed of properly.


He went out for a walk in some pretty crappy weather. :(



Lynn, I hope you and your family are feeling better, and that you got a nap in.

Thank you!  Both boys have been fever free this afternoon.  I didn't get a nap in, but I'm hoping to go to bed early. 


I didn't hit quote, but prayers and best wishes for Ikslo's SMIL and for Hornblower's friend.  :grouphug:

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At dinner tonight, dd9 announced that they are forming a band (dds9, 7, and 13) and will call themselves "Earth, Wind, and Fire."


Me: Uh, honey, that band already exists.


Dd9: WHAT?!?!? I worked SO HARD to think of that name! It's the greatest name EVER!


Me: I'm sorry - maybe you could call yourselves "Dirt, Breeze, and Spark."



She was not amused.

Oh, Susan! You made me laugh out loud! Edited by KrissiK
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I bought new coffee. I've been drinking McDonald's Breakfast Blend every morning because it's good. But I decided to branch out a bit and got McDonald's Columbian.... Supreme... or whatever. So I had to brew a pot when I got home. It's good. McDonald's has good coffee. Just sayin'!

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I'm excited about Jean losing weight. What have you all done to lose weight? This whole ice cream and sedentary thing isn't working for me. :blink:


In the past I've had luck with fitness and Whole30. NO OTHER DIET HAS MADE A DIFFERENCE! No low carb, no green tea, no pills. Nada. I did well on the grapefruit diet as a teen. I could try that again.


In the future I want to try that 12 hour fast thing and juicing. Don't scold me. I don't care.


Okay, share stories. I'm desperate.


Eta: I don't intend to lose weight pregnant. I've just been trying to get in shape for 5 1/2 years and I'm tired of it being so hard. I want some good ideas for a few months from now.

Edited by Slache
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If y'all have any prayers or good thoughts you could send dh's way, they sure would be appreciated tonight. He just came home - waaaaaay early and said that "P" gave her two weeks notice today. Which means his entire department is down to just him and the other lady who has been mostly out sick for the past month. He is still trying to do the work of two full time people, plus everything the sick lady can't do, and in addition closing down a warehouse and making sure everything is transferred or disposed of properly.


He went out for a walk in some pretty crappy weather. :(



Found out an American friend - well, more like a long time acquaintance/someone I've known for years now & whom I normally see once or twice a year but we keep in touch online etc & have some big things in common, but there are lots of things I don't know about her - is very ill. 


When I first met her she was very vibrant, taking at least one major trip a year & her trips were huge adventure type things, riding horses across a desert type thing. She worked in law enforcement.


I've been emailing her every couple months & each month it's been worse & worse news. She's been progressively worse the last couple years; a series of small things, some surgeries, consults with specialists out East, but it's been cascading & now she's been in & out of hospital for a year because she keeps getting sepsis. She gets sick, goes into ICU, they give her abx in IV, eventually she goes home, continues IV abx, recovers. A couple months later, wham, again. 


She's just under 40, I think. She's been told to get her affairs in order & make plans for all her animals because it's possible the next bout will be fatal. Too  much consecutive damage and she's getting weaker and they can't figure out how to make the infections stop. 


Kind of hard to know how to respond to an email like that. :(






Hugs and prayers.   :grouphug:

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My day had all the things, apparently.


Testing went pretty well, except a couple of the dc needed extra time for the math section.  (Especially the one who doesn't know her times tables yet.  However, she is resourceful and drew her own math manipulatives -- lots and lots of rows of circles -- to figure out the answers.)


Then ds15 had a baseball game.  And the battery in our van died when we got there.  So we waited for AAA -- at least we got to watch the game while we waited -- and got that taken care of.  (Our team lost by one run.  I think.  I really never know what the score is.)


We stopped for pizza on the way home.  We got some cheap $5 pizzas that the kids like.  Dh was sweet and insisted that we stop at another pizza place so that I could get a gf pizza.  While I was waiting for my pizza, ds15 came in and told me that we needed to get some water.  Someone had thrown a cigarette into a flower bed and there was smoke.  (It was a flame that was smoldering and a bunch of smoke.  On a windy day.)  The lady working in the pizza place gave me a bucket of water and ds15 and I put it out.


Other than that, the day was pretty normal.





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There was a fire lit by teens setting off firecrackers in the greenspace near our house years ago.  It wasn't just smoldering.  It was actively burning.  (Though we live in a wet area so it was still under control.)  I called 9-1-1 and reported it.  They took so long getting to it that I ran down to my house got buckets for me and the kids and put it out, and they still hadn't arrived.  Then I called them back to tell them "never mind.  I took care of it."  The dispatcher was snippy with me but I was snippy back because honestly, I did not want the greenspace to burn down and our houses around it. 

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John asked how to be an elephant so I showed him and now he's praising Hitler. I did something wrong.


I didn't think elephants sounded even close to a bunch of Nazis. I pull my lips in and make a high pitched hrrrrrrrRRRRRRRR sound. Sounds  nothing like "Heil Hitler".


(Joking of course. The elephant trunk is a hard animal motion to pull off.)

Edited by Tsuga
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I put a little smoldering fire out on the side of someone's house by stepping on it and then emptying my water bottle to make sure. I then knocked on the door to let the owners know and they looked like they might murder their teenage son. I didn't mean to tattle.

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Hornblower, I was just thinking of your friend. 


A few years ago, my sister had some very difficult health challenges.  I didn't know until later that she had written good-bye letters to each of my children.  Just in case.   :crying:


She has been doing better in the past year.  She said that she tore up the letters when she realized that she was going to get better.  


I hope that the doctors can figure out what is going on with your friend and help her to get better, too.

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I'm excited about Jean losing weight. What have you all done to lose weight? This whole ice cream and sedentary thing isn't working for me. :blink:


In the past I've had luck with fitness and Whole30. NO OTHER DIET HAS MADE A DIFFERENCE! No low carb, no green tea, no pills. Nada. I did well on the grapefruit diet as a teen. I could try that again.


In the future I want to try that 12 hour fast thing and juicing. Don't scold me. I don't care.


Okay, share stories. I'm desperate.


Eta: I don't intend to lose weight pregnant. I've just been trying to get in shape for 5 1/2 years and I'm tired of it being so hard. I want some good ideas for a few months from now.

Breastfeeding for 34 months was the best weight loss plan I was ever on.

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Sorry, Slache.  I forgot about your weight loss question until Ikslo quoted it.


Water aerobics classes helped me to lose weight.  I wish I could find a class I could consistently attend.  I will tell you that the gf diet is not good for weight loss.  Nope.


My mom has done well with Weight Watchers.  And she says that her brother goes on a "soup diet" whenever he needs to lose weight.  It doesn't matter what kind of soup -- just soup instead of regular meals.





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:grouphug: For all those going through hard times right now.


I had an eventful afternoon. My old cat came squinting up to me this afternoon and I knew immediately that we had a problem. Sure enough, she lost her graft. I thought she might, because it looked loose to me from day 1 (but better loose than tight.) So then it was rush out the door to find out if she still had a big old ulcer there. Thankfully, it looks like not. There is ulcer, but it is small and on both edges where the graft pulled away. So she hurts, but at least for now it looks like the eye is going to be okay. 

Sigh of relief, and now I get to be even more uptight than I already am.


In other news, I channeled my frustration and exacting angst into my writing, and did a beautiful rewrite of the action scene from yesterday, and am also really beginning to delve into the main character's alter-ego, which is always a dark, disturbing and very interesting trip. I'm sitting at 22,700 roughly at day 11 of camp, so I'm right on target for my 50,000.

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In other news, I channeled my frustration and exacting angst into my writing, and did a beautiful rewrite of the action scene from yesterday, and am also really beginning to delve into the main character's alter-ego, which is always a dark, disturbing and very interesting trip. I'm sitting at 22,700 roughly at day 11 of camp, so I'm right on target for my 50,000.

This has always fascinated and baffled me. The whole character thing. I wish I could write!


Dh has worked on a children's story off and on over the years for our kids. It is a good story, well written, a little bizarre, but interesting. I don't know how he does it. Maybe some day he will get it finished. :)

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