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I had chives from my garden on my lunch. I don't garden as much as I should; I really get a kick out of going out with scissors and eating stuff that's growing right there.


Rhubarb is almost ready too.

I have tried for a long time to get rhubarb to grow. I think I am finally giving up on it.

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I have tried for a long time to get rhubarb to grow. I think I am finally giving up on it.



rhubarb is one of those things here that grows almost like a weed.  I'm guessing you're in a hotter climate? 


We struggle to warm things up & need greenhouses. I grow tomatoes in there. 


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I have never been successful at growing anything.


Your signature says otherwise.






Where do I get lamination sheets, what brand do I want and how much do I want to spend? We have a Costco membership, live near things like Staples, Office Max etc. I do still have that 50% off Micheal's coupon. Wal*Mart is inconvenient but we can go if it's a great deal.

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But you haven't seen their growth charts.   :)  With the exception of ds15 (and maybe dd13) we're a bunch of shorties.

That's really funny! I'm afraid of having a really big girl. I'm 5'10'', large (but not huge) frame, and the shortest in my family. My great aunt was 6'6". That's cool if you're a guy, not so much for our side.

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It seems that as I have more children, they get progressively shorter.  At ds15's last checkup, he was in the 50th percentile for height, iirc.  Little dd5 is in the 3rd percentile.

As long as you're not shrinking I wouldn't be too worried. John't huge, Mary's teeny. They both seem to be leveling out. I wouldn't mind shrinking a little, especially around the hips.

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As long as you're not shrinking I wouldn't be too worried. John't huge, Mary's teeny. They both seem to be leveling out. I wouldn't mind shrinking a little, especially around the hips.


:iagree:  with the bolded statement.




No, I'm not worried about the little ones.  It's mostly genetics.

Edited by Junie
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I napped.  I'm hungry again.  My head feels funny.  But I'm not terribly worried about it.  DD is better.  DS was feverish this afternoon.  Everyone has gone out to eat except for him and me.  Sister in law leaves in the morning.  Dh is supposed to report to his unit tomorrow, but will try to wait until Monday morning to go. 


I'm slightly grumpy, otherwise hanging in there.

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By the way, did Tex say she had FINISHED laundry?  I don't know what that is.  I thought that was like dividing by zero - could not be done. 


Yay for all of you who grow things and cook with them.  I can't grow things either, Junie.  Susan, I also like the jars in my pantry - not only can I not kill them, I know how to measure them, lol.  And they're always there when I need them. 

Edited by Another Lynn
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I wish that I could make a list of all the stuff I need to do and actually get it done.  And perhaps have one day to do nothing other than "Jean things".  And then I would make a new list of all the stuff I need to do and again get it done.  Instead, by the time I've worked halfway down the list, not only do I run out of time and energy, but the list has grown exponentially because apparently chores breed like rabbits.  And I never ever get done. 

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It seems that as I have more children, they get progressively shorter. At ds15's last checkup, he was in the 50th percentile for height, iirc. Little dd5 is in the 3rd percentile.


We have a height sandwich. My oldest is tall for our family (6'4"), the middles are all short, and my youngest is very tall for her age.

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I wish that I could swing dance. 

Is this something that you physically cannot do because it hurts too much, or you just don't know how? I suggest you look into local classes if possible. It's not hard. I was in swing club in high school and I performed at assemblies and stuff.

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Is this something that you physically cannot do because it hurts too much, or you just don't know how? I suggest you look into local classes if possible. It's not hard. I was in swing club in high school and I performed at assemblies and stuff.



You can also learn to swing dance from YouTube.

Walking is hard.  ;)  I would be back in Zumba (which I love) if I could.  And I would add a swing dance class. 

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I'm sorry Jean. I would suggest Tai Chi and tell you it's a bunch of fun, but it's dreadfully boring.


Actually, Tai Chi depends very much on the instructor.  I loved the Tai Chi class I was in about 9 years ago.  The instructor was a young martial arts guru.  He taught swords, which was a lot of fun.  (Not real swords.)  He knew how to make accommodations for my arthritis, because he had a bad ankle.  However, his bad ankle was from a gunshot wound from when he lived in Louisiana.  I was afraid to ask how it happened.

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My grandmother used to wash her windows -- inside and out -- every.single.week.   :svengo:


And if she washed windows on Tuesday and it rained on Wednesday, she would wash them again on Thursday.   :svengo:  :svengo:


I think there's some OCD on that side of the family.  However, if you saw my house (and my windows) you would know I missed it.

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It would be quiet if he came and did it at my house!

Ha! I'll happily lend him out. Just don't take him if you have a baby that you want to stay asleep or students that need to concentrate. He THINKS he's being quiet but he's so loud. 



Trying to find the positive in this (because I did that thingy that Laura posted about how old we are & the only way left to decrease my body age was to fast occasionally and to be optimistic! So I'm trying being optimistic! )  --- 


The only good thing about it was that dd was learning something about encoding memory and how environmental stimuli can help become associated with memory (sound, smell, taste, tactile etc.) So for ex. some people try to chew a certain relatively novel flavor of gum while memorizing some stuff and then chew the same flavor gum during the exam, because it's supposed to help with recalling that info. 


Well, he's making a racket. 


And her exam on Monday is in a wing of the college where there's some construction to the point that the prof is arranging for invigilators to ok foam earplugs for the students. So I figure she's well prepared for an environment with random noises, swearing, things falling...

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Heartbreaking tragedy!

Positive update:  He decided it was so terrible (and for some reason cost double what he usually pays, which he did not notice until he got home?), so he took it back and they gave him his money back!  This was Sam's, FYI.  I thought they would, but I am surprised that he did it because he doesn't like to do stuff like this.


It was so tough that my meat and potatoes dude refused to eat it.

Edited by texasmama
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By the way, did Tex say she had FINISHED laundry?  I don't know what that is.  I thought that was like dividing by zero - could not be done. 


I am just that BA. :hat:


I was going to protest the house taxes online, but dh says we have to go upstairs and watch TV so that will need to wait until another day.

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I just got done watching Bruce Lee's very first movie with ds.  There were buckets of obvious red paint (aka blood) sloshing everywhere.  I was embarrassed for poor Bruce Lee that he had his name on this.  But we did have fun making up alternate words for the dubbing and scenarios using buckets of red paint, so there was that. 

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I ate macarons and now I'm watching Netflix.


I'm living on the wild side.

Whatchy'all watchin'?


Whoooo wheeee! It's a Watchin' Boobtube Booyah!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

Edited by Susan in TN
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DH is an hour away at ikea. I am rearranging the living room.

First: points


Second: they did not have the desk that they said they had on the phone. Have to wait two weeks. Furniture is moved however and DH brought home pizza and wine. So all is good.

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Slache has me thinking about exercise. 


5 (? not exactly sure on the timing of all of this) years ago I was a semi-invalid. This was on the advice of a doctor who told me not to do anything that caused pain.  That was stupid advice. 


Anyway. . . . I started up at the Y with Zumba.  I absolutely LOVED it.  My face would get so red that I would have people coming up to ask if I was ok, but I did it anyway.  After about a year I was actually helping to lead some of the songs.  I was never that good but I did the lower impact stuff and was the "if she can do, so can you" motivation. 


Then someone talked me into going to cardio kickboxing.  The teacher came up to me before it started and said "are you sure you want to do this?"  I loved that class too.  Again - I modified heavily but I was working hard. 


Then I started to have more and more muscle problems.  I would end up doing Zumba or kickboxing with tears running down my face while pretending it was sweat. So I stopped kickboxing.  I added in Tai Chi and Feldenkrais (a bodywork type therapy).  I cut back on Zumba.  Finally, I got really sick and was on antibiotics for 7 months straight.  I didn't exercise during that time and was back to semi-invalidism.  Then I got better.  So I went back to Zumba just one day a week.  Within one month, I was sick again - this time on antibiotics for 6 months.  I'm too scared to go back to Zumba even though I've been infection free for 9 months now. 


Right now I'm going to the Y every day to walk on the treadmill to get my step goal.  I tried doing some very very very light weights a month or so ago per my doctor's advice and hurt things very badly.  So that's where I am right now.


This is way more than I should probably share but oh well.  (It's probably Tex's fault.)


Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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