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Where do you get it? From a farmer?

He goes to farmers markets and one local grocery who buys from local farms, I think.


You can tell the difference when meat doesn't have all that crap added to it. We spend waaaaaay too much money on bacon each month but it is worth it.


I may have cried once when he came home with packaged bacon and I was PMS-ing...

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I technically had to fill out an application for my job at the church.


Describe yourself: I'm extremely lazy and steal office supplies. I lie, but I'm mostly toilet trained.


Skills: Sitting, singing off key, and making great sammiches.


This is actually on file at the church. Pastor was not pleased, but I was the only person willing to take the job. The entire application had terrible punctuation and I drew a flower at the bottom.

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I think that protagonist needs to be threatened with fruitcake! 


Not a good idea with this guy. He'd probably kill me in my sleep.



You can do it!!!  Go, Critterfixer, go!!


I did do 2,500 words, so not too bad. And I made the protagonist more or less happy by swearing up and down that I'd figure out how to fix it, if I had to go back and rewrite it tomorrow. Brainstorming right now.



I usually find that when I get stuck like that (although it's been a few years now), it's because I'm trying to make the protagonist conform to my original concept when the actions in the script just no longer make any sense for him/her because his/her personality has evolved since I started writing the character. I've found it helpful to throw entire chapters away, even though it hurts. 


One of these days I'd like to write again, in some alternate universe where I no longer have children or a job.


Sometimes that is the case. In this case, however, my protagonist proved way smarter than the author and figured out that there was a plot hole before I did. It's really hard working when the characters out-think me at every turn. Sigh.


We'll get it resolved. 

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Well, I craved eggs. Never really ate them before I got pregnant, and then was eating them every day. DS was born allergic. I still feel guilty, even though everyone tells me it's not my fault.


My diet when pregnant with #2: strawberries, milk, cheese, oranges (mandarin and juice) daily

#2's allergies: berries, dairy (except hard cheeses and sheep yogurt), and all citrus

So, there ya go.

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I technically had to fill out an application for my job at the church.


Describe yourself: I'm extremely lazy and steal office supplies. I lie, but I'm mostly toilet trained.


Skills: Sitting, singing off key, and making great sammiches.


This is actually on file at the church. Pastor was not pleased, but I was the only person willing to take the job. The entire application had terrible punctuation and I drew a flower at the bottom.



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Because it was stupid that I had to fill one out. They asked me to take the job, trained me, and then asked me to fill out an application 6 months later so they would have my SSN on file. They already had it. They didn't even have applications. He just told me to find one online and print it out. I was irritated that he asked me to come in (30 minutes away!) just for that so I drew a flower on it. So there.

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He's an excellent pastor, but a terrible boss. I'm the only secretary he's ever had that's told him to shove it. He had me come in one time (again, 30 minutes away) to make a copy. Seriously. I screamed at him and he said "Well, it's your job." I could have killed him. After that when he asked me to come in when I wasn't working I just said no. Eventually he stopped asking. He says I'm his second favorite secretary. His favorite secretary "never gave him any sass."

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I technically had to fill out an application for my job at the church.


Describe yourself: I'm extremely lazy and steal office supplies. I lie, but I'm mostly toilet trained.


Skills: Sitting, singing off key, and making great sammiches.


This is actually on file at the church. Pastor was not pleased, but I was the only person willing to take the job. The entire application had terrible punctuation and I drew a flower at the bottom.

ROTFL! I read this to dd17 and she is now inspired to go fill out job applications. Sigh.

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What is this? Are you the freakin' boss of this story or not? Now you whip that character into shape or so help me, we'll go all elephant ninja on him and then you'll be in a real mess! Probably have to completely change genre. 


I'm trying, believe me! It just doesn't help that he's quite ninja like himself and has well over 500 years magical experience that he imparts in parsimonious snippets. :glare:

He's up to something. And he's point blank sick of me blocking him, so I have to convince him that I'm really not out to get him, that I wish him well, and all will be well provided he just lets me in on what he's planning. We'll work it out. 

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And zero days. Onward and upward, from one thespian to another.

This is why dd should not have a phone with group texting capabilities. I am giving a little slack due to pms. Tomorrow is the start of mid-state choir festival, so on to more new and exciting adventures. But I fully intend to break out the Shakespearian insults if she keeps up with the moping.

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I technically had to fill out an application for my job at the church.


Describe yourself: I'm extremely lazy and steal office supplies. I lie, but I'm mostly toilet trained.


Skills: Sitting, singing off key, and making great sammiches.


This is actually on file at the church. Pastor was not pleased, but I was the only person willing to take the job. The entire application had terrible punctuation and I drew a flower at the bottom.


I want to be you when I grow up. :hat:

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The Queen is so glamorous! Is that Mr. Ellie? So handsome!


Yes, Mr. Ellie. Isn't he handsome? :-)


He played a trick on the conductor, Dr. G. The men were supposed to wear black tuxes and ties and cummerbunds; Mr. Ellie has a red bow tie as well as a black one, and he wore the red one. He helped Dr. G with some of the set-up and Dr. G never said a thing. Then when we were warming up in the choir room, Mr. Ellie discreetly changed to his black tie. Dr. G looked up from the piano and did a double-take, and said, "Were you messing with me?" And Mr. Ellie admitted that he was, and Dr. G LOL'd. It's not that funny in print, but we all roared. :smilielol5:   Also, Mr. Ellie's face turned beet red. :smilielol5:


Also, I don't wear my nerdy-girl glasses all the time. I wish I had remembered to take them off. Or that I knew how to photoshop the reflection in the left one. Oh, well. :hat:

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Good morning!!!!!


My right hand/arm is bothering me a lot lately, again.


Ds20 walked in on me in the bathroom at 2:30 this morning. He was getting q-tips. He had the decency to act as if he didn't see me. It was dark, only a night light was on. Maybe he didn't see me.


Lynn, hope you have another good run.

Tsuga, good luck with the house offer.

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Good morning!


Exercise Day 10.  I had to roll myself out of bed after pressing snooze (Once? Twice? I can't remember...), but I did it.  And was rewarded with another lame sunrise.   If I am going to get myself up to go jolking, the least the universe could do is adjust the wavelength of the morning light and perfectly arrange the molecules and small particles in the atmosphere to change the direction of and scatter said light rays, thus providing me with a colorful sunrise.  Am I right?  Geesh.  I'm doing the hard part here, people. 

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Good morning!


Exercise Day 10.  I had to roll myself out of bed after pressing snooze (Once? Twice? I can't remember...), but I did it.  And was rewarded with another lame sunrise.   If I am going to get myself up to go jolking, the least the universe could do is adjust the wavelength of the morning light and perfectly arrange the molecules and small particles in the atmosphere to change the direction of and scatter said light rays, thus providing me with a colorful sunrise.  Am I right?  Geesh.  I'm doing the hard part here, people. 


My 6 year old asked me what makes the colors during sunrise and sunset and I explained it about like this. She was not satisfied and I couldn't think of how to simplify it. :(


Now she wants to know how mirrors work. I promised to explain it to her today because she asked just before bedtime last night. I tried to explain that the reason we turn on lights in the house is to make light rays bounce around the room that our retinas can pick up and a mirror perfectly reflects those rays so that... ugh, and she's six. :-)

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Good morning!!!!!


My right hand/arm is bothering me a lot lately, again.


Ds20 walked in on me in the bathroom at 2:30 this morning. He was getting q-tips. He had the decency to act as if he didn't see me. It was dark, only a night light was on. Maybe he didn't see me.


Lynn, hope you have another good run.

Tsuga, good luck with the house offer.


Walking in on mom is so gross. Poor guy.

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Also, now I'm getting Nigerian princess spam via the private message system here. I probably shouldn't say so because Slache will list my sins which have brought me to this place. :-P


That's because Wookiees are a notoriously easy target.


ETA:  It's true.  I read it on the internet.

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