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  • Slache


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  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Today is the Big Day: the big concert for which I needed the Black Dress. Which I found, BTW--a skirt and a drapey top, at Dillards. I feel very artsy in the top, lol. Mr. Ellie is busy this morning with a Gideon thing, while I get to stay home in my jammies and schlep around.


Also I succumbed to an advertising ploy and bought "Wen" for my hair. I'll use it today for the first time.


That is all.


Jammies and schlepping.  Sounds about right.


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Also, let the record show that Jean harrassed and bullied me until I took this photo and sent it to her.  She's one of the mean girls.

Let the record show that I harrassed and bullied you (by using little dd against you on purpose) to get the photo sent to me for future blackmail purposes.  I did not expect you to post it on the World Wide Web for everyone to see!

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So I have a phone plan with 4 lines; Matt, MIL, SIL, and me. I made SIL an authorized something or other in case something goes wrong because Oregon and Ohio. Well, she just upgraded her plan with a new iPhone for the second time this contract. She's still paying for her last upgrade. Her part of the bill alone is over $250. It includes unlimited streaming, the phone, insurance, and accessories. She's going to lose her privileges and we're going to discuss this unlimited streaming because it's $40. I told her she could upgrade because her old iPhone was too slow (BS!) but if she wanted accessories she needed to pay for them outright. Somehow that translated to get over $100 in services and products. We don't care that you never pay on time and we have to go grocery shopping later than planned as long as you have a new iPhone to complain to all your friends about.

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((Slache)) Time to start looking for an exit strategy - like as soon as contract is up. And taking her off authorization so she can't extend the contract!

She's being taken off. The bill is available 3 weeks before it's due so I'm going to tell her she either has to return the phone and cancel the services or pay 2 weeks earlier. I don't mind having them on our plan because it saves all of us money, but her disrespect for our bills and MILs constant insistence that she shouldn't have to pay for this reason or that ARE GETTING REALLY OLD!


See why I got snarky about you having an iPhone? To me iPhone=brat. Everyone I know that has an iPhone is a brat. I know in reality it's that brats point out their iPhones, but SIL just ruined Apple for me!

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I can understand.  Kind of funny, I was very content with my trac phone (a flip) but certain family members were a bit frustrated that they could not reliably reach me (it didn't hold a charge very long I guess, and it would either die, or I would leave it off to save the charge, etc.)  Anyway, a hand me down I-phone 3 was practically forced on me about 3 or 4 years ago.  I honestly tried to be a minimalist, lol. 

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I can understand. Kind of funny, I was very content with my trac phone (a flip) but certain family members were a bit frustrated that they could not reliably reach me (it didn't hold a charge very long I guess, and it would either die, or I would leave it off to save the charge, etc.) Anyway, a hand me down I-phone 3 was practically forced on me about 3 or 4 years ago. I honestly tried to be a minimalist, lol.

I had a flip phone until last spring. I'm not into it. We play with them more than the flip phones which means we ignore the kids more. I used to have a rule that they went in the drawer when Matt got home. I think I'll reinstate it.

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I want a hot cup of tea. Make of that what you will.

I have no unicorn hat.

I do have a hockey jersey. 

I need a magic staff and X-ray vision. Seriously, would make my job so much easier-wouldn't have to worry about whether or not the unit is going to work or whether the processor is going to punt on me. 

And now I am going to write my 2,000 words for today so help me cats.

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We are in the middle of making Christmas lists.  Lots of Christmas lists.   :w00t:


My youngest 3 want everything in the catalogs.  Someone made the mistake of giving them the American Girl catalog first.   :svengo:


My oldest 2 are so frugal that they are having a hard time coming up with a good list.  :thumbdown:


Dd11 put a piccolo at the top of her list.  :unsure:



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I hope that everyone here knows that I 1) am not a fascist and 2) do not hate Muslims and or homosexuals. Oi, the boards can be pleasant at times.


SIL got $85 dropped from her bill, and says that an additional $40 will be dropping after this month. Much better.


I want to know what everyone wants or is getting everyone else for Christmas.

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I read something on here about Christmas lists - it was like something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read. I'm making a list based on that. I've already told them I want a foldable exercise bike.


This would never fly with my family.  My mom has always done Christmas big.  My sister does Christmas even bigger.


My kids are the only kids and they get spoiled.


My sister has a good job and no dependents.  She almost died a few years ago from a traumatic brain injury.  And so, she completely spoils the kids.


Last year, she said that she opened the email with the list, opened Amazon, and was done in a few minutes.  Everything on the list.  


Ds15 is afraid to make a Christmas list this year because he doesn't want her to spend that much money.

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World Vision donation

School stuff

Workout stuff

Matt: Awesome binoculars (his request)

John (5): Snap circuits jr.

Mary (2.5): Take her to Clairs and let her pick some stuffs

SIL: running shoes (her request, got her fitted on last visit)

MIL: really ugly dishes (her request)

FIL: TBD, possibly binoculars too

Mother: Amazon gift card

Father: TBD

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I want a cookie from Panera. (But I'm not even preggo. Just piggo!)


I REALLY want to go to Panera. There nearest one is about 40 miles away. I don't know if they have anything Dh would like. He is a meat and potatoes, all-American, nothing new type eater. So I probably won't get there any time soon. Their commercials look so appealing to me. Everything looks so delicious.

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I am here! Three soccer games today. Filled my Operation Christmas Child boxes to be turned in tomorrow. Worked outside a bit because it is a beautiful beautiful beautiful day outside! Am making Bacon Potato Corn Chowder for dinner. Got the recipe from this month's Taste of Home, the first recipe in this little soup trilogy turned out pretty good with some minor tweaking (Quick Mushroom Barley Soup), so hopefully this next soup will be good, too!


Tex, love the picture! And I like your shirt!

Lynn, congrats on the tourney!

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This would never fly with my family.  My mom has always done Christmas big.  My sister does Christmas even bigger.


My kids are the only kids and they get spoiled.


My sister has a good job and no dependents.  She almost died a few years ago from a traumatic brain injury.  And so, she completely spoils the kids.


Last year, she said that she opened the email with the list, opened Amazon, and was done in a few minutes.  Everything on the list.  


Ds15 is afraid to make a Christmas list this year because he doesn't want her to spend that much money.


It never specifies how much in each category. Sure it could fly.

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Especially since it has been all I have talked about the last two months.  :D Now that the season is over, it will take a bit to regroup. ;)




I know. Sometimes I get a little obsessed about something and when it's over I'm like "What was I supposed to be doing again? Didn't I have hobbies or responsibilities or something?"

Moving this from Susan's thread because I didn't want to steal her thunder.
But, this is exactly how I feel now that my schooling is over.
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How was the performance?


Yay for the bell. I love it!!!!

They were great! All the kids did a wonderful job, and I didn't mess up on any of the set changes, and managed to turn off and on the Christmas tree lights at the right times. :)


Re: bell

Now I can embarrass my kids when we go bike riding together. :D Now all I need is a playing card in the spokes.

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I can understand.  Kind of funny, I was very content with my trac phone (a flip) but certain family members were a bit frustrated that they could not reliably reach me (it didn't hold a charge very long I guess, and it would either die, or I would leave it off to save the charge, etc.)  Anyway, a hand me down I-phone 3 was practically forced on me about 3 or 4 years ago.  I honestly tried to be a minimalist, lol. 

This is what happened to me, as well.  Pretty much exactly.  I now have an iphone5s, but it is dying.  I've had it two years.  So dh will get me an iphone6.  I don't like change, you know.  I fought the iphone for a long time.  Resistance was futile.  I was assimilated.  (Obscure Star Trek reference.)


Brag Alert:


DH took all three boys to a chess tournament today.  Oldest came in 3rd for K-12, DS13 came in 1st for K-8, and DS10 came in 1st for K-5 beating a 1250 in the last round to win!  :hurray:


That is really great! :party:




I hope that everyone here knows that I 1) am not a fascist and 2) do not hate Muslims and or homosexuals. Oi, the boards can be pleasant at times.


SIL got $85 dropped from her bill, and says that an additional $40 will be dropping after this month. Much better.


I want to know what everyone wants or is getting everyone else for Christmas.

Even more is expected from me???


I am here! Three soccer games today. Filled my Operation Christmas Child boxes to be turned in tomorrow. Worked outside a bit because it is a beautiful beautiful beautiful day outside! Am making Bacon Potato Corn Chowder for dinner. Got the recipe from this month's Taste of Home, the first recipe in this little soup trilogy turned out pretty good with some minor tweaking (Quick Mushroom Barley Soup), so hopefully this next soup will be good, too!


Tex, love the picture! And I like your shirt!

Lynn, congrats on the tourney!


I worked as a lay doula for an adoption agency for a time, so I have that t shirt from the experience.

bah humbug.


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This is what happened to me, as well.  Pretty much exactly.  I now have an iphone5s, but it is dying.  I've had it two years.  So dh will get me an iphone6.  I don't like change, you know.  I fought the iphone for a long time.  Resistance was futile.  I was assimilated.  (Obscure Star Trek reference.)




This is the Hive.  As in a Hive Mind.  It is not an obscure reference on this board.  

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Let the record show that I harrassed and bullied you (by using little dd against you on purpose) to get the photo sent to me for future blackmail purposes.  I did not expect you to post it on the World Wide Web for everyone to see!

Yikes, it was even worse than I remember.


It loses its blackmail qualities if I post it myself.  :D

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Boys won the first game of the tourney last night and then were in a hot and heavy battle for the second game when one kid rolled his ankle, went down and didn't come back up.  


Then, as I was leaving the gym after that game, I tripped over some bags and fell down right in front of the door.  Two of the dads from the team and dh ran over.  I just laid on the floor because it seemed best.  I was completely uninjured, as I fell on the bunches of bags.  Dh hauled me up.  .


Also, a lady stopped me in the bathroom and told me I had the most gorgeous hair.




Edited by texasmama
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