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  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


An espresso drink cured my headache. Apparently I am having caffeine withdrawal symptoms after ramping my caffeine back UP post-vacation, which makes no sense.


Ah well. I've been meaning to switch to green tea anyway. I quit coffee a few years back and after the short withdrawal period felt GREAT. Need to do that again. I just really like my lattes, damn it. :P

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Ok. I am starting to feel a little nervous about this weekend. We perform before the class A bands. The class A bands are the BIG schools. The expected attendance is 30,000 people. OMGOODNESS!!!!!!!! Since dh, ds and I help with the band so much we get chaperone passes. So we may be down on the sidelines of the field. Wow! I am overwhelmed.:)


I can only imagine how the band members feel.


I keep getting distracted by all this, so school is optional right now, right?


Our local hometown newspaper has a wonderful story this week with a picture of Dd16 on the front page. If anyone is interested in reading it, pm me, and I will send you the link.

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Jean, I have a sensory thing with my nails. I won't run a half marathon because I'm afraid my toenails will fall off. True story. I'm glad you're not in extreme pain. I was concerned.


Dawn, everything will be fine. Your kids are awesome.


I have no pants on. I have to go to work at 4, but no pants until then.


I can't stomach anything. I want to have ice cream but I can't get it past the kids.

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Ok. I am starting to feel a little nervous about this weekend. We perform before the class A bands. The class A bands are the BIG schools. The expected attendance is 30,000 people. OMGOODNESS!!!!!!!! Since dh, ds and I help with the band so much we get chaperone passes. So we may be down on the sidelines of the field. Wow! I am overwhelmed. :)




Imagine them all without pants.  See Jean, Susan, and/or Slash for advice on how to do this.


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An espresso drink cured my headache. Apparently I am having caffeine withdrawal symptoms after ramping my caffeine back UP post-vacation, which makes no sense.


Ah well. I've been meaning to switch to green tea anyway. I quit coffee a few years back and after the short withdrawal period felt GREAT. Need to do that again. I just really like my lattes, damn it. :p


I just went through this on vaca (ETA: caffeine withdrawal, not ramping up caffeine).  Forgot to buy coffee for the cabin, so had no caffeine on Tuesday.  Headache lasted until my third cup of coffee on Wed.  I feel normal again now. 


I gave up coffee when I was pregnant, and for a year after while BF.  Also for like two weeks after college, until my family begged me to drink some darn coffee already!!!


Personally, I know I have an addictive personality, so I'd rather it be coffee than something else.

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Jean, I have a sensory thing with my nails. I won't run a half marathon because I'm afraid my toenails will fall off. True story. I'm glad you're not in extreme pain. I was concerned.


Dawn, everything will be fine. Your kids are awesome.


I have no pants on. I have to go to work at 4, but no pants until then.


I can't stomach anything. I want to have ice cream but I can't get it past the kids.

I want to like this. I'm sorry about the ice cream. You could sneak some. Maybe.

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Salche, I've wanted to commiserate with you over these last 20 pages or so, really.  But I never had morning sickness.  So I'm afraid I'll say something not at all helpful, along the lines of "Suck it up, cupcake!" Therefore, I am ignoring your pregnancy complaints.  But it is not because I don't care.  I just don't want to make you cry or be insensitive.  I just have no experience with which to compare.  Just so you know.  :)

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Mark, you're expected to read the entire thread. How else will you ever hear my first driving story?


Here you go, Mark.  :)

I'm talking into my phone so the typos should be hilarious. I tried to drive once in a parking lot at 17 and knew I couldn't do it so I never tried again. Years later my mother in law told me that I was a selfish wife and that she was determined that I learn how to drive. She took me out and after I knocked the mailbox down we headed out to the freeway. I nearly hit two cars before we pulled into an RV lot to turn around. I hit the same RV twice. I legitimately didn't see it. She legitimately didn't believe me. We took the back roads home and for some reason she still has me driving. Part of the town that we went through always had people walking in the streets that didn't move out of the way for cars. I always found that very irritating. She expected me to slow down, though I don't know why because she knows me better than that, so as I laid on my horn driving the speed limit she screamed at me to stop and hit me in the arm repeatedly until everyone ran out of the way. I think at this point she started driving and told me I never had to drive again.

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I'm outta likes. 


Dawn, I agree it's hard to multi-task with big stuff coming up.  Do the minimum (math?) and anything that can be finished quickly (one page left of a spelling lesson?) or just go ahead and be finished with all of it.


Ikslo, so glad you're really back!


I always wear pants. 


Slache, you're a much better mom than I was during morning sickness.  After we exhausted our Cedarmont Kids videos, I used to resort to Super Friends.  At least you're showing them Mr. Rodgers. 


JoJosMom, you know all the good parenting secrets. 



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Jean, I hope the reset worked.


Renai, you are right and the APA is stupid.


Mark, TL;DR


Slache, sorry about the pukies.


We submitted an offer on a house. We are playing the odds. If 1/20 sellers will sell low but in a hurry, after 20 timely offers, we should be able to buy something within our school zone. Wish us luck. Is a low offer insulting or just irritating?

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Jean, I hope the reset worked.


Renai, you are right and the APA is stupid.


Mark, TL;DR


Slache, sorry about the pukies.


We submitted an offer on a house. We are playing the odds. If 1/20 sellers will sell low but in a hurry, after 20 timely offers, we should be able to buy something within our school zone. Wish us luck. Is a low offer insulting or just irritating?


Only if you ask for renovation afterwards.  :lol:


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Only if you ask for renovation afterwards. :lol:


Lol. The offer waives all inspections except those required by the lender, as is, and we take all risks of major and minor repairs regardless of permit requirements. Ie fire your contractor and sell to us on the cheap. Please.

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It is over 70 degrees here. It is strange to be this warm in November, but I am not complaining.


Roast with carrots, potatoes, celery and onions for supper.


Band meeting after practice at 8:30 p.m. to discuss the meal plan for Friday night and Saturday. We will go up a little early to watch practice since this is our last one at home.


The band will be leaving Friday night and staying at a high school on the way to Indy. Then they will get up for breakfast and practice before departing for the stadium. Dh has to work Friday night, but he is taking off a few hours early. We are planning on leaving here Saturday morning at 6 a.m. and going to the high school in which they are staying. We will help with breakfast and lunch. Then follow the buses up to Indy. We have decided to stay Saturday night at a hotel on the way back home. The twins are excited about that. Because swimming and hotel.


Well, anyway this is "The Plan". Now if I forget what I am doing or where I am supposed to be tell me to read this post.:D


Eta: Oh, and we need to pick up the drum majors mom Saturday morning because she needs a ride to the high school.

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Should I have John doing more chores? He's 5. He...


Picks up all of his toys.

Makes both beds.

Clears the table.

Puts clothes or sheets in the washing machine.

Obeys random requests made throughout the day.


I don't want him loading the dishwasher or dusting.

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I wear pants daily. They may be pj pants, but they are pants.


Ds lost his underwear again so I ordered more from Amazon because that is a problem I can fix, yo.


Leaving in ten minutes to drop little dd off with a friend's mom and then off to a rousing game of bball.


I am shunning my BIL because narcissistic. (Him, not me) I just thought you all should know. He hasn't noticed because-wait for it- narcissistic.

You should buy him odd looking underwear. Like orange or something. Then you'll be less likely to lose it.

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Should I have John doing more chores? He's 5. He...


Picks up all of his toys.

Makes both beds.

Clears the table.

Puts clothes or sheets in the washing machine.

Obeys random requests made throughout the day.


I don't want him loading the dishwasher or dusting.

No. But my children, especially the older ones, especially ds20, are not the neatest, most organized, or tidiest of children.


However, they are kind-hearted, have good morals, are well-liked by everyone, and will go out of their way to help someone.


I was just asking Dh this yesterday: if it was possible to raise a child with all these good qualities and not be a slob as well.:D


At least I have the twins for practice.;)

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I wear pants daily. They may be pj pants, but they are pants.


Ds lost his underwear again so I ordered more from Amazon because that is a problem I can fix, yo.


Leaving in ten minutes to drop little dd off with a friend's mom and then off to a rousing game of bball.


I am shunning my BIL because narcissistic. (Him, not me) I just thought you all should know. He hasn't noticed because-wait for it- narcissistic.


This is the reason I don't talk to most of my family. My household is pretty much my family. I'd talk to my in laws but I think I scare them. I don't know how my wife came from them. I think the stork made a mistake as her IQ has to be around double any of theirs.

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No. But my children, especially the older ones, especially ds20, are not the neatest, most organized, or tidiest of children.


However, they are kind-hearted, have good morals, are well-liked by everyone, and will go out of their way to help someone.


I was just asking Dh this yesterday: if it was possible to raise a child with all these good qualities and not be a slob as well.:D


At least I have the twins for practice.;)

I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that having him do chores from a young age will instill lifelong habits. Hoping. My mom wasn't good at that stuff with me so I sort of make it up as I go. When I look at the list it looks impressive, but he does "chores" for probably less than 5 minutes a day (he doesn't have much in the way of toys) so I sort of feel like I'm missing something.

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Should I have John doing more chores? He's 5. He...


Picks up all of his toys.

Makes both beds.

Clears the table.

Puts clothes or sheets in the washing machine.

Obeys random requests made throughout the day.


I don't want him loading the dishwasher or dusting.

I think he does more than I do. 😄

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:grouphug: Slache. I haven't read that thread. Just can't right now.


I know it is hard to be a good parent, and you wonder if you are doing a good job when you have had a bad example to follow. If they are happy and healthy and wrap their little arms around you, and love you you are doing a good job.


You ARE doing a good job. I know that just from reading your posts the last few months. Just continue to love them, and that is what will make the difference. At least it is for me so far. My mom didn't love me like a mother should. She didn't know how.


Wow, what a ramble that is! Just keep on doing what you're doing.:D

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:grouphug: Slache. I haven't read that thread. Just can't right now.


I know it is hard to be a good parent, and you wonder if you are doing a good job when you have had a bad example to follow. If they are happy and healthy and wrap their little arms around you, and love you you are doing a good job.


You ARE doing a good job. I know that just from reading your posts the last few months. Just continue to love them, and that is what will make the difference. At least it is for me so far. My mom didn't love me like a mother should. She didn't know how.


Wow, what a ramble that is! Just keep on doing what you're doing.:D

You're sweet. Thank you!

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