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I'm pretty sure my phone is fixed. I stomped into the Xfinity store, threw the techy little clerk against the wall and said, "Fix my phone.  Now!".

That's not exactly how it went down, but my phone is fixed.


Oooh, I got a Booya/h for that. A Fixed Phone Booya/h.

Edited by KrissiK
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  • KrissiK


Good morning!

It's Thursday.  I need to:

1. check into my flight  
2. loosen ukulele strings (I'm not sure why but I seem to remember reading that you should do this before a flight if your instrument is going in cargo; I wonder if I should do this on my mandolin which is staying with me on the flight?)  
3. go to Aldi    
4. stop by bank        
5. water plants  
6. tootle around mindlessly     
7. make Krissi's Famous Loaded Potato Soup for dinner     
8. more coffee

Dd17 has her Eagle board of review tonight.


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Good night, Susan.

Cabinets are fixed. Dishwasher demanded a union representative again after lunch today, but was pressured by management and returned to work. Visitor has arrived and been fed dinner. Whew.

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1 hour ago, 73349 said:

Good night, Susan.

Cabinets are fixed. Dishwasher demanded a union representative again after lunch today, but was pressured by management and returned to work. Visitor has arrived and been fed dinner. Whew.

My dishwasher has been broken for a week and I'm blaming you entirely. 

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Good Morning!!! (To all who observe)



It’s my last day of work!! I don’t have a ton to get done, but what I do have to get done will require a lot of work. Bleh!! Nothing like saving the worst tasks for the last day.

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Back from my missions trip to Central America.  I'm exhausted, but it was wonderful!

A small group from our church visited a seminary that we support, and also some local churches that were started by graduates of the seminary.

The land was lovely, but my favorite thing was the people.  Especially the seminary students.  They have virtually nothing, but they were so content.  They smiled a lot and sang while they were doing chores.

A piece of my heart will forever be theirs.  I'm hoping I can go back next summer, or maybe even sooner.

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I am officially on summer vacation. Today was rough getting some documents done on kid who just didn’t get work done. But, I did the best I could. Hopefully no one will look at them.


Junie, so glad you are back. I’m glad you had a good trip. You were missed here.

Susan, have fun in Maine.

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Good Morning!!



What happened?? Did the alien abduction happen again??

It’s my anniversary today!! 22 years. We’re going out to dinner tonight. I’ve been thinking we’ve been married for 22 years for about 6 months now. Probably because i don’t like odd numbers.

Not much else going on today. I suppose I should get some housework done. I need to go to the AFSA.

I had this terrible dream last night that we had like 20 cats. Now, I am definitely a cat person, but 20 cats is too many.

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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:

Notgrass just made my day. Elementary World geography is now a reality. I can't wait to check it out and see if Notgrass will become our future elementary curriculum for the youngers instead of Trailguide to World Geography.

I saw that as I was perusing their website the other day. I am really tempted to buy it, even though I am no longer homeschooling. I love their curriculum.

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8 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

Notgrass just made my day. Elementary World geography is now a reality. I can't wait to check it out and see if Notgrass will become our future elementary curriculum for the youngers instead of Trailguide to World Geography.

Thank you! 

6 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I saw that as I was perusing their website the other day. I am really tempted to buy it, even though I am no longer homeschooling. I love their curriculum.

I don't, but I probably will anyway. 


Unrelated. My kids (13, 11) made these.



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Good Morning!!!



Summer Vacation!! yayyyyy!!

VBS Training tonight. Tomorrow the program starts!! I’ll just say it. I don’t like VBS. It is just chaotic and crazy and the music….. I volunteer because I am a good church member and they are always desperate for volunteers. Not because I like it.

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Good afternoon!  It’s the Queen’s favorite day!

It’s day 4 of camp and I’m taking a quick rest on my bunk.  I was able to nab a bottom bunk yesterday which was a happy relief from the monkey-bar maneuvering required to get up and down from the top bunk the first couple nights.

My mandolin classes and the group jams, concerts, and gatherings have all been awesome.  My cabin mates are great - I am probably the youngest in the group by 15ish years.  The oldest camper is 94 and the youngest is an infant.

Music jams last into the wee hours and start up again by 6:30 or 7am!  Some of these people are playing machines.  
The coffee is plentiful.  There’s a mosquito.


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Is it still Monday?  I’m currently at the nightly variety show.  Currently a cajun tune going on.  The mosquitoes are pleased to have such a large assortment to feast on. 
Today I’ve had 3 mandolin workshops, a maritime worksong  workshop, a dinner show, a contra dance, a dance performance with The Great Horned Ukestra, singing around the campfire, and now the variety show.  Imma head to my cabin in a minute.

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Today, on my favorite day, I was an absolute slug. Slept until 9:30, casually got up and quasi-dressed, came downstairs and did all the morning things, schlepped around. This is one of the reasons Monday is my favorite day, because nothing is scheduled on it. 🙂

I did manage to clean up my email inbox some, and began the work of tidying up my office. Still have to write a bunch of birthday and other cards for a group I'm a member of. I hate writing cards.

That is all.

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Good Morning!!!!!



I think I have a cold, or something. I do not feel good.

Gotta go to the Big City today to get an ultrasound done on the bOOks. I told middle DD she could come with and we’d go to some thrift shops so she could hopefully find some jeans she likes.

VBS starts tonight.

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DS is at camp, so it's the annual Dance of the Books week. New school books to the current year shelf, last year's books gotta go somewhere, and I purged DS's bookcase. Making progress.

I'm playing with Trello as a planning tool that DS can interact with. I've heard that college students (at my alma mater! where excellent teaching is really important to the faculty) don't appear to expect to have to read ahead or know how to prepare for class, so I'm hoping to help him transition to breaking things down and tracking what he's doing on his own.


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6 hours ago, KrissiK said:


Gotta go to the Big City today to get an ultrasound done on the bOOks.

I'm back. It wasn't an ultrasound, but another picture. This One even squishier. But the doctor read it right there and it's all fine. Menopause strikes again.

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51 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

I don’t want it to be Friday because that means camp is over.


Well my audit is over. We survived. I’m glad. I get to go home now.

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