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I think I am fighting something. But it isn't a normal cold or flu - no sneezing, congestion. No fever. No tummy problems. Just a continuation of that swollen throat that I get a couple of times a month for no apparent reason and coughing and a headache. I'm sort of functional but not fully functional. My sugars today are better but I've had to fight for it because sugars naturally go up when you are fighting something. Anyway. . . not really anything worth whining too much over (I've had much much worse) but I'm whining a bit anyway.

Someday you will have a glorified body. It will be a good day.
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I think I am fighting something.  But it isn't a normal cold or flu - no sneezing, congestion.  No fever.  No tummy problems.  Just a continuation of that swollen throat that I get a couple of times a month for no apparent reason and coughing and a headache.  I'm sort of functional but not fully functional.  My sugars today are better but I've had to fight for it because sugars naturally go up when you are fighting something.  Anyway. . .  not really anything worth whining too much over (I've had much much worse) but I'm whining a bit anyway.  



Someday you will have a glorified body. It will be a good day.


For Jean:


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Today in Walmart, while under a mysterious ITT spell, I took my blood pressure. It was 146/93. "Fair" the computer said. I think just being in a Walmart must raise a persons blood pressure several points.


Susan, there's a completely different "in WalMart" scale.  If you got out without having committed murder, you're fine, sweetie.













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John is now a racist; someone who races cars. He will not be corrected on this matter and I know him well enough to know he's going to start telling random strangers this.

Dd used to call older girls that she admired, cling-on (Klingon) friends.  She couldn't figure out why none of them liked her compliment.  I always had to explain to the older girls what she meant.  

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Anything that is done everyday will go without complaint and be speedy. Other things we do in this house everyday include me picking up every surface and wiping it down, Matt doing the dishes, and the kids putting every single toy away. We do it everyday so it's not a big deal.


I nakedify one child and walk them to the bathroom, gently toss it in the tub, turn the shower on, put enough soap in my hands for the whole body, start on the hair and work my way down to the feet, rinse, and towel dry. While I'm towel drying them I tell the other one to nakedify themself. Repeat. Baths are allowed if there is time. This takes place between the rinse and the towel drying.


The above paragraph is no longer true because John bathes himself, but that's how I did it when I bathed them both. I would just repeat the sequence with more kids. Mary needs an adult to get her diaper on and off, but both kids can dress and undress themselves.


I brush their teeth immediately after being towel dried. It takes the next one a few minutes to get their clothes off so it works.


I really mean what I say about something done every day goes without complaint. Remember that when you get a new kitten. Every time I get a new kitten I bathe it every day for the first two weeks and they are good for baths for the rest of their lives.

I think part of the problem is use of words. I see bathing as sitting down in water. You described showers. Be more specific, woman!

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I think I am fighting something. But it isn't a normal cold or flu - no sneezing, congestion. No fever. No tummy problems. Just a continuation of that swollen throat that I get a couple of times a month for no apparent reason and coughing and a headache. I'm sort of functional but not fully functional. My sugars today are better but I've had to fight for it because sugars naturally go up when you are fighting something. Anyway. . . not really anything worth whining too much over (I've had much much worse) but I'm whining a bit anyway.

You should give up eating meat, rub yourself with essential oils, and lay on an acupuncture mat. It might not help, but you are guaranteed to live a week longer and help solve the world's problems.



In the meantime...


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There's shady practices? Which ones? I hadn't heard of this.

I wanted to order something that was on sale and use my $10 credit and a coupon. They were all separate deals that could be combined but they refused to process the order. They told me that I could not combine coupons but once I clarified that they were not coupons they stopped replying to my emails.

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I am so sorry!


No problem, bestie. Sometimes words get the better of me, lol. In our family, some shower more than others, depending on need.  Our tub is not functional for bathing, only showers :(. Winter is fewer showers than spring/summer, but hair-washing has to be done more often regardless. That fact is interesting to me just because I grew up learning that black hair does better when it is not washed every day. I wash hair more now than then, but I've learned a lot since then. 

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Renai, how is your bp?


Jean, did ya get your evening meds in yet, or is it too early?


I shall be awaiting your responses.


I forgot my morning meds. Which was dumb, because I made a mental note to take mine after reading Jean's post about forgetting her diabetes meds yesterday. Yep. I haven't taken my pressure yet. I got off work, did my Spanish conversation class, started looking for good videos that talk about food in Spanish, answered a few posts...oh, still doing that.

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Husband made me go for a hike because he hates me and wants me to be miserable. That's not true. He knew it would help me sleep and make the kids happy.


Kids have been bathed and I'm in the tub.


Husband has been making me crazy with all the political talk and as a kindness he got himself a free 2 week account at ancestry.com. Now he won't shut up about that, but it's better than politics. He enjoyed tracking his entire family back really far. He's almost completely German but has some Irish. I've always told him that but he never believed me. I'm crazy good at picking nationalities.


My family's not so easy and it's irritating him. I've got the Cherokee rape, the gypsy great grandmother from Russia, and the great grandparents that are *egh hem* related. He can't figure out why certain people were in certain places at certain times. Honey, I'm descended from 16 criminals. It's okay.

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She was advertising for educents and I called her on really shady business practices that they have shown in the past. I hope I didn't make mom mad.


It takes a LOT to make mom mad.  Mom will appreciate knowing about advertising posts.

I played the Indigo Girls for my oldest ds in the car (on my phone).  He said he's heard worse.  I heard "Closer to Fine" the other day when I was out; I hadn't heard that song in a hundred years!

LOVE "Closer to Fine".  I went to the doctor.  I went to the mountains.  I looked to the children.  I drank from the fountains.  It's like a theme song.


Ya'll need to stop having lives and bathing your children and get back to this thread! Sheesh people.

Don't worry, honey.  I have given you something to read.

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I wear sandals in the winter as long as I can find fluffy socks to wear with them. Sometimes in public. 

This is why I really have to become a writer when I grow up. Then I can justify both my weirdness and lack of good fashion sense. Maybe.


ETA: Booya(h)

Song, dance, etc...

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I cannot even.


Is this all you can say to that?


I'm really cranky so watch it, little missy. (Think Kathy Bates - Tawonda style in Fried Green Tomatoes. Because I am so much older with so much more insurance!)

Love that movie!!!!! One of my all time favorites. Love the honey stealing at the end.

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I cannot even.


Is this all you can say to that?


I'm really cranky so watch it, little missy. (Think Kathy Bates - Tawonda style in Fried Green Tomatoes. Because I am so much older with so much more insurance!)

I don't know what I'm supposed to say. I'm tired.

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