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I am done with this day. 7 hours at the dermatologist with my mom, 2.5 hours in the cold and drizzle watching soccer. I am tired and have a chill. I want everyone to go to bed so I can, too.


Booya/h. It's an "Everybody go to Bed Now" Booya/h.

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Good morning!

My plans for the day are changing at a rapid pace.  Dd17 has a bad sore throat (probably what ds19 had a few weeks ago) so she will not be going to tutorial.  I'll have to drive dd14 to tutorial and then come home and bring Sick Person to the walk in clinic.  I don't think it's strep but high fevers are not a thing with her so I'd rather get it checked out.  She is supposed to have final projects and things today because it's the last day of their semester but she will try to call in to class and/or get her materials submitted somehow.  Meanwhile, Ds19 can drive ds28's car to work.


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Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!

School and work!! last day of work for me. The girls have school tomorrow.

DH is likely on his flight home. I can’t remember when he was supposed to leave their time or our time or anyone’s time. I just know that he lands in the Big City at 11:30pm our time. 

Susan, I hope everyone starts feeling better soon.

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1 hour ago, Slache said:

Junie, why did you make this change, aside from pie?

The only reason that I went gluten free was because I tested allergic to wheat, oats, and barley.  Now that those allergies have vanished, there is no longer a need for the restriction.

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Welp, dd17 has strep so I am going through the house with a Clorox wipe.  I'll have to go pick up medicine in a bit.  The doctor we saw at the clinic was one I've had before - I really like her.  She said this current strain of strep is a weird one without much fever and is usually accompanied by lots of congestion and allergy/respiratory virus symptoms.  Anyways I'm kind of glad we can get it treated and hopefully knocked out quick.

 I feel bad because it's likely that ds19 also had this strep virus a few weeks back but I didn't bring him to get it checked out because he wasn't running a fever; it took a long time to get over.

Edited by Susan in TN
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6 hours!  No one is taking this thread serously!

I was late picking up dd14 from tutorial because I was almost out of gas so needed to stop and then "school getting out" traffic was terrible.  I am still tired from the row class.  This is good because 1. it means I am getting exercise and 2. my technique is improving. 

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I took a drive. Officially it was to deliver curriculum to a student in a neighboring town. But, i was really getting tired of sitting at my computer and it is an absolutely beautiful day out. Rain last night cleaned everything off, the sky is brilliant blue and the trees have all turned color.

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Good Morning!!!


Fri-yay!! And I am officially on Thanksgiving Break. Let the wild rumpus begin.

DH got home last night sometime. I didn’t wake up, but he’s in bed now snoring, so that’s a good thing. He said on the phone on their layover in San Francisco that he’s been up for 30 hours.

Today….well, the girls have school. Oldest DD may have strep, so I may have to take her to urgent care as our regular doctor doesn’t work on Fridays. I am going to try to get the rest of my Thanksgiving dinner shopping done today, too. And some housework. The house is an absolute disaster area.

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Good morning!

I am on hold with the state government.  Probably another 79 minutes.  The connection is terrible so I expect that when I actually get to talk to a person I won't be able to understand anything they say anyway.  Even the accent of the recording voice is difficult for me to understand.

Dd17 is feeling a lot better and slept OK last night.  So far, no one else is feeling sick.  I have to return the rental car today.  The van isn't expected to be ready until Wednesday but I think we can scramble our transportation needs OK.  Then Chester has an ear check this afternoon - he's been doing good and not shaking his head at all so hopefully his ear is all cleared of infection.


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I wish the Maine Fiddle Camp would post their teaching staff for next summer.  There is a particular teacher that has taught there in the past and if he returns, I want to sign up for a week he is teaching.  If it's not posted soon Imma just pick a week and let the chips fall where they may.  I'm not much of a "let the chips fall where they may" kind of person but I am getting better.

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Good morning!

The Girls were on their way out the door to do a volunteer thing when I glanced at the event email which said the starting time was 10am, in contrast to my calendar and church bulletin which said 8am.  So dd20 went running out after them and fortunately they heard her and stopped the car.  I finally found the organization's email which confirmed 10am.  So.  Imma go wash some dishes.


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7 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Yikes that's early.  Or late.  I don't like night driving.

It wasn't my preference, but they're adults and can make their own decisions.  I was a good mom and kept my mouth shut. :)

I think they're still sleeping...

Three of them are travelling on today to visit their families in New England.

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I made the mistake of revisiting the state medicaid paperwork before drinking my coffee.  As unbelieveable as it may sound, I think it's worse than the FAFSA.  Way worse.  After looking online quite a bit I found a document that explained in some detail exactly what they consider income, resources, and assets, some of which is baffling but at least it's listed and now I may have to scribble out half of what I've written in.

I'm now fortifying myself with coffee.

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Good Morning!!!



Housework. making pie crusts. DD1 has her choir musical tonight and Baby is cheering at the All-Star game, so we divide and conquer tonight. I will be going to the musical, DH will be going to the game.

Had Family Movie Night last night. Watched “Knives Out”, which is DD1’s favorite movie. I would say a somewhat dubious choice, but once you get past the amazing amount of bad language (which actually seemed to be what made it so funny) it was a really good movie. Very unique and quirky with a all-star cast.

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17 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Yikes that's early.  Or late.  I don't like night driving.

I hate night driving, too. 

11 minutes ago, Junie said:

It wasn't my preference, but they're adults and can make their own decisions.  I was a good mom and kept my mouth shut. 🙂

You are a very good Mom, Junie.

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In order to preserve my sanity, I went back to healthcare.gov and reconfigured the updated figures to what they were before (instead of assigning ss. benefits to the girls, I put it all under my name which is acceptable since I am the custodian) and now it seems everything is back to normal.  I expect a bunch of emails and paperwork from the state of TN warning me that I am no longer eligible for medicaid but that's OK.  They are stupid.  Now I must get dressed and see if Trader Joes has any frozen pie crusts as soon as the girls get back from their thing.

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I bought some Trader Joes frozen pie crusts - I read that they are much better than the Pillsbury/Aldi ones I usually use and especially that they are bigger and will actually overlap the pie plate a little.  We shall see.  While I was there I picked up some caramelized onion cheddar which my sister introduced to me and also some flowers because pretty.

We had baked salmon for dinner and I think that I will give up on the idea of ever making salmon that is properly cooked.  I can live with that.  
Dd20 is at a D&D thing and the youngers went to a swing dance.  They've been looking forward to this for weeks, so I'm glad dd17 is feeling good and no longer contagious.  
Imma put together some family game sets for the scout silent auction fundraiser.  I think I was supposed to sign up online somewhere.  Oh well.

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Good afternoon!

I took a nap!  Right after church we stopped by Target and the Kroger next to it to get a couple things and on the way there we saw the Dancing Traffic Cop.  He's a super tall thin guy who always has a little dance groove going while he directs traffic, lol. I have no idea who he is but he's been around for years and years.

I need to do a bit of tidying up.  But first...


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Morning, Happy Monday.   

I'm on another break week this week because of the holiday but I'm moving out of my storage unit this week so have to move everything to my upstairs storage room.   I loaded up my car yesterday and went out before tea this morning to empty it.   There's a popular restaurant a couple doors up from my storage room door and parking gets really bad during the day.   The only times to get close to unload are around 8/9am or after 3pm.    

Later today I'm going for a bone scan ordered by my gyn.  


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Good afternoon!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I was up before my alarm this morning - must have slept well.  Last night I put a chopped up Granny Smith apple in the IP (delay cooked) oatmeal and it turned out really yummy for this morning's breakfast!

We had string quartet this morning instead of Wednesday afternoon - played a Dvorak, a Mozart, part of a Haydn, and the first movement of the Ravel, which is so so beautiful.  We didn't feel up to playing the whole thing due to severe complexity, lol.

So I've just finished lunch and am avoiding my email inbox which has gotten about 50 new emails since I left for string quartet.  What the hay.  Anyways, we're leaving for music lessons in 45 minutes and then the girls are going to a venture crew Friendsgiving dinner and I have the night off to try to bring some order to my brain which has gone all Willy_Nilly, and talk more wedding stuff with dd20.  It's a good time for...


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41 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Ds19 helped me carry the child-sized turkey upstairs from the freezer.  And after some cleaning out and rearranging and moving a shelf up, I was able to fit it into the refrigerator!

I have two turkeys. Don't ask why. 

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