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I forgot to take dinner out of the freezer so we are having spaghetti for dinner.  Dd14 has most of the backpacking food divided and ready to go but the kitchen is a disaster.  The frosting is super yummy but not sturdy enough.  Imma try a different recipe another time.

What kind of booyah is this?  
A Peek Into My Kitchen Booyah!   

This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.  

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends  

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends

It's better than a Mercedes Benz

It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too

Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you


This thread keeps going on and on

with record-setting length and fun

It started forty-eight months ago from curiosity

and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be


This is the thread that never ends...

And the place where one finds special friends,

the kind that have hearts that are strong and true

Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you! 


This is the thread that never ends

Yeah, it's superior to other trends

Friends start out scratching their head in confusion, perhaps

But then the laughter strikes and they gratefully tip their caps.


This is the thread that never ends

I had no idea when I entered in

That what seems a little nuts might actually save me

From going insane on days that are crazy 🤗


This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Good Morning!!!



14 hours people. Nobody is taking this thread seriously.

Busy day today. A friend’s daughter is getting married today, so I am helping at the reception venue (which is their home) get things set up. Then the wedding is this afternoon. Baby’s last football game is tonight an hour away. We got her transportation to the game but I hope we can make it for some of it. I would like to see her cheer one last time.

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Good morning!  Thank a Veteran today!

The girls said they want to adopt Screech (and Lorinda) but then I reminded them that they are allergic to cats.

Backpacking girls have been dropped off at their meet-up place.  Cream cheese and butter have been left out to soften, and I am leaving in 10 minutes to go to a brunch at church.  Ds18 has a cello lesson at noon and Other People have various Other Things going on today, but nothing that I need to be involved in except to loan out my crockpot to college students.

I need to send an email that is causing me some stress but I think if I just go ahead and do it I will feel much better and realize that it was so not a big deal at all.


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Mega shopping today. I definitely got my steps in. Costco and WalMart were nuts as usual. But now both freezers, the fridge, and pantry are filled. I tend to do this then we eat until empty again. I hate food shopping, food prep, food cooking, and food clean up. 

DH has been working all day so I had DS18 and Little Man with me. My brain is too tired to think anymore.



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Good morning!!



I am up early early. DH left for the airport and I couldn't fall back to sleep.

All the events of yesterday went well. The wedding was lovely. We sat by some friends at the reception and enjoyed visiting with them. 

The wedding was all pretty early, so after we drove to Baby's last game she cheered in. Our team won, do that was good.

Church is today.

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Good afternoon!

Did the food help, Slachey?  Prolly should try pickle juice. 🤣

Today is ds's 19th nirthday!   

I played for services this morning so got up at 5:30 to put birthday breakfast in the oven (raspberry baked french toast) and put up balloons and streamers and got all that and the rest of breakfast set and ready to go; we woke up ds19, played the Epic Birthday Song and then I left for rehearsal while they ate the yummies.

Now am home.  I ate some leftover spaghetti sauce for lunch, ordered some pizza for pickup later and in an hour will need to go get the girls from the backpacking meet-up place.  A handful of friends will be over for pizza and movies later.  I definitely need more


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Back from church. DH is somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. His plane left San Francisco 15 minutes ago. I am baking a double batch of pumpkin muffins because they are so yummy. And some bread to take to my staff meeting tomorrow. We have in-person meetings once a month and potluck lunch. It’s wonderful.

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Good Morning, Happy Monday.

My break week last week was super busy since we made huge changes at work.  Moved walls and reorganized massive amounts of stuff.  But it is pretty much all done except for cleaning and fixing up what's left in our storage room so we can empty the off-site storage unit.  

Older dd and her boyfriend came for dinner last night.   Dh made seafood mac & cheese which was yummy.   It was nice.  Dd's boyfriend is very like dh.  They like the same team, have similar interests in music, and he likes to read the same type of books I do so I loaned him some books.    He and dd are cute together.  

Now a week of classes before I'm off again for Thanksgiving week.  That week we're hoping to empty the off-site storage unit.   We aren't doing big dinner on Thanksgiving due to various things so I'll have the whole week.  Our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be that Sunday.  

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Good Morning!!



School and work!!Short week for me, though. We get Friday off and then all next week. I seriously need a break.

According to our calculations, DH landed in China an hour ago. It was a 14 hour flight. No…. my calculations are wrong. He should have landed 3 hours ago. I’ll have to check my phone and see if he texted me. We got that WhatsAp thing and it works nicely for international communication.

This week is going to be busy…lots to do at work, my mom is having a skin cancer thing taken off her nose so I have to drive her to that, the older two have two soccer games this week, Baby has soccer and cheer (we thought cheer was over, but no….they want them to cheer at the All-Star game on Saturday, aughhhh, this is never gonna end!) and oldest DD has the choir play next weekend for her school that she’s in. I guess one of us will go to the play and the other to the All-Star game.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I got up extra early and went to what was supposed to be a virtual row class but the system was down so I just rowed to classic rock hits of the 80's, lol.  Afterwards they credited me a class since I didn't actually get the class I signed up for so that was nice.

Then home and a quick bite of oatmeal and then off to dd14's ortho appointment.  She was hoping to be done but they said she needs more time with the rubber bands.  Oh well.  Also the (former) dental company has cut off any more funding so I am on another payment plan to cover the rest.  

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Two from today...

Alex: Daddy, which is better, spaghetti and meatballs or calzones?

Matt: Spaghetti and meatballs. 

Alex: Daddy, I don't think you understood the question. 


Matt: Did you have fun at the playground?

Isaac: Yes.

Matt: Are you tired?

Isaac: Nope.

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Good Morning!!



School and work!!

The older girls have their first soccer game today. It’s an away game and I will not be attending. Tomorrow is a home game and I will go to that.

Screech is gone. I don’t think she’s quite old enough, but she has been eating solely solid foods in her own for several days now and is doing well with that. She is walking well and starting to play with things, so I’m sure she will be all right. There were many tears last night as the girls said good bye. A lady at DS’s work is taking her. She was a good kitten, but fostering a kitten is a lot of work. I don’t want to do that again unless I’m on vacation.

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Good Afternoon!

Happy Tuesday!

I do not ever want to foster a kitten, especially not on vacation!

I had a really good appointment with my pulmonologist.  He was happy to see that I'm doing better.  Next appointment is in six months instead of three!!



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Yay for good pulmonology! A+++++++

I had a good birthday lunch - ground beef taco and street corn.  Both very tasty.  I stopped in the record shop and was tempted to buy the Bing Crosby Christmas album.  I might have to go back.  I bought some flowers for my friend at the little flower shop and decided that I might want to work there some day.

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I would swear that the TN government must refuse to hire anyone with at least a high school diploma to write their healthcare eligibility questionnaire forms.  Even the lengthy instruction pages are a mess.  
Question 13.  Do you get Social Security benefits now and also got SSI checks in the past?

The helpful instructions say: Answer YES or NO to the following:  Is you or anyone in your household is getting a Social Security check now and also got a Social Security check in 1973.

I'm not joking.  1973?  😂  

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Good Morning!!!

Humph Day!!

School and work.

One of the benefits of my job, probably the thing that keeps me working there because it’s hard, is that I can pretty much work anywhere I can get WiFi. My school has an office for admin but the rest of us lowly teachers work from home. Which allows me to do things like I am doing today, which is take my Mom to get Moh’s surgery done on her nose. I’ll take her to the Big City and wait and wait and wait.  But, I can work, too, which is good. I have a ton of paperwork to do.

The older girls have another soccer game tonight, which I will go to, and Baby has soccer practice this afternoon. 

DH is still in China.

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Good morning!

Godspeed, Surgery Mom.  Praying everything goes smoothly.

I am heading off to Publix to see if they have any turkeys the size of a small child and then to Aldi.  I took pictures of my Thanksgiving Dinner Document pages so I'd have the grocery list and recipes handy.  Then after I get the groceries in I'm heading to a coffee shop to meet with some complete strangers who are part of a travel facebook group and wanted to have a local meetup.  
The rest of the day should be uneventful.


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Whew.  I scored two (2!) 30lb frozen turkeys at Publix at $0.29/lb!  Had to do some complicated rearranging in the Big Freezer but finally got them in there.  Then Aldi where I bought More Food Things and then home to get stuff in and then back out to the coffee shop.  The ladies I met were lovely and interesting and one may be opening a flower shop and I want to go work for her.  
We just finished our story time book - Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age Of Isolation and Incivility by Heather Holleman.  Really good book. I think next we'll do a short story (Babette's Feast) and a couple fairy tales and then read When People Are Big and God Is Small by Edward Welch which is a book my pastor highly recommends.

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Whew.  I scored two (2!) 30lb frozen turkeys at Publix at $0.29/lb!  Had to do some complicated rearranging in the Big Freezer but finally got them in there.  Then Aldi where I bought More Food Things and then home to get stuff in and then back out to the coffee shop.  The ladies I met were lovely and interesting and one may be opening a flower shop and I want to go work for her.  
We just finished our story time book - Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age Of Isolation and Incivility by Heather Holleman.  Really good book. I think next we'll do a short story (Babette's Feast) and a couple fairy tales and then read When People Are Big and God Is Small by Edward Welch which is a book my pastor highly recommends.

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Whew.  I scored two (2!) 30lb frozen turkeys at Publix at $0.29/lb!  Had to do some complicated rearranging in the Big Freezer but finally got them in there.  Then Aldi where I bought More Food Things and then home to get stuff in and then back out to the coffee shop.  The ladies I met were lovely and interesting and one may be opening a flower shop and I want to go work for her.  
We just finished our story time book - Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age Of Isolation and Incivility by Heather Holleman.  Really good book. I think next we'll do a short story (Babette's Feast) and a couple fairy tales and then read When People Are Big and God Is Small by Edward Welch which is a book my pastor highly recommends.

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12 minutes ago, Junie said:

I crashed the youth group Thanksgiving party and ate a piece of apple pie! I am so thankful to not be gluten free anymore!

I love this. ❤️

Plus, you can now properly follow ITT Pie Regulations:    

5 hours ago,  Susan in TN said: 

No one should ever turn down pie for any reason, except certain death


Cough drops are not an acceptable substitute for pie.

Junie, Thanksgiving Day, 2017


But cheesecake is. 

Servie, Thanksgiving Day, 2021


Also, who needs a manicure when you have pie??!!!!!

Lynn, Easter Weekend, 2019

Edited by Susan in TN
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