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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Cakes are still scary.  Sally (from Sally's Baking Addiction) assures me it can be done, but seven 9" and four 6" later I'm not sure anything is going right.  I made a big rookie mistake in that I thought the chai cake recipe called for 9" pans but it was actually three 6".  And I divided up the two batches differently so now I think I need to make one more batch so I have 4 matching 9".  The little cakes will be used to test the freezing process and icing and will be used for ds18's birthday next week.  
If worse comes to worst, I'm prepared to utilize Nothing Bundt Cakes.

Mooooommmmm....Susan's doing math stuff.


It's a Mathy Susan Booya/h.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good morning!  

Back from early service and sunday school.  It's All Saint's Day and I forgot and was taken off guard but all is good.  I'm trying to decide if I want to make cookies today or not.

I don't care that much about time changes but I know people who think it's either just stupid or a health hazard.  The real solution is


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Good Morning!!!



We do have a short week, though. We have Friday off due to Veterans Day. 

School and work today!! Busy work week ahead. This has been a nightmare of a school year. My school keeps getting all these “great ideas” and then we have to figure out how to implement them. It is so awful.

I am starting to organize myself for Thanksgiving.

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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I’m not sure where you are going with this, Susan. Is it the height of the stalk? Or the amount of ears per plant?

I think it's mainly the height.  If a corn field is involved in a movie, you know the scene is going to take a bad turn.  But if the corn was only 2 feet high it wouldn't have quite the effect. 🌽 

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I keep thinking it's Tuesday.  Nevertheless.  I brought the van in to get the headlight and hood fixed/replaced.  They estimate a month to get it finished.  Uffda.  I only have the rental car for 2 weeks so hopefully we can work out everyone's transportation needs after that.  It's tricky even with the rental because ds28 and I are the only ones who can drive it.  
Ds18 has his Eagle rank court of honor tonight.  

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Good Morning!

Happy Monday!

Making good progress on this week's to-do list.  I'm thinking about starting a bullet journal so that I can keep better records of some of my goals.  And the things that I don't get done that I have to move to next week.

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4 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I think it's mainly the height.  If a corn field is involved in a movie, you know the scene is going to take a bad turn.  But if the corn was only 2 feet high it wouldn't have quite the effect. 🌽 

Very true. very true.


Unless the movie was about mice. Then, even 2 feet tall would be problematic.

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3 hours ago, Junie said:

Says the woman with a Thanksgiving binder.  You are already organized for Thanksgiving, my friend. 🙂

True, but i need to make a new section in my binder, move recipes over, work on the guest list since a couple of nephews moved out of state, one niece is going to college out of state, but then a nephew got married, so there’s a new in-law and I need figure out what size turkey to get.

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Well we are all done with the boys' troop.  The court of honor went well - 2 eagle scouts being recognized, and I managed to say 4 sentences in front of a crowd without sobbing, so that was a major achievement.  I'm such a wet blanket. 
The girls stayed behind to practice some new moves with their swing dance buddies from the boys' troop and hopefully will be back injury free shortly.  I suspect that one of these days they will try a flip and land on their head.  

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Good morning!

Today's Taxi Schedule was going to be a bit crazy but I got word from the cello teacher that his family all has the stomach flu so that simplifies things quite a bit.  I have a row class this morning and then need to bring dd14 to the library.  
Yesterday I had to go through my healthcare.gov documents and afterwards it said I am pending medicaid approval.  I don't want medicaid.  I just want to keep the policy I've had this year!  Why must it be so stupid?  I'm just hoping everything will get settled quickly and I won't have to send in documentation for months on end.


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Good Morning!!!



Electricity went off last night, and it came on with all sorts of fanfare that woke us up. I am assuming i fell back asleep. Our internet provider is finally up and running, which is good because I was afraid I was going to have to go find someplace else to work.

Baby has a dentist appointment first thing this morning.

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Morning, Happy Tuesday.

I got a ton of stuff done yesterday.  Took apart 8 shelf units from my storage room and put them back together downstairs to be used in classrooms.    Now I need to move all the small stuff that is going to be stored on those shelves downstairs.    And pick up a few things from the storge unit that need to be used now.  

My car is in the shop currently.  It was smoking and smelled like something burning.  Last time that happened it was some kind of leak (not dangerous, just smelly).   Dh had a doctor's appointment this morning so he took the car to work until his appointment and let me sleep in a little bit.  When his appointment is done he'll come home, I'll drive him to work so I have the car to drive ds to school.  Then I'll do some work while ds is at school until it's time to pick dh up from work, then I think dh is picking ds up from school.  

Fun times.    Next semester ds is going to be on campus three days a week so we'll have to do the car sharing even more.  

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I made phone calls today. 

My doctor is retiring so I cancelled the appointment I had with her the Monday of Thanksgiving since I want someone who will be able to follow up with issues I think I'm having.   I'm returning to an office I used to go to and dh goes to.  I don't like the male doctor there but they have a couple female nurse practitioners know that I've heard good things about.   So I made an appointment there for January. 

I was on the phone for 30 minutes making an appointment for my mammogram, breast ultrasound (I always get both) and bone scan.  Mammo/US I go Friday, bone scan is Monday of Thanksgiving. 

I feel like an accomplished adult.

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Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!

School for some, work for others!!

Busy day today!! I have 5 families to visit. Those visits will be good. Tonight I have a meeting with the Wednesday Night Children’s Programs Committee. Actually, it’s still called thr Awana Committee, but we haven’t run the Awana Program since Covid, we’re just kind of doing our own thing. Anyhow, that’s what the day looks like.

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It's been a day.  I woke up with random anxiety in the pit of my stomach which isn't too unusual but it typically is gone before too long.  Today it's just stuck with me and then I got a notification that due to my healthcare.gov update, I've been automatically enrolled in medicaid which is NOT what I want.  I've been trying to avoid crying in front of the kids - they don't need any more anxiety than what they already have.  I'm worried that dd20 will now lose her marketplace coverage.  Also they are asking for some kind of "proof" documentation on ds18 but don't explain what they need or why.  When I click on the button that says "submit proof" nothing comes up.  Stoopid government.

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Good morning!

Happy Day Off to Krissi! 

Ds28 also has the day off.  It's a cold, gray fall morning.  When dd14 gets back from walking Pup, I'll take her to the grocery store to buy groceries for the weekend backpacking trip - she signed up to cook for the scouts.  Later I'll take both girls to the dollar store and Lobby of Hobby and at some point I am planning to make some cake frosting.


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Good Morning!!!



Have the day off today, but it’s still going to be busy. The older girls have soccer practice this morning. I need to get us all to the AFSA to the the Samaritan’s Purse shoeboxes filled. They are due on Sunday. I may end up  having to go to Costco if DH can’t get around to it. And, I need to put in about an hour or so for work today because I am so behind. I don’t know why, I worked straight through lunch yesterday, had a quesadilla while I was preparing for my Home Ec Class.

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Been a week. DS25 got an internship! In Utah which is his dead last choice. But at least he has one offer now. He has until Wednesday to decide. Y’all please pray he gets another offer from the TX companies or Deloitte, please?

The cookies sound yummy, Susan.

We’re doing Thanksgiving with my sister and aunt/uncle who are local the Monday of Thanksgiving week cause they are all going on vacation. I’m deboning the turkey this year. Last year’s spatchcocking turkey cooked fine but serving it was a huge mess. I was want to avoid that this time. What’s in that binder, Krissi?

Slache- I am sorry you are hungry and tired. Anything I can send from Houston?

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And dh’s group at work is being dissolved/absorbed into another one right when he’s up for a lead position he’s more than earned. We’re annoyed cause his boss dragged his feet and now says it’s out of his hands. The new group won’t promote him. Thankfully, his old boss/group says they want him back with the lead position. He was supposed to talk to his old boss today about it. Crossing fingers and praying here.

So lots going on but not a lot happening. 

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