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I'm actually having a fairly productive weekend.  

Friday I did some laundry, cleaned up some old piles of stuff in the living room which involved fixing one of dd's stuffies (new eyes on a cinnasnail), made a thingie to hold my fit watch on my ankle when I use the sit down stepper (need to get back to that), moved stuff around on shelves behind the couch so we can actually reach the things we need access to often (we store supplies back there).  Saturday I went to work and fixed some models the kids made, cleaned out my cockroaches tank, then went through registrations, released spaces for people who aren't returning (or at least haven't told me they are, they had three weeks.  If that's incorrect hopefully they'll let me know before someone else grabs their space.), and did payroll.  

Just one more week of classes before I'm off for a week.   Lots and lots to do that week but basically on my own schedule that is not tied to anyone else. 

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Good morning!!

No COFFEE!!!~D yet. I need to go down and get it. Middle DD and I are at the coast still. Had a great day yesterday. We toured Hearst Castle. DD really loved that 1920's-30's Hollywood Vibe.  Had dinner at a yummy restaurant with an ocean view and watched the sun disappear into the Pacific Ocean. We'll go home today after lunch.


Edited by KrissiK
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Good Afternoon!

Happy Sunday!

I actually left church service this morning and fell asleep in the car (with the window rolled down).  Then I came home, skipped lunch, and slept all afternoon.

I *think* it's just being anemic.  Dh is grilling hamburgers.  If I don't feel better tomorrow, I may go to the doctor.  

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Good Morning!!!



Work for some, no school for others. The girls’ school is having a professional development day, so they have no school.

We made it home from the coast yesterday. Morro Bay is so beautiful. Tons of people and we got stuck in traffic for an hour and a half trying to get back from Morro Rock, but other than that, it was a nice weekend.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I heard a thing early this morning. It was probably just the rain and wind in the trees or Pup moseying around the living room.  I have a few things that need to be done this morning and then we have the usual Monday afternoon and evening activities.


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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

There's s good chance of it because dd17 wants to go see "the big trees in California" for her happy graduation trip.  I would have to be clever about arranging it in such a way that she would *think* it was her senior trip when actually it's my dream trip.  

Come out and I will be your tour guide. I will show you all the things. It might take about a month.

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It went from almost 90 yesterday to barely clearing 50 and misty and rainy today. We call it A Right Scots Day. So of course I had to go shopping. Little Man has his Halloween pumpkin now, but I forgot to buy candy to hand out. My kids don’t go trick or treating, just dress up and hand out treats. We are weird.

My hearing appointment went well, though my hearing volume needed upping from 3 yrs ago. Got the firmware updated in both aids. They were about 5 updates behind! Now I need my real glasses to get here and I’ll be all set for a bit.

DS25 really needs prayers for an internship. He’s running out of time to find one. He and fiancee are deciding whether to wait on the wedding or not based on him getting one. I do not understand this! He’s smart, has near perfect grades, and nice. We all keep telling ourselves and each other God has a plan and a path. He just has to do his part as best he can and wait for God’s Path to come to light, but it is so hard, as I know we can all relate to.

Changing the subject so I stop obsessing over the problem above: DD made Quiver’s cinnamon rolls and I made a cherry blueberry crisp today. UK custard is happening over the crisp for breakfast tomorrow.

So what’s everyone doing?

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Somehow this morning we were inexplicably out of toilet paper.  In every. single. bathroom.  (Which is 3.)  Not sure how it happened but I'm pretty sure someone came into the house and took off with it.  Fortunately they left a couple boxes of tissues.

Anywhoo.  I stopped by Publix to buy some and also got a couple bogo bags of candy and bogo fresh raspberries.  "You can never have too many raspberries" is my policy.

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Good morning!

Happy Reformation Day! 
It's COLD out there!  But at least it stopped raining.  I am taking a free introductory class at the RowHouse this morning.  Also I have to call the dentist because apparently my appointment needs to be rescheduled.  Nothing else going on except to put out Georgie the Friendly Ghost and a few other decorations for the trick-or-treaters tonight.


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Good Morning!!!



Happy Reformation Day!!

Is that a Playmobil Martin Luther, Susan!!

School and work. I meet with a couple of families today. Girls have soccer practice this afternoon.  They want to go trick-or-treating tonight. We usually go work at our church’s Fall Family Fun Night, but I am so beat that I just couldn’t. So, we are staying home. And having taco soup and watching that old Halloween Classic, “Arsenic and Old Lace”. I love Carey Grant. We usually have no trick-or-treaters on our side of the subdivision, but i have candy just in case.

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I didn’t know about Reformation Day. 

Love the Playmobile, Susan!

I have a box o’ books coming today!

I need to clean out the defrosted chest freezer and bring it back inside. It lives in a corner of my living room.

DS18 and DD have an orthodontist appointment at 11. I need to buy candy after.

I think Little Man will paint his pumpkin. We aren’t good carvers here. 

Chicken fajitas for dinner!

Edited by Green Bean
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So cute!

Yes, that's a playmobile, on a giant creepy spider - because it's Free Candy for Costumes Day!

I did the rowing class which was pretty good and then put Georgie the Friendly Ghost on the Japanese maple.  The girls are going trick-or-treating with a couple of friends tonight but I am not going anywhere.  Imma stay here and pass out candy.  Maybe I can get ds18 and dd20 to play some celtic fiddle duets with me.  
Oh, I also dropped off my diy colon cancer screening test at UPS, so that's all done with.

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Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!

And it is also November 1. Svengo!!!

We have a professional development day at work today. Woohoo.A whole day in front of Zoom.

We had about 20 trick-or-treaters last night which was about 20 more than we’ve ever had. The girls all went out and had a good time. DH and I stayed in and passed out candy and watched “Arsenic and Old Lace” which is so hilarious.  

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Good morning!

Happy All Saint's Day!

The girls had fun trick-or-treating with some of their scout friends.  They said sometimes instead of saying "trick or treat!" they would sing a Christmas carol.  We got all of 7 kids here and have a Very Large Bowl of leftover candy.  
It's 31* outside.  Pretty cold for Nov. 1 around here.  But the sun is shining, so that's nice.  I have to go in for a scan this afternoon and I think I'll go to Aldi right before that.  My arm and core muscles are a bit sore from the rowing class yesterday but not too bad.     

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