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I want potato soup.   

Next week is my last week of the current session of classes then we are off for a week.

Then we work for one week and are off for another week for Thanksgiving.

This next session takes forever due to all the holidays but it's an easy one from a teaching perspective.  

We're making really big changes to the set up at work over the week off.   It should make things work better for the teachers with better storage set-up, better classroom set-ups.   It will cut down our lobby/waiting area but that was a lot of wasted space most of the time anyway.  

Edited by Wheres Toto
ETA: A booya. Too tired and lazy to come up with a witty description. Sorry.
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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!

School for some, work for others.

DH is driving to Palm Springs for a work event. He’s leaving this morning and coming home on Friday. 

I always love hearing about your Science Center, Toto. If you ever want to open a West Coast Satellite, I’m you’re gal.

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Good morning!

I got into checklist making mode and in the meantime am ignoring the three phone call requests I've gotten because Anxiety.  So imma ignore those people for now.  Dd14 is having a bit of a meltdown over a tutorial class group assignment.  Sigh.

I'll leave for string quartet in an hour.  I don't know why I ate lunch at 10:30.  Pineapple and cottage cheese.  I should spend a few minutes in the sunshine.


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Hi! I didn't go on my trip because all my kids came down sick and I just didn't want to take the chance of bringing germs to my friends. I sad. They are coming here in April for the eclipse, though!

My week: Children coughing, sore throats, etc. and throwing up because why not pile it all on? They used up our Costco tissue stash and then some. Much OJ and ginger ale has been consumed and now they seem to be on the mend.

We are missing the Trunk or Treat annual chili cookoff at our church Friday night which is sad and the children's program on Sunday which is not sad. Little Man does NOT like doing it so now he has a valid excuse to miss.

I went to the "correct" county library here for the first time since COVID closure. The children's librarians were kinda rude and tried to dissuade me from browsing the stacks on my own. They also didn't have many books. Out of my book list of over 20, they had 2 both of which had to be placed on hold. It was strange. I'm glad I kept my old library system's card and a branch isn't too out of the way cause I'm not going back to the "correct" one.

And kid bath refresh day tomorrow! I am looking forward to not sharing my shower anymore.

Edited by Green Bean
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Good morning!

Pup has had his morning constitutional and is now pestering me with his little red ball.  He'll bring it to me, but expect me to take it directly from his mouth and if I don't he'll drop it and then I have to get up and find it.  Sometimes he will drop it right next to me but as soon as I go for it he grabs it again.  Little stinker.  Everyone is out today at work, school, or tutorial except ds28 who is working from home.

There is also a lot of stuff going on in my head, none of it is great.  It's been a difficult week for some reason and I'm having a hard time getting out of this funk.  Lucky for me, there's always


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11 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!

School and work!!

No family meetings today. I gotta pound out work samples, though. Those are due tomorrow. Time to turn the phone off and focus.

GB, what do you mean by “correct” County library?? 

We live on the border of 2 counties. The correct county is the one my house actually resides in. The "other" county is the one we lived in for over 15 years.

4 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Apparently People have given our laptops names.  One is "Barbara", and the other is "Shrug". 😂

The Brits name their houses. We name our cars.

2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I have to leave for an orchestra concert in a couple hours.  I'm a little worried that I'll forget!

Susan, go to your concert! Did that help?


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Bath refresh hit a snag. Apparently the guys who installed the sink piping used whatever they had leftover cause it is all glued and not lined up. My guy is going to have to perform surgery which we were hoping to avoid. He's calling in his FIL to help tomorrow. The rest looks AMAZING! I can't wait to share pictures. It's not bragging; it's sharing with friends.

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18 minutes ago, Green Bean said:

Bath refresh hit a snag. Apparently the guys who installed the sink piping used whatever they had leftover cause it is all glued and not lined up. My guy is going to have to perform surgery which we were hoping to avoid. He's calling in his FIL to help tomorrow. The rest looks AMAZING! I can't wait to share pictures. It's not bragging; it's sharing with friends.

Can't wait to see those pictures. And yes, it is sharing with friends.

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I am really, really sick and have taken nyquill the last two nights and can't do a third because it always keeps me up the third night. Does anyone have an emergency sleep aid that I might have on hand? Be don't have any actual sleep aids or benadryl. I am willing to die for this.

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40 minutes ago, Slache said:

I am really, really sick and have taken nyquill the last two nights and can't do a third because it always keeps me up the third night. Does anyone have an emergency sleep aid that I might have on hand? Be don't have any actual sleep aids or benadryl. I am willing to die for this.

Mowing videos on Youtube do it for me. I like SBMowing. M&D Lawn Care is also nice. The lawn machines are white noise.

Other than that, movies! Anything I have seen a hundred times works. It gives the awake part of my brain something to focus on until the rest of me falls asleep.

Can you take Mucinex/Guifisine? That stuff is the only thing that helps me when I'm sick.

Praying you feel better quickly.

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12 minutes ago, Green Bean said:

Mowing videos on Youtube do it for me. I like SBMowing. M&D Lawn Care is also nice. The lawn machines are white noise.

Other than that, movies! Anything I have seen a hundred times works. It gives the awake part of my brain something to focus on until the rest of me falls asleep.

Can you take Mucinex/Guifisine? That stuff is the only thing that helps me when I'm sick.

Praying you feel better quickly.

I ALMOST asked him to stop for mucinex.  I regret not doing it.

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11 hours ago, Slache said:

I am really, really sick and have taken nyquill the last two nights and can't do a third because it always keeps me up the third night. Does anyone have an emergency sleep aid that I might have on hand? Be don't have any actual sleep aids or benadryl. I am willing to die for this.

For future reference, this stuff https://www.amazon.com/Earthley-Wellness-Magnesium-Candelilla-Essential/dp/B08123LW4Q?pd_rd_w=FgYEG&content-id=amzn1.sym.adeb688d-35a7-4952-bbb3-fcbab0fec4f0&pf_rd_p=adeb688d-35a7-4952-bbb3-fcbab0fec4f0&pf_rd_r=VRA584G22C4JFZHYT2NY&pd_rd_wg=oqNP0&pd_rd_r=3941daa7-2039-47ae-bc2d-fae7de7e1976&pd_rd_i=B08123LW4Q&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_40_t

is the best stuff ever.  I actually learned about it on the chat board. it helps you sleep so well and I never wake up groggy.

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Good morning!

So it turns out that ds18 forgot to take his cello out of the van so I unknowingly took it with me to the orchestra concert last night and ds couldn't go to his cello lesson.  Nuts.  But today is another day.  Lesson is rescheduled for tomorrow.

It seems that everyone will be home for a couple hours this afternoon so that's when we will be carving pumpkins.  Dd14 has a tutorial girls bonfire and I think that's about it for today.  I need to make two medical appointment phone calls. Bah.


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51 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I think probably I broke a copyright law there.

Hopefully the poet's heirs will read the thread from the beginning and not get to it before it expires (I think next year).

Dishwasher parts arrive today. 🎉 I'm not a fan of hand-washing.

Afternoon goals: Finish school. 30-minute walk. Turn DS loose in the grocery store to buy stuff and go fill the Little Free Pantry.

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Good Morning, Happy Friday.  

Fridays start my weekend so I slept in a bit and I'm just now finishing my first cup of tea and breakfast (it's 10:42am here).

Today will be laundry and some other straightening around the house.   

Tonight dh and I are going out to dinner for our anniversary that was yesterday.  We both forgot and we both got each other the same thing.   😁  Luckily neither of us cares that much about occasion presents.   

I trimmed my hair into layers but I think it may be too short.  I can't tell because after sleeping on it, everything is sticking out every which way.  I'm going to probably have to rewash it to be able to see what's really going on there.   I'm sure I can do something with it even if it's not what I was hoping for.  It's just a matter of how much work it is.  

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5 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Thank you! It's in my cart for next time.

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I went to the mountains today to visit families. It was a lovely drive. The forests are evergreen, so no spectacular colors, but there was an oak tucked in here and there that had changed and a few yellow or red shrubs. It was a very nice drive and I had wonderful visits with the families.

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Good morning!

Not sure why I woke up so early but thus and so, here I am.  Oh, I know.  I woke up thinking about a shop I was planning to stop by on my way to a baby shower and then  remembered that today is Pumpkinfest so that area must be avoided. 120K people crammed into 3 square blocks of downtown.  It's really fun if you are OK with crowds and can find parking or don't mind a good long walk.  
So I will go a round-about way and pick up some flowers and parmesan at Whole Foods instead.

Anywho.  Baby shower this morning and the kids have a youth group bonfire this afternoon so I will drop them (and a friend) off there.  That's pretty much it for today.


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Good Morning!!!



Busy weekend. I am taking middle DD to the coast today and tomorrow and we’re doing the Passport to Purity thing from Family Life Today. I did it a couple of years ago with oldest DD. The curriculum is pretty intense, but it’s good. We listen to CDs, which will happen mostly while we are driving. But, I think it will be good.

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I feel like Krissi needs me to be her official Emotional Support Person on these lovely drives in the mountains.  I'll bring snacks.

Ohhhh, we would have so much fun.  The Sierras really are breathtaking in any season, but I love fall the best.

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Morning! Sink is still not fixed, but he built me a shelf for my powder room aka the WC. I think he mounted it and the mirror too high, though. SIGH! I should have paid better attention. Some church friends are going to try to figure out the sink issue. The parts don't quite line up and the attic AC drain line isn't connected in the right spot. If the guys can fix it and save me beaucoup bucks, I am all for it!

Shopping and laundry and cleaning here today. Maybe I will get to Goodwill to look for bath decor for the WC. I want a fake trailing plant, a basket to hold TP and a little treasure chest/covered box for "girl stuff" for DD. Yep, I'm an overshare-er.

Silly prayer request: could y'all please pray my curriculum listings on eBay sell fast? I need to get this old stuff out of here before DH takes matters into his own hands. It isn't THAT much stuff...

Busy-ish week ahead: I have a hearing appointment tomorrow, Tuesday DS18 and DD have an orthodontist appointment, Wednesday is Youth Night starting at 5:30, Thursday DH and Little Man go to the dentist because DH broke a tooth while in Lousisana last week and Little Man has 2 adult teeth coming in behind baby teeth. Another DD mouth, unfortunately. Oh yeah, and school needs to happen.

Slache- I hope you are feeling better.

Edited by Green Bean
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I'm trying to finish my afternoon coffee before leaving again.  The girls begged me to drive them to the Pumpkin fest so I dropped them off (on the street, basically, since traffic was so bad we were just stuck there) and eventually made my way out of town and to the dollar store and then back to pick them up.

I need to pay my homeowner's insurance but I don't wanna.  It's a lot.  Not anywhere near car insurance, though.

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