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Good morning!

Lot's of extra busy-ness today due to ds28's car not being back from the mechanic yet.  We're really hoping it will be done today because tomorrow ds has to go into the city office for meetings and that would leave us one car to get various people to work, school, 2 doctor's appointments, cello lesson, quartet rehearsal, and the airport.  
As for today, I just need to pick dd20 up from class at 3 and bring her to work and/or pick up the girls from tutorial and 3 and bring them home.  If ds18 is done with work by then he can do one of those.  Otherwise tutorial girls will have to wait around for a while. Then I need to get Pup to the vet by 4 for a follow-up appointment.  In the mean time hopefully ds28's car will be finished and I can bring him to the mechanic to pick up his car.

I am skipping orchestra dress rehearsal tonight because I just can't.  Also it's Grandma and Grandpa's last night here, so maybe we will watch a movie or something.

Dinner is French onion soup.


It's a Coffee Booyah!


And this is the best Booya/h in the whole world because it is a COFFEE Booya/h!! (Imagine, if you will, yours truly planting a flag that says "Booya/h" in big, bold letters and a cup of COFFEE under it! on the Rocky summit of.... The tall craggy mountain in the middle of the ITT Island, where we have our lodge. This lodge is in the middle of a forest with hardwood floors and throw rugs and huge stone fireplaces and wrap around porches with comfy Adirondack chairs. This is what I'm talking about.) (I think my imagination is getting the better of me).  

KrissiK Documentation of the ITT Flag 5/1/2017


Edited by Susan in TN
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Oh, Also I got a call from Russia and/or Miami this morning!  I didn't answer either call but the first number came up as from Russia and three seconds later it was the same number but adding a +1 which made it from Miami.  The kids were begging me to answer and give them my recipe for cheese sauce but I didn't.  Maybe next time, lol.

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29 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Poor little Screech.  He misses his mamma!

How's Loraine?  (Or was it Lorinda?)

He does miss his mama. I got him to eat a little more this morning and he was actually sucking on the bottle a bit. DD1 donated her stuffed kitty to the cause, and Screech likes her.

Lorinda is a mess. Feathers and poop everywhere and she's eating all my plants.



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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

He does miss his mama. I got him to eat a little more this morning and he was actually sucking on the bottle a bit. DD1 donated her stuffed kitty to the cause, and Screech likes her.

Lorinda is a mess. Feathers and poop everywhere and she's eating all my plants.



Maybe Lorinda and Screech will become friends.

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Good Morning!!!



School and work!!

I’ve got a lot to get done with work. Paperwork  stuff which I hate, but needs to get done.

Screech is doing well. DD1 was able to get her to drink quite a bit of her bottle yesterday, so that’s good. DD1 is good with babies of all types. 

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Good morning!

Good Kitty Screech!  Drink your bottle!

I am back from the chiropractor with dd20.  She went to a different chiro twice a couple years ago - that dr. said dd has scoliosis but this dr. says she doesn't.  Both took x-rays and stuff.  I do remember that after the adjustments her posture improved dramatically.  This doctor does see some room for improvement in her neck and left shoulder so we will see next week what the treatment plan looks like.

I have a yearly physical at noon and I can't eat before then because labs but I am hungry now.  Oh well.  Ds28's car was finished at the mechanic yesterday and Ds18 should be back from CC in time for me to get to my appointment, though the dr. office is close enough that I could walk.  Then Dd20 should get back from work in time for ds18 to get to his cello lesson.  I'm planning to take grandma and grandpa to the airport at 4.

Coffee! 😭 I can't have any yet!

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Also, dd20's purse weighs 10 lbs - not an exaggeration! So I have suggested that she empty her purse and only put in absolute necessities for the day and see how it goes. 

Get her a cute little Lululemon bag that can only hold a small wallet and a phone. 

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Doctor appointment was fine.  Did you know that they only do pap smears every 5 years now?  I had no idea - I thought I was way behind but I have 3 more years to find a gyn dr., lol.  My blood pressure was 116/74 and I got Shingles Shot, Part 1.  Then they took a bunch of blood out of me and then I went and bought myself some ice cream for later and came home and had coffee and leftover eggs for lunch.

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11 hours ago, JoJosMom said:

Cross body bag.

I think of these like others think of thongs. Why would anyone want a diagonal strap between their books, pressing their bra into their skin? I find cross body bags awful and uncomfortable. Then again, I don’t mind thongs 🤣. I can see how others can like the bags, but I have tried and can’t.

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Good Morning!!!



I am doing more cooking for the in-laws today. They are moving next Friday to assisted living. I think that will be very good for them. Our church runs a care facility that runs all the way from independent apartments (where my mom is) to skilled nursing. It is a very nice facility. Anyhow, I have potato soup in the crock pot and will get some ham and bean soup started as soon as I take the older girls to soccer tryouts. The weather is turning this week. from the 90’s last week to the low 70’s. All I can say is, “It’s about time you got here, Fall.”. Definitely soup weather. And I will bake some bread and pumpkin muffins for them as well.

Tonight is Baby’s last game she’s cheering at. Well, last regular season game. Playoffs is next and since the team she cheers for completely annihilated every single team they played, my guess is that they will go all the way. So, that’s one more month of football games. Sigh.

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Good morning!

I was up again at Dark o'clock to go volunteer with the girls distributing food pantry groceries in a nearby town.  I was really happy to see so much fresh food - salads, blueberries, fresh cut fruit, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, and a lot more - along with the canned and pantry foods.  So we're home again to get a bite to eat and then run off to a store to get a birthday gift.  
I am hoping dd17 can drive to the party herself so I can get a couple things done this afternoon.  And maybe take a nap.  My skin feels weird and I hope I am not coming down with something.


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They only do pap smears every 5 years for low risk, which I think is after 25 and married. If they say they're doing a pap smear you can deny it as long as your insurance is OK with it.

5 hours ago, ikslo said:

I think of these like others think of thongs. Why would anyone want a diagonal strap between their books, pressing their bra into their skin? I find cross body bags awful and uncomfortable. Then again, I don’t mind thongs 🤣. I can see how others can like the bags, but I have tried and can’t.

See, I don't have books, so it works. 

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Good morning!

I haven't seen Haunted Mansion.  Better check it out.

The girls left for church and left the sick people behind.  They brought me a couple eggs for breakfast.  I don't feel like I have a fever any more, so that's good.

Dd17 is supposed to do a college visit this afternoon but I don't think she wants to go.  It's close enough that she could go on her own if she wanted.


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Good Morning!!,




I got all the things done yesterday. One batch of bread turned out terrible, so I had to throw it out, but the other two were fine and the pumpkin muffins were delish. So were the soups. We went to Baby’s game. The football team clobbered their opponent as usual. I really wish they could be in a different league so they could actually get some competition, but I don’t think pop warner football works like that.

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I am still in my pj's.  Might just wear them all day.

Oh, good news!  I got word the other day that a place at our "grandmother" church is available for dd20's wedding reception.  I did not expect this at all due to the last minute request and the fact that most everything is booked up for the holidays.  I am so relieved.  We are frequently at this place for scouts so I am familiar with the facility and also I know the lady who coordinates the venue and she is an awesome person.  I have no idea what the rental cost will be 😬 but I know they don't require a licensed caterer, so that's a huge cost savings right there.

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Trick or Treat was fun but not very busy today.   Most of the visitors were 4H'ers, but it's the first time we've done one and it had to be rescheduled from yesterday due to weather. 

We had three activities at our car/tables.  Fish eyeballs "orbeeze" to reach in and grab a prize out of, magic potions where powder is added to colored water (magic snow/sodium polyacrylate) and a game where you throw a small squishy brain to feed a zombie (pictures on a box).   

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55 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

Trick or Treat was fun but not very busy today.   Most of the visitors were 4H'ers, but it's the first time we've done one and it had to be rescheduled from yesterday due to weather. 

We had three activities at our car/tables.  Fish eyeballs "orbeeze" to reach in and grab a prize out of, magic potions where powder is added to colored water (magic snow/sodium polyacrylate) and a game where you throw a small squishy brain to feed a zombie (pictures on a box).   

So awesome!

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Good Morning!!!



School for some, work for others. And soccer and cheer.

I have an in person staff meeting today which includes a potluck. i am bringing potato soup, but I forgot to get disposable bowls when I shopped on Friday. I really hope I have some on hand. i hate running to the store for just one thing. I hate running to the store for lots of things. I just hate running to the store.

DH is traveling for work this week. Not looking forward to that.

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Morning.  It's Monday again.

I ended up pulling a muscle in my back.  Again.   Dh asked if I should go to the doctor but I know what they are going to say - lose weight and exercise more.   I know that.   

We had to pick up our kayaks and canoe from the lake since they are redoing the boat racks.  The kayaks weren't too bad but the canoe is a big long heavy one and we had to lift it on top of the car.   I could feel it pulling when we did it but managed to get it home and off the car with no injury. 

Went to the Trunk or Treat, leaning over, moving around, no problems.

Last night, loading the dishwasher and POP.   

Slept like crap since every time I moved I woke up fully from it hurting and I move around a lot usually.  Sitting with a hot pad and took some advil but have to leave for work soon.  

It's going to be a fun day.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Ouch, Toto!

I could go for some potato soup right now.  I'm cold, though it's supposed to get up to 77* today.  There are some Things that should be done but might not get done today.  Possibly tomorrow.

I think the Pup misses grandma and grandpa.

We have All the Things this afternoon and evening.


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Good morning!

I have to leave in 10 minutes to meet dd20 at her chiropractor appointment in which I expect they will want to charge us $7000 for a treatment plan.  
I'm back from the memorial gardens (adding some fall flowers and stuff to the flower arrangement which should have been done last week but nevertheless) and Aldi and groceries are put away.  I tried to buy extra cheese so it might last until Wednesday of next week.

After the chiro and a few minutes at home I am meeting the wedding reception venue person to see what's what.


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