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1 hour ago, JoJosMom said:

I will go with you to the island and we can make bazooka plans.

I'm in!

1 hour ago, Slache said:

Today was less bad.

Was it the prospective bazookas?


OH YEAH!!!  A Bazooka Booyah!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.  

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends  

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends

It's better than a Mercedes Benz

It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too

Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you


This thread keeps going on and on

with record-setting length and fun

It started forty-eight months ago from curiosity

and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be


This is the thread that never ends...

And the place where one finds special friends,

the kind that have hearts that are strong and true

Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you! 


This is the thread that never ends

Yeah, it's superior to other trends

Friends start out scratching their head in confusion, perhaps

But then the laughter strikes and they gratefully tip their caps.


This is the thread that never ends

I had no idea when I entered in

That what seems a little nuts might actually save me

From going insane on days that are crazy 🤗


This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


7 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Baby is home sick today. I think she really isn't feeling well, but she also hates school. There are a couple of mean girls who are making her life miserable. She keeps telling me she wants to come back to homeschool. This one of those, "I hate being a parent," situations. I'm paying a lot of $ for her to go there and part of me thinks, just pull her out, sign her back up with our charter and save myself a boatload of cash. But, she also needs to learn to deal with difficult people and how to handle tough situations.


I really think I need to go to the island for a month and think about this.

I had to check what grade she is in. You're not paying a lot of money for her to get bullied or deal with difficult people. She can deal with difficult people when she is in a paying job.

Middle school is already tough, and mean girls are really really mean. I have a group of 5th grade girls that are not mean, but if we don't keep an eye on it, can turn ugly really quick. I'm doing a lot of heart work with those girls so they can see themselves, their behavior, and potential consequences of different actions. By 7th grade, girls can be expert mean girls.

I'd just believe your daughter and pull her out. And, I'm saying this after having a parent meeting with a girl's mom today, the student claiming she is a victim when there is literally nothing going on (same classroom, different grade).

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Krissi: I am echoing everyone else. I would pull her out in a heartbeat and save boatloads of cash in tuition and future therapy costs. I too dealt with some truly horrible mean kids AND teachers in middle school that still cause me to doubt myself and not trust people easily. She is dealing with these (not close to being whole) people yet by doing the right thing telling you about it and setting the parameters she needs to feel safe. Hope that made sense. I think she is being very wise.


Edited by Green Bean
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Today was bad.

We had nowhere to go. We could have done everything early and played outside all afternoon. Instead, boys were played escape games. Ugh. Was schooling until nearly 5. I did also fold 3 loads of laundry.

Poor workout this morning. Only a 10 min "fast yoga" on YouTube because I'm too cold when I wake up and don't want to go to the basement to work out. I need to get up earlier.

And ds8 has a cold. I hope we don't all get it.

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I am blind again. My too big because somehow I got men's size frames are now off having lenses for DS24 put in so I can mail them to him up in ID to replace his old frames which are half broken. I have to wait for my new frames to come in to have them fitted to my face for my progressive lenses then wait for them to be shipped off for said lenses to be made/inserted and then get them back. Going to be 3 weeks at least. MOO! I am very glad I kept the 2 readers I bought this summer when my old frames sheared at the screws in Schlitterbahn Galvaston this summer. I may be switching to see far away and up close, but at least I can still see to read ITT!

Edited by Green Bean
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I have never heard of that brand and would want to go with something like American Standard.

The heights of those two are very similar. 16.25 to rim and 17" to seat. How old are the kids? My mom just got an extension toilet seat (like a 4" thick seat) and my kids (8 and up) can still use her bathroom. Maybe a stool would be good for the toddler but we just lifted her on.

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55 minutes ago, Dianthus said:

Today was bad.

We had nowhere to go. We could have done everything early and played outside all afternoon. Instead, boys were played escape games. Ugh. Was schooling until nearly 5. I did also fold 3 loads of laundry.

Poor workout this morning. Only a 10 min "fast yoga" on YouTube because I'm too cold when I wake up and don't want to go to the basement to work out. I need to get up earlier.

And ds8 has a cold. I hope we don't all get it.

Ugh. I workout in the garage and it gets cold in there, too. Thankfully, there is a large space heater I can turn on when it is too cold. And when it's unbearable, I go to the living room.


35 minutes ago, Green Bean said:

Whatever is cheaper and still flushes.

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My midterm exam is tomorrow for Spanish 3. I still forget when to use the preterite and imperfect forms of verbs. It was something I never really was clear on in the 20 years I've been speaking the language, and since I always taught lower-level Spanish, the subject never came up. I know what sounds right (most of the time) when it's being used, and that's what I repeated, the actual understanding wasn't there of why certain words were used certain ways. It's crazy how long I've gotten by like this.

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Baby failed the learner's permit test. Now we have to go back again next Wednesday or Thursday (not allowed in less than 7 days) and if he doesn't pass, I have to order a new eligibility certificate from the state (his expires Thursday) and he can try again in November. At least he got a chance to try it after a short wait today.

Do we have the sticker for the very old car that passed inspection in August? We do not. Can we get rid of that car because the DMV will definitely issue an emissions waiver on the not-as-old car? We cannot.

Do at least we have the permanent license plate for the new car (temporary tag expiring Sunday)? We do not (!), but now we at least know it has been processed, because it was listed on the property tax bill. If we don't get it in time, I'm back to driving DH to where he can catch a bus to work Monday morning.

*sigh*  Could be worse, but I would love to be able to direct my attention to other, non-automotive things right now.


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Dh ran over a piece of debris on the highway last night and busted a tire. Thankfully Discount Tire fixed it for free. I just got new tires in March for the first time on my 2018 Explorer. I would not have been amused to do it again so soon.

Susan- enjoy your trip and wedding! May the weather be perfect and everything go smoothly.

Edited by Green Bean
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Well, we are at the airbnb.  I think I have located and disabled all the plug-in air fresheners.  
Shopping at AFSA was a nightmare.  First, I was with my 85yo parents, who are very nice but want to look at every. single. option.  And I am just grabbing the first thing I see because it's after 1pm and the girls and dog are waiting in the van and everyone is starving.  Also the AFSA is being remodeled and they didn't have any makeup wipes and their refrigerated section was nearly empty.  A store clerk had to go in the back to dig up a couple cartons of eggs and a pound of butter.  Then halfway through the trip I found out that a couple of the people staying with us don't eat gluten/wheat, dairy, or sugar.  So I am scrambling to rework the menu while grandma is on the phone asking exactly what brand of things they will eat as though I will be able to find any of it.      
Nevertheless, they had apples and baking powder.  It's a little disappointing that all the checkouts were self checkouts because now I can't find out how to lose 23 pounds by the end of the month.

 I brought my ukulele to play and calm anxiety but when I opened the case it just contained several empty ukulele cases.  I forgot that the ukulele was actually in the living room.  Sigh.

Chester loves the fenced in back yard and there's a pleasant screened-in porch.  The weather is amazing.  Dd25 is planning to come over in a bit.

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Well, we are at the airbnb.  I think I have located and disabled all the plug-in air fresheners.  

 I brought my ukulele to play and calm anxiety but when I opened the case it just contained several empty ukulele cases.  I forgot that the ukulele was actually in the living room.  Sigh.


This calls for buying a backup ukulele. Tomorrow.

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Good Morning!!,


Friday Eve!!

School and work!!
Made it through yesterday. Had a very delightful talk with the family I visited. Good people. Wednesday night church with the preschoolers went well. I think my older, more talkative group has learned that I mean what I say when I say that we are going to get through the story before play time, even if it takes up their entire playtime because i have to stop telling the story to tell someone to be quiet.  They were much quieter last night.

No traveling today. I have one meeting on Zoom, I teach my Home Ec class and then that’s it.

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Good morning!

I've had my coffee and egg and yogurt (not a big fan of Oikos Triple Zero.  they were out of Two Good).  The girls are practicing The Dishwasher (swing dance move) out on the back patio.  Grandma and Grandpa have not emerged from their room yet.

We left our bedroom door open a bit last night and every couple of hours, Sweet Sir Pups-a-lot would silently come in and check on each one of us and then go back downstairs.  
We need to pick up my sister and bil at the airport in a couple hours.  Not sure what else we are doing.  We might go help serve dinner at a soup kitchen with dd25 and Fiancee.  We'll see what everyone wants to do.  Obviously we need to find the nearest ukulele retailer.  Maybe Amazon could deliver one to us today.


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I went to the allergist today and passed my wheat challenge!!

They did a skin test a few months ago which showed no allergies.  I was shocked.  I've been allergic to wheat, oats, and barley for fifteen years.

They did a blood test and that was also negative for allergies.

So today was the in-office trial.  They had me eat bites of croissant and they monitored for reactions.  And I passed the challenge.  My wheat allergy is officially gone!

I feel blessed and I am so thankful!

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32 minutes ago, Junie said:

I went to the allergist today and passed my wheat challenge!!

They did a skin test a few months ago which showed no allergies.  I was shocked.  I've been allergic to wheat, oats, and barley for fifteen years.

They did a blood test and that was also negative for allergies.

So today was the in-office trial.  They had me eat bites of croissant and they monitored for reactions.  And I passed the challenge.  My wheat allergy is officially gone!

I feel blessed and I am so thankful!

Well done!  That's an amazing thing.

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9 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!  
It's 7am!  Time to get up!  The rest of the kids will hopefully arrive around noon today and then the girls will make their bouquets and things.  The rehearsal dinner is tonight at a fancy French restaurant.  That's about all that's going on today.


Sounds like a fun day, Susan! Enjoy it all!!

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Morning, Happy Friday.  The start of my weekend.

My brother is coming to dinner tomorrow before he heads back to Florida.   I'll have to clean house and do some laundry tomorrow morning.

Today I HAVE to go into work and do some cleaning and organizing of our upstairs space.  I know I say that all the time but it is a disaster.  I still haven't gotten it all back together after summer camps.   The teachers didn't put anything away and I had to get stuff from storage for fall classes which just added to the mess.   

We're thinking of changing things around over our first break in three weeks.   It would give us less waiting/lobby space for parents, but more storage/usable space for us.  And I think that's more important right now.  

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I got all fancy and ate at a fancy French restaurant with a bunch of people.  Had to say a few words as mother-of-the-bride which is never good because I am such a wet blanket.  I hate that I can't even get through 6 sentences of prepared words.  Oh well.  The people are lovely and the food was amazing and I have to get up extra early to help dd14 make blackberry cobblers for the reception.  Time for the sleeping.  

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Tonight, I'm getting the cold that 3 kids had. I suppose it was inevitable. Right now it's just a sore throat and achy head. Hopefully Flonase will prevent too much more. Ugh.

It was a great morning. I had good tea after being out for about 5 days. School got done eventually though ds11 made what should have taken 40 min take about 2 hrs which was extra frustrating. Should have been a quick and easy day.

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Good Morning!!!



Not much going on today. This evening we get to drive to the boondocks to watch Baby cheer, but that’s about it. Did grocery shopping last night at the AFSA, so I don’t have to worry about that. Might clean out the fridge.

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