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From the Urban Dictionary:


"Bob's your uncle"

It's a catch phrase dating back to 1887, when, in a blatant case of favoritism, British Prime Minister Robert Cecil (a.k.a. Lord Salisbury) decided to appoint his nephew Arthur Balfour to the prestigious and sensitive post of Chief Secretary for Ireland.


So "Bob's your uncle" is another way of saying "your success is guaranteed."

You just put these parts together like this, and Bob's your uncle - you have a working model!

You want to go to the stadium? Go straight on until you reach the park, take the first left, and Bob’s your uncle - you're there!


There you go!

That's it!

Everything is Okey Dokey.

.....it's ready to go...

It wasn't running right, so I cleaned the carb, adjusted the points and Bob's your Uncle!



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From the Urban Dictionary:


"Bob's your uncle"

It's a catch phrase dating back to 1887, when, in a blatant case of favoritism, British Prime Minister Robert Cecil (a.k.a. Lord Salisbury) decided to appoint his nephew Arthur Balfour to the prestigious and sensitive post of Chief Secretary for Ireland.


So "Bob's your uncle" is another way of saying "your success is guaranteed."

You just put these parts together like this, and Bob's your uncle - you have a working model!

You want to go to the stadium? Go straight on until you reach the park, take the first left, and Bob’s your uncle - you're there!


There you go!

That's it!

Everything is Okey Dokey.

.....it's ready to go...

It wasn't running right, so I cleaned the carb, adjusted the points and Bob's your Uncle!




I feel so much smarter now.

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Bob really is my uncle.  I also have an Uncle Eugene and an Uncle Raymond.  We call them Gene and Ray.  Uncle Bob is the only one for whom we use "Uncle" anymore.  I never noticed that before.  I wonder when we dropped the Uncle and started just referring to them by their nicknames?  Strange.


Then there's my uncles Shiloh and Shem.  They're younger than me.  I met them once when I was 5 and we went down to Oklahoma.  I got carried away down the river by some rapids.  Fun times.



Carry on.

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Does what they did in the ER count, or do you think the cardiologist is going to want his own stuff? I had two EKGs done, and walked out with four holes in my body where they took blood. Actually, I think I'm only getting the stress test next Friday.


I keep looking at my ekg printout trying to read it. I should really do homework, huh?


Request all records, pick them up yourself or have them sent to the cardiologist (call the cardiologist to make sure this has been done), and at least you will not have to repeat the bloodwork because that is silly.  I would expect the cardiologist to do his/her own EKG in order to read it, which is what you want because specialist.  


Btw, I ditched the sweatshirt today in favor of a long sleeve shirt with a vest - zip up w/ a collar - camouflages the neck and the spare tire, lol.  Still very comfy. 

I see you in my head, and you look fabulous!  Just stunning! I am verklempt!

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Yup.  Weird.

I call it The Case of the Abandoned Urn.  I tracked down which family member had the urn last.  They said that last they saw it was in a box in the car and they think it must have been stolen out of there.  Who keeps ashes in an urn in the trunk?  Anyway. . . .  I'm going to go pick it up since no one else wants to do anything and I think it is rude and disrespectful to do nothing when complete strangers took the time and trouble to id the urn and to track us down.  I'm a bit fed up with family, including dh, right at the moment.  

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I had an Uncle Bob (my mom's BIL) who died about a month ago. He was very nice and a fine amateur photographer. Lived in Pasadena mostly and retired to the Seattle area. I have quite a few uncles because of my mom's large family - Mervin, Alan, Cal, Don, and Paul, and one uncle on my dad's side, Don.


Went to the dentist, got some cleaning and polishing done, and Bob's your uncle, I have a new toothbrush.

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I had an Uncle Bob (my mom's BIL) who died about a month ago. He was very nice and a fine amateur photographer. Lived in Pasadena mostly and retired to the Seattle area. I have quite a few uncles because of my mom's large family - Mervin, Alan, Cal, Don, and Paul, and one uncle on my dad's side, Don.


Went to the dentist, got some cleaning and polishing done, and Bob's your uncle, I have a new toothbrush.


Did they give you floss, toothpaste, and a toothbrush cover, too?  I love the goodie bags from the dentist.

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I call it The Case of the Abandoned Urn. I tracked down which family member had the urn last. They said that last they saw it was in a box in the car and they think it must have been stolen out of there. Who keeps ashes in an urn in the trunk? Anyway. . . . I'm going to go pick it up since no one else wants to do anything and I think it is rude and disrespectful to do nothing when complete strangers took the time and trouble to id the urn and to track us down. I'm a bit fed up with family, including dh, right at the moment.



Hope your swelling goes down quickly!

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I have just learned of an issue that occurred while I was at the dentist. Apparently, dd13, who was babysitting her younger siblings, found a snail in the house, stuffed it into a balloon which she then blew up, tied, and threw outside. Dd9 was so outraged and traumatized that she carried on loudly for a long time. Dd13 finally tried to make her sit in a corner for excessive wailing, which dd9 refused to do. Fortunately dh called about then and settled the matter and the snail was safely released from the balloon into the wild.



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I have just learned of an issue that occurred while I was at the dentist. Apparently, dd13, who was babysitting her younger siblings, found a snail in the house, stuffed it into a balloon which she then blew up, tied, and threw outside. Dd9 was so outraged and traumatized that she carried on loudly for a long time. Dd13 finally tried to make her sit in a corner for excessive wailing, which dd9 refused to do. Fortunately dh called about then and settled the matter and the snail was safely released from the balloon into the wild.





All, including the torture of snails as a means to terrorize the younger, more sensitive sibling.  All of it.



Edited by texasmama
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All, including the torture of snails as a means to terrorize the younger, more sensitive sibling.  All of it.


Recently, one ds told little dd that stuffies are not living souls.  Oh, the horror that ensued.




They most certainly are!  Humph. 

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Request all records, pick them up yourself or have them sent to the cardiologist (call the cardiologist to make sure this has been done), and at least you will not have to repeat the bloodwork because that is silly.  I would expect the cardiologist to do his/her own EKG in order to read it, which is what you want because specialist.  



I got the records before leaving. :D I had already requested them, but apparently it's a thing now that they do anyway. I did have to ask for the printout of the first EKG as they'd only given me the second one.

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I got the records before leaving. :D I had already requested them, but apparently it's a thing now that they do anyway. I did have to ask for the printout of the first EKG as they'd only given me the second one.

You are GOOD.


Unrelated piece of information with no segue:  We call the toilet "turlet" here.  Because funny.

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All, including the torture of snails as a means to terrorize the younger, more sensitive sibling. All of it.


Recently, one ds told little dd that stuffies are not living souls. Oh, the horror that ensued.



Could be a parallel universe-type deal.

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You are GOOD.


Unrelated piece of information with no segue: We call the toilet "turlet" here. Because funny.

I tormented ds10 for 5 minutes before lunch by making him correctly pronounce mayonnaise 5 times. My kids, for some unknown reason, tend to pronounce it like "man-ayz" instead of "may-uh-nayz". Makes me crazy.

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I am still at the hospital with the elderly lady I help because they had an emergency and didn't have enough staff. So we went to eat and came back. They are supposed to have more people come in at 3. Also I had to bring twins with me because dh failed to follow through with previous plans. I am so aggravated. The lady I help does NOT get along with children well. I am completely frazzled.

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I am still at the hospital with the elderly lady I help because they had an emergency and didn't have enough staff. So we went to eat and came back. They are supposed to have more people come in at 3. Also I had to bring twins with me because dh failed to follow through with previous plans. I am so aggravated. The lady I help does NOT get along with children well. I am completely frazzled.

And at a hospital, no less!



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So. . . who would steal cremains and then get rid of the urn by hiding it amongst the sidewalk sale stuff at a craft store?  And what do you do with an empty funeral urn?  Sell it on E-bay?  

 we have a Booya(h)


Susan's song, etc.


This Booya(h) is dedicated to Aunt Bob.

Edited by texasmama
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