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But Northern Water Snakes are super common.  Not venomous but super nasty.  They'll bite, chew on you, while they poop on you.    We have a ton of them at our local lake we join. 


Ewww.  A water snake booya.   

Edited by Wheres Toto
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I'm a little bored.   Just doing laundry and working on a zombie escape room for class later this week.  Except I can't finalize the escape room until I go to work and take a look at what locks, etc I have.    

I also did about half of a 6 hour defensive driving course that dh, ds and I are all doing.  We will get a HUGE discount off our car insurance for doing this course.  And considering ds's insurance is over $4500 a year, any discount will help.   Plus, it's probably good for him to take the course.  It goes over all kinds of safety stuff and obscure rules about who has the right of way in weird situations.  

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Dh may have gotten his car working again, so I may not have to go into work super early anymore.  Except it's a 23 year old Suburban with over 250,000 miles on it and I HATE that car.  The accelerator wasn't working but evidently it's a common problem with cars that get a lot of rust underneath.  Since he used to use it to tow his boat and back it into the ocean, there's a lot of rust.  He cleared away some wires and that seems to have done the trick.   

The dashboard lights don't work either so you basically guess at your speed, and gas gauge, and what gear you are in.    

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Gymnast went to a birthday par-TEA today, and moms were invited. It was very nice. Apparently the grandmother loves collecting tea ware. There were several tables (big and small), name cards, the whole setup. A friend and I were saying we were quite happy that our first tea was at a child's party, because we're a mess, lol! We did try out our British accents.




Edited by Renai
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10 minutes ago, Renai said:

Gymnast went to a birthday par-TEA today, and moms were invited. It was very nice. Apparently the grandmother loves collecting tea ware. There were several tables (big and small), name cards, the whole setup. A friend and I were saying we were quite happy that our first tea was at a child's party, because we're a mess, lol! We did try out our British accents.




So fancy!  And lovely!

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It's the Final Four!!!  Only a little bit more and dh won't have any sports to watch, so things will get a lot quieter around here.   He only watches NFL and college basketball regularly.  He'll watch golf occasionally (boooorrrriiinngg, but quieter than NFL and basketball at least) and the three big horse races.  

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50 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

Tornado warnings are over and the thunderstorm warnings seem to have been shortened.  It must have been moving faster than they thought.  

We had tornado watches here in Philly. We went to a presentation at a Free Quaker Meeting House by a ", Revolutionary War Officer." It was very interesting and well done. It started storming at the beginning of the presentation and was done storming by the end. We walked back to the bus with no rain.

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1 hour ago, Slache said:

Good afternoon.

Imma eat potatoes.

I ate some leftover shepherd's pie, which involved potatoes.

I have done Some Things.  I'm trying to write a short (200-300 word) bio for ds18's graduation program.  Mostly I'm watching the neighbors across the street take stuff out of the garage and do things with that stuff.  Actually, the people doing the work don't live there.  I don't know who they are but the come by every once in a while and do things.

The Pup is whining because he sees his puppy friend roaming the neighborhood.

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On 4/1/2023 at 6:06 PM, Wheres Toto said:

Dh may have gotten his car working again, so I may not have to go into work super early anymore.  Except it's a 23 year old Suburban with over 250,000 miles on it and I HATE that car.  The accelerator wasn't working but evidently it's a common problem with cars that get a lot of rust underneath.  Since he used to use it to tow his boat and back it into the ocean, there's a lot of rust.  He cleared away some wires and that seems to have done the trick.   

The dashboard lights don't work either so you basically guess at your speed, and gas gauge, and what gear you are in.    

The dashboard lights don’t work in DH’s vehicle. He has a small light that he plugs into an outlet and directs it towards the dash when he drives at night. The radio didn’t work for a long time either. He and DS got that working again though. 

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Dh did get his truck working again.  He cleaned off the rusted wire and evidently that fixed everything.  At least for now.   It does need something done with the exhaust system but that's a normal fix.   

I have mixed feelings.  I definitely don't want to continue going into work 2-3 hours early.    And it's definitely better than a new car payment. 

I just worry that it's safe.  Dh's commute is only about 5 miles on all residential streets.  And he says it would just stop working, not blow up or brakes fail or anything. 

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This is the last week of my current session, except for snow makeups next Tuesday.  Everyone keeps calling it Spring Break, but it just happens to be when the session finishes up.    I can't believe how fast this year is going.  

I have my endometrial biopsy next week.   Except I'm getting pretty much a full on period right now (which probably is taking care of my "thickened endometrial lining" problem).   I did send a message to the doctor in case I needed to go in earlier but I'm hoping we just keep things the way they are now.   I don't have a whole lot of times I could go in this week.  

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I need to start sleeping normally.  (Don't we all?)  Pup has an appointment with the vet tomorrow morning.  I'm hoping they can find a solution to his ear infection issue.  The high schoolers have to take a physics test this morning and this afternoon we have all the usual activities.


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45 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I want to take hula class.  Especially if Ellie teaches all the Things about hula along with the movements.

Me, too.  i think it would help a lot. sometimes i feel like I have trouble even walking down the street.

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Ah. My haumana (student) is planning to be there. 🙂 The director of activities at the rec center called her and asked her. Whew!

This student really is a challenge. I have had other challenges, but I think she's the most challenging. Happily, she's not very sensitive and takes my constant correction without becoming annoyed. 🙂

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I want to take hula class.  Especially if Ellie teaches all the Things about hula along with the movements.

I teach All the Things that I know, considering that I'm not Hawaiian and didn't spend years in a halau with a serious, experienced kumu. At the least, I hope that my haumana learn enough that they are encouraged to learn more on their own, you know?

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Day 201 hike with Juliet. I reverse engineered the hike from the other day- this time leaving the trail where I had wanted to enter, and then memorizing the fancy mansions and their twisty cul-de-sacs. Then I walked to where I left the trail the other day-almost missed it but just almost. Then I finished the trail proper (at least as far as I've gotten so far plus a bit farther because I'm pushing myself. ). Then on the way back I got off and on the trail the way I had intended to the other day. Mission accomplished. 

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Ww are back from all the places.  I started sobbing a bit when we drove our normal route past The Covenant School. So hard.  Then to round things off I picked out photos and finished the bio to submit for ds18's graduation program.  I'm done for the day.  I'm hoping the vet can come up with some decent solutions for Pup's ear tomorrow.

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Good Morning!!!



The girls are on Spring Break, so they get to stay home. i am not on spring break. so i get to work. Oldest DD does have an appointment with the allergist today. Her chest/lung issue is still bothering her after a month. She finished up the prednisone a week ago (she didn’t take to it well) and it didn’t seem to help her at all. So, we are off to the allergy/asthma specialist.

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Good morning!

 I’m at the vet waiting for Pup’s appointment.  He’s getting suspicious that Something is going on.

Dd16 has a taco party tonight so I’ll drop her off there and then do a bit of shopping ‘til she’s done.  Other than that I need to put away laundry and finish up a couple other things.


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Pup's right ear is beautiful.  Left ear is a mess.  The vet (a new one in the practicd) said she looked at Things under a microscope (literally) and it's definitely a yeast problem and so most likely allergies.  She has recommended a different food to try and also that we give him Zyrtec, at least through the spring, to see if that helps reduce the ear infections.

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