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I need ideas for useful items or crafts that can be made from recycled items.   4-H is doing an exhibit at an Earth Day program and they want clubs to bring completed projects, not activities to do there.  

We have figurines made out of melted styrofoam, but I'm trying to think of other ideas.   I'm tired of bird feeders made out of plastic bottles, so would like something different.  

Any suggestion?   

Edited to add:  I probably have every type of recyclable you can think of: yogurt bowls, yogurt drink bottles, 1 gallon vinegar bottles, soda bottles of all sizes, water bottles, 5 million playdoh containers, random other plastics, tons and tons of cardboard (would be good to use some of this up). 

Edited again: It takes me three tries to spell recyclable booya.


Edited by Wheres Toto
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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!!



It’s the big day!! I am mostly packed. I was going to try to sleep in this morning, just to get another hour or so before being up for 36 hours, but that didn’t work. So, I am up at the normal time.

Bon Voyage!! Have a great trip!  Don’t forget the Mad Libs! 

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Good morning!

Toto, It’s so good to hear that you have a super dependable teacher to work with.  That makes such a difference when trying to run a business.  
I’m currently at the local urgent care waiting room with dd16 who feels like she has a UTI.  Hopefully this won’t take too long.  Afterwards I’ll go pick up dd14 at home and bring her grocery shopping.  She’s cooking for the scout campout this weekend.


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I've been looking at Pinterest for ideas.  There are a bunch of really cool ideas for making furniture out of cardboard.  Cute corner shelves, etc.  I think I may need to do some of that with my older (MS/HS age) STEAM class.   I have a million little knick knacks and stuffies in my classroom sitting on top of my whiteboard.  They fall down constantly so I could use something for those.  Plus I have a wasted corner that is over the top of a small bookshelf but my tv takes up most of the wall so I needed something hanging and haven't wanted to spend the money.   But if we make something out of the tons (TONS!) of cardboard, that would work.  

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40 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

We will probably make recycled paper.   

We looked at ideas for making bags and stuff from plastic bags, but plastic bags are banned here so that's the one thing we don't have many of.  

trash fashion - recycle fashion - making clothes with recycled items. There's whole contests for that stuff. It might be interesting. It would definitely be different, lol!

Edited by Renai
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Morning! I’m watching a younger Mom friend’s little boy while my teens help her clean her house. She has a baby due in 9 days and has been sick her entire pregnancy and her husband is an accountant trying to deal with tax season. It’s cool and gray here so I brought Little Man and her son to the local park. It’s also slightly spitting rain. Perfect.

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3 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

I need ideas for useful items or crafts that can be made from recycled items.   4-H is doing an exhibit at an Earth Day program and they want clubs to bring completed projects, not activities to do there.  

We have figurines made out of melted styrofoam, but I'm trying to think of other ideas.   I'm tired of bird feeders made out of plastic bottles, so would like something different.  

Any suggestion?   

Edited to add:  I probably have every type of recyclable you can think of: yogurt bowls, yogurt drink bottles, 1 gallon vinegar bottles, soda bottles of all sizes, water bottles, 5 million playdoh containers, random other plastics, tons and tons of cardboard (would be good to use some of this up). 

Edited again: It takes me three tries to spell recyclable booya.


sun catchers out of old cds

I have seen a number of toys made out of recyclables on Pinterest.

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We are back from all the places.  The sky looked quite angry earlier but it just rained a bit and moved on.  Dd16 has a prescription for an iffy diagnosis and will hopefully feel better soon.  Ds27 is giving a zoom presentation to a bunch of people and ds18 is on a zoom call with a college rep so we are currently not allowed to go upstairs or downstairs, lol.  Good thing we get the kitchen!

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

We are back from all the places.  The sky looked quite angry earlier but it just rained a bit and moved on.  Dd16 has a prescription for an iffy diagnosis and will hopefully feel better soon.  Ds27 is giving a zoom presentation to a bunch of people and ds18 is on a zoom call with a college rep so we are currently not allowed to go upstairs or downstairs, lol.  Good thing we get the kitchen!

Time to streak!  That always livens up a zoom call. Or so I’ve been told. 

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Good afternoon!

I'm finally sitting for a bit.  Left early this morning with ds18 to drop off the two youngest at their camping carpool meet-up and then drove with ds18 to the Large University for their prospective student day.  My oldest graduated from this school and ds18 took cello lessons here for a few years so I am pretty familiar with it but it was good to give ds18 a little taste of the different programs and campus.  He is anxious over not having a clear major or direction in mind, but the department head who was talking with the group was very encouraging and supportive in that regard.  
Then we had a long drive home, quick stop at Kroger, and now doing other piddly things.

Chester knows the sound of a string cheese being opened, lol.


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12 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

It wasn't Williamsburg first. It was Jamestown. We are now leaving Yorktown and going to eat dinner. Then Williamsburg. I am beyond exhausted.

Dh and I went to Yorktown and Jamestown a few years ago.  I loved watching the glass blowing.  I could have stayed there all day watching them make all of the different glass items.  We bought a few of them to put on our mantle.  The pieces are just lovely.

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14 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

It wasn't Williamsburg first. It was Jamestown. We are now leaving Yorktown and going to eat dinner. Then Williamsburg. I am beyond exhausted.

That's a lot for one day!!

1 minute ago, Junie said:

Dh and I went to Yorktown and Jamestown a few years ago.  I loved watching the glass blowing.  I could have stayed there all day watching them make all of the different glass items.  We bought a few of them to put on our mantle.  The pieces are just lovely.

I remember the glass blowing - it was awesome to watch!

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

In what way?

Well... Everything is really forested. Where I live, it's all agriculture. Every square inch of land is farmed. Here... Lots of trees. It's so beautiful. And here...this whole Chesapeake Bay thing they got going on. We are always looking at water or crossing water. At home we have a few choice rivers and that is it. Here, there are no fenced yards. At home, everyone has a fenced back yard.

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4 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

When I was in the pharmacy the pharmacy tech asked me what I had been doing today. I told her that I just come back from a hike. She asked if it was a five hour hike. I laughed and said no, it was an hour and a half. Not only can I not walk for five hours, but I can’t be that far from a bathroom!!

Is a five hour hike like a three hour tour?

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Good morning.

No COFFEE!!!~D yet.

Slept like the dead.

Ok, last night we did the best thing. We went to Colonial Williamsburg and learned how to be soldiers. They literally lined us up and taught us how to march and turn and say, "Yes, Sargeant!" And all that. It was a blast. And the weather was beautiful. The evening was slightly cool, but actually perfect to be outside with a light sweater. It was so much fun. Then we got to our hotel and just crashed 

Today we are going back to Colonial Williamsburg to learn how to dip candles and whatever else they did back then.

I am hanging out with various moms on this trip. DD has ditched me, but that's fine. Her friends seem nice.

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Good morning!

 I’m playing for services this morning, so rode in to church with ds27 at dawn.  The two youngers were supposed to play also but stood us up to go camping, lol.  I dreamt last night that I was looking for dh to see if he wanted to go to this new bakery to get a cinnamon roll after early service and then realized I’d forgotten to play for early service.  Couldn’t get back to sleep after that.

After services I need to bake some cookies (dough is in the fridge) and then go to The Ladies of Grief Book Club and then church fellowship group.


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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

Good morning.

No COFFEE!!!~D yet.

Slept like the dead.

Ok, last night we did the best thing. We went to Colonial Williamsburg and learned how to be soldiers. They literally lined us up and taught us how to march and turn and say, "Yes, Sargeant!" And all that. It was a blast. And the weather was beautiful. The evening was slightly cool, but actually perfect to be outside with a light sweater. It was so much fun. Then we got to our hotel and just crashed 

Today we are going back to Colonial Williamsburg to learn how to dip candles and whatever else they did back then.

I am hanging out with various moms on this trip. DD has ditched me, but that's fine. Her friends seem nice.

We did the Valley Forge homeschool days one year and they had the kids marching like soldiers with wooden bayonets.   It was pretty cool.   

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I'm too old to sleep on the floor.    Chair cushions, two yoga/camping mats, a sleeping bag pad, and a pillow under my hips and I could still feel the floor.    If we do this again, I need to find a new plan.  

Dd did have a great time with her friend, so I guess it's worth it once a year or so.  

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3 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

We did the Valley Forge homeschool days one year and they had the kids marching like soldiers with wooden bayonets.   It was pretty cool.   

We did Militia training In Philadelphia.  So fun!  Dd16 (who was 4yo at the time) asked the colonel if he liked her sparkly sneakers and he immediately barked “There are NO sparkles in the continental army!!” 🤣

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I am feeling really badly that I wasn't a better friend. We had a neighbor that moved here at the beginning of covid when everything was shut down. We did quite a bit together that summer. She is really lovely. She homeschooled her kids the first year and we did things that winter and the next summer (2021). Then she put her kids back in school, and all the life activities started for me again. And I had a baby in tow. So we haven't seen much of each other. And now they are moving to another state closer to family because she is so lonely. I feel like I should have made time for her. I'm too busy, and so I have no close friends. And maybe I could have helped her. Her husband wanted to stay for his job and I imagine it's a loss for them to move this soon. And our dd are friends.  I feel so badly. That is all.

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((Dianthus)). I can relate. I'm not a good friend And I don't know what to do about it. I think part of it is my personality. Well, most of it.  I do have friends who I love, but I don't do well with reaching out and helping when people are hurting or anything like that. Could be that I don't expect that from my friends. I don't know.

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Well, Williamsburg was completely awesome. We had the best interpreter.  And one thing I love about this trip is.... I don't have to plan anything. I just get on the bus. And then get off. Like right now.. I have no idea where we are or where we are going. It's great. I'm pretty sure we are going to get lunch somewhere.

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On 3/26/2023 at 12:56 PM, Slache said:

Susan, why did he do it twice, according to him?

OK - I'll try to make some sense out of my scribbled notes.  Pastor did note that this was the interpretation that made the most sense to him in his study and research, but is by no means definitive. 

 Mark spends a lot of time focusing on who is "seeing"/believing/understanding and who is not - the pharisees, disciples, gentiles, etc.  Jesus has JUST fed the 4000 and afterwards the Pharisees are asking for a sign.  The disciples only brought one loaf of bread with them on the boat and are worried about having enough to eat.   <insert eyeroll> Nobody is seeing anything clearly and some are not seeing at all.

Then the Blind Man.
Then the pinnacle of the theme of Mark comes when Peter gets the answer right (Who do you say that I am?  You are the Christ.)  Matthew goes further to say "flesh and blood have not revealed this...", etc.)  

After this, Jesus explains things (plainly it says) that he will be rejected and scorned and killed and Peter rebukes Jesus - he rejects this idea.  And Jesus (turning and seeing the disciples) responds in the strongest terms.  This CAN'T be rejected.  Those who truly see will understand that's the reason He's there. 

So.  Back to the blind man.  Notice that this was done only in the presence of the disciples.  The Greeks saw saliva as a source of healing but spitting was definitely an insult.  After which the man could see somewhat but not clearly.  Then Jesus touches his eyes and he sees clearly.

So Jesus is showing how the disciples can see somewhat - they do have a degree of understanding, but it is not until after his resurrection that we find that they truly "see" and understand.  The first stage is the insult and disgrace of death on a cross as Peter and everyone must come to terms with their own desperate situation that they cannot save themselves and are in need of a Savior.  They are beginning to "see".  The second state is understanding the power of the resurrection and seeing clearly the means of that salvation.

If you want to hear the actual lesson, pm me and I'll send you the link and password to the recording.  My pastor is much better with communication than I am, lol.

Edited by Susan in TN
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