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10 hours ago, Renai said:

Speaking of Scouts, Dancer is now a founding member of the new girls troop. She told the Scoutmaster on Sunday she wants to be the bugler. So far there's only four members, and no one else plays the trumpet, so.... Oh yeah, the council (or whoever) went ahead and approved the troop with 4 members, although they technically supposed to have 5 to start. She has a bunch of stuff to learn to be a full-fledged Scout. There's a bit of "describe" or "explain" such and such, and explaining has never been her strong point. She's motivated though.

So exciting!  Not many troops have a bugler, so that's pretty awesome!

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Good morning!

(((Junie))) how are you iron levels?

I finished the book for The Ladies of Grief Book Club (Secrets of a Charmed Life) and started A Gentleman in Moscow.  Which sent me on a quest to figure out the hotel I stayed in in Moscow in 1988.  It's now called "Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya".  Not the same one as in the book.

I have to meet with my financial advisor so he can help me get my taxes done.  Hopefully I have all the necessary documents.  Kids have usual lessons and stuff.


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Prepping for my Houston trip today. Found someone to house sit, thank goodness; the house itself would be fine, lol, but I have the inside cat, the two patio cats, and all the wild birds that I feed. Mostly worried about the outside cats, of course; I don't know if anyone else in the neighborhood feeds them, as well, and they are used to coming to my house, you know? One of them is waiting by the back door in the morning when Mr. Ellie gets up; Yellow Cat won't let us touch him, but he's always there, bless his heart. Anyway, I have someone to stay here and take care of All the Things.

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:


 and started A Gentleman in Moscow.  Which sent me on a quest to figure out the hotel I stayed in in Moscow in 1988.  It's now called "Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya".  Not the same one as in the book.


I am almost done with that book. It is so good. The plot is a little slow, but it’s one of those books that you just…..I don’t know. It’s hard to explain, but it is strangely intoxicating. And of course I am more than half in love with the Count.🤣

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Morning! I stayed up too late again so slept in too long. I really need to be a grownup and stop doing that.

Shower and Laundry Day. By the end if it, I should have a house of clean people and laundry.

School, too. I’m not feeling the Calvert thing so need to make another plan.

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Our taxes and insurance are going up, too. My brother and his wife live in the mountains east of Sac and their homeowners is so high because of the fires that they had to take out a loan to pay it. Personally, I think that is completely stupid and would move if I were them. 

Edited by KrissiK
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Day 191 hike with Juliet. We did an urban hike that we’ve done often but I added on a small trail offshoot that I haven’t taken before. It took us to a different trailhead and then we backtracked to the main trail. 

Two different sets of kids asked to pet Juliet and I had to gently say no. One set of kids asked twice- both coming and going on the trail. I think they finally got it when I explained that “this dog gets scared”.  

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7 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Back from Not-Awana. I am exhaustified. Those kids were absolutely positively wild. (I work with 4&5 year olds). And we couldn't play outside because of the rain. It was awful.

I don't know if it's the Spring in the air or too much winter or what but the kids at work have been insane lately too.   Not even just the little kids.  I've had to kick a 12 year old out of class, and have had more than one not be allowed to do a lab because I didn't feel they could do it safely.   Whatever it is, I hope it settles down soon. 

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Happy Thursday.

It's been a long week of getting up way too early to hang out at work for way too many hours.   I have gotten quite a bit of work done and I'm sure it will get easier when the sun is out in the morning, but for now it stinks.  

Dd and I have started to meet up to work out again.  We meet at the science center, walk around the block (about a mile so a long block and partially up fairly steep hill), then do some yoga videos.  We were going to meet this morning but she woke up with a bad headache so we skipped.  I'll probably take a walk myself this afternoon between classes and 4H.  It's supposed to be in the 60's.   

Tomorrow we're going out to dinner with dd and her boyfriend.  We haven't met him yet but it's time.  

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Good Morning!!!

COFFEE!!!~D (A little late, i forgot to set the automatic timer. Sorry!)

Friday Eve!!

Well, today is going to be busy. We leave on our trip tomorrow night, so today I have to get work stuff finished up, run to the AFSA because DD doesn’t have enough underwear for the entire trip, etc. etc. Ugh!! I need to make a list, but I’m afraid i’m going to forget something. Usually on family vacations I don’t stress too much because, “we can always stop at a CVS or something if we forget something”, but not this trip. i suppose if it were an actual emergency we could, but there are a ton of people and a very tight itinerary.

DD went to the doctor yesterday, finally. My mom ended up having to take her because  i couldn’t get away from work. It’s something asthma related. They gave her a breathing treatment and a prescription for prednisone. i hope it works.

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Good Morning!

Happy Thursday!

I slept until 9 today and I'm trying to get caught up.

I was awake for several hours in the middle of the night.  The pain in my left hand and arm was pretty amped up and sleep was not happening. 😞


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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

There are some Common Grackles hanging around and emptying my birdfeeder.  I keep sending pup over to the door to scare them off.  I may need to take more drastic measures.

Also, 2 sweet Eastern Towhees have been visiting regularly. ☺️


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Speaking of trips, I'm supposed to be going to California for a sister get-together. The last time the three of us were together was about 6 years ago, and they came here. My youngest has a birthday in May, and my middle sister has agreed to host. They changed the dates based on Gymnast being in dance performances for a week, ending Saturday May 6.

We're going to be exhaustified.  Thus, my decision to take the train from here to there, instead of the plane with layovers and changes. Longer ride, but less thinking for the both of us. We're supposed to be leaving May 7. I haven't bought tickets yet.

Anyone ever been on Amtrak?

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30 minutes ago, Renai said:


Anyone ever been on Amtrak?

Traveling by Amtrak is awesome. The seats are big and comfortable. Sometimes you can even get a table. I've traveled with friends and we play cards and games. The only downside is the stations are usually in carpy parts of town. I haven't traveled extensively in CA, but I have been to several stations. You have to make sure someone is there to pick you up. There's no services like airports. No rental cars, etc. Though you may be able to get a taxi, or you could certainly call an Uber.

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4 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

There are some Common Grackles hanging around and emptying my birdfeeder.  I keep sending pup over to the door to scare them off.  I may need to take more drastic measures.

Also, 2 sweet Eastern Towhees have been visiting regularly. ☺️

We get a lot of them too.  Dh sends the dog after them or is the old man yelling and waving his fist at the birds.  

I like Towhees.

3 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Common grackles are birds too

Yes, but they are big, greedy birds.  They eat all the food up really really quickly, peck at and chase away the other smaller birds, and are loud.

3 hours ago, Renai said:


Anyone ever been on Amtrak?

We've taken the Auto Train from Virginia to Florida a few times.  I always found it pretty comfortable.  Even one time when I was 9 months pregnant (not allowed to fly plus ds has SPD).   We never got a cabin, just stayed in general seats and they were pretty comfortable for sleeping. 

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6 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Traveling by Amtrak is awesome. The seats are big and comfortable. Sometimes you can even get a table. I've traveled with friends and we play cards and games. The only downside is the stations are usually in carpy parts of town. I haven't traveled extensively in CA, but I have been to several stations. You have to make sure someone is there to pick you up. There's no services like airports. No rental cars, etc. Though you may be able to get a taxi, or you could certainly call an Uber.

My middle sister is in LA and it stops at Union Station. She'll be picking me up, although she may. not be happy with the 8am time, lol! Meh, she's used to traveling, she knows how it is (this is the family that is in commercials and movies, so travel for filming).

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7 hours ago, Renai said:


They empty out the birdfeeder in minutes and chase off the littler birds.  I suppose I could stick out something just for them and the squirrels.

7 hours ago, Renai said:

Speaking of trips, I'm supposed to be going to California for a sister get-together. The last time the three of us were together was about 6 years ago, and they came here. My youngest has a birthday in May, and my middle sister has agreed to host. They changed the dates based on Gymnast being in dance performances for a week, ending Saturday May 6.

We're going to be exhaustified.  Thus, my decision to take the train from here to there, instead of the plane with layovers and changes. Longer ride, but less thinking for the both of us. We're supposed to be leaving May 7. I haven't bought tickets yet.

Anyone ever been on Amtrak?

Ds18 & crew took Amtrak from St. Louis to New Mexico for their Philmont trek.  From what I understand, it's best to be super flexible when it comes to being on time.

7 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Traveling by Amtrak is awesome. The seats are big and comfortable. Sometimes you can even get a table. I've traveled with friends and we play cards and games. The only downside is the stations are usually in carpy parts of town. I haven't traveled extensively in CA, but I have been to several stations. You have to make sure someone is there to pick you up. There's no services like airports. No rental cars, etc. Though you may be able to get a taxi, or you could certainly call an Uber.

I seem to remember that there's a scenic Amtrak route that goes from California to Seattle, maybe?  Sounds lovely.

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49 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:


I seem to remember that there's a scenic Amtrak route that goes from California to Seattle, maybe?  Sounds lovely.

We've taken a homeschool field trip to Sacramento before and that was fun. It dropped us off downtown and we goofed around down there, went to the train museum, whish was awesome. It's a fun way to travel. But yes, you need to be flexible.

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

They empty out the birdfeeder in minutes and chase off the littler birds.  I suppose I could stick out something just for them and the squirrels.

Ds18 & crew took Amtrak from St. Louis to New Mexico for their Philmont trek.  From what I understand, it's best to be super flexible when it comes to being on time.

I seem to remember that there's a scenic Amtrak route that goes from California to Seattle, maybe?  Sounds lovely.

Coast Starlight

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I got a private message on instagram last night that made me smile. :)  It's from dd20's roommate's mom -- who was a friend of mine when I was in college!  It was so much fun recently when I got to talk to dd20's roommate about knowing her mom and that I was at the Christmas party where her parents met.

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Morning.  Happy happy happy Friday!!!!

Just one class today.  I'm going to try and take my around the block walk before class.   It's very cloudy but doesn't appear to be raining.  If it does start to rain, it's too cold to walk in it.   I'd prefer snow to freezing rain.  

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One of my teachers let me know they will be out on Monday.  I had one out sick on Tuesday, one I sent home sick on Wednesday.   The past couple of months have been insane with people out sick.   

I am extremely thankful for my head teacher.  She is super dependable, plus she is always willing to combine classes and take a bigger group to cover for anyone who is out.   We're small enough that I don't have substitutes to call on.   

My newest teacher, who is a friends daughter, is also very reliable with showing up to work and she ended up running a class of eleven 4-7 year olds Wednesday when we combined classes.  I didn't know we'd have that many (I should have) but she did amazing.  

So thankful for having two amazing teachers.  

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