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The new landlords at the science center are supposed to close this Friday.   I'm going to contact them early next week and see if we can meet to discuss the possibilities for us getting more space.  It seems very promising this time.  They are much more reasonable people than our current landlord. 

Fingers, toes and everything else crossed that the deal goes through. 

ETA:  Hoping for a new landlord booya.

Edited by Wheres Toto
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I've also had no sweets today.    Whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana for breakfast, salmon pasta salad with sesame ginger dressing for lunch, corned beef, cabbage and red potatoes for dinner.   I'm kind of craving something sweet now, but I know if I have it this late I'll have trouble sleeping and I really want to sleep tonight.   I woke up in the middle of the night last night with night sweats.  Ugh.  

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20 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

I've also had no sweets today.    Whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana for breakfast, salmon pasta salad with sesame ginger dressing for lunch, corned beef, cabbage and red potatoes for dinner.   I'm kind of craving something sweet now, but I know if I have it this late I'll have trouble sleeping and I really want to sleep tonight.   I woke up in the middle of the night last night with night sweats.  Ugh.  

Are you saying that you equate night sweats with eating sweets? I have completely fallen off the WW wagon and have been sleeping terribly. It's all temperature control. I am hot, then cold, then hot, then cold. It's awful. Maybe I will try a sugar free couple of days and see what happens.

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Planning a trip to DISNEYLAND. Usually, we go in the winter, the week after Thanksgiving. But I decided to splurge and buy a Magic Key (annual pass), so we can go more often, so...May. We're excited, like little kids. We will never outgrow Disneyland. ❤️

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Happy First Day of Spring!

I have friends who took a Disney cruise a long long time ago and they said it was magical. 😁

We have our usual Monday things today  - morning lessons and schoolwork and afternoon/evening music lessons, children's choir, and scouts.



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Tonight, my Sweet Adelines group is having a dress rehearsal. We've invited "Friends and Family" to watch--not a concert, but the two songs we'll be doing at contest next weekend ("this" weekend?). I'm doing nails this morning, and then around 3, I'll start trying to curl my hair, which is Western European white girl hair, and resists curl with all its might. Teasing just slides out, so no fluff. Then a ton of stage make-up. Mr. Ellie is going to the location after work to prep coffee for the reception we'll be having afterwards; I made deviled eggs yesterday, which, with any luck, I'll remember to take with me, lol.

I leave Thursday for Houston and Contest.

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13 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Are you saying that you equate night sweats with eating sweets? I have completely fallen off the WW wagon and have been sleeping terribly. It's all temperature control. I am hot, then cold, then hot, then cold. It's awful. Maybe I will try a sugar free couple of days and see what happens.

I don't know for sure, but I've definitely heard that it makes a difference in all the symptoms, not just night sweats.    Usually if I have too much sweets, I just don't sleep at all.  I eat sweets way too much but don't get night sweats that often.   My bedroom doesn't have heat and it's cold here so that could be part of it.

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3 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

I don't know for sure, but I've definitely heard that it makes a difference in all the symptoms, not just night sweats.    Usually if I have too much sweets, I just don't sleep at all.  I eat sweets way too much but don't get night sweats that often.   My bedroom doesn't have heat and it's cold here so that could be part of it.

How are your blood sugar levels overall? 

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My right ear has been clogged for about a week.  As in "needing a hearing aide to hear" level of clogged.  I'm doing repeated hydrogen peroxide/water flushes.  I hope that it resolves the problem.  Otherwise I will need to find an ENT and/or perhaps an audiologist.  (My mom lost her hearing in early adulthood so I'm very aware of hearing issues and so far have not inherited the issue she had.) 

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34 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

My right ear has been clogged for about a week.  As in "needing a hearing aide to hear" level of clogged.  I'm doing repeated hydrogen peroxide/water flushes.  I hope that it resolves the problem.  Otherwise I will need to find an ENT and/or perhaps an audiologist.  (My mom lost her hearing in early adulthood so I'm very aware of hearing issues and so far have not inherited the issue she had.) 

Could it be some kind of congestion needing an antihistamine or something?

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2 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

How are your blood sugar levels overall? 

I'm not sure.  My doctor said she couldn't do an A1C test unless I was already pre-diabetic, which makes no sense since how do we know if I'm pre-diabetic without doing the test?

I've thought about getting a monitor and tracking it myself.


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Here's a link to a quartet that participated (and won) 4 years ago at this same contest. Barbershop is not like other 4-part harmony, in case you didn't know. 🙂

This is the same stage my chorus will be standing on this weekend. We are being evaluated, not competing, because we don't have enough members to compete. We are evaluated by the same criteria, however, and we thought it would be a good experience for us to go. 🙂


Edited by Ellie
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51 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

I'm not sure.  My doctor said she couldn't do an A1C test unless I was already pre-diabetic, which makes no sense since how do we know if I'm pre-diabetic without doing the test?

I've thought about getting a monitor and tracking it myself.


You can get free glucometers from some manufacturers. The test strips (after perhaps a box of free strips) is not free but you can get them even without insurance paying for them. To get insurance to pay you would need to convince your doctor to give you a prescription for the strips and that might be a hard sell. https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/diabetes-type-2/how-to-get-a-free-blood-glucose-meter

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1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

You can get free glucometers from some manufacturers. The test strips (after perhaps a box of free strips) is not free but you can get them even without insurance paying for them. To get insurance to pay you would need to convince your doctor to give you a prescription for the strips and that might be a hard sell. https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/diabetes-type-2/how-to-get-a-free-blood-glucose-meter

I'm going to look into it, thanks!

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Ds just got home from school.  It was his first day ever driving all by himself.   He texted me when he got there and again when he was leaving for home.   Dh was so anxious about it his blood pressure shot up.   

Ds walked in the door and said "this driving stuff is easy!" so I guess that's good.  He's ASD, SPD, anxiety so driving is a big deal, but he's had lots and lots and lots of practice with someone in the car doing this exact route.  

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30 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

Ds just got home from school.  It was his first day ever driving all by himself.   He texted me when he got there and again when he was leaving for home.   Dh was so anxious about it his blood pressure shot up.   

Ds walked in the door and said "this driving stuff is easy!" so I guess that's good.  He's ASD, SPD, anxiety so driving is a big deal, but he's had lots and lots and lots of practice with someone in the car doing this exact route.  

Yay!!! Cheers for safe travels.

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4 hours ago, Ellie said:

Here's a link to a quartet that participated (and won) 4 years ago at this same contest. Barbershop is not like other 4-part harmony, in case you didn't know. 🙂

This is the same stage my chorus will be standing on this weekend. We are being evaluated, not competing, because we don't have enough members to compete. We are evaluated by the same criteria, however, and we thought it would be a good experience for us to go. 🙂

How many members are you supposed to have?  

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

How many members are you supposed to have?  

To compete, I believe we have to have 13 or 14. We have 11. 🙂 But also, we have to participate in contest every 3 or 4 years if we want to continue our chapter, which of course we do; being evaluated counts as participation. Next year maybe we'll feel up to competing. We'll see how this weekend goes. Our event tonight went well, so there's that.

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1 minute ago, Ellie said:

To compete, I believe we have to have 13 or 14. We have 11. 🙂 But also, we have to participate in contest every 3 or 4 years if we want to continue our chapter, which of course we do; being evaluated counts as participation. Next year maybe we'll feel up to competing. We'll see how this weekend goes. Our event tonight went well, so there's that.

I’m confused since the YouTube of the winners only had four!  

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Good morning!

My alarm didn't go off this morning, but the good thing is that means I was sleeping.  Poor pup was really whining this morning - we forgot to take him out to potty last night.  
The kids have dentist appointments this afternoon.  It's at a new place which has to schedule them one at a time, so it could take a long while.  The good thing is that there is a dollar store and Lobby of Hobbies right there.


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Morning, Happy Tuesday.

One of my teachers called out sick today but another teacher is able to stay and cover those classes so we don't have to do any combining of classes, which is good.   

I had to be at work at 8am again.  I guess that's going to be normal for now.  Until either ds gets comfortable driving some different routes, or we buy a new car (which we have no plans for).   Good thing there's always work I can be getting done.  

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Just saw an Aristotle quote that educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. I feel like I need to do more heart work but I don't know what or how.

I'm not sleeping well. My appt was moved so seeing the new Dr today and I'm a little nervous.

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1 hour ago, Dianthus said:

Just saw an Aristotle quote that educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. I feel like I need to do more heart work but I don't know what or how.

I'm not sleeping well. My appt was moved so seeing the new Dr today and I'm a little nervous.

I think heart education encompasses a lot of things. Character education, to be sure, but also fostering a love for education, valuing education, that kind of thing. Things that you don't need a curriculum for.

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Hula today, with only the one haumana (student), the one who has never danced before and who doesn't know where any of her body parts are at any given time. Today, I'm going to stand behind her and actually move her when it's time to move; maybe that will help. IDK.

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Logged fasting blood sugars 
Fed myself 
Fed Juliet and Aria 
Cuddles with Aria 

Filled pill boxes for the week. I hate it when I have butterfingers with my pills and I was all thumbs this morning starting with tossing all 7 boxes behind boxes and junk downstairs in the family room!  But I finally got all pills in the right boxes for each time period each day. Phew!

Washed dishes 
Took morning meds 
Drank my bone broth

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I did all of Little Man’s school. DD and I are trying Calvert Homeschool Online. It’s like AO Monarch, but more writing focused and secular. We’re undecided yet if we like it. It is not easy to navigate. Gotta love generous free trials, though! 

DH took the Explorer to work today so I’m stuck at home. I have some returns to do to Target and Costco. Guess that’ll have to wait.

Good news spot: DH and I figured out how to save nearly $650 a month by restructuring some bills. Go us!

 I might make cookies with LM in a bit.

Edited by Green Bean
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In other news, the new dentist seeemed good.  Dd14 had two cavities (ugh) and the dentist took care of them right then there.  I didn't realize cavities could be filled that quick.  It's been a while, I guess.

After dinner I took dd16 to help a local scout troop with their Order of the Arrow election.  While I waited in the parking lot, a Fancy Lady drove up in her black convertible Corvette and attended the meeting.  Couldn't see who she was in the dusk (not that I can ever recognize anyone), but she was definitely Fancy.

I called and talked with my MIL for a few minutes.  I need chocolate.

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We got our yearly escrow analysis and actually had a surplus! It was like getting a tax refund, so we decided to splurge a bit and bought a tv for our room. We’ve been wanting one for a few years, but never did it. We just moved the other one around when we wanted to watch a movie for At Home Date Night. The kids are jealous.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:


In other news, the new dentist seeemed good.  Dd14 had two cavities (ugh) and the dentist took care of them right then there.  I didn't realize cavities could be filled that quick.  It's been a while, I guess.

After dinner I took dd16 to help a local scout troop with their Order of the Arrow election.  While I waited in the parking lot, a Fancy Lady drove up in her black convertible Corvette and attended the meeting.  Couldn't see who she was in the dusk (not that I can ever recognize anyone), but she was definitely Fancy.

I called and talked with my MIL for a few minutes.  I need chocolate.

Speaking of Scouts, Dancer is now a founding member of the new girls troop. She told the Scoutmaster on Sunday she wants to be the bugler. So far there's only four members, and no one else plays the trumpet, so.... Oh yeah, the council (or whoever) went ahead and approved the troop with 4 members, although they technically supposed to have 5 to start. She has a bunch of stuff to learn to be a full-fledged Scout. There's a bit of "describe" or "explain" such and such, and explaining has never been her strong point. She's motivated though.

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Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!

Work for me, Dh and DS and the girls have school. DS has been having to get to work at 7:00 each morning this week. Getting some OT in, which is good. More State testing to proctor today, plus my class to teach. And not-Awana tonight. Busy day.

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