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We're having hot and sour soup for dinner and I am vexed over the lack of egg ribbons.  My egg ribbons look like shredded egg mush.  I try to do it just like the fancy chefs on youtube but somehow egg ribbons are not happening.  Maybe the egg is too cold when it goes into the soup?

It's an Egg Ribbon Booyah!

This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends  

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends

It's better than a Mercedes Benz

It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too

Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you


This thread keeps going on and on

with record-setting length and fun

It started forty-eight months ago from curiosity

and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be


This is the thread that never ends...

And the place where one finds special friends,

the kind that have hearts that are strong and true

Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you! 


This is the thread that never ends

Yeah, it's superior to other trends

Friends start out scratching their head in confusion, perhaps

But then the laughter strikes and they gratefully tip their caps.


This is the thread that never ends

I had no idea when I entered in

That what seems a little nuts might actually save me

From going insane on days that are crazy 🤗


This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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33 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I found it!

In other news, Chester has decided he doesn't like his new food.  For the first 3 or 4 days he gobbled it like Susan in TN with a bowl of ice cream.  But then he was meh.  And now since his haircut, he won't eat it at all.  I think he's mostly traumatized by the lack of fluffiness.  Sigh.

Susan- I am not surprised. Not because there is anything wrong with the food but because it’s no longer novel to him anymore. BTDT many times with many dogs. 

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It was so lovely today -- I actually went out in the backyard and kicked a soccer ball with dd14 and dd12.  My body kept trying to tell me that I was stupid, but I didn't care. :)

Also, dh grilled hamburgers, so my participation in making dinner was just a pasta salad.

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Good morning!

I'm sitting in the auto shop waiting area hoping they will be able to change the oil in the van some time in the next couple hours.  I forgot my travel mug of coffee at home so I may have to take a walk down the street to McDonald's and get a cup.  I remembered to bring the yogurt and apple.  If it's going to be all day I can call ds27 and he'll come get me.

In the mean time I have some piddly tasks I can work on and a book and they have hgtv playing on the big screen.

Coffee! 😭

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9 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Today's high temp: 82

Tomorrow's high temp: 52


We had a swing of 50 degrees in one day.

Yesterday (or the day before I forget) the northern part of the state was in the 30's, the southern part of the state in the 70s.  We are not that big of a state - about 150 miles from tip to tip.  

We have been getting some seriously screwy weather lately.  

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Good morning. Can believe it's Friday already. Seems like we are behind again this week. Especially dd with math and ds with writing. Sigh.

I have 4 things on my schedule today. 3 during day and 1 during evening. 4 hours of things plus driving. I don't think I'll be getting ahead today. Too many things.

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Laundry. I don't have to leave home or talk to another person (except Mr. Ellie, of course) all.day.long. Which will help me get through tomorrow, when I have a cabinet meeting that will take two or three hours. It won't be a *bad* meeting, but, you know...people.

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Five days until visitors. But it won’t actually be that many useful days. Tomorrow especially will be a bear of a day- dh is officiating at an outdoor in the freezing cold, graveside service. And it’s not easy to get to (might need a ferry ride- not sure). I need to find out some more logistical details. I did find my black tights. 

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2 hours ago, Ellie said:


Laundry. I don't have to leave home or talk to another person (except Mr. Ellie, of course) all.day.long. Which will help me get through tomorrow, when I have a cabinet meeting that will take two or three hours. It won't be a *bad* meeting, but, you know...people.

Godspeed, my friend.

1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Five days until visitors. But it won’t actually be that many useful days. Tomorrow especially will be a bear of a day- dh is officiating at an outdoor in the freezing cold, graveside service. And it’s not easy to get to (might need a ferry ride- not sure). I need to find out some more logistical details. I did find my black tights. 

And also with you.

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I'm back. Long long day. It's been pouring rain all. day. long. I had a couple meetings with families that went well.

Winter camp is cancelled. I am so glad. The road to the camp is narrow, windy with a steep drop off down one side. Plus, the weather is supposed to be bad all weekend. 

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Morning.  It's Saturday.  My week off is almost over.

I'm not feeling well today.  My stomach did some weird stuff in the middle of the night that led to me sleeping semi sitting up most of the night.  Now it just feels rough.  I ate breakfast okay and I didn't eat anything yesterday that was particularly unusual but I don't feel sick other than the icky stomach.   

Dh and I were going into NY to visit his aunt today.  I ended up staying home.   I really can't tell if I'm mildly sick, it's something I ate or what but his aunt is in her 80's and I don't want to potentially bring something that will make her sick.  I also don't want to start feeling even worse on the ride in or in her tiny NY apartment.   

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Hi! Been working all day so far on lesson plans and DS17's associates in science degree plan. We figured it out after 4 hours. He's wanting pre-optometry/medical so getting in all the math and chemistry we can now was tricky. I still couldn't get organic chem 2 in. 

DH actually mowed the lawn himself! Last time he did that, he blew up a new mower. This time he borrowed one from a friend of ours and did not explode it. He's thinking we can buy our own and save the $900/yr paying someone. I think he's a bit nuts, but okay 47 yr old man who burns easily and is like an all you can eat buffet to misquitoes. We'll see.

I need to go to the store. Blah!

Edited by Green Bean
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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

It is still cold and rainy so no yard work done.  I feel bad for the girls who are camping.  Oh well.  They always have a blast, even in the cold rain.

We leave in a half hour for the cello recital.  Then home for dinner and loafing about.

What piece did your son play?

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Good morning!

Dd14 wasn't feeling well yesterday (stuffy nose and headache, though no fever) so we may be staying home from church this morning.  It is still raining.  
I have The Ladies of Grief Book Club this afternoon (When I Fell From The Sky by Juliane Koepke) and church fellowship group after that.


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