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The hair stylist that gives good head massages has gone away to massage school. So not as good of a head massage tonight.

And, though it's not terrible, the clairol natural instincts cool light brown, which I was told would not lighten my color (I called the hotline) HAS lightened it. So she said to try to mix in streaks of darker brown next time I try it. Wahhh. I really didn't want my natural color to change. Just wanted to cover my grays. All is vanity.

I may have left it on too long last week. I thought I started my timer but didn't.

Not terrible but not quite me either.

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5 hours ago, Dianthus said:

My peanut protein cups are so good! I've kept them in the fridge and so happy with them.

I just did my 2nd workout today. I'm getting my haircut in a bit and excited because I'll get a head massage with it.

Oh, yeah, I did finally make them that night. They are good. I used the original recipe, except just the vanilla protein powder I had on hand instead of their way overpriced one.


4 hours ago, KrissiK said:

a cold front is blowing in. really blowing. i hate wind.

There was a fire across the arroyo where we live yesterday afternoon/evening. We were really glad that the winds hadn't picked up yet. It's supposed to get dangerously high by tomorrow.

The people that had been camping there for the past year and a half lost everything, it looks like. The farmer neighbor must have called it in. We don't know how it started, but it seems they weren't there at the time (there's a truck, and it wasn't present), so we hope they're okay. It was interesting watching the fire trucks and police cars figure out how to get to that particular segment of the open field. Another neighbor with a 4x4 was trying to lead them through a path from the west side, and later we saw some police cars and fire vehicle coming from the east, so they found the opening from that end too. I guess all that loud 4x4ing the neighbors do sometimes came in handy. They know all the trails.

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Good morning!  A blessed Ash Wednesday to you!

Epiphany is passed and Lent has begun.  Haven't decided what to give up/add.  Probably should give up self pity and add gratitude.  I put the purple cloth on the front door and later today I'll go to the Memorial Gardens and take out the Christmas flowers and add purple flowers and ribbon to the arrangement.  I might need to change the foam thing, too.

But first I need to Pantz and take Sir Pups-a-lot on his morning constitutional.  Now that he's had his grooming, he is The Velveteen Doodle.


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I had my tubes tied during my c-section with youngest dd.  It was my second c-section and the recovery was actual easier than during my first with ds, which was an emergency c-section done under very stressful conditions.    Neither recovery was that difficult though.  

My oldest is turning 29 in April, my youngest will be 16 this summer, and my son will be 18 this summer, so I'm definitely way past the baby age.  No grandchildren yet.   I'm good with all of it.  No desire for more children, no real longing for grandchildren.   I would love grandchildren when dd is ready for them, but I'm good waiting until it's the right time for her.  

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It was windy last night even here in the middle of Texas. All quiet today.

I have to leave the house again today, to go to the ophthalmologist so she can do the procedure she was supposed to do *last* week except I was sent to the wrong office. So I'm driving across town to the correct office. And since native Austinites are opposed to growth, we have surface streets, with all the stoplights, instead of freeways, so it takes much longer to drive across town than it does in, say, California, where there are ample freeways. Ugh.

I have to leave the house tomorrow, too. Ugh. Stupid Hashimoto's.

Edited by Ellie
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Yesterday was super windy when I went to pick up ds from school.   There were tree limbs down all over the place.   We had a very brief extremely heavy rain that only lasted for about 15 minutes but the wind was going on for a while.   

I'm doing all the driving (or rather the accompanying since ds is doing all the driving but he's still on his permit so someone has to go along) since I'm off, except Thursday when I still have 4H.    Today we're supposed to get a brief bout of freezing rain/sleet possibly.  We are right on the border line for freezing rain and just plain old rain.  Should be interesting.   If it's bad enough, ds might not have school but I don't know if it will start in time for that decision to be made before we leave.   

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I haven't gotten that far yet, but I'll be watching for it!  😁

Part of the reason I am reading certain Christian biographies this year is because of the influence these people had in my life. And almost all of them (Shaeffers, Elizabeth Eliot, Corrie Ten Boom, Joni Erickson Tada  etc. ) have had personal contact with someone in my family even though none were close associates. 

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11 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

As I was reading a bit of Edith Schaeffer’s The Tapestry tonight , she was writing about a visit they made to Japan and mentioned some people I knew. 

Is this the Edith Schaeffer of "The Hidden Art of Homemaking?" Or something like that...

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This morning I brought dh's clothes and shoes to the local food pantry/thrift store.  It was much more difficult than I expected considering that they have been in bags sitting in my room for several months along with some of my own clothes to donate.  I had been planning to look around the thrift store for a bit but was a complete mess so I just went next door to the memorial gardens to redo the flower arrangement.  
In other news, it is National Bake A Sweet Potato Day, and we are having a sweet potato sheet pan dinner.  Didn't even plan that!

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Had my eye procedure this morning. The doctor called in a prescription for drops to be used for three nights, beginning tonight. I waited to pick them up until later in the day, so I only had to make one trip (food for dinner), after I napped in the afternoon (because I must have nappage). Turns out that the pharmacy didn't fill the script because the doctor neglected to indicate usage. ::head desk:: So I purchased the food and went home and called the doctor. Sadly, it was about 4:15 by then, and calls received after 4 are returned the next day, so who knows if the script will be filled today or not?

I'm not in any pain, at least not at this point, so there's that. (I have glaucoma, and the doctor was concerned that the pressure in my eye, despite daily eye drops, was too high, so she did a procedure where she zapped by eyeball in multiple places with a laser. Weird, eh?)

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

How is your weather?

COLD. The snow stopped by 4:45pm, but everything is frozen - dh's car doors were frozen, windshield was frozen, the roads weren't too bad, but careful driving is a must. Still strong gusts of wind that make 21 degrees feel like 9 or below. 🥶

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6 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

This morning I brought dh's clothes and shoes to the local food pantry/thrift store.  It was much more difficult than I expected considering that they have been in bags sitting in my room for several months along with some of my own clothes to donate.  I had been planning to look around the thrift store for a bit but was a complete mess so I just went next door to the memorial gardens to redo the flower arrangement.  


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4 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

This sounds a little too close to The Laser Glare of Certain Impending Death.


I did talk to someone from her office, who called the pharmacy but waited on "hold" (aka "forget") for 20 minutes and then was cut off. o_0 So she resubmitted the script. The original script said "one drop in each eye," but didn't specify "once a day for three days." She was puzzled as to why the pharmacy didn't think that was enough details but resubmitted, anyway. Also, she said that it was no big deal for me not to have it today, that tomorrow will be fine.

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I am back from Not-Awana. It went well. iTired. We’re supposed to have some crazy weather here, too. i’ll believe it when i see it.


Speaking of eyeballs, I got a shot in my eyeball once. I had some strange virus in my eye that was causing all kinds of trauma and the ophthalmologist didn’t know what else to do so she gave me a shot. It caused bruising all the way down my face.

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Good morning!

It feels like everything is going to hell in a hand-basket though I know it's not.  I have Bible study this morning and orchestra rehearsal tonight.  Not sure if I will go to either.  The kids have tutorial/college/work.  I need to figure out when I can take the van and little car in for an oil change.


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We had a brief bout of icy rain yesterday.  Of course, right before and during ds's trip to school.   He didn't want to miss class and the roads were pretty clear so I drove instead of making him drive in it.   The kid is taking his classes very very seriously.  Which is great, of course.  

I haven't been sleeping well at all so I've been tired and cranky.  I'm not enjoying my week off as much as I thought I would.  I guess I need the routines more than I thought.  

I finally made an appointment to go get the bloodwork my gyn wants me to get to see if I'm in menopause yet.  Had an ablation so no periods to tell the tale.   I'm going tomorrow morning, then she said we can consider HRT.  

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I found it!

In other news, Chester has decided he doesn't like his new food.  For the first 3 or 4 days he gobbled it like Susan in TN with a bowl of ice cream.  But then he was meh.  And now since his haircut, he won't eat it at all.  I think he's mostly traumatized by the lack of fluffiness.  Sigh.

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