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I'm still waiting for @Renai's recipe.


I'm wondering if I should try a darker hair color. The light brown shade may be too light. But I don't want to go too dark either. 

So tired and my back hurts. Will be a busy weekend, so I might take the Monday as a holiday since it is a holiday.

I'm doing such a good job with my eating but that's because I missed a couple days of exercising with my miserably early period. I hate oatmeal. 

I am behind on laundry

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Good morning!

(((Dianthus))) things will look up in a day or two.

The girls are almost ready to go down to breakfast.  Sleep was not too terrible for being in a Big City.  I need to make myself drink more water.

We're going to World of Coke, then singing at a nursing home, then having a medieval dinner and show.


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9 hours ago, Dianthus said:

I'm still waiting for @Renai's recipe.


It's from Beachbody. I'm a little skeptical (pumpkin puree???), but am going to try it anyway. It took me a while to find the recipe on the website because I got it out of my private group initially. Here's the link: https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/blog/shakeology-copycat-peanut-butter-cups

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I'm joining Jean's sore feet camp after trekking through CostCo and AFSA. The latter was surprisingly really empty for a Saturday. DH is napping and I am vamping. I'm tired too because I haven't eaten much today. Shame on me.

Earlier before shopping, we took down Little Man's IKEA high/low bed. He and his friend (when he comes over) either climb on top to play, or swing on the sides, or his friend pushes it away from the wall to run around it. LM is constantly wanting to switch it or complaining he doesn't want to sleep in there. We've kept it for DS24 to sleep under when he's home, but over Christmas, he discovered he's too tall to do that. I also tossed out that lumpy 10+ yr old mattress that was stored under it when he went back. I'm donating it to our refugee program along with some other stuff. So a lot of hauling up and down the stairs and around went on.

I now have a 60" round table and my original 6 seater table w/ chairs in my game/schoolroom which is feeling rather crowded. BUT I like the round table for school; but I need to keep mine because it expands and can be moved downstairs for family dinners; but I need school space. I'm thinking about getting a glass top for mine to protect it as it won't survive school otherwise.

Anyone have some ideas for a stinky teenage boy bedroom? It is clean- no food, laundry done weekly including towels and bedding, mattress have allergy waterproof covers on them, floor is vaccumed weekly, and no carpet. Both are faithful about deo and showers. It just smells all the time! It's not the 'dead animal' smell from a few weeks ago. Plug ins are out because they make the boys sick. Lots of Febreeze is all I got.

I think dh and I are going out tonight. I want to see AntMan/Wasp but he's all "Meh", so I'm taking all the kids Tuesday when it's $5 tickets!

Edited by Green Bean
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On 2/17/2023 at 9:47 AM, Green Bean said:

I put the experimental barbacoa recipe in the crockpot minus the chipotle peppers in adobe sauce.

It was gross. I had dh run to the store to grab a rotisseri chicken as a backup. Everyone else liked it, though. Dessert was fantastic- peach blueberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream.

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EdPo: I need to talk through some high school/graduation ideas with someone other than my DH whose eyes just glaze over then asks me if I have posted on WTM yet. I'm too chicken to venture into the high school board, though. That place is in-tim-i-dating! Can I post here without violating ITT rules too badly? I'm asking permission first so y'all don't get mad.

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17 minutes ago, Green Bean said:

EdPo: I need to talk through some high school/graduation ideas with someone other than my DH whose eyes just glaze over then asks me if I have posted on WTM yet. I'm too chicken to venture into the high school board, though. That place is in-tim-i-dating! Can I post here without violating ITT rules too badly? I'm asking permission first so y'all don't get mad.

We always have bouts of EdPos. We haven't done a graduation EdPo yet, have we? (I mean, some of us have graduated kids, but I don't remember the discussions).

Dancer and I had planned to do the graduation with the homeschool conference. The family sends in a presentation that is played on the big screen while they (family) talk about their graduate and gives them their diploma. Each family gets a turn, so the graduates are really spotlighted. It's done on the Thursday night before the main conference events happen. It is very tastefully done. In the end, Dancer decided she didn't want to do it. 😞 

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1 hour ago, Green Bean said:

EdPo: I need to talk through some high school/graduation ideas with someone other than my DH whose eyes just glaze over then asks me if I have posted on WTM yet. I'm too chicken to venture into the high school board, though. That place is in-tim-i-dating! Can I post here without violating ITT rules too badly? I'm asking permission first so y'all don't get mad.

No worries here!  We are mostly joking about the EdPo warnings.  Cause some of us like to ignore stuff.

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We are back from all the places.  The girls are in a choir meeting in the ballroom and I'm in the hotel room.  At the Medieval Times dinner we had to eat with our hands.  Half a roast chicken.  It was pretty tasty.  At least they gave us wipes and napkins.   
I'm hoping the girls will settle in more quietly tonight.

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8 hours ago, Renai said:

It's from Beachbody. I'm a little skeptical (pumpkin puree???), but am going to try it anyway. It took me a while to find the recipe on the website because I got it out of my private group initially. Here's the link: https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/blog/shakeology-copycat-peanut-butter-cups

Hmm. I am very skeptical of pumpkin, and I don't know what shakeology is. I think I'll just add peanut protein powder to peanut butter to try it out.  I've made with peanut butter and powdered sugar before but not as healthy...

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I made them!  Didn't measure but used maybe 1/3-1/2 c peanut butter and enough peanut butter protein powder to give a good scoop able texture. I used the extra dark Ghirardelli chips so less sugar. They are pretty good! And I feel like it's a healthier treat! Thanks for inspiring me @Renai . I wouldn't have thought to use the peanut powder.Screenshot_20230218_2Gallery.thumb.jpg.df119cf376ceecb9b218425891251901.jpg




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1 hour ago, Dianthus said:

Hmm. I am very skeptical of pumpkin, and I don't know what shakeology is. I think I'll just add peanut protein powder to peanut butter to try it out.  I've made with peanut butter and powdered sugar before but not as healthy...

Ah! I forgot to mention that Shakeology is just protein powder. I don't buy it because it's way too expensive (it's Beachbody's brand). I just use vegan protein powder from Walmart. The recipe calls for vanilla protein and I have some in the pantry. I still haven't made them yet!

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Congratulations to your son, Krissi!

I’m too tired to post about school stuff tonight so I will tomorrow. I think I may have a few pages back, now that I think on it.

We did Chili’s and are now falling asleep…I mean watching The Hobbit: Unexpected Journey. DH decided he wanted to watch the trilogy again.

Edited by Green Bean
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1 minute ago, Green Bean said:

Congratulations to your son, Krissi!

I’m too tired to post tonight about school stuff tonight so I will tomorrow. I think I may have a few pages back, now that I think on it.

We did Chili’s and are now falling asleep…I mean watching The Hobbit: Unexpected Journey. DH decided he wanted to watch the trilogy again.

I watched that trilogy, then the Rings trilogy while it was still free on Amazon. It was my January goal, lol! I think they started charging for them beginning of this month.

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Good morning!

We're up and had breakfast and are dressed for the morning church service.  The hotel sausages were pretty tasty this morning.  They also had fresh strawberries and pineapple.  The ToGo cup covers did not fit the ToGo cups which was causing some Consternation on the part of hotel patrons.

The kids will sing as part of a church service this morning and then we get to go to the Big Aquarium.  Super excited about that!


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Alex gets baptized next week.

Last night I learned Dave Chappelle's KKK story (not a joke). He and his brother were little and the Klan came to their door, so his mother went outside and handed out candy as if they were trick or treaters.

I would have loved to have known that woman.

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They dropped us off at a mall to get dinner tonight.  It was a Very Fancy Mall with all the Fancy Shops.  Which explained the predominance of Fancy Cars in the parking lot.  Dd14 does not know what Gucci or Fenty are, and was pretty sure she saw a pair of stilettos made out of doorknobs.  We got Shake Shack burgers but forgot to get shakes. Their lemonade is excellent.

I have gotten in my 10,000 steps today.

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9 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!




No Sportsball!! What am I going to do on Sunday afternoons now until fall??😩😩😩


Dh watches college basketball, so he has something until March Madness is done.   Then he'll watch the very occasional golf match or horse racing.  No baseball around here. 

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We have a fancy mall around here too.   It closes earlier than all the other malls in the area, which I find confusing.  We only ever go there to eat at Legal Seafood.   Although oldest dd did get an outfit for her sweet 16 at the Betsy Johnson store, and used to LOOOOOVVVVEEEE Free People (even if it was mostly bought on clearance at department stores).

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We had seafood paella for dinner.  It was yummy.  Lobster, shrimp, scallops, clams over basmati rice.   Dd came for dinner and to do a loud of laundry.   

I spent yesterday morning and today morning at work rearranging my classroom.   I think the new setup will work better and be less cluttery looking.   I'm working on cleaning up all the rooms now and reorganizing all the stuff that got unorganized over the past few weeks.   I'll go in again tomorrow, then the rest of the week, I'll probably work at home cleaning and organizing.  

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

4 hours!?!  So while I was at the aquarium, you all were not taking this thread serously?

I was at “The Wizard of Oz” at my daughters’ school. oldest DD was an Ozian. It was a very well-done performance. the girl that portrayed The Wicked Witch of the West was phenomenal. She had waaaaay too much fun with that part. They had aerials for the first time i had ever seen, flying monkeys and all, and that went really well. WW of the W had an amazing entrance on aerials and had that cackling laugh down pat. It was awesome.

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11 hours ago, Slache said:

Alex gets baptized next week.


Trophy for the baptism. Congrats!


6 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

We have a fancy mall around here too.   It closes earlier than all the other malls in the area, which I find confusing.  We only ever go there to eat at Legal Seafood.   Although oldest dd did get an outfit for her sweet 16 at the Betsy Johnson store, and used to LOOOOOVVVVEEEE Free People (even if it was mostly bought on clearance at department stores).

As opposed to...eating Illegal Seafood? And getting free people for free, or expensively...? I'm not sure what to think about all this...🤣

We went to a BSA interest meeting today as the troop wants to start a girls troop. Gymnast wants to do all the things but doesn't have all-the-things-time. I told her something has to stop next school year (orchestra-violin, mariachi-trumpet, or dance). If she stopped orchestra, she'd still continue Practice Monkeys for violin. Because. I said so. But she really is an outdoorsy and active kid and I think she'd enjoy BSA. As it is, with Gymnast, there are only four girls so far, and they need five to get started.

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