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Handy Travel Tip(s):

First off, white isn’t the best color for travel, but you already knew that.  However, Tide-to-Go is really fantastic to bring along with you - it got out a small grass stain and a bit of chocolate.

Oh look at that!  A Travel Tip booyah!

ITT Fight Song

We are ITT   
a happy lucky posting family    
We are ITT     
Get up everybody and sing!

Jean, 10/2020

Edited by Susan in TN
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37 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I wonder how hard it is to find gluten free options for food in England? 

So far I would think pretty easy.  Every restaurant we’ve been to has asked about allergy/sensitivity needs - the pizza shop had gluten free pizza options, too.  I’m not positive about grocery stores - we just got pre-made sandwiches and salads, but for such a small grocery store they seemed to have a good variety like most US stores, though maybe not quite as big.

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23 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

Which  one are you doing?

One I found on Pinterest called 30 Day workout challenge for beginners.  I tried to get a link to post it here but Pinterest blocked my attempt and said that this source is notorious for malicious spam.  So. . .   I can see it on Pinterest but can't share it.  Anyway. . .   it's just squats, planks, pushups and crunches that are slowly added to daily (except for built in rest days).  Today was 10 squats, 15 second plank, 5 push ups and 10 crunches (which I do on an exercise ball).  Day 30 will be 60 squats, 2.30 min. plank, 50 pushups and 70 crunches.  (I might have to do those in smaller chunks through out the day.) 

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Afternoon! DD got off to camp fine. We rushed out the door because she didn't wake up until 10 mins. before she was to be at the drop off point. Then we get there and they are waiting on 3 other girls still. I had her slather on sunscreen and spray on OFF bug repellant beforehand. Bugs think her half Scots blood is a special treat so protection is neccessary. She was the only girl wearing jeans. We had discussed covering legs is best for woods and sun protection. She didn't even pack shorts except her swimsuit which has a long sleeve swim shirt. She brought a hat, too. Did I mention she is fair, blonde, and blue eyed? Sun is not her friend. It is going to be sweltering, but the cabins have AC.

Now it is just me in a house of testostrone until Thursday afternoon. I'm thinking I will take the boys to Top Gun on one day.

New bed is great but smells weird. It has a memory foam top so I'm guessing it is 'breathing' and the smell will abate quickly.

Some friends asked DD to buddy read with their 7 yr old daughter. After pulling more info out of them, it is more like I will be teaching this poor girl that the school will not admit has dyslexia to read this summer. I gave them my set of I Can Read It! books to use at home, showed them how to use them, then suggested some sites for more help- Barton and AAR. This little girl probaly has dyscalcula, as well. It should be interesting.

What's for dinner?

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3 a.m. and I am in screaming pain from the few exercises I did earlier. I have stretched. Did some range of motion exercises and have taken a pain reliever. Hopefully it will subside into chronic rather than acute pain so that I can get back to sleep. Or the pain would go away- but at this point, just blunting it would be nice. I have done every single exercise that I did yesterday before so I am not sure why I am having such an extreme reaction. I am used to have my body protest and increase in exercise but this is ridiculous. I don’t think that it’s diet related though I have been eating some nightshades lately.

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2 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

3 a.m. and I am in screaming pain from the few exercises I did earlier. I have stretched. Did some range of motion exercises and have taken a pain reliever. Hopefully it will subside into chronic rather than acute pain so that I can get back to sleep. Or the pain would go away- but at this point, just blunting it would be nice. I have done every single exercise that I did yesterday before so I am not sure why I am having such an extreme reaction. I am used to have my body protest and increase in exercise but this is ridiculous. I don’t think that it’s diet related though I have been eating some nightshades lately.


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Morning! I got a call at 5:45 am that DD threw up at camp in her bed so wants to come home. Thankfully, camp is 20 mins from our house and DH hadn’t left for work yet. She’s upstairs curled in bed now. Our guess is she ate Doritos and that combined with the heat and activities made her toss her cookies. Unfortunately, when she took her glasses off last night, she didn’t put them in her case, only on the bed and now they are lost. Prayers the camp leader can find them would be very appreciated.

So yeah- that’s my morning so far. 

Edited by Green Bean
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Good Morning!!!



So, I took a couple of Benadryl last night instead of melatonin because my allergies were screaming out of control due to the wind. Totally knocked me out.

Today I’m going to help out at church making Mac and cheese for VBS dinners. DD1 has soccer “practice”. Not official practice because it is summer, though.

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Morning. Everyone was up early today watering plants. I've got tomatoes to do before it gets any hotter, and I might do fertilizer for them and calcium, but probably just the fertilizer for now. After that, I have a busy day with some cooking, cleaning, and reading. I also want to sort some school stuff so I can get rid of it once I've gotten all I need out of it.

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9 minutes ago, Green Bean said:

Jean- are you feeling better?

Better is relative.  I did a full set of shoulder range of motion exercises this morning and will do them again at least twice today.

I also weed whacked.  And barked another section. 

Dh and I had a "discussion" this morning about how much I should exercise.  My argument is that when I listened to the doctor and didn't do anything that didn't hurt, then I ended up as a semi-invalid (more than once) and at one point hardened up so much from lack of movement that I couldn't even lie flat in bed.  What we can't decide on is how much is "just right" to do.  My doctors, physical therapist, chiropractor and personal trainer can't figure out what that is either.  My muscles are just butt.  And I don't mean just the glutes!

And yes, I said butt.  Butt, butt, butt, butt, butt! 

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It’s bedtime here.  We went to an awesome book shop and saw lots of super cool and too expensive old books.  Then, due to a contact on the inside, we were able to get a tour of Merton College and it’s medieval library. We saw a first edition Canterbury tales, Assyrian cuneiform, and the first university “quad”.  Then we went to Evensong at Merton and had dinner at a Thai place.

We shared a Scotch egg at lunch.




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Good morning!

It gets light Very Early here, and daylight until well after 9pm.  Today, if I remember correctly, we are going to an organ recital and then to Stratford-upon-Avon.  
Yesterday whilst driving we passed a “Caution: Elderly” sign that included stick people walking with canes. 😂 I wish I could have gotten a photo.  

(or tea)


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Morning, Happy Humph Day.   

I don't know if I ever made it on yesterday or not.   Every Tuesday dd comes to class with me since she has classes that day.  I go to DD in the morning and pick up coffee for one of my teachers (she returns the favor on Thursdays, my early day), chai tea for me and donuts for dd.   My "chai tea" yesterday was coffee.  It was a latte but definitely coffee.  Very disappointing.  

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Dd (not the Dunkin dd, the other dd) and I have decided we will work out in the mornings on Monday and Tuesday, take a break on Wednesdays, then workout Thursday and Friday.  That way when I REALLY don't want to get out of bed at 6am on a Tuesday, I know I'll be able to sleep in the next day.  That's worked for the school year because I don't teach until late on Wednesdays so can really sleep in.  

So do you know what time I woke up this morning?   6:05am.   I did stay in bed dozing off and on for another couple hours but I wasn't really asleep.   

So that's annoying. 

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Our new countertops are in and they look great!   Our kitchen is really coming along.   We need to move up the over-the-stove cabinet so we can put the microwave up (right now it's only about a foot over the stovetop which definitely won't work) but when dh and I tried to do it, we couldn't.  Need to call our handyman/contractor guy to come help.    I'll need to get a picture at some point.  


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Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!

Today is DH and my anniversary. Twenty years. We went out for dinner last night and took a romantic walk around Home Depot.

Not much going on today. I will continue to work on my Home Ec class and continue to try to get my office cleaned up. I am making myself work for one hour cleaning the office each day. That way I don’t get exhausted and overwhelmed. Eventually it will get cleaned up.

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I was wrong about the recital, which is fine, but we got to go into the Theology College, went punting on the Cherwell, walked along the path that CS Lewis and Tolkien walked together at Magdalene College, drove to see Churchill’s church & grave, and then went to Stratford-upon-Avon to see Shakespeare’s home & garden and toodle around the town a bit.  Now we’re back in Oxford finishing up  writing critiques and packing up for flights back tomorrow.

Things seen in Stratford:





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We had dinner in the oldest pub in Stratford - The Garrick.  Most certainly frequented by Shakespeare.  There was a bit of delightfully rowdy singing for a bit but then everyone settled down.

I had “Hunter’s Chicken”, apparently Very Standard pub fare, which was baked(?) chicken breast smothered in bbq sauce and topped with crispy bacon and melted cheese - might have been gruyere.  It tasted exactly like what you are thinking it tasted like.  Bbq chicken with a bit of bacon and cheese, lol.



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