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3 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I’m not sure if I used proprioception correctly. It means knowing where your body is in space. He is good at that with the car.  He can back my dad’s big ol’ Chevy pick-up into the garage with only inches on either side. I can hardly back up in an empty parking lot.

My suv has a backup camera. Otherwise no way.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

PS. Please pray that ds17 will be able to get himself to the ACT this morning and survive the ordeal.  He’s never done this before.

Solidarity and prayers.

My two are taking it here in another hour or so.

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16 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

I could fanfic as reading. It's also an amazing way to break out of a writing or reading slump for many, many, many pro-writers.

My kids like to read, but it's always on their terms. One of them is a fiction and non-fiction reader. The other prefers non-fiction. 

I definitely count it as reading.   I'm just trying to decide how important is it that she reads the usual important literature.  Honestly, for the sake of cultural familiarity, I'm okay with her reading kids versions/graphic versions/summations (I know, that's pretty much sacrilege on these boards).   There are a lot of cultural references that I know a lot about from reading ABOUT them, not actually reading them.  🤷‍♀️

They both actually do quite a bit of writing on their own.  Ds started his college class, got feed back on one paper, and has been able to get straight A's in his English class.  So I figured I could relax about my failure to push writing.   Dd writes thousands of words of her own fanfic on Archive of our Own.   It's not perfect but I've read published romance novels with worse grammar.  

13 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I am back. Too much driving. But lunch at Panera was good. Their new Asian crunch salad wasn't wonderful. The dressing was too sour. But I had broccoli cheddar soup, too, and that made me happy.

I tried that salad a week or so ago, and I didn't like it either.   Too sour is a good description.  I didn't like the texture of it either.  Not sure what was off there.  

13 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I am finding it to be very convenient having an extra driver in the house. He's actually a very good driver. He has better proprioception than I do. Which really isn't saying much.

I think you did use this correctly.   I'm not an expert but I do talk about proprioception as one of the "other" senses in my science classes.  

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Good Morning!!!

COFFEE!!~D (is almost ready. I woke up earlier than anticipated)



But then it’s supposed to be 88degrees by Monday. I can’t handle this.

Nothing too much going on today.

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Today I slept until just after 9am.   dd has a birthday party to go to for an acquaintance from TKD.  It's probably the first non-family birthday party she's been invited to in at least 5 years.  She's excited but I know she's going to be nervous too.  It's at the kids house.

Then it's laundry time.   Maybe this weekend I'll actually get it put away, not just washed and in baskets. 

Tomorrow is cleaning up at the science center and getting ready for THE LAST WEEK OF CLASSES!!!!!  I will not be sorry for this year to end.  The kids have been amazing but all the teacher issues, masks/no masks, crazy stuff I'll be glad for a fresh start in September.   

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I organized the freezer yesterday. I need to sort through piles of outgrown kids clothes. I don't know what to do with them. My husband won't let me have a garage sale as he doesn't want strangers at our house. I have had a couple lots of baby clothes on Craigslist with no hits. I even have some free stuff listed with no hits. Craigslist just isn't moving, but I don't have/want facebook. There is a resale shop that buys things for practically nothing, but at that point, I might as well donate. I don't want to ebay the baby clothes. I do have a lot of nicer boys dress clothes and matching brother outfits that may be ebay worthy. Some money back would be nice. It's all overwhelming. I hate clutter. I have no energy and think it's because I'm anemic. Another dr appt on Monday. I have to garden too. I hate gardening. I did organize the freezer.

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26 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

I definitely count it as reading.   I'm just trying to decide how important is it that she reads the usual important literature.  Honestly, for the sake of cultural familiarity, I'm okay with her reading kids versions/graphic versions/summations (I know, that's pretty much sacrilege on these boards).   There are a lot of cultural references that I know a lot about from reading ABOUT them, not actually reading them.  🤷‍♀️

They both actually do quite a bit of writing on their own.  Ds started his college class, got feed back on one paper, and has been able to get straight A's in his English class.  So I figured I could relax about my failure to push writing.   Dd writes thousands of words of her own fanfic on Archive of our Own.   It's not perfect but I've read published romance novels with worse grammar.  


Honestly, after finding out the things I've found out from publishing and what is usual important literature, and how that's been completely filtered through the lens publishing has used for a very long time, I'm less concerned with the reading of usual important literature. But that's another convo I think. 

I also know from my own experience, that there are times when I was forced to read important literature before I was ready for it, before I could frame it properly, and so came to some really wrong conclusions about it! 

So honestly, I think the biggest thing when it comes to reading and writing is just making sure the children don't hate either, and that's probably some sacrilege of my own, but it's kind of my philosophy of education: Just don't make them hate it.

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Also, I would probably die on the hill that graphic novels are absolutely cutting edge literature--and audiobooks are real books, and that if you can watch a Shakespeare play vs read one, you should! 

Writing is art. It's an art. And wow, when you can start embracing it without the idea of something being good, better, or best, and fully open up to the possibility that there are whole worlds of art in literature that we have never seen because we were never aware of it, the world of literature turns bright as a rainbow and unexplored vistas open up and it is fantastic! 

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5 minutes ago, Critterfixer said:

Also, I would probably die on the hill that graphic novels are absolutely cutting edge literature--

Meh. Just sat in on a class and a 13 yr old girl was saying she only reads graphic novels and can't read text without pictures because she can't visualize anything. Glad they are very limited in our family, though The Hobbit graphic novel was fun.

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Here's a fun question: I'm considering buying both children their own Kindle this year so they can start filling their own digital libraries. I'd like to load some resources on both that they might use in college. What books in particular should I put on there, though? Other than that, I plan to let them fill them with whatever they most enjoy reading. Ideas? I am going through shelves and getting rid of a lot of our resource books (because heavy and old) but some I'm keeping because they are really well written and/or accessible. Mostly, these are histories.

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1 minute ago, Spirea said:

Meh. Just sat in on a class and a 13 yr old girl was saying she only reads graphic novels and can't read text without pictures because she can't visualize anything. Glad they are very limited in our family, though The Hobbit graphic novel was fun.

Each to their own! But I'm a huge graphic novel fan, and am kind of in the middle of working over one of my upper middle grade manuscripts into a graphic novel script, learning how to storyboard, how to do panels, and wow, it's cool! 

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4 minutes ago, Critterfixer said:

Each to their own! But I'm a huge graphic novel fan, and am kind of in the middle of working over one of my upper middle grade manuscripts into a graphic novel script, learning how to storyboard, how to do panels, and wow, it's cool! 

Dd does digital art of her characters as well as writing her stories, and is thinking about (but may have actually already started for all I know) putting together a graphic novel from them.  

I definitely don't "grade" or in any way critique her writing unless she asks me to.   

Dd has adhd and anxiety so some of the usual very heavy themes books that are usually assigned in high school are definitely not the way to go with her.   At least not yet (she'll be 15 in July).   I'm thinking of trying audiobooks but I have a very hard time concentrating on audiobooks because my mind wanders almost immediately.   I'm definitely more visual than auditory and she's like me in that sense.  I am considering digital/large print books that she can follow along in the book with the audio playing at the same time and seeing how that goes.   But I plan to be very selective about what I have her read so it's not overwhelming or make her hate it because the book was so anxiety-inducing.  

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10 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

Dd does digital art of her characters as well as writing her stories, and is thinking about (but may have actually already started for all I know) putting together a graphic novel from them.  

I definitely don't "grade" or in any way critique her writing unless she asks me to.   

Dd has adhd and anxiety so some of the usual very heavy themes books that are usually assigned in high school are definitely not the way to go with her.   At least not yet (she'll be 15 in July).   I'm thinking of trying audiobooks but I have a very hard time concentrating on audiobooks because my mind wanders almost immediately.   I'm definitely more visual than auditory and she's like me in that sense.  I am considering digital/large print books that she can follow along in the book with the audio playing at the same time and seeing how that goes.   But I plan to be very selective about what I have her read so it's not overwhelming or make her hate it because the book was so anxiety-inducing.  

I absolutely struggle with audiobooks unless I'm in the truck. But they are super helpful for some readers. 

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In today's decluttering tasks: Do I keep these old watercolor pencils and old wax colored pencils, or do I discard and buy myself the ones I really want? Hmmm. Decisions. But I'm leaning toward the getting the new ones I want that would be upgrades for my art. 

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I recently got a book on mixed media with watercolor where the artist uses wax pencils as a resist for whiskers and hairs on animals, and the portraits she does with them using the mix of wax pencil, gray acrylic and watercolor are amazing. I'd like to do more colored pencil work in the future, too. It's astonishingly like oil painting, which is interesting. 

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1 hour ago, Critterfixer said:

I absolutely struggle with audiobooks unless I'm in the truck. But they are super helpful for some readers. 

My son has discovered he does like good literature because we allow him to listen to audiobooks. He never would have gotten through high school English except that we got all his books on Audible.

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1 hour ago, Critterfixer said:

In today's decluttering tasks: Do I keep these old watercolor pencils and old wax colored pencils, or do I discard and buy myself the ones I really want? Hmmm. Decisions. But I'm leaning toward the getting the new ones I want that would be upgrades for my art. 

Upgrade. How can you take it seriously if you don’t have quality materials? 

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I'm itching all over. Tops of feet, backs of hands, hips, backs of legs. Been a long time since I've had a hives outbreak. I'm blaming the probiotics. Took one last night and one this morning since my stomach was upset over my last week of antibiotics. Triple ugh. I took 2 benedryl, which means I'll be tired and grouchy on our Saturday. I have no where else to lodge my complaints.

I did photograph a pile of boys clothes to give craigslist one try with those. Don't want to ebay. 

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1 hour ago, Spirea said:

Meh. Just sat in on a class and a 13 yr old girl was saying she only reads graphic novels and can't read text without pictures because she can't visualize anything. Glad they are very limited in our family, though The Hobbit graphic novel was fun.

It is hard for some people to form pictures when reading, or even being read to. I found this out with Gymnast. I specifically had to work with her on trying to make movies in her head as she hears a story so she could understand it better. We do a lot of read alouds, partly because it's our family culture, and partly because my children are dyslexic and read on their own later than most. It was important to help Gymnast form auditory understanding because she couldn't read on her own for a while. Dancer had awesome, advance auditory comprehension.

Gymnast is a lot better at it (she's 11 now), but periodically I find I have to paint a picture for her (figuratively speaking). She'll check out graphic novels, but rarely reads them because the reading level is still too high. She winds up just looking at pictures. She's currently working her way through A Tale of Two Castles, which isn't a graphic novel, but one I've read to her; it's interesting she prefers chapter books to graphic novels.

Critterfixer is an author, so may have a different perception that some on this board.


1 hour ago, Critterfixer said:

In today's decluttering tasks: Do I keep these old watercolor pencils and old wax colored pencils, or do I discard and buy myself the ones I really want? Hmmm. Decisions. But I'm leaning toward the getting the new ones I want that would be upgrades for my art. 

Yeah, just send the old materials here; they'll be put to good use.


21 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

My son has discovered he does like good literature because we allow him to listen to audiobooks. He never would have gotten through high school English except that we got all his books on Audible.

This was Dancer - Audible for the win! In college, she qualified for audio textbooks as well.

Edited by Renai
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1 hour ago, Critterfixer said:

In today's decluttering tasks: Do I keep these old watercolor pencils and old wax colored pencils, or do I discard and buy myself the ones I really want? Hmmm. Decisions. But I'm leaning toward the getting the new ones I want that would be upgrades for my art. 

My thing with art is to go big or go home. When it comes to small children I definitely chose quantity and veried materials over quality, but as they got older I saw how important quality was and I think you're old enough for the good stuff!

I wanted to ask if you were familiar with watercolor markers? I just learned about these. I think they'll be a family Christmas gift this year.


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3 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

In today's decluttering tasks: Do I keep these old watercolor pencils and old wax colored pencils, or do I discard and buy myself the ones I really want? Hmmm. Decisions. But I'm leaning toward the getting the new ones I want that would be upgrades for my art. 

I would love to take your old art supplies off your hands for DD. PM me.

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It’s hot. We went out early to shop but by 11 am, it was 100! And gas went up $0.20! Why?!? (Rhetorical)

house is clean and chocolate cake is made for dinner guests. I’m making taco salad bar for the meal.

Dinner guests are coming at 5. DD has a birthday party 6-10. New mattress and base coming sometime between 4-8. It’s going to be a long, tiring evening.

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45 minutes ago, Green Bean said:

It’s hot. We went out early to shop but by 11 am, it was 100! And gas went up $0.20! Why?!? (Rhetorical)

house is clean and chocolate cake is made for dinner guests. I’m making taco salad bar for the meal.

Dinner guests are coming at 5. DD has a birthday party 6-10. New mattress and base coming sometime between 4-8. It’s going to be a long, tiring evening.

That must be a typo on the gas price. . .   otherwise send me your address and I'm coming down right now! 

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7 hours ago, Spirea said:

I organized the freezer yesterday. I need to sort through piles of outgrown kids clothes. I don't know what to do with them. My husband won't let me have a garage sale as he doesn't want strangers at our house. I have had a couple lots of baby clothes on Craigslist with no hits. I even have some free stuff listed with no hits. Craigslist just isn't moving, but I don't have/want facebook. There is a resale shop that buys things for practically nothing, but at that point, I might as well donate. I don't want to ebay the baby clothes. I do have a lot of nicer boys dress clothes and matching brother outfits that may be ebay worthy. Some money back would be nice. It's all overwhelming. I hate clutter. I have no energy and think it's because I'm anemic. Another dr appt on Monday. I have to garden too. I hate gardening. I did organize the freezer.

(((Spirea))) I can understand why you’d be feeling overwhelmed.  Just take one step at a time.  Keep breathing, peek into your freezer and think of all the progress you’ve made already!

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It’s been another beautiful day in Oxford.  Our tour guide at the CS Lewis house was from NM.  Apparently CS Lewis is much more famous/renowned in the US than in England where he is really only thought of as a children’s book writer like Lewis Carroll.

Bad stickers!!





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