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57 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

I feel slightly bad that made me laugh as hard as it did. I am glad the kids are not standing here. That would be a bad example. 

I had not seen this particular clip before, so the ending startled me.  Poor Theresa.

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Good Morning!

Happy Friday!!!

Only one more week (I hope!) of using a dorm fridge.  We have had to be very strategic in choosing condiments because there just isn't room in the fridge for everything we want.

And I have never thawed so much meat in the microwave as I've done recently.

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Morning. I've got to go be mean this morning. Wish me luck. I'm not usually mean--but when it's food that could make animals sick, it makes me very grumpy.

Other than that, it's sunny, and looks like it will be hot. All the watering is going on outside. The animals got breakfast (and I'm going to go buy them different food and have it out with the store that's selling bad bags of food). So shaping up to be a nice day.

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good Morning!!!!



We’ve had a slight reprieve from the extreme heat this week, but it’s gonna ramp up again this weekend.

Nothing much going on today. I gotta get DD1 to the allergist for her shots, we’re having dinner at my parents’ house. Oh, and my mom just dropped off a huge box of the best nectarines. Come on over. I’ll share.

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Food has been returned, and new food purchased at the Co-Op, which is where I think I'm going to demand we get our food and shavings from now on. It's a bit of a pain because the hours are a little difficult, but I like the help and the knowledge base there a lot more.

Other than that, I'm brainstorming a funny connected story with a writing buddy that I don't know well, involving a supernatural home-owner's association and two individuals who spend their time trying to outdo the other. Should be a fun thing to work on this August and September. Reading is up next (I'm working on an anthology of SFF short stories and Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier. And I have a stack to read that is threatening to avalanche on my bed and kill me at night, so I need to spend nearly all of August curled up somewhere reading. I'm not unhappy about this.


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I do miss the library. But that's about it. And honestly, I am doing okay with purchasing some books and getting the others on my phone to read now. I actually might bit the bullet and take some of my birthday money and buy a Kindle if I can find one that I can take with me and not worry about it getting wet. River time after all. And I miss my art group. But you know, I'm thinking really hard about setting up a time when we can all go out to the teacher's house and set up folding tables on her deck and do some socially distant painting together once the temperatures moderate. I think she'd like that, and the boys can help with her garden chores that she needs done as well. 

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We are supposed to go to the Buffalo River on Monday. I wanted Tuesday, but we have a 50% shot of storms that day, and it's not much fun to be in a boat or under a bunch of trees in a flood prone area in a thunderstorm. But there's a ghost town, and I am so excited to go back there and just be. The boys will fish and boat, DH can nap in his chair, and I'm just going to snoop around old buildings and play in the creek, and visit my favorite tree, and take all the pictures, and swim...

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

You are beautiful!  And so young looking. 🙂

Isn't she?  What a doll!

50 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

I would like a list of professions where one can be as consistently wrong as TV meteorologists are and still have a job, year after year. 

Also, TROPICAL STORM HANNA UPDATE- They have now used the term "cone of uncertainty".   They've been waiting all summer to say that. 


Don't make unnecessary journeys!!

20 minutes ago, Slache said:

On a semirelated note my husband has decided to run for Senate.

Vote for ITT!  The only party that makes sense!

Edited by Another Lynn
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22 minutes ago, Spudater said:

For realsies?

No. He was complaining because he can't make enough money, he can't get a better job, unemployment is ending, and Congress is just totally chill about the whole thing. The current crisis isn't settled so they've decided to take a 3 day weekend. So he's going to work for them next. It'll be easier.

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8 minutes ago, Slache said:

No. He was complaining because he can't make enough money, he can't get a better job, unemployment is ending, and Congress is just totally chill about the whole thing. The current crisis isn't settled so they've decided to take a 3 day weekend. So he's going to work for them next. It'll be easier.

Easier!  And he'll make more!  He's brilliant!

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2 minutes ago, Spudater said:



I’m sorry. 🙏

We're ok. We are playing the waiting game with Congress and the info gathering game with this school Matt wants to go to (everything is closed!) but I have really high hopes for how it all turns out in a year.

I told Angi that if we get our finances fixed and my health straitened out I don't know what I'm going to complain about.

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I'm working on Christmas lists. I know it's early but I love buying presents. I'm getting Exploding Kittens (I know I'm behind the times but mine were too young when it came out), transformers for the boys and crystals for Mary's window. The thing I'm most excited about is that I'm doing the kids stockings. MIL always did them because "that's how we do it in our family" but it's started making me sad so imma do them from now on. Isaac is getting bath toys and puffs because we don't need any more baby stuff.

What do I get for nephew? I think he'll be 8 months, first baby.

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21 minutes ago, Slache said:

I'm working on Christmas lists. I know it's early but I love buying presents. I'm getting Exploding Kittens (I know I'm behind the times but mine were too young when it came out), transformers for the boys and crystals for Mary's window. The thing I'm most excited about is that I'm doing the kids stockings. MIL always did them because "that's how we do it in our family" but it's started making me sad so imma do them from now on. Isaac is getting bath toys and puffs because we don't need any more baby stuff.

What do I get for nephew? I think he'll be 8 months, first baby.

I would check the baby registry to see if there's anything left on it that would be appropriate.

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6 minutes ago, Slache said:


I did this a few years ago when I had no idea what to get my brother and SIL for Christmas.  And then I remembered their wedding registry earlier that year.  I was able to get them something that they really wanted even though they didn't give me a Christmas list.

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1 minute ago, Junie said:

I did this a few years ago when I had no idea what to get my brother and SIL for Christmas.  And then I remembered their wedding registry earlier that year.  I was able to get them something that they really wanted even though they didn't give me a Christmas list.

I'm going to double check because they've moved but I found a growth chart and a stuffed toddler chair. Both are appropriate for his age and still there. I would not have thought of either.

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I remember when curriculum shopping used to be fun.  Which guide?  Which math?  Which LA?  Workbooks or wing it?  Which picture books?  So fun.  Those were the days.  Today, I ordered a 2nd geometry book and a 2nd chemistry book so I can stay up on it with my dd and help support her in her outsourced classes.  Sure, they were cheap.  Used - $5 to $10 each.  But not near as fun.  

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9 minutes ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

Highly recommend. A lot of people make fun of it as if it's saccharine and silly, but I really liked it and thought it had a lot of depth. I think about it often. Also, I just found out THERE ARE SEQUELS! 


"I didn't know you could read." -Malfoy, after forgetting his line.

4 minutes ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

So....that house we went to look at today?

It was perfect. 4 bedroom, 2 full bath, 1680 square feet. It was beautiful!

And it has a serious leak that rendered the beams under the stairs the approximate texture of paper. Dave's hand went right through it.

On the hunt again.

This is how big our apartment is!

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1 minute ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

This is one of my favorite behind the scenes stories.

I also like the one about the scene where Daniel Ratliffe is facing off against the actor who played Lucius Malfoy, who apparently didn't enjoy working with children. Anyway, Malfoy says something along the lines of, "We'll just have to hope that Harry Potter will always be around to protect us," all sarcastic and scathing. Daniel Ratliffe couldn't remember what he was supposed to say, so he deadpanned, "Don't worry. I will be." He said he felt like he earned the older actor's respect that day.

Your apartment is huge!

I didn't know that. I love the one about (I don't know their names) Ron drawing Snape with a huge nose and Snaps took it and Ron was all scared and Snape was all "I still have it. I'm rather fond of it." So cute.

Yes, our apartment is!

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I don't know if I've ever really looked at behind the scenes stuff.  That's fun!

I took a nap sort of between people coming in the room to explain what puppy was doing.  Ahem...this is not how naps work!  Puppy has pee'd on the floor or door rug 4 times, but has gone potty and poo outside a lot.  I gave him a frozen dishtowel to chew on and he plopped himself on it and took a nap.

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7 hours ago, Junie said:

You are beautiful!  And so young looking. 🙂

I was thinking the same thing!  

2 hours ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

So....that house we went to look at today?

It was perfect. 4 bedroom, 2 full bath, 1680 square feet. It was beautiful!

And it has a serious leak that rendered the beams under the stairs the approximate texture of paper. Dave's hand went right through it.

On the hunt again.


2 hours ago, Slache said:

"I didn't know you could read." -Malfoy, after forgetting his line.

This is how big our apartment is!

That's more than twice the size of our house (750 square feet).  

Dh and the neighborhood handyman did our new floors today.   I love them.  They replaced old (stained) berber carpeting.



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40 minutes ago, Where's Toto? said:

I was thinking the same thing!  


That's more than twice the size of our house (750 square feet).  

Dh and the neighborhood handyman did our new floors today.   I love them.  They replaced old (stained) berber carpeting.



Wow, that's gorgeous!

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9 hours ago, Spudater said:

It was soooo good. Well you might drool.

Did you have it with vanilla icecream?? Because I am daydreaming about your blackberry pie right now and there’s a huge scoop of homemade vanilla icecream on the plate right next to the pie.

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4 hours ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

I meant my personal news of the day. I found it sadder than the beautiful house that isn't to be. (But then, I also admit that I'm on a real-life news hiatus right now. I had to take a break from reading about it all.)

So pretty! 

“Amusing Ourselves to Death“ by Neil Postman has some really good thoughts on how the news affects us,  I read that book a long time ago and it still makes me think.

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Morning.  Saturday morning is so much better this Saturday as I know I don’t have to go back to work on Monday because vacation (only through Tuesday, but still).

Walked the dog.  Only he ran me, really.  I think I hurt my hip slowing him down.  But I’ll be okay.  

I got some new mugs yesterday.  So exciting. 🤣


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Good morning!

It's taken me a good hour to get to this! lol.  Puppy was up to potty at two, but fortunately he gave a couple barks instead of whining to let me know, and then he went right back into his crate afterwards, so that was good.  Up at 6, right on schedule. 🙄 He's not eating as much puppy food as it says on the food bag that he should eat, but he seems to be fine.  I'm giving him itty bitty bits of freeze dried chicken for training treats which he seems to like.  

Otherwise my only goal is to print off worksheets for history and see if I can find the ACT study guide thing.


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Morning, today is for putting together cube storage and returning furniture to its rightful places.  The next week (or two) will be slowly bringing things back to the house and putting them away properly while sorting through for those things that don't really need to be here at all.    I'm taking this opportunity to do some purging and reorganizing.  Hopefully the result will be beneficial. 

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Just now, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Our puppy didn't have a ton of interest in food at first either. That has seriously changed, lol. I take her daily amount, and split it into thirds, so she gets one portion in the AM, the next portion I use as training rewards, and the last portion is the PM feed. Then I don't have to worry about overfeeding her (since she's a lab and they can get sort of fat pretty easy). If she starts getting too skinny I just add in more food, or vice versa, then you would if they start getting pudgy. I wish my own diet was as easily adjustable. 😂

Lol - I could use some training treats myself - treats that I'm not in control of! 😁

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37 minutes ago, Spudater said:

I need o find a way to learn to like my inlaws because I’m stuck with them. They just showed up and invited themselves to my nirthday. Or maybe I’ll just stop celebrating my nirthday. Dh forgets half the time anyway. I could just buy myself a candy bar and eat it in the bathroom. Stealth nirthday. 

I vote for moving your stealth nirthday to next week, getting some really good chocolate, and going for a pedicure alone, and maybe finishing it off with 1 glass of wine.  Who knows, empress might sleep better too, lol!

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40 minutes ago, Spudater said:

I need o find a way to learn to like my inlaws because I’m stuck with them. They just showed up and invited themselves to my nirthday. Or maybe I’ll just stop celebrating my nirthday. Dh forgets half the time anyway. I could just buy myself a candy bar and eat it in the bathroom. Stealth nirthday. 

Info diet. I do not tell mine what I'm doing, I tell them what I did. Events, vacations, doctors appointments. They don't need to know.

Give your house hours. 8-8 F-Sun type of thing.

Decide what is for nuclear vs extended family now. For me, Christmas is nuclear. The decision is made, it's over, sorry.

Boundaries only work if there are consequences. Not letting them in is a consequence.

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