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Morning.  Looks like the weather is going to cooperate for cake at the lake for dd's birthday.  It's nice and sunny (and hot, ugh) and rain isn't supposed to come until this evening.   I have to run to the science center to feed animals since I skipped yesterday, then we go to the lake after lunch.  

Tomorrow I'm going to spend most of the day at the science center cleaning and straightening things up.   Then Friday my new teacher is coming by for paperwork and to look at the classroom and talk about furniture and stuff.   The kids, dog and I are stuck there all day because dh and his friend are putting in our new floors.  I'm very excited, it's going to look great.  And it's giving us the opportunity to rearrange things so they maybe work better than they did.   We are NOT going to rush to get things back in place.  We are going to do it slowly and deliberately and make decisions about where things should go.

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12 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Wow, am I correct in assuming you are in charge of the ITT nirthday calendar? That you can keep up with them all is AWESOME!

Susan is good with that. And Whitehawk is the one to go to if you have any question about ITT Rules and Regulations, particularly the No Dying rule and all of it’s intracacies..

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1 hour ago, mms said:


I am impressed at the ITT memory. I actually forgot that it was DD9’s birthday until an hour after she had been up and about. I feel really bad about it because I usually fix pancakes for birthday breakfast and we just had oatmeal. We’ll have pancakes for lunch instead.

Thankfully the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and she was surprised when I wished her happy birthday. She thought it was tomorrow. 

It's really hard to keep up with the days/dates these days.  

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5 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Story behind Nirthday, por favor? 

I think ikslo made a typo and it stuck.

5 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

Wow, am I correct in assuming you are in charge of the ITT nirthday calendar? That you can keep up with them all is AWESOME!

I do try to stick nirthdays in my phone calendar, but occasionally forget to set it to repeat every year.

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Hi, Bookie!

Spent the morning perusing curriculum while it rained here. Rain is my most perfect present. The garden sure needed it! We need more, but in July, we take what we can get. After looking over options for books and so forth, I went back and looked at my thought experiment DH and I did a few years ago, basically asking ourselves what adjectives we wanted to see the boys develop. Tears, y'all.

Tenacious, Inventive, Imaginative, Gentle, Relaxed, Sensitive, Curious, Introspective

Confident, Humble, Courageous, Crafty, Honest, Resourceful, Perceptive

All that and more! 


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Yay for Critter's rain!   
I found our water glasses at Big Lots, so we should again have one for everyone plus a couple extra.  

Dh has installed a baby gate for the puppy (borrowed from a friend) and I think we are all ready.  The friend also gave us a freezer baby pacifier for puppy teething. Dd21 has a friend who claims goldendoodles are the Spawn of Satan, but what does he know.  (Right now my iPad is acting like the Spawn of Satan.)  Dibs are already being claimed for sitting-with-puppy-in-the-van-position, even with the knowledge that they will probably be barfed upon.  😂


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HI Bookie!  ❤️ ❤️ Lovely picture and lovely to hear from you! 

Critter, yay for rain!  yay for a dark, cozy day of curriculum shopping and thought experiment realization!  That's a great Nirthday!

Texas, yay for a logical and cheaper fix to the A/C!  That is a victory!

Susan, yay for prepping for puppy!  We have several different friends who have gotten some type of doodle puppy lately.  Some have barked all night.  And some are sleeping through after the first week.  Fingers crossed Chester is easy!

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We had a good time at the lake.  Adults sat around talking sitting with distance from anyone not in the same household, a bit of kayaking and heading out on a raft.  Kids were all social with distancing, even my super introverts had fun hanging out.   It all came to a sudden end with thunder but we had already been there 3 1/2 hours so it wasn't too bad.  

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Good morning!

Bookie, I loved watching kitchen nightmares - it IS interesting to think of how they may or may not have survived.  I suspect there are a lot of factors that go into it beyond what we see on the show.

Dd12 lost her last baby tooth last night.  The Toothfairy brought her a Mystery Littlest Petshop ring and a dollar, which was pretty significant, since the  Toothfairy usually only leaves a little trinket and a quarter.  I just realized that is the last time The Toothfairy will visit our house.  Sob.

Everyone is up early with the excitement of Puppy Day.  They will all have to stay in the van due to The Plague, but they all want to come anyway.  It's about an hour drive to get there.


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Morning! More rain today. I'll take it. Grow, little garden, grow! (Only it's not so little. More like a jungle out there.)

Today I'm hearing thought experiments from the boys, and then working on the curriculum list again. So much of planning here is coming back to earth. I have all sorts of awesome things we could study or do, but it's too easy to end up with an overfull schedule that doesn't allow time to just be, do nothing, and take off in a boat or up a mountain when it calls. So after I find out how much taking off in a boat or up a mountain the boys want to do, we'll figure out how to make school happen in a way that allows for more free time.

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Good morning, ITT. I coffeed. We'll do a walk before school again today, as the heat and humidity have reached Peak Summer Ridiculousness. Four medicines are actually working less well than two, to my annoyance, and I don't want to try to go out later.

Greetings to Bookie! 🥰

Do we have Official Regulations about the length of time ITTers can go without checking in before being Gently Invited to Visit, Pestered, Nagged By a Whole Committee, and Potentially Even Laser Glared? Shall I draft something? Because we definitely miss people.

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Good Morning!!!!


Friday Eve!!!

Normal stuff today!! Church Bible study at the river tonight.

So I picked the kids up at the party last night. I was strictly admonished “don’t come right at 11:00, Mom”. Ok, fine, I understand you don’t want to be the first ones to leave. Well, I pull up at 11:07 and there are only two other girls hanging out waiting to be picked up. I guess when it gets that late everyone leaves on time.🤣 I slept in this morning.

Bookie, it is sure good to see you again. And little Cheetoh is so adorable, I could just hug him and kiss him and squeeze him all over!,❤️❤️❤️❤️

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55 minutes ago, whitehawk said:

Good morning, ITT. I coffeed. We'll do a walk before school again today, as the heat and humidity have reached Peak Summer Ridiculousness. Four medicines are actually working less well than two, to my annoyance, and I don't want to try to go out later.

Greetings to Bookie! 🥰

Do we have Official Regulations about the length of time ITTers can go without checking in before being Gently Invited to Visit, Pestered, Nagged By a Whole Committee, and Potentially Even Laser Glared? Shall I draft something? Because we definitely miss people.

Definitely write that in to the regs. Anyone who does not comply will have to spend time in disciplinary confinement on the Island, with their activities limited to long walks on the beach, and time spent reading on the deck of the Lodge..

Edited by KrissiK
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On 7/21/2020 at 8:51 AM, Renai said:

Hmmm, well according to the timestamp of this post, the question should have been, "WHAT is Dancer doing?" At the time, she was holding a 2 hour old baby.  She was a champ, baby was out in less than 20 minutes. 5 lb, 10 oz, 18 inches long, at 37 weeks and 6 days. She's a cutie. And very tiny, but very strong.

When did you have your baby?


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3 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Definitely write that in to the regs. Anyone who does not comply will have to spend time in disciplinary confinement on the Island, with their activities limited to long walks on the beach, and time spent reading on the deck of the Lodge..

I'm guilty!  Send me off.

I'm tired and kind of cranky today for some reason.  I had a really good time yesterday but just feel blah today.   

My dryer evidently isn't working so I had to hang a bunch of clothes in the bathroom since allergies make outside out of the question.   I had a small loud that included beach towels and at first it wouldn't turn.  Then I took the towels out and it spun but sounded really weird and then I thought I smelled something burning so gave up trying.  

There's air quality warnings so that could be contributing to the blah feeling even though I'm staying inside in the AC.

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On 7/22/2020 at 9:12 AM, Susan in TN said:


🎉🎈🎈🎈Happy Nirthday, dd13 of Toto!! 🎈🎈🎈🎉


🎉🎈🎈🎈Happy Nirthday, dd9 of mms!! 🎈🎈🎈🎉

Happy belated nirthdays!  Looks like I missed a lot in the last few days.

I used to work at a restaurant that specialized in brisket and popovers.  Not a fan of either, really.  It had a lodge feel to it, and a cigar room. They made all their money off of cigars and high-end alcohol, because the only people that came to eat there were little old ladies nostalgic for popovers. The tips in the restaurant were what you would expect from a table of old ladies eating dinner at 4 in the afternoon. 🤣

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So I found out yesterday I have lupus and I've been trying to wrap my brain around it. Lupus is an autoimmune disease and I don't know what caused it.

The chronic ear and nasal infections I had as a kid were lupus. The horrendous periods and seizures that began in my tweens were lupus. My health issues in my teens, the chronic fatigue and pain from my twenties, my terrible pregnancies are all lupus. All of the complications I've had this pregnancy are from lupus. Everything. I just keep walking around saying "everything" because I just can't get it. My food allergies, my skin allergies, my rash. The fact that my hair falls out when I'm stressed. It's all one thing. I have one thing.

And I'm not dying. That's the strangest part I think. My health just keeps getting worse and I accepted that I was going to die young a long time ago. But now I have no evidence of that.

I just can't accept this, it's so strange. I have one thing. One thing that's treatable and I'm ok. It's so strange. I have to learn the triggers and avoid them. Stress, extreme temperatures, pregnancy (all of ITT says "Ahhhh"). But I'm ok. It's so strange.

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I'm so sorry that it took this long for you to have a diagnosis, but I'm glad that you finally have one.

And while lupus isn't fun, it isn't the end of the world.  You will be ok.

Lupus and RA aren't the same, but they are similar; let me know if/when you have questions.

Jean could probably help you with some things, too.

It's a lot to process.  I will be praying for you.

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Just now, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Welp, it looks like we have ourselves a Tropical Storm Watch. My Weather App is very excited. The weather people are a little disappointed though that there's no possibility we're all going to die so that they can put on the full histrionics. They are trying to keep from showing it, but we can tell they're very sad about it all. 😥 They wanted at least a Cat 1. 

I swear this is why we don't take serious issues seriously. "Guess what's in your tap water that will kill you! We have record breaking temperatures AGAIN! X many people are dying from Y. Find out tonight at ten." Then when there's a serious disease, hurricane, shooting, etc. no one cares. It's the same tone by the same people.

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9 minutes ago, Spudater said:

Wow Slache, that is huge, just to know. My aunt has lupus, I think the meds have come a long way. She certainly seems to be doing quite well and she is about 60.

We aren't jumping strait to meds. We're getting the baby out and when I feel better (historically 6 weeks) we're going to start therapy. Diet, exercise, sunblock etc. We will test after 6 months and then decide, but it's a spectrum and I'm on the low end, so we're thinking no meds.

There's still a lot I don't understand but despite the fact that I've had this for 30 years I've run a 5K in the last 5. I should be able to get this totally under control.

No more pregnancies!

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Ok, I can put it into words. I know, I'm making everything about me right now, just bare with me. It's too good to be true. All of my life, all of these conditions, all of these problems, untreatable, painful, affecting my quality of life. I was sick and getting sicker. But I'm not. I'm going to feel better. I'm going to be better. I'm going to have choices. I thought I had lost that.

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2 hours ago, Slache said:

I swear this is why we don't take serious issues seriously. "Guess what's in your tap water that will kill you! We have record breaking temperatures AGAIN! X many people are dying from Y. Find out tonight at ten." Then when there's a serious disease, hurricane, shooting, etc. no one cares. It's the same tone by the same people.

Windstorm '97!


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21 minutes ago, Spudater said:

Why do my in-laws think if I don’t answer their text it’s an invitation to come to my house and ask in person? 😤

I have been reading the Reddit on toxic in laws (I'm not insinuating yours are at all!) and my mind went strait there. Keep your front door locked! Do not answer until you look through the hole! Speak through the door and quickly say goodnight! Do not respond after hours!

I have been reprogrammed.

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28 minutes ago, Spudater said:

Why do my in-laws think if I don’t answer their text it’s an invitation to come to my house and ask in person? 😤

I don't have this problem.  My FIL lives hours away and doesn't have a cell phone.  He has never texted me.  And he has only come to my house twice.

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6 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Welp, it looks like we have ourselves a Tropical Storm Watch. My Weather App is very excited. The weather people are a little disappointed though that there's no possibility we're all going to die so that they can put on the full histrionics. They are trying to keep from showing it, but we can tell they're very sad about it all. 😥 They wanted at least a Cat 1. 


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11 hours ago, Slache said:

Ok, I can put it into words. I know, I'm making everything about me right now, just bare with me. It's too good to be true. All of my life, all of these conditions, all of these problems, untreatable, painful, affecting my quality of life. I was sick and getting sicker. But I'm not. I'm going to feel better. I'm going to be better. I'm going to have choices. I thought I had lost that.

We're so thankful that you are not dying of death, that you didn't have what you thought you had, and that you are fixable!  (Slache - FIXABLE!!  😜  )  ❤️

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4 hours ago, Paradox5 said:

Yep- I just looked it up. Looks like we are gonna get soaked. 

Maybe you can share with Critter?

46 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:

How did Chester do last night, Susan?

He did Great!  I woke up at 2am expecting to hear him fuss any minute, but he didn't.  I kinda dozed off and on until about 5 and then I heard him stirring so took him out to potty and gave him breakfast - he was hungry!  Crate stayed dry!  He did pee on the back-door rug a little bit ago when dd13 was playing chase & tackle with him.

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Good morning!

Imma need a nap later.  It's a good thing I have a bunch of kids to keep puppy occupied while I do stuff like pantz.  
Hazel the Bunny was expressing her extreme displeasure last night over the puppy situation.  Lots of indignant thumping of the foot.


Edited by Susan in TN
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