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3 minutes ago, mms said:

We do co-sleep and yes he is getting enough during the day. Sometimes he wakes up with a burp, but I think his reflux is under control. I am trying to night wean him and so far he’ll sleep from 8-12 but then wakes up several times till 8. He does react badly to coffee so I am sleep deprived and I can’t drink coffee. I feel like I need to figure this out before DH goes back to work in September because I cannot imagine dealing with illness and.the chronic, deep sleep deprivation that I am experiencing. Anyway, if anyone has ideas or wants to coach me through this, please PM me.

What do you feed him just before bed?

When ds19 was old enough, we gave him a large serving of oatmeal to help him sleep through the night.  (Which didn't help much because dd17 was a night owl who stayed awake until 2 a.m.  (Like mother like daughter, I suppose.)

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Good morning!

The kids have been instructed to mow the lawn ("Weed Patches") before it gets too hot.  When we had to replace our lawnmower last year we splurged on a cordless electric one and it's really awesome.  I need to run to the store to pick up a couple things and continue planning things for the start of school.  We will probably start in earnest August 10th.  Dd13 and dh are going white water rafting with the Scouts tomorrow and have to get ready for that.

I would like to have some Words with the iDiot who designed this iPad keyboard.


Edited by Susan in TN
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12 hours ago, mms said:

He just turned one!

I don’t mind rocking him to sleep, it’s the wakings every 2.5 hours that are getting to me!

A squillion hugs to you. DS did this thing where he was waking every 45 minutes at age 1. We tried all the things. He outgrew it when he outgrew it. Please do not let anybody tell you you're doing it wrong.


Kitty is curled up on the couch for school, purring softly but with one ear listening for trouble. She got a haircut the other day, so the ears stick out much more than usual.

I feel yucky on my new meds and wish that Try This and See If It Helps were not the fashionable way of practicing medicine.

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27 minutes ago, whitehawk said:


I feel yucky on my new meds and wish that Try This and See If It Helps were not the fashionable way of practicing medicine.

Dh is going through this with his new BP med.  Almost immediately he felt like he was having an allergic reaction and when he went back, they dealt with it by giving him a higher dose. 🙄 So now he feels even worse. 

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Ah, the PDR.  I used to love that book. 

Morning.  Dh is home and took today off work to help me unload all the bookcases so we can tear up the rugs.  I'm a little scared to see what the concrete slab underneath looks like.  It's not going to be pretty.  

It's one of those yucky, cloudy, feels like it's going to rain any minute but never quite does, days..  Those days make me feel itchy.

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Ds was an awful sleeper.  We eventually just had to accept that that was the way he was.  That the sleep charts are average and he happened to be an outlier on the lower end.  We co-slept pretty quickly despite dh saying "no kid of mine...." about co-sleeping.  Changed his tune pretty fast once he was up walking with him.   It was basically the same for him until he hit puberty and started the teenager sleep patterns.   Life was good once he was old enough to be doing something quietly in his room instead of keeping us awake with him. 

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I still remember the first time I woke up in the morning and realized that my children had actually slept through the night. I think they were around 18 months. Hard to say. I was pretty much existing at that point, and doing well to eat and get a shower. I try not to think about it. LOL. They told me that you forget that stuff--like hard nights, no sleep, colic screaming, etc. Nope. Never forgot it.

It's a writing day here, with clouds. Probably no rain. But as hot as it is, all the cloud cover is helpful. Keeps the garden from wilting. The Great Pumpkin is now so big the boy can't get his arms around it.

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41 minutes ago, Spudater said:

Cus you just never know what’s going to work for someone else, right?  And there have been times I’ve posted in the sea and got back replies more or less like, “this is the way, you just need self-discipline.”  And then not only do you still have your problem you feel dumb and lazy to boot. 😞. So I really don’t want to sound like I think that. 

In my experience raising my kids, and especially with our oldest DS, people who are most dogmatic about child-rearing or homeschooling are the ones who are the most full of carp. They are the ones with compliant children and think it’s a result of their most excellent parenting skills.

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:I though about looking for the comet yesterday, but there’s too many trees.

We had to wander the neighborhood a bit to find open space and then wait for the baseball field lights to go off at 9, but we finally saw it!  Ds25 could see it with his bare eyes, and I *might* have seen it (harder with old eyes, I suppose), but mostly we looked through the Celestron binoculars that Slache recommended.    
Have a safe drive back home! 


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The lawnWeedPatch is mowed (I did a bit of touchup until the mower battery went dead) snd then we did some cleanup work in the Pit of Despair (garage) and then I went to the grocery store, which has thankfully removed all the directional signs on the isles.  I bought myself a Lily chocolate bar. 

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Random person: Your kids are so amazing! You must be very proud. Clearly, you did something right. What was it?

Me: Uh, I was lucky?


ETA: Because I absolutely was. I didn't do much.


Edited by Critterfixer
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Re: Wild  by Cheryl Strayed - I resemble this:
At which point, at long last, there was the actual doing it, quickly followed by the grim realization of what it meant to do it, followed by the decision to quit doing it because doing it was absurd and pointless and ridiculously difficult and far more than I expected doing it would be and I was profoundly unprepared to do it. And then there was the real live truly doing it.

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Re: Wild  by Cheryl Strayed - I resemble this:
At which point, at long last, there was the actual doing it, quickly followed by the grim realization of what it meant to do it, followed by the decision to quit doing it because doing it was absurd and pointless and ridiculously difficult and far more than I expected doing it would be and I was profoundly unprepared to do it. And then there was the real live truly doing it.

Housekeeping. I feel this at a deep level. 

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We are home. The car ride was boring, though my kids are good travelers. I do not want to be home in the hot hot hot with piles of laundry to do. Lake Tahoe is so amazingly beautiful. We took a boat ride this morning before we left. It was a tour. Cost a lot of $ and we will likely not do it again, but it was interesting. We saw all the lake front property from the lake. Wow. Fancy schmancy doesn’t begin to describe.

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

What do you think of the name Chester for my new puppy?  His middle name would be Keith, in support of dd17's passion for the name (which I think comes from a character in one of the stories she is writing).

Ding ding ding ding..... I think we have a winner,

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5 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Re: Wild  by Cheryl Strayed - I resemble this:
At which point, at long last, there was the actual doing it, quickly followed by the grim realization of what it meant to do it, followed by the decision to quit doing it because doing it was absurd and pointless and ridiculously difficult and far more than I expected doing it would be and I was profoundly unprepared to do it. And then there was the real live truly doing it.

It is such a good book. There’s something in that gal that makes you think, if she can do it, then so can I. Plus, she is such a good writer.

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Good morning!

My fitbit alarm has been waking me up at 4am every Saturday for a few weeks because I keep forgetting to delete an alarm I needed a few weeks ago for some reason.  It's now been deleted.  Dh and dd13 are going whitewater rafting with the scouts this weekend and need to leave in an hour.  I would have signed up to go with dd13, but I thought I would have to pick up puppy today, so did not plan to go.  Puppy's guardian has the plague, so we have to wait a few more days.
I have no real plans for the weekend, though I need to get some (school) organizing done and maybe work on decluttering a space or two.

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All children now have their very own bath towels - 2 each of bath and hand towels in their designated colors (my kids have assigned colors, oldest is red, next is orange and on down through the 6 rainbow colors. Originally it was to assign them their own plastic water cups when they were younger).  We shall see if they can learn to manage their own towels.  I have my doubts, lol!

There is a lovely sunrise at the Grand Canyon this morning.

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57 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

All children now have their very own bath towels - 2 each of bath and hand towels in their designated colors (my kids have assigned colors, oldest is red, next is orange and on down through the 6 rainbow colors. Originally it was to assign them their own plastic water cups when they were younger).  We shall see if they can learn to manage their own towels.  I have my doubts, lol!

There is a lovely sunrise at the Grand Canyon this morning.

We have color-coded water cups, except we let the kids choose their favorite color.  (Our cups are from Ikea, so the first color is actually pink.  Giving ds19 -- the only boy -- the pink cup would have made zero sense.)

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1 hour ago, mms said:

Morning! Another decent night! No idea what happened, but I’ll take it.

Need to do some cleaning and laundry today.

Sweet baby heard that the ENB was going to make a surprise visit to 'splain his sleeping hours to him and he straightened right up!  🤣

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2 hours ago, mms said:

Morning! Another decent night! No idea what happened, but I’ll take it.

Need to do some cleaning and laundry today.


1 hour ago, Another Lynn said:

Sweet baby heard that the ENB was going to make a surprise visit to 'splain his sleeping hours to him and he straightened right up!  🤣

I was going to say, mms has been hanging around the ITT more. There are benefits.

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

All children now have their very own bath towels - 2 each of bath and hand towels in their designated colors (my kids have assigned colors, oldest is red, next is orange and on down through the 6 rainbow colors. Originally it was to assign them their own plastic water cups when they were younger).  We shall see if they can learn to manage their own towels.  I have my doubts, lol!

There is a lovely sunrise at the Grand Canyon this morning.

We used to color code towels and cups, too.

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34 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!!




Lots of laundry to do today. Housework. Got a retirement party to go to.

Twinsies.  I have umpteen million loads of laundry.  And a bridal shower to go to.  There will be lots of people I would enjoy visiting with, if it just weren't all at one time.  

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Good morning! I cut DS and DH's hair. It is so humid and icky. I guess that's why somebody was using a gas leafblower and other tools out there at like 7:30. :/

I need fairies, ITT housekeeping staff and/or the ENB to get me cleaning in here today. #doallthethings

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Hello, I have my computer back from repair so I'm checking it out.  So far, so good I had a bunch of tabs open and it was fast.  Of course, that happened last time and then poof.   They said the replaced the HDD and SSD.  Both are hard drives and I didn't think I had both so that's kind of weird.    They were supposed to get a signature on delivery so I was staying home to wait for it, then they left it out at our gate with no signature.  

We're still working on clearing out the living room for the new flooring.  Most of the stuff is out, except for my "desk" (a table with plastic drawers) stuff, and just furniture remains.


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1 hour ago, whitehawk said:

Good morning! I cut DS and DH's hair. It is so humid and icky. I guess that's why somebody was using a gas leafblower and other tools out there at like 7:30. :/

I need fairies, ITT housekeeping staff and/or the ENB to get me cleaning in here today. #doallthethings

Send in the Clones

By AMJ 10/2017

Isn't it time?

Why aren't they here

to do our laundry and run

all our errands with cheer?

Send in the clones.

There ought to be clones!


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I did a bit of tidying in the Pantry. (EdPo: Avert yer eyeballs!) Now I'm trying to decided if I should have ds15 read something by Steinbeck this year.  Probably something short as ds is a fairly slow reader.  Maybe The Red Pony, which also has a movie version with a film score by Aaron Copland.  

Also returned books to the library.  I think I need a snack!

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I heard from dh - everyone survived whitewater rafting, though dh was flipped out of the boat at one point.  Dd13 said she had an Awesome time, though she suspects I might have pursed my lips and scowled a bit. 

I made myself some sugar free freezer-baggie ice cream.  😄

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