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Morning. One heck of a windstorm last night. No rain. Corn survived. Most of it is over twelve feet tall now. I don't know why--it's the tallest corn I've ever seen. Busy day of writing and revision planned today and some cooking. Other than that, mostly just trying to pour the water to the garden. It's heading up into plant killing territory next week.

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1 minute ago, Critterfixer said:

Morning. One heck of a windstorm last night. No rain. Corn survived. Most of it is over twelve feet tall now. I don't know why--it's the tallest corn I've ever seen. Busy day of writing and revision planned today and some cooking. Other than that, mostly just trying to pour the water to the garden. It's heading up into plant killing territory next week.

I am baffled that you didn’t get any of this rain!  It’s been pouring buckets here for hours!

The sheer height of that corn may be a squirrel deterrent!  They’ll never find it!


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16 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I am baffled that you didn’t get any of this rain!  It’s been pouring buckets here for hours!

The sheer height of that corn may be a squirrel deterrent!  They’ll never find it!


Not a drop. Just a ton of wind as it passed us by. This is extremely common at this time of year for us. We aren't far from Oklahoma after all, and rain in the summer is entirely dependent on whether or not a thunderstorm happens over the top of us. 

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1 hour ago, Spudater said:

Man, I’m so tired I can barely remember things people said to me two minutes ago. 

And the kids are already talking about having another baby!  😱😱😱

So are mine. Alex picked the name for our next girl (Mae) and asked when we can have her.

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13 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

I don't think I could manage a family the size that many of the women on this board have. I'm just not equipped or wasn't properly trained or something. I wish I were. Pretty sure I'd lose my mind.

My body just cannot.

8 minutes ago, ikslo said:

You’ve said that before.

I'm getting my tubes tied during my cesarean.

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6 minutes ago, Spudater said:

I mean, I get where they’re coming from. If someone could give me a cure for morning sickness so I didn’t have to be homebound for months again, and $$$ for a bigger house to put them in, I’d be happy to have a couple more. But I’m just stretched to the limit in every way right now. I think the next babies in this family will be grandbabies. 

This is my 4th pregnancy/baby and we want to adopt a few, but sooooooooooo many things have gone wrong every pregnancy, this more than most. I've been hospitalized more than once per pregnancy and this one has seen a major uptake in seizures, pulmonary edema, extremely low O2 levels, and major blood pressure issues that can't be explained. I think if I was a dog my owner would have put me down by now.

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11 minutes ago, Spudater said:

I mean, I get where they’re coming from. If someone could give me a cure for morning sickness so I didn’t have to be homebound for months again, and $$$ for a bigger house to put them in, I’d be happy to have a couple more. But I’m just stretched to the limit in every way right now. I think the next babies in this family will be grandbabies. 

You're on number 5?

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Good Afternoon!

Happy Sunday!

I didn't sleep well (surprise!) and I woke up just in time to zoom to the iglesia.  Then in was English church.  Then lunch.  Then zooming back to Spanish church for an afternoon service.

And in the midst of all of that, dh and I had to rescue a bunch of food out of our refrigerator that decided to stop working.  At least we have a chest freezer so that we were able to save all of the meat.  And we let the kids eat ice cream sandwiches as a lunch appetizer because the ice cream was melty.

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2 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

I don't think I could manage a family the size that many of the women on this board have. I'm just not equipped or wasn't properly trained or something. I wish I were. Pretty sure I'd lose my mind.

Fortunately, mine came one at a time, so it was more manageable.

2 hours ago, Slache said:

My body just cannot.

I'm getting my tubes tied during my cesarean.

I understand.  We are so very thankful for the four ITT babies you've provided us with.  ❤️

2 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

That is my new puppy's middle name. It is a good name. 🙂

I am supposed to be cleaning. My SIL is coming in from one of the Yankee states tomorrow and staying with us for a week so she can visit my MIL. Well, she might stay with MIL some, but MIL has a tiny apartment in a snooty building and it's not like there is stuff to be able to go do, so she'll stay here and visit MIL while dh is at work and then he'll bring SIL back. She's widowed with no kids or pets, so staying with us for 7 days will probably have her ready to not visit again for a few years. 

I'm making headway on laundry, but I very much do not feel like cleaning. Blah. 

What kind of puppy do you have?

I am working on a name for our puppy.  There are two pages taped to the wall with suggestions from the family, but since this is *really* MY dog, I get to name him.

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1 hour ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

She’s a lab. She’s hopefully going to be dh’s duck hunting buddy. We’ll see if she’ll hunt. 🙂 The naming saga was so much with the kids that I wish we had just pre-named her and told them The breeder did it and it couldn’t be changed. Pretty sure that’s going to be the plan with the Dobie puppy we’re waiting to be bred. 

Puppy’s name is Sadie Mae. I tested it out and it works really well when I’m  lecturing her. 🙂 All my pets get middle names because how else are you supposed to let them know you’re really very serious about a matter? 😂

Our cats are Lilian Joy and Misty Lou.

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No one in the family likes the name Gussie Fink-Nottle, so I continue my search.   

I think nicknames are also a good idea.  My dad called our dog Fog-nozzle.  Her real name was Penny Phenelope.  I don't know why I insisted on the  "f" sound at the beginning of Penelope.  I was a weird child.

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Hands on hips.  Dog cowers, so I think he knows what it means. 😬 But he does have to be looking at me, so I guess he could just not turn to look if he wants to ignore me. 🤣 He didn’t come with a middle name, though.  Now I feel like he’s missing out. 

ETA: I’ve never done anything to hurt my dog.  Cowering is more of shrinking back slightly while hanging his head with tail between legs and then later coming over for kisses to make sure we’re still good.  Rescue adult dog, though, so who knows what happened before.

Edited by ikslo
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13 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I don't think it would be a good thing for dh and dog to have the same name.  Though I could then mumble curses at dh under my breath and if anyone heard me, I could claim it was directed at the dog. 😂

You would need to refer to him as Mr. President when he's not being yelled at.

8 minutes ago, ikslo said:

I’ve never done anything to hurt my dog. 

Dude, dogs are pathetic. Some dogs you just shake a finger at and they cower, roll over, cry and pee on themselves. I always think it's funny when people say "I don't need an alarm/protection because I have a dog." These people have no idea how dogs work.

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2 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Exactly. It doesn't know when you're really REALLY serious.

Sometimes I go for alliterative names. My dobie that passed a couple of months ago was Daisy Delilah.

Our oldest dog is Molly Anne Mayhem (she got two middle names because Mayhem- we need extra seriousness for her as she is super smart and sneaky.)  Sadie Mae is a little more similar to Molly Anne Mayhem than I normally like, but I'm sort of running out of names at this point. 

But, if the animal has a title, you can apply for a middle name exemption. For instance, we have a cat that's a wizard- Gandalf the Grey. He doesn't have a middle name. But- wizard=exemption. 

Molly Anne Mayhem is an awesome name.

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1 hour ago, Slache said:

You would need to refer to him as Mr. President when he's not being yelled at.

Dude, dogs are pathetic. Some dogs you just shake a finger at and they cower, roll over, cry and pee on themselves. I always think it's funny when people say "I don't need an alarm/protection because I have a dog." These people have no idea how dogs work.

Oh, he’s like that with us, for sure!  But the minute there’s someone even near our house - watch out.  Well let’s just say I don’t invite people over, our pest control service makes sure he’s not outside, and the vet requests we drug him before bringing him in.  He is programmed to defend his people.  

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1 minute ago, ikslo said:

Oh, he’s like that with us, for sure!  But the minute there’s someone even near our house - watch out.  Well let’s just say I don’t invite people over, our pest control service makes sure he’s not outside, and the vet requests we drug him before bringing him in.  He is programmed to defend his people.  

Good boi!

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Just now, Slache said:

Good boi!

He is.  

But you are right in that I have seen friends’ guard dogs roll over for belly rubs with little coaxing or sit for the same commands that every other dog uses to train dogs to sit and then the owners be confused why their dog isn’t “protecting” them.  Because he was trained to sit?  Because he likes belly rubs?  🤣

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4 minutes ago, Junie said:

I have never had a dog, thus I have never had the privilege of naming one.


#yesevenmychildren 😉

Come to think of it, all my pets came with names. Even my human child was pretty much named by DH since he effectively nixed my choices.  

Imma work on DS to legally change his name to Oxenbridge when he turns 18.  Or name a cat that when I become an old crazy cat lady later in life.  

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My dog right now is running to look at the door, then whining and running away.  I looked outside but didn't see anything and usually he barks at everything even bears.   Maybe there's fireworks going off and I can't quite hear them.   Not sure and trying to decide if I should be worried.  Dh is still at his moms house.  And the phone just rang scaring the c**** out of me.  🙄

Tomorrow is going to be a slight routine.  Dd goes back to work so instead of meeting to work out at 10am, we're meeting at 7:30am.  

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Toto is starring in her own horror film! 😩

Everyone is now home from their weekend galavanting. Everyone is thoroughly tuckered out. Tomorrow is Monday.  I have three things to call or email for scheduling, Some of which I doubt will actually occur (kids activities) but nevertheless, thus, and so, I will schedule and hope for the best.

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Too much to do today. I guess I'd better get started. Watering the garden has to come first for the foreseeable future. Summer is rolling in this week, all hot and sweaty and determined to stay. More caffeine is needed to deal with him. 

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13 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Toto is starring in her own horror film! 😩

Everyone is now home from their weekend galavanting. Everyone is thoroughly tuckered out. Tomorrow is Monday.  I have three things to call or email for scheduling, Some of which I doubt will actually occur (kids activities) but nevertheless, thus, and so, I will schedule and hope for the best.

It looks like the dog was whining because a thunderstorm was coming.   It didn't last long.

Dd bailed on workout this morning so I went back to bed and slept until after 9am.   I'm trying to decide what to do with my day.   I could take a trip to the storage unit with more stuff but it's hot and sticky today and my allergies have been really bad the past few days.   Or I could stay in the house with the air conditioning (which even with the AC I'm feeling hot and sticky) and work on some paperwork. 

Guess which option I'm leaning towards?

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6 minutes ago, Spudater said:

Only got 4.5 hours of sleeplastnight, but on the bright side my water heater broke so Ihad a nice cold shower to wake me up. 😒

grumpy grump grump

Ack!  For a moment, I thought it said your water broke and I thought, wait, no, you already had the baby, it can't break again! 🤣

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Got the coffee!  Whew!  I practiced mandolin and memorized Angeline The Baker, and made 3 appointments, and sent an email Requesting audition times, and for some reason I am feeling all anxious and Flustered.   And people keep asking me what's for lunch and I have no idea.  Lunch?  Dinner?    We have fresh cherries.  Oh, and pizza that I didn't bake yesterday.  How about pancakes and fruit for lunch and pizza for dinner.

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15 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Got the coffee!  Whew!  I practiced mandolin and memorized Angeline The Baker, and made 3 appointments, and sent an email Requesting audition times, and for some reason I am feeling all anxious and Flustered.   And people keep asking me what's for lunch and I have no idea.  Lunch?  Dinner?    We have fresh cherries.  Oh, and pizza that I didn't bake yesterday.  How about pancakes and fruit for lunch and pizza for dinner.

I have to cook supper tomorrow night and I don't know what to have - maybe i'll make pancakes!!!

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12 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Sunday School is done. We haven’t been having very good attendance.

Our church has added a third morning service to allow for seating people far apart and the third service is now also designated for mask wearing.  Only 9 people came to that service, which equaled the number of staff/service support people who were there.  There *were* people in attendance who otherwise have not been able to come, so I'm glad that service was arranged for them.  I think a lot of people are still watching livestream church.  I don't know if there are plans to add Sunday School any time soon.

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