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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I have banished the goat and am getting ready to take dd13 to her first day of horse camp.  She learned about it last week from a friend in Scouts who works at the camp, and so this is an early birthday present for her - she paid for half of it out of her dog-walking money.  After I drop her off I'll head to Gordon Food Service and maybe another store or two depending on what I need after that.  And the bank.  Mandolin lesson this afternoon.


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Morning.  Happy Monday.   Usual workout with dd today, then some straightening up around the science center because I have my first intervew today.   This actually isn't the first time I interviewed someone for a job because I used to do initial screenings at my old job, but it is the first time I'm the final decision maker and authority.  

I'm tired these days.   Didn't eat great over the weekend, then fireworks are going off at all hours of the night and get the dog upset so he starts whining and pacing.  Hopefully it stops soon. 

Dh is going down to his mom's on Wednesday.  She has an appointment to see what they are going to do about her heart valve.  

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It's so Monday here. Sink full of dirty dishes (having everyone around for four full days at home means lots of dishes), laundry piled up (see previous) and lots of grumpy people (probably related to previous). I'm about ready to lock my door and pretend I can't hear if I'm asked to respond.

Other than that, it's a good day.

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7 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:

I don't think we have caramel creamer, but we do have caramel syrup (ice cream topper), and sugar and whipped cream.  

Not caramel creamer.  It's whatever syrup they have at the coffee bar at church.  Ice cream syrup would probably work!

My pastor says that the way I do coffee isn't coffee.  He says it's dessert.  And I'm ok with that. :)

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10 minutes ago, Junie said:

Not caramel creamer.  It's whatever syrup they have at the coffee bar at church.  Ice cream syrup would probably work!

My pastor says that the way I do coffee isn't coffee.  He says it's dessert.  And I'm ok with that. 🙂

Everyone should hydrate in whatever way seems best to her!  😜

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1 hour ago, Another Lynn said:

5 hours!  Surely you guys are not out in this heat!  🔥🔥🔥

Heavens no.what kind of a person do you think I am???🤣

I don’t know what I was doing. 


It’s coming back to me.....

Dentist. I again made it into my hygienist’s “Excellent Club”. 

Afsa. It wasn’t as awful as I was expecting. I got office supplies. I love office supplies. Good pens, some mechanical pencils and brightly colored post-it notes.  It’s the little things that really make a difference.

And since I got done with all that so late I picked up Taco Bell for lunch.

And I’ve been getting stuff done for work, and doing laundry.

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30 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Sorry. I'm at a loss these days for what to say without sounding incredibly whiney. I'm feeling very unsuccessful at motherhood.  Youngest is a fit thrower unrivaled by anyone I've ever seen. What's worse is it's only toward me and rarely when others are around to witness it. If I didn't have recorded proof of his screaming tantrums, no one would believe me, I'm sure. The idea of homeschooling and a newborn added has me feeling kinda scared and overwhelmed.

My youngest can be a whiny-butt, too. .You’re doing fine.

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It's been a busy day.  Dd13 had an amazing time at horse camp.  She got started learning to brush and clean dirt out of hooves and rode 6 different horses and played in a creek for a while capturing crawdads.  I don't think they could have planned a more perfect day for her, and she gets a whole week of it!

 I went to Gordon Food Service, which is really my happy place, and they had Paul Simon's "You Can Call Me Al" playing which is impossible not to sing along with and now I've been inspired to learn it on ukulele and add it to the Ukulele Sing-Along Songbook.  

My mandolin lesson went well, except my teacher is making me say chord names while I play the melody and that's a lot for my brain to focus on.  Humph.  Meanie! 😁  

I have chopped 14 onions and grated 4 carrots and juiced 6 lemons and sliced 24oz mushrooms and I think I'm ready for round 1 of soup.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Morning.  For some screwy reason I got up at 6:45am today.  I tried to go back to sleep but it didn't work.

Had the first interview for the teacher position I'm hiring for yesterday.  I really really liked her and feel like she's definitely someone I could work with.  Which is super important because it will basically be just the two of us.   I have two more interviews so I'm not making a decision until this weekend.  One interview I'm pretty sure is not going to work out based on public social media but I feel like I need to at least give it a chance. 

After taking my dad to the doctor a week or so ago, just as predicted he called last night needing a ride to another appointment.  Either this Wednesday or next Wednesday, message wasn't clear.  I called back that it would depend on time but I have an interview this Wednesday and I teach algebra next Wednesday, and since it's at least an 90 minute round trip just to pick him up and this appointment is over an hour from his house, past my house, timing is unlikely to work.  I'm still torn on whether I even want to help.  Him and I are not close, I have no idea about his medical history or anything (although I will make sure I get that information IF I decide to drive), and I'm kind of pissed that I'm just hearing from him now because he needs my help.  I call fairly frequently, leave a message, and never hear back.  

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Morning. It's hot here, but not as hot as it could be and will be by the weekend. We have a slight chance of rain today. We had a better chance yesterday and got nothing, not even clouds.  Who knows?

Same here with extracurricular things like art. We can paint and sketch at home, but I miss my art teacher and friends. Still, rather them be safe and us too. Same thing with the writing group. I need to take some books back to the library this week if I can and then I probably won't go again for the rest of the year. 

Writing today, trying to water before the sun gets to be too much, and then it's all about trying to stay cool and get things done here at the house.

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Good morning!

I exercised, had breakfast, brought dd13 to horse camp, got gas in the van, and watered the black-eyed susans and pumpkins.  Now I need coffee!

Starting on soup today.  I think I'll try to get the tomato bisque and lemon tarragon chicken soup done today.  Also need to put away the canning supplies.



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good Morning!!!!


I overslept this morning, too, Junie. But it doesn’t matter because everyone is still sleeping.

Nothing really going on today. I’m going to try to get some work done on my final project for my class today. It’s due next Friday, but we are going to be on vacation. Next week and I don’t{ want to work on it then. Although if this lock down continues, we may have nothing to do on our vacation.

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23 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

I exercised, had breakfast, brought dd13 to horse camp, got gas in the van, and watered the black-eyed susans and pumpkins.  Now I need coffee!

Starting on soup today.  I think I'll try to get the tomato bisque and lemon tarragon chicken soup done today.  Also need to put away the canning supplies.




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Just now, Servant4Christ said:


I'm debating on buying history through the ages timeline figure CDs to use with our Notgrass AtB this year instead the timeline book that Notgrass makes. I noticed the Notgrass one is vertical (not horizontal) and I was originally planning on us making a horizontal timeline along our dining room wall. Now I'm wondering if we should use Amy Pak's keepsake book instead and add to it each year no matter what time period were studying. Thoughts?

I am not thrilled with Notgrass’ timeline book.  Personally, I love Beautiful Feet’s timelines, but I don’t know if they have one that will work for you.

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3 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

I need an army of Amish women to help me clean/reorganize my house. The cleaning is just because I can't physically do it for long because of time, energy, kids, pregnancy related shortness of breath, random contractions, ect. The reorganization part is due to my lack of practicality in where I put things. I know where everything is, but no one else does. I always assumed this would be instinctual upon marriage, but it really is a learned skill that I was never taught growing up.

Unless you live near an Amish community, it will take them six months to get there.  It might be better to invite some Mennonite ladies.  They have cars.  (Plus, the Mennonites would be more familiar with a vacuum and washing machine, etc.)



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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:

I bought/downloaded the mapbook which was only like $5 and then realized the vertical layout and said, "that's not what I had in mind at all." I like that Amy Pak's can be printed with or without text and in wall or notebook size. Very customizable. And digital so very little storage space required. I could see is using this for YEARS, too, which is a big plus in my book.

I would probably go with this over a wall timeline, unless I had a huge wall that could be used over the course of a few years *relatively undisturbed*, which in my house (and I'm guessing yours) would not be very feasible.

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I revised, then went out and watered my tomatoes and peppers and the volunteer scallop squash in my herb garden. It was a seed that didn't sprout in the pot, but decided it could sprout in the garden. Well, then. It's covered in tiny pattypans, and I'll have to figure out how to cook those little devils.

Other than that, not doing much except for watering and eyeing all the potential pumpkins that may go big this year. We've got one doing amazing, one that's topped out, I think, and a couple raw recruits still hiding under the pumpkin leaves, but not for long. They'll need their blankies and platforms soon. 

ETA: It's The Great Pumpkin Booyah!

Edited by Critterfixer
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The creamy lemon tarragon chicken soup is in the freezer.  I think it's the most delicious soup ever created.  (A good New England lobster bisque and my mom's wild rice soup would come in a close 2nd and 3rd.)  I had it for lunch once at a bookstore cafe in The Big City probably 20 years ago and happened to come across the recipe in a cookbook a while after.  It has probably changed slightly from the original since I lost the actual cookbook and now I triple the recipe for freezing.

Poor dh is having a time of it the past couple days.  Someone at his work was fired and people are really walking on eggshells and to add to the stress he just changed his blood pressure medication and he's feeling a little wonky from that.  

There's a tune thing I want to learn on the mandolin but I forget about it until after I've already practiced and my fingers hurt too much to pick it back up.  I suppose I could just listen to it.

I want to get a U-bass (bass ukulele).  They are kinda expensive.  There is no law limiting the number of ukuleles one is allowed to own.

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I’m here. Had an Awana committee meeting tonight. I keep singing, “It’s the end of the world as we know it.....” it was a good meeting, though. We Aren’t  doing Awana because we can’t have kids indoors. So, we’re going to do 8 weeks of something and then take a break until after Christmas. I don’t know. But it’s better than trying to figure out how to do Awana with the parameters we have been given.

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One of my hens has gone broody; she was sitting on the wooden eggs I keep in the nesting box to encourage the hens to lay there rather than in random places all over the yard. I found someone who has a rooster and got four fertile eggs to put under her instead; I hope at least some of them hatch!

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Morning.  Slept in until the alarm this morning.   I'm waking up more tired these days.  I think it's the weather, it's been hot, humid, cloudy with little rain relief so that heavy dull feeling.   It always makes my allergies worse.   

Work out with dd today, then I have another interview for my teacher position.  We'll see how I feel about this one compared to Monday.  

Dh is leaving for his mom's after dinner.  She has an appointment tomorrow that he wants to go with her.  He'll stay at least through the weekend.  Dd is coming over tomorrow for us to watch Hamilton and have dinner together.  

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