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Wife's new work schedule kicks in 5 weeks from today, and for now that means enfeebled MIL looking after little one for 4 hours twice a week, and an extra 3 hours added to my commute on those days. Ugh. This is not a long term solution.


Daytime babysitters... double ugh. I'm not the trusting type especially not after the nonsense that caused us to pull her out of public school.


It's looking more and more like the only solution, whether we like it or not, is to become a one income family. That... is not very realistic. Another ugh for that one.


Hoping a better temporary fix presents itself soon!


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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


I don't suppose you work in A&R?


I work in an administrative office for a large hospital system. The staff do credentials checking on physicians all day. It's very piece work and hours-related.


I do data maintenance, upgrades, and various data import and export ad hoc requests. Data analysis type stuff which is very much a creative, if somewhat boring skillset, especially creative because of the poor data governance that's been practiced in our member hospitals for years, which means the data is a wreck. Disorganized, stuff entered in the wrong format in the wrong fields, etc. I have to do a lot of tap dancing to make anything look professional or acceptable for another downstream system to consume without major issues. Not so much hours related as "I need some time to think about how to untangle this mess" related.

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Lynn - Thanks.


Professormom - I'm blonde too. It's OK.


Mark - My husband drives for Uber, Lyft, and will soon be doing Amazon's one hour deliveries. He averages $20 an hour. They have good sign on bonuses so if you're interested google for a code before you sign up.


OK, about me...


Back - I did the ibuprofen thing, did the one hour of yoga thing, now I'm doing the wine thing. At least I waited until noon. I guess I'm one of *those* moms now.


Candy Corn - I finished the bag in under 24 hours so I'm no longer recommending them. :leaving:


John - Halfway finished with Miquon Orange. He understands addition and subtraction beyond base 10, very small fractions, and multiplication and division of very small numbers. I will admit that he is academically minded, but there is no possible way he would be able to grasp such complex concepts without C-Rods. Those things are amazing. He also has a tooth coming in behind his bottom tooth. Should I be concerned? I'm concerned.


Mary - Still pretty much good for nothing, but  :001_wub:.


I'm now thinking:

PK: SL4/5 (now)

K: AOY0 with Nature Study once a week

1st: CHOW or Usborne with a timeline and BSFU


That would get us through until I was ready to start MFW without being demanding. We would also be able to not finish any of it without guilt. Curriculum planning during yoga. It's a thing.

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When you said ibuprofen and wine my stomach involuntarily contracted. Eesh. :)


We have candy pumpkins in our glass acorn dish on the kitchen table. I'm studiously ignoring them. I need to lose.. oh.. about 80 pounds. :P


I just ordered a bunch of various math and reading workbooks (Sylvan, Brain Quest, and something I found on the Cathy Duffy page I think) and some Cuisenaire rods for visualization, which look great. Feeling guardedly optimistic.


Fantasizing about quitting the day job and just taking her on nature hikes all Fall every day. God that would be sweet.

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Oh ok... Slache is forgiven:-)


And don't worry, I am one of those moms too. A friend and I were with a group at an apple farm a few years ago. Lots of little kids... Not my forte. So we went in the shop which had a restaurant and drank, ahem, cider. I think the other moms were a little horrified. But we were very, very relaxed.


Open, so sorry to hear that you are feeling crummy again. The germs flying around right now are no kind of fun:-(


Ducky, missed you too:-) Symphony was nice this morning... Nice people there too. Now I am sitting at piano, after getting a Good Harvest run in. When we are done here, I can finally head home and just be home. I might spend tonight knitting. That sounds really lame, I know. But, everyone usually leaves me alone when I am knitting:-)

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He also has a tooth coming in behind his bottom tooth. Should I be concerned? I'm concerned.



I'm now thinking:

PK: SL4/5 (now)

K: AOY0 with Nature Study once a week

1st: CHOW or Usborne with a timeline and BSFU


That would get us through until I was ready to start MFW without being demanding. We would also be able to not finish any of it without guilt. Curriculum planning during yoga. It's a thing.

Is the tooth that is coming in behind a tooth that has not fallen out?   So a baby tooth did not come out, but the permanent one is coming in slightly behind it?  If so I would wiggle it (the baby) a lot and see if it budges.  I think that these things mostly resolve but if you have a pediatric dentist, it might be worth a call or visit.


Is CHOW this one?




IMO, SOTW is more friendly towards the younger elementary set.  CHOW is a bit of a slog at that age.  I know SL uses it at a young age, but that is part of what Profmom was referring to, I suspect, and I concur.  SOTW and CHOW would be better off swapped in their line up perhaps.  I found CHOW rambling and SOTW more to the point, written to lower elementary students and interesting.  I'm not familiar with the other acronyms.  Young kids quickly lose interest with flowery prose (CHOW) and sustain it better with the more succinct SOTW.  I don't think CHOW is a poor resource necessarily, just better for a older kid.  CHOW kind of whipped me.  I added in SOTW to that SL Core and it went better.


Miss those days.  My boys are big now.


Hello ITT friends.  I am keeping it together here. :hat:

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I work in an administrative office for a large hospital system. The staff do credentials checking on physicians all day. It's very piece work and hours-related.


I do data maintenance, upgrades, and various data import and export ad hoc requests. Data analysis type stuff which is very much a creative, if somewhat boring skillset, especially creative because of the poor data governance that's been practiced in our member hospitals for years, which means the data is a wreck. Disorganized, stuff entered in the wrong format in the wrong fields, etc. I have to do a lot of tap dancing to make anything look professional or acceptable for another downstream system to consume without major issues. Not so much hours related as "I need some time to think about how to untangle this mess" related.

Ah - makes sense.


Dh's company employs several Artist and Repertoire people and they have difficult jobs which entail coming in 2 hours late, visiting with others in the office followed by 2 hour lunches, followed by an office party, and then the laborious drive home an hour or two early. Also frequent concert attendance and trips with their families to Disney where they have to attend more concerts. It's rough.


Dh's job requires a great deal of actual thinking and problem solving - somewhat similar to yours.

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When you said ibuprofen and wine my stomach involuntarily contracted. Eesh. :)


We have candy pumpkins in our glass acorn dish on the kitchen table. I'm studiously ignoring them. I need to lose.. oh.. about 80 pounds. :p


I just ordered a bunch of various math and reading workbooks (Sylvan, Brain Quest, and something I found on the Cathy Duffy page I think) and some Cuisenaire rods for visualization, which look great. Feeling guardedly optimistic.


Fantasizing about quitting the day job and just taking her on nature hikes all Fall every day. God that would be sweet.



Is the tooth that is coming in behind a tooth that has not fallen out?   So a baby tooth did not come out, but the permanent one is coming in slightly behind it?  If so I would wiggle it (the baby) a lot and see if it budges.  I think that these things mostly resolve but if you have a pediatric dentist, it might be worth a call or visit.


Is CHOW this one?




IMO, SOTW is more friendly towards the younger elementary set.  CHOW is a bit of a slog at that age.  I know SL uses it at a young age, but that is part of what Profmom was referring to, I suspect, and I concur.  SOTW and CHOW would be better off swapped in their line up perhaps.  I found CHOW rambling and SOTW more to the point, written to lower elementary students and interesting.  I'm not familiar with the other acronyms.  Young kids quickly lose interest with flowery prose (CHOW) and sustain it better with the more succinct SOTW.  I don't think CHOW is a poor resource necessarily, just better for a older kid.  CHOW kind of whipped me.  I added in SOTW to that SL Core and it went better.


Miss those days.  My boys are big now.


Hello ITT friends.  I am keeping it together here. :hat:

Yes, that's it. I was leaning more towards Usborne than CHOW for that reason. The problem is that I want to use *all* of SOTW and *all* of MFW and in order to do that I either need to use SOTW in context of MFW or beforehand and if I do so beforehand then it's just so much. AO=Ambleside Online.

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I am ridiculously a fan of everything Usborne,  I think it is the massive, beautiful illustrations and limited text, so awesome for young kids.  I could sell Usborne, I love it so much.  


The "tweaked the heck out of" SL Core I'm using with little dd uses Usborne Excyclopedia of World History (Core G, only old from when my boys did it and a lot of books taken out and replaced with others so I can no longer even call it SL but it still uses the same spines) combined with SOTW.  That Core is a SL 6th grade offering, but it is perfect for the level of Little dd this year.  I added in Horrible Histories, a Gilgamesh retelling, and The Children's Homer by Colum, to name a few changes.  We are both enjoying it, and I am finding that each of the spines and the literature/independent reading reinforce each other uncannily, even though I could not have planned it quite that perfectly.





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I am ridiculously a fan of everything Usborne,  I think it is the massive, beautiful illustrations and limited text, so awesome for young kids.  I could sell Usborne, I love it so much. 

I totally agree. I think if someone gave me $10,000 I could spend it on the Usborne website (or a booth!  :drool5: ) in under an hour. Plus, I think John would enjoy making a timeline, so I think Usborne+timeline=awesome 1st grade.

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Well, that was a waste of $15. I bought a mini speaker to connect to my iPad for playing music for my class. It has great reviews and everyone commented on it's amazing big sound. Sadly, the music coming out of the speaker is actually quieter than what comes out of the built-in iPad speaker. What is the point of this thing?

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Well, that was a waste of $15. I bought a mini speaker to connect to my iPad for playing music for my class. It has great reviews and everyone commented on it's amazing big sound. Sadly, the music coming out of the speaker is actually quieter than what comes out of the built-in iPad speaker. What is the point of this thing?


You're either a victim of counterfeit reviews or hit-and-miss Chinese manufacturing. Lots of cheap low end products have highly variable quality. It's entirely possible that if you exchanged it the next one would be awesome. Or not. You takes your chances.

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You're either a victim of counterfeit reviews or hit-and-miss Chinese manufacturing. Lots of cheap low end products have highly variable quality. It's entirely possible that if you exchanged it the next one would be awesome. Or not. You takes your chances.

Could be. I also should have asked dh what kind of speaker I am looking for, since he knows about that stuff and I don't. The instruction booklet was definitely not written by a native English speaker: "when the light become to red, it is charging, become blue, the battery is full charge. A world-shaking effect will come out when you connect several units speaker." :D

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tooth - this happened several times with a couple of mine resulting in extractions of baby tooth/teeth which would not come out.  But, trying to wiggle it might be a cheaper option.


CHOW - Hmmmm, after reading Tex's comments, I can kind of see what she's saying.  But one reason I like CHOW more than SOTW for younger ones is that it hits the high points instead of going into so much detail.  I think that can make it more memorable. 

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Could be. I also should have asked dh what kind of speaker I am looking for, since he knows about that stuff and I don't. The instruction booklet was definitely not written by a native English speaker: "when the light become to red, it is charging, become blue, the battery is full charge. A world-shaking effect will come out when you connect several units speaker." :D

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


You did not have "world-shaking effect".


ETA:  I would gladly take on a job in which companies like this pay me to edit their instruction manuals into actual, recognizable English descriptions.



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:lol: :lol: :lol:


You did not have "world-shaking effect".


ETA: I would gladly take on a job in which companies like this pay me to edit their instruction manuals into actual, recognizable English descriptions.



"A world-shaking effect will come out..."

Maybe a remedy for constipation?

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tooth - this happened several times with a couple of mine resulting in extractions of baby tooth/teeth which would not come out.  But, trying to wiggle it might be a cheaper option. It's not wiggly. :(


CHOW - Hmmmm, after reading Tex's comments, I can kind of see what she's saying.  But one reason I like CHOW more than SOTW for younger ones is that it hits the high points instead of going into so much detail.  I think that can make it more memorable. 

My big concern was whether or not to begin SOTW nowish. I didn't want to get to 2nd grade and regret not doing it. I'm content at this point with not stressing about Usborne vs. CHOW. I think it will really depend on where he's at when we get there. I think I'll read CHOW myself now. Hmm... that sounds good. I'm already doing Ray's Practical Arithmetic, so why not.

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My big concern was whether or not to begin SOTW nowish. I didn't want to get to 2nd grade and regret not doing it. I'm content at this point with not stressing about Usborne vs. CHOW. I think it will really depend on where he's at when we get there. I think I'll read CHOW myself now. Hmm... that sounds good. I'm already doing Ray's Practical Arithmetic, so why not.

We use HO which uses Usbourne, SOTW, and CHOTW. And gives suggested readings, has maps. DS' favorite subject.

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tooth - this happened several times with a couple of mine resulting in extractions of baby tooth/teeth which would not come out. But, trying to wiggle it might be a cheaper option.


CHOW - Hmmmm, after reading Tex's comments, I can kind of see what she's saying. But one reason I like CHOW more than SOTW for younger ones is that it hits the high points instead of going into so much detail. I think that can make it more memorable.

Took ds13 to the ortho this summer and we found out he will have to have about 8 teeth extracted this winter if they don't come out. Ortho's advice was to get wiggling. He told ds he is "dentally delayed". Of course, my humor-loving guy responded that he was glad he wasn't "mentally delayed". (And no he didn't mean it as an insult to anyone with issues, he just thought the connection with the rhyme was funny:-) It was one of those perfectly timed retorts that had everyone in the office in stitches.


He had others grow in behind, but they always came out.


Eta: I am also encouraging him to wiggle... Extracting 8 teeth will be painful and costly. He is pretty motivated.

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My oldest still needs orthodonture. Some day. It's always been either too expensive or really bad timing. The fact that she has a blood clotting disorder doesn't help matters.


If it's any consolation, her jaw is still in pretty good shape and it's all cosmetic issues (and pretty minor ones overall) even after some truly horrendously stubborn teeth and both home and forceps-assisted extractions of baby teeth with the full adult tooth right next to them already.


Sad face: I tried to lacquer the painting I finished last night with a nice matte varnish so that it wouldn't be so hard to see in indirect lighting from all the gloss of the acrylics. Instead, the varnish dissolved some watercolor that I thought would be protected by a fixative spray but wasn't, and the dog ran all over the moon. :(


Happy face: I was actually able to use some thinner on a fine brush and clean up the mess, then restore the painting almost to original (almost because it's actually even a little better now.) I'm so freaking pleased with this. I just started painting like, last week...


Re: World shaking effects: if you really want a nice sound for a classroom and don't care if it's mono, try an Aker loudspeaker like street preachers use. I have one for my Chewbacca suit and it's LOUD. It comes with an over-the-ear boom mike but you can also plug in an aux 3.5mm cord.

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We use HO which uses Usbourne, SOTW, and CHOTW. And gives suggested readings, has maps. DS' favorite subject.

I have looked at it. SOTW seems simpler though. Is it complicated?


My dd was a shark.  All of her teeth came out behind the baby ones.  It took a long time but eventually the baby ones came out.  Without any dentist help.  

Nice imagery.


Took ds13 to the ortho this summer and we found out he will have to have about 8 teeth extracted this winter if they don't come out. Ortho's advice was to get wiggling. He told ds he is "dentally delayed". Of course, my humor-loving guy responded that he was glad he wasn't "mentally delayed". (And no he didn't mean it as an insult to anyone with issues, he just thought the connection with the rhyme was funny:-) It was one of those perfectly timed retorts that had everyone in the office in stitches.


He had others grow in behind, but they always came out.


Eta: I am also encouraging him to wiggle... Extracting 8 teeth will be painful and costly. He is pretty motivated.

We shall wiggle.

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I have looked at it. SOTW seems simpler though. Is it complicated?


Nice imagery.


We shall wiggle.

HO is really just an outline. You do the parts you want and leave the rest. I love it because as a working mom I can open and go with the three main books, and if I have time every few weeks I check out a bunch of the readings from the library and strew.

It's also fairly secular, except for some wording in CHOTW, which is how i lean for curriculum. But that might not be a selling point for you😱

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HO is really just an outline. You do the parts you want and leave the rest. I love it because as a working mom I can open and go with the three main books, and if I have time every few weeks I check out a bunch of the readings from the library and strew.

It's also fairly secular, except for some wording in CHOTW, which is how i lean for curriculum. But that might not be a selling point for you😱

Secular's ok. I think when it comes to a topic such as history we should be pulling from several different sources for better understanding.

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Suddenly we don't have enough money for rent, no grocery money, I can't figure out what happened, ready to murder the husband, don't know what to do...


Apparently he forgot to deposit my check. That was a heart attack for no reason.


I'm exhausted.

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Suddenly we don't have enough money for rent, no grocery money, I can't figure out what happened, ready to murder the husband, don't know what to do...


Apparently he forgot to deposit my check. That was a heart attack for no reason.


I'm exhausted.

My goodness, I almost had a heart attack too. I'm glad that got figured out.:)

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The first day she was "home from school", we went to the public library, where my oldest works part time, and took out a bunch of non-fiction books on topics she picked out herself. We got a couple on the human body, one on the deep ocean, one on bats... I forget what else.

She saw a little diagram of the lung demonstrator and is totally into it.

She's been asking for non-fiction books for her bedtime stories for the last week and a half. :)

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Lynn - Thanks.


Professormom - I'm blonde too. It's OK.


Mark - My husband drives for Uber, Lyft, and will soon be doing Amazon's one hour deliveries. He averages $20 an hour. They have good sign on bonuses so if you're interested google for a code before you sign up.


OK, about me...


Back - I did the ibuprofen thing, did the one hour of yoga thing, now I'm doing the wine thing. At least I waited until noon. I guess I'm one of *those* moms now.


Candy Corn - I finished the bag in under 24 hours so I'm no longer recommending them. :leaving:


John - Halfway finished with Miquon Orange. He understands addition and subtraction beyond base 10, very small fractions, and multiplication and division of very small numbers. I will admit that he is academically minded, but there is no possible way he would be able to grasp such complex concepts without C-Rods. Those things are amazing. He also has a tooth coming in behind his bottom tooth. Should I be concerned? I'm concerned.


Mary - Still pretty much good for nothing, but  :001_wub:.


I'm now thinking:

PK: SL4/5 (now)

K: AOY0 with Nature Study once a week

1st: CHOW or Usborne with a timeline and BSFU


That would get us through until I was ready to start MFW without being demanding. We would also be able to not finish any of it without guilt. Curriculum planning during yoga. It's a thing.


MFW K would probably go well with SL4/5. I have done both, but not at the same time.

Core A would (if you wanted) go well with MFW 1. Or, start SOTW with MFW 1. Both are ancient history, only MFW focuses on the Bible history, mostly. SOTW could be completed between 2-5, or 3-6, but I don't remember when you wanted it finished. Or just listen to the cds. (although we didn't like them... :leaving: )

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Fantasizing about quitting the day job and just taking her on nature hikes all Fall every day. God that would be sweet.


Yeah, me too. Having worked in and out of the home, and back outside, I much prefer being home and hanging out with my kids. I enjoy a schedule on my terms. I really like picking up and going when I want. I dislike punching a clock. But, it is what I do NOW, because I must. I am definitely looking for an out for next year, though.

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What is HO?

History Odyssey.


Oh, I'm back.

YAY! My bestie!


Me too. Remind me when you wanted to have SOTW finished?

I want to start Adventures in 2nd. Let me find my chart. Hang on.


 What was the quote? I'm curious.

"With enough wine and enough corners in your house, you can manage all the babies your little heart desires."


Little one just asked me if we can make a lung and diaphragm simulator tomorrow with a soda bottle and some balloons. :D :D :D

I was told that homeschooling is a lifestyle. It took me a while to truly learn what that means. Welcome. :)

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History Odyssey from Pandia Press

Dang it ikslo. Now I look stupid.


The first day she was "home from school", we went to the public library, where my oldest works part time, and took out a bunch of non-fiction books on topics she picked out herself. We got a couple on the human body, one on the deep ocean, one on bats... I forget what else.

She saw a little diagram of the lung demonstrator and is totally into it.

She's been asking for non-fiction books for her bedtime stories for the last week and a half. :)

I wish I could remember who said this, but a poster here goes/went to the library once a week and got one book on poetry, one book on science, one historical fiction, one historical non fiction, and one novel. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Was it Ellie?


MFW K would probably go well with SL4/5. I have done both, but not at the same time.

Core A would (if you wanted) go well with MFW 1. Or, start SOTW with MFW 1. Both are ancient history, only MFW focuses on the Bible history, mostly. SOTW could be completed between 2-5, or 3-6, but I don't remember when you wanted it finished. Or just listen to the cds. (although we didn't like them... :leaving: )

I don't like the look of MFW for K or 1st.

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Ugh.  Simultaneous posting.



So that was the quote?  That wasn't a hundred pages ago.  Of all the brilliant things I say every day, that's what you siggied?  I mean, it's fabulous, of course, but there's lots more where that one came from. 

It's just so hysterically shameful. And a contrast to my usual Bible thumper quotes.

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Renai, I was thinking something like this:


2 SOTW III w/Adv.
6 MFW E-1850
7 MFW 1850-MT

(using MOH with MFW)

I would use SOTW III as a spine with the extras from Adventures and simply read SOTW IV out loud while we did ECC. I think it's probably more work than I want it to be, plus Tex says not to begin SOTW in K. Which MFW programs have you done?

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Renai, I was thinking something like this:




2 SOTW III w/Adv.




6 MFW E-1850

7 MFW 1850-MT


(using MOH with MFW)


I would use SOTW III as a spine with the extras from Adventures and simply read SOTW IV out loud while we did ECC. I think it's probably more work than I want it to be, plus Tex says not to begin SOTW in K. Which MFW programs have you done?


I've done MFW K- half of CTG. Wish I'd completed CTG, but I was burnt out with tween attitude. Even Dancer wishes she had completed it. I've heard that SOTW 3 and 4 is a jump up, and may be heavy for 2nd grade. I've not used it though, so I'm not sure.


I liked MFW K and 1, but your John is ahead of K right now. The Bible lessons are good, though not a reason to buy the program as it is all integrated. Dancer still remembers what we did in 1. But our kids are different.


Have you looked at Sonlight?


ETA: Oh, lookie!


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I've done MFW K- half of CTG. Wish I'd completed CTG, but I was burnt out with tween attitude. Even Dancer wishes she had completed it. I've heard that SOTW 3 and 4 is a jump up, and may be heavy for 2nd grade. I've not used it though, so I'm not sure.


I liked MFW K and 1, but your John is ahead of K right now. The Bible lessons are good, though not a reason to buy the program as it is all integrated. Dancer still remembers what we did in 1. But our kids are different.


Have you looked at Sonlight?


ETA: Oh, lookie!


I don't like the look of Sonlight past 4/5. I think the SL 4/5 to Ambleside 0 to Usborn/CHOW 1 year word history is a good balance. I also could start Adventures in 1st if he's there.


For Bible we plan to start The Bible Study Guide for All Ages soon. Have you looked at it?


That owl looks terrified. Possibly constipated. Not sure.

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